Christie Projector Mirage WQ-L User Manual
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Mirage WQ-L User Manual61 020-101372-02 Rev. 1 (10-2014) Maintenance Cleaning the Lens Check periodically. A small amount of dust or dirt on the lens has minimal effect on image quality. To avoid the risk of scratching the lens, clean only if absolutely necessary. Remove Dust 1. Brush most of the dust from the lens with a camel-hair brush or blow dust away with a dust- free blower. 2. Fold a microfibre cloth smooth and gently wipe remaining dust particles from the lens. Wipe evenly with the smooth portion of the cloth that has no folds or creases. Do not apply pressure with your fingers – use the tension in th e folded cloth itself to collect dust. 3. If significant dust is still bound to the surfac e, dampen a clean microfibre cloth with coated optics cleaning solution (damp, not dripping). Wipe gently until clean. Remove Fingerprints, Smudges, or Oil 1. Brush away most of the dust with a camel-hair brush and/or blow away using a dust-free blower. 2. Roll a lens tissue around a swab and soak it in coated optics cleaning solution. The tissue should be damp, but not dripping. 3. Gently wipe the surface using a figure-eight motion. Repeat this motion until the blemish is removed.

Mirage WQ-L User Manual62 020-101372-02 Rev. 1 (10-2014) Serial Communication This document describes the serial communication protocol, consisting of ASCII text messages, used to control a Mirage WQ-L projector remotely. For a list of the available serial commands, refer to the Mirage WQ-L Serial Commands Guide (020- 101420-xx). Connection and Use Once you have connected your computer to either the RS232 IN or RS422 IN port (depending on which standard is supported by your computer) or to the Ethernet port on a projector, you can remotely access projector controls and image setups, issue commands or queries, and receive replies. Use these bi-directional messages to: • Control multiple projectors • Obtain a projector’s status report • Diagnose performance problems i For all cable requirements and other connection details, see Specifications on page 80. Some commands are operational only when projector is powered On.

Serial Communication Mirage WQ-L User Manual63 020-101372-02 Rev. 1 (10-2014) RS422 Port Message Formats • Set : A command to set a projector parameter at a specific level, such as changing to a certain input. • Request: A request for information, such as what input is currently in use. • Reply: The projector returns the data in response to a request or as confirmation of a command. All “Remote Control” information passes IN and OU T of the projector as a simple text message, consisting of a three letter command code, an opti onal four-letter subcode, and any related data. When a parameter for a specific source is being accessed, the four-letter subcode are added on to the Command code. A number of optional feat ures (message acknowledges, checksums, and network addressing) can be included. Generally, most commands include 0 or 1 data fields or parameters. Where applicable, a message may expand to include additional parameters of related details. The smallest step size for any parameter is always 1. Some controls, such as Size, the value displayed on the screen has a decimal point. (for ex ample, 0.200 to 4.000) In this case, the values used for the serial communications is an integer value (for example, 200 to 4000), not the decimal value seen on the screen. RS422 Pins Pin #SignalDirection Pin 1 DNC N/A Pin 2 RXD- IN Pin 3 TXD- OUT Pin 4 RXD+ IN Pin 5 TXD+ OUT Pin 6 DNC N/A Pin 7 GND N/A Pin 8 NC N/A Pin 9 +12V (500mA) OUT

Serial Communication Mirage WQ-L User Manual64 020-101372-02 Rev. 1 (10-2014) Regardless of message type or origin, all message s use the same basic format and code. Opening and closing round brackets (parentheses) surround each message. Basic Message Structure The following component fields comprise a standard ASCII message. Optional fields, such as extra characters for special modes, restrictions or adde d functionality, are shown in italics, with the exception of Notes. Start and End of Message Every message begins with the “(” (left bracket) character and ends with the “)” (right bracket) character. Message Formats SourceMessage formatFunctionExamples From controller (Code Data) SET (set gamma function of main image to 222) (BGF500) or (BGF 500) (Code+Subcode Data) SET (set gamma function of image to 222) (BGF+SECD222) or (BGF+SECD222) From controller (Code ?) REQUEST (what is current gamma function?) (BGF?) or (BGF ?) (Code+Subcode ?) REQUEST (what is current gamma function?) (BGF+SECD?) or (BGF+SECD ?) From projector (Code Data) REPLY (gamma function is 222) (BGF!222) (Code+Subcode Data) REPLY (gamma function is 222) (BGF+SECD!222) i If the start character (left bracket) is received before an end character of the previous message, the partial (previou s) message is discarded.

Serial Communication Mirage WQ-L User Manual65 020-101372-02 Rev. 1 (10-2014) Prefix Characters (optional) For acknowledgement that the projector has respon ded, and/or to maximize message integrity, insert one or two special characters be fore the three-character Function code: Projector Numbers (optional) To control a selected projector or controller within a group, include its assigned number or address just before the three-character ASCII Function code. See Network Operation on page 71. Function Code The projector function you want to work with, such as input selection or gamma, is represented by a three-character ASCII code (A-Z, upper or lowerc ase). This Function code appears immediately after the leading “(“ (left bracket) that starts the message. In messages sent to the projector that do not have a Subcode, a space between the Func tion code, and the first parameter (or special character) is optional. +Subcode The projector function you want to work with may have one or more subcodes that allow you to select a specific source, image, input or subf unction. The Subcode is represented by a four- character ASCII code (A-Z, upper or lowercase, an d 0-9). This Subcode appears immediately after the Function code, with a “ +” character to separate the code, and subcode. If there is no Subcode, the “ +” (plus sign) is also omitted. In messages sent to the projector that do have a subcode, a space between the subcode and the first para meter (or special character) is optional. Request/Reply Symbols If the controller is requesting information from the projector, a “ ?” (question mark) appears directly after the Function code. If the projector is replying, an “ !” (exclamation mark) appears directly after the Function code. For Set type messages sent to the projector, neither of these characters appear. Data directly follows the code and subcode. Special CharacterDescription $ Simple Acknowledgment, which causes a ‘$ ’ character to be sent back from the projector when it has finished processing the message. See Maximize Message Integrity on page 69. # Full Acknowledgment, which causes an echo of the message as a reply to be sent back from the projector when it ha s finished processing the message. See Maximize Message Integrity on page 69. & Checksum, which allows a checksum to be put as the last parameter in the message for verification at the projector. See Maximize Message Integrity on page 69.

Serial Communication Mirage WQ-L User Manual66 020-101372-02 Rev. 1 (10-2014) Other Special Functions (optional) To add functionality to the current message, include one or more of the following special characters between the Function code/Subcode, and the first pa rameter. If more than one, add them in any order. See Flow Control on page 70. Data The value for a given projector state, such as “ON” or “OFF”, appears in ASCII-decimal format directly after the request/reply symbol. You can ad d an optional space after the symbol (that is, before the data) in a set message, but data in replies follow the “ !” (exclamation) symbol without a space. Other details to remember about data: • All values returned by the projector (reply me ssages) have a fixed length, regardless of the actual value. For a specific parameter, the length is always the same (for example, contrast is always returned as three characters, projector nu mber is always returned as five characters). The minimum parameter size is three characters. Values that are less than the pre-defined size are padded with leading zeros as needed. Parameters which have negative signs (-) are zero padded after the negative sign, and have one less digit to make space for the sign. • If entering a negative number, there must be a space between the code/subcode, and the value. For example, (CRM3) and (CRM 3) can both be used when the number is positive. (CRM -2) is acceptable, but (CRM-2) is not. • Data in set messages to the projector do not require padding with zeros. • Within each message, multiple parameters of data must be separated by one “space” character. • Text parameters are enclosed in double quotes following the data, as in “Name”. C Control Class Inquiry D Default value/Text E Enable Control Inquiry G Access Group Inquiry H Return the Help text for a control L Return a list of options for ‘list’ controls M Find min/max adjustments (such as range) N Return the name of the control T Return the type of control (such as Slidebar and so on)

Serial Communication Mirage WQ-L User Manual67 020-101372-02 Rev. 1 (10-2014) Text Parameters Most data is simply a numerical value, however some messages also require text. Enclose this text in double quotation marks, as in “ Tilt the Wagon”. Use all characters as desired except for the following special characters shown in the left colu mn below. These special characters require a two- character combination. See Sample Messages and their Meaning on page 67. Sample Messages and their Meaning Single Projector Special Text Characters to get this....type this....Description \\\Back sla sh ” \ ”Quote (\(Left Bracket )\)Right Bracket 0x0A New line - if the text can be displayed on more than one line, this sets the line break. \h## Sends one arbitrary code de fined by the two hexadecimal digits ## Message FormatFunctionExample (Code Data) SET (set gamma function of main image to 222) (BGF222) (Code+Subcode Data) SET (set gamma function of secondary input to 222) (BGF+SECD222) (Code?) REQUEST (what is current gamma function?) (BGF?) (Code+Subcode?) REQUEST (what is current gamma function of secondary input?) (BGF+SECD?) (Code!Data) REPLY (gamma function is 222) (BGF!222) (Code+Subcode!Data) REPLY (gamma function of secondary image is 222) (BGF+SECD!222) ($Code Data) SET AND ACKNOWLEDGE MESSAGE (message processed?) ($BGF222) (&Code+Subcode Data Checksum) S ET WITH CHECKSUM (&BGF222 171)

Serial Communication Mirage WQ-L User Manual68 020-101372-02 Rev. 1 (10-2014) Specific Projector in a Network with one Controller Specific Projector in a Network with Multiple Controllers What is Actually Sent in a Message? Although you send and read messages as strings of ASCII characters, the actual message travels as a sequence of bytes. Each character in this sequence requires one byte. The example below illustrates a “gamma function 222” reply from the projector. Message FormatFunctionExample (Dest Addr Code Data) SET (turn projector #5 on) (5pwr1) ($Dest Addr Code Data) SET AND ACKNOWLEDGE MESSAGE (message processed?ffr55) ($5pwr1) Message FormatFunctionExample (Dest Addr Src Code?) REQUEST (get gamma function from projector #5 to controller #2) (5 2BGF?) ($Dest Addr Src Code Data) SET AND ACKNOWLEDGE MESSAGE (is message from controller #2 processed by projector #5) ($5 2BGF?) (Dest Addr Src Code!Dat a) REPLY (from projector #5 to controller #2: gamma function is 222) (002 005BFG!222) ASCII = ( BGF ! 222) HEX = 0x280x420x470x460x210x320x320x320x29

Serial Communication Mirage WQ-L User Manual69 020-101372-02 Rev. 1 (10-2014) Maximize Message Integrity For additional reassurance and/or maximum message integrity, you can insert one or two special characters: •Acknowledgements: If you want assurance from the projector (or group of projectors) that a set message has been processed, request an acknowledgement. An acknowledgement is returned after a message has been received and fully executed by the projector (such as in the case of a source switch it is not sent until the switch is complete). If a message is not able to execute for some reason (such as invalid parame ters, timeout, and so on) a NAK is returned instead (Not-Acknowledge). Note that requesting an acknowledgement serves no purpose when included in a request message, since the acknowledgement is redundant to the actual reply from the projector. However, if requested, the “$” acknowledgement from the projector follows the reply. There are two types of acknowledgements: •Simple Acknowledgements: Insert a “$” character just after the start code “(“. This only return a ‘$’. This only return a $ on success, or a ^ on failure (NAK). • Full Acknowledgements: Insert a “#” character just after the start code “(“. This returns the message sent, as a reply. This is a quick way to confirm success with set messages, and is particularly useful with long- distance communication links or where the projec tors and/or images are not visible from the controller. Acknowledgements can also be a type of flow control. Checksums: For maximum message integrity, add a checksum character “&” just after the start code “(”. You must then also include the correct checksum total (0-255) just before the “)” end code. Make sure to add a space before the calculated checksum to separate it from the last data parameter: The checksum is the low order byte of the sum of the ASCII values of all characters between the “(“and the beginning of the checksum, but not including either. It does include the space in front of the checksum. Calculate the checksum for the above “set contrast to 64” command as follows: CHECKSUM EXAMPLE = & + B + G + F + 2 + 2 + 2 + ‘space’ = 26h+42h +47h +46h +32h +32h +32h+20h = 01ABh = ABh when only the low byte is used = 171 The projector collects all of the message bytes as defined in the first byte of the message, then creates its own checksum value for comparison with the checksum included in the controller’s message. If the values match, the message is considered to have been correctly received— otherwise the message is discarded. i ‘h’ indicates a hex number. If a “request” message has a checksum so will the reply. If using both “acknowledge” and “check sum”, either character can occur first.

Serial Communication Mirage WQ-L User Manual70 020-101372-02 Rev. 1 (10-2014) Access Specific Inputs For several commands (for example, BGC, Base Gamma Curve) you can direct the message to particular input or image. To do this, include a subcode after the function code. Example: (BGC 1) Select 2.22 gamma curve for main input. (BGC+MAIN 1) Select 2.22 gamma curve for main input. It is only possible to set parameters from a specific input if that parameter is stored separately for each input. This function cannot be used for para meters that are specified for the projector as a whole such as projector address. The serial commands listed in the document specify which subcodes are applicable to each function. Flow Control Normally messages can be sent to the projecto r before processing of earlier messages is complete—the projector just stores messages in a buffer until ready to process. However, if a series of messages is sent the projector may not be able to process them as fast as they arrive and the buffer becomes full. If this happens, the projector sends the 13h (Xoff) code to instruct the controller (or any devices preparing to transmit) to cease transmission. At this point, the controller must respond immediately and send no more than ten extra characters or they may be lost (such as, the projector is able to accommodate the receipt of up to ten more bytes after it sends 13h (Xoff). When the buffer is once again availabl e, the projector sends a 11h (Xon) command to resume transmission. i Xon and Xoff controls apply to both directions of communication. The projector does not send more than three characters afte r it has received a 13h (Xoff ) code.