Christie Projector Mirage WU-L Specifications
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Christie Mirage WU\p-L 3D mappi\fg 3D simulatio\f e\f\biro\fme\fts Busi\fess prese\ftatio\fs Ci\bil e\fgi\feeri\fg Co\fstructio\f ma\fageme\ft E\be\fts a\fd large \be\fues I\fdustrial desig\f Ma\fufac turi\fg Medical trai\fi\fg Museums a\fd educatio\f Oil a\fd gas exploratio\f Scie\ftific research Theme parks Topographical a\falysis The Christie Mirag\le WU-L offers high resol\ftion, high pi\bel\l density, high reliability and cont\lin\fo\fs system calibr\lation for a cost-e\lffective 2D/3D capable, fle\bible\l vis\falization sol\ft\lion. With WUXGA resol\ftion, this smal\ll footprint projection system of\lfers d\fal inp\ft 3D mode fo\lr passive to active\l conversion that pr\lovides the highest perform\lance 3D video conte\lnt at 120Hz. The C\lhristie Mirage WU-L deliver\ls vis\fally st\fnning \l3D for entertainmen\lt, m\fse\fms and ed\fcatio\ln, scientific research, man\ffact\fring, o\lil and gas e\bploration, ste\lreo sim\flation train\ling and anything i\ln between. LED ill\fmination provides precise, life-like vib\lrant colors and repeatable performanc\le, with no color wh\leel artifacts, for \lyears of virt\fally mainten\lance-free display. And, there are no restrictions for positioning, wh\lich res\flts in greater installation \lfle\bibility. With optional lenses,\l embedded Christie\l Twist ™ II, any orientatio\ln projector placement a\lnd ind\fstry-leading\l Christie warranti\les, service and s\fpport, the Chr\listie Mirage WU-L \lprovides high-perform\lance and ease of \fse for\l 3D \fsers. LED DLP® reliability with high perf\frmance \bD/3D flexibility

Christie Mirage WU-L (125- 005106 - 01) Imagebrightness• 600 l\fmens ANSI ±1\l0% (rated at 75-80\l% EBU depending on \lthe lens) contrast • 10,000:1 dynamic; \l1,400:1 FOFO; 450:1\l ANSI uniformity • 95% brightness and\l color \fniformity a\lfter electr onic adj\fstment Display tech\fologytype• Revol\ftionary solid \lstate pr ojector \fsing a sin\lgle TI Darkchip 3™ w\lith a solid state ill\fmination engine \l(no color wheel) an\ld sealed optics native reso\fution • Native 1920 \b 1200\l (16:10 aspect rati\lo) WUXGA Illumi\fatio\f type • RGB LED ill\fmination\l estimated \fife • MTBF of 60,000 hrs\l on ill\fmination pac\lkage I\fput signa\fs • Native D\fal link DVI-\lD • D\fal Inp\ft 3D provides \fp to 120Hz \lnative frame rate \l from two frame-locked\l channels1 • Frame-do\fbled 3D – \lD\fal link DVI, VGA (HDM\lI, Analog BNC and SDI o\lptional) pixe\f c\fock • 330 MHz scan rates • Horizontal: 15-120\lkHz • Vertical: 23.97-150H\lz (\fp to 120Hz ma\bim\l\fm o\ftp\ft)\b I\fputs/outputs, co\ftrol a\fd \fetworki\fg inputs• RS-232 in/o\ft • RS-422 in • Ethernet (10/100)\l • USB device • GPIO (RS232 9-pin \lmale connector) • D\fal 7-segment stat\l\fs display • Remote contr ol (with optional wi\lred XLR connection)\l • Slot 1-2 standard (pop\flated): two D\fal \llink DVI-D (330 MHz)\l and VGA (165 MHz)\l optiona\f input modu\fes • Two standard D\fal link DVI inp\ft cards (330 MHz), VGA (165 MHz) • F\fll bandwidth Analog BNC • Slots 2-4 \fnpop\flated • D\fal SD/HD-SDI • Video Decoder3 • Twin HDMI Le\fses4\fens mount• Motorized horizont\lal and vertical lens\l of fset • No sh\ftter req\fired • No iris req\fired – \fser programmable ill\fminat\lion parameters (eli\lminates the need for a mechanical sh\l\ftter) \bxed • 0.64:1 WUXGA fi\bed \l• 0.75:1 fi\bed zoom • 1.2-1.6:1 WUXGA z\loom lens offsets5• 0.64:1 WU (±5% V/\l±5%H) • 0.75:1 (±100% V/±\l75%H) • 1.2-1.6:1 (±100% \lV/±75%H) Sta\fdard accessories • IR remote • Line cord • Two D\fal link DVI-D car\lds • 3D sync cable Optio\fal accessories • Analog RGBHV BNC inp\ft card for analog so\frces greater than 165 MHz • D\fal link DVI inp\ft card • D\fal HD-SDI inp\ft card • Twin HDMI inp\ft card • User kit (incl\fdes man\fal, IR remote and hard wired cable for the remote) • R\fgged Motion Platform \fser kit available E\fha\fced feature sets • Minim\fm Pr ocessing Latency (\lMPL™) • Christie Twist™ II – advance\ld warping/ edge-blending hardware technology integr\lated directly into the projector, incl\fdes warping/blending so\lftware • A\fto set-\fp, power \f\lp • Men\fs in eight lan\lg\fages• M\fltiple channel memo\lries (for r ecall memory storag\le) • Christie ArrayLOC\l™ – a\ftomatic, contin\fo\f\ls management of br\lightness and color \lspace levels of all projectors in an arr\lay to a common leve\ll, in real-time Power requireme\fts operating vo\ftage • 100-240 VAC @ 50/60Hz operating current • 5.3A power consumption • 400W ma\bim\fm (vari\lable, dependant on c\lontent) dissipation • 1364 BTU/hr (vari\lable, dependant on c\lontent) Dime\fsio\fs size • Projector head mod\fle\l + light mod\fle (no \llens) (L\bW\bH): 8.7 \b\l 18.4 \b 11.0" (220 \b 467 \b 287mm) • Electronics mod\fle (L\bW\bH): 16.5 \b 5.5 \b 6.7" (420 \b 140 \b 170mm) weight • Projector head mod\fle\l + light mod\fle (no \llens): 32lbs (14.6k\lg) • Electronics mod\fle: 9.7lbs\l (4.4kg) shipping weight • 52lbs (23.6kg) Noise • 38 dBA at 25°C am\lbient temperat\fre (witho\ft electronics mod\fle) Operati\fg e\f\biro\fme\ft • Temperat\fre: 40-95°F (5-35°C\l) • H\fmidity: 20-80% n\lon-condensing Regulatory appro\bals • Directives (EC) 2002/\l95/EC (RoHS) • 2002/96/EC (WEEE)\l • Reg\flation (EC) No\l. 1907/2006 (REACH) \l• CAN/CSA C22.2 No.\l 60950-1 • UL 60950-1 • IEC 60950-1 • FCC, Part 15, S\fbpa\lrt B, Class A • EN55022/CISPR22 C\llass A • EN55024/CISPR24 • Certifications mark\ls (check with Chri\lstie for latest \fpda\lte): cUL\fs (Canada \l& US), CE (EU), CCC (China\l), GoST-R (R\fssia), KC/KCC\l (Korea), PSE (Japan), C-\lTick (A\fstralia & New Ze\laland) Limited warra\fty • 3 years parts and l\labor (e\bcl\fding ill\fm\lination mod\fle)• Contact an a\fthori\lzed Christie representative for f\fll \ldetails of o\fr limit\led warranty Corporate offices Worldwide offices I\fdepe\fde\ft sales co\fsulta\ft offices Christie Digital Sy\fstems USA, Inc USA – Cypress ph: 714 \b36 8610 Christie Digital Sy\fstems Canada Inc. Canada – Kitchener ph: 519 744 8005United Kingd\fm ph: +44 (0) 118 97\f7 8000 Germany ph: +49 \b161 664540\f France ph: +33 (0) 1 41 \b1\f 44 04 Spain ph: +34 91 633 999\f0Eastern Eur\fpe and Russian Federati\fn ph: +36 (0) 1 47 4\f8 100 United Arab Emirate\fs ph: +971 (0) 4 \b99 \f7575 India ph: (080) 41468940\f Singap\fre ph: +65 6877 8737China (Shanghai) ph: +86 \b1 6\b78 770\f8 China (Beijing) ph: +86 10 6561 0\b4\f0 Japan (T\fky\f) ph: 81 3 3599 7481\f K\frea (Se\ful) ph: +8\b \b 70\b 1601 Italy ph: +39 (0) \b 990\b \f1161 S\futh Africa ph: +\b7 (0) 317 671\f 347 For the most current specification i\lnformation, please \fisi\lt www.christiedi\bital.comCopyright 2011 Chri\pstie Digital System\ps USA, I\fc. All righ\pts reser\bed. All bra\fd \fa\pmes a\fd product \fames are trademarks, registered trademarks or trade\fames of the\pir respecti\be holders. C\phristie Digital Sys\ptems Ca\fada I\fc.’s ma\fageme\ft system\p is registered to ISO 9001 a\fd \pISO 14001. Performa\fce specifica\ptio\fs are typical. Due to co\p\fsta\ft research, specificatio\fs ar\pe subject to cha\fge\p without \fotice. Pri\fted i\f Ca\fada o\f \precycled paper. 2928 May 11 1 Req\fires p\frchase of at least o\lne optional inp\ft mo\ld\fle. \b Ma\bim\fm refresh rate is 120Hz.\l 3 Each offset is specified wi\lth the other at zero. Sim\fltaneo\fs hori\lzontal and vertical\l offsets may limit the\l adj\fstment range o\lf each. 4 All lenses are optional. 5 When mo\fnted in landscape orient\lation. Two standard D\fal link DVI-D (330\l MHz) inp\ft cards, each with a VGA\l (165 MHz) port. High resol\ftion, high pi\bel\l density and high \lreliability in a sma\lll, low power cost-ef\lfective form factor. Optional p\frpose-b\filt\l R\fgged Motion Plat\lform \fser kit available. No lamps mean no r estrictions in ori\lentation and increased installation \lfle\bibility.