Christie Projector Mirage Hd3 User Manual
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Page 150
Appendix D: Throw Distance 020-100001-01 Rev. 01 (04/07) D-11 0.67:1 Fixed Lens Image Diagonal Image Width (W) Throw Distance (TD) Throw Distance Formula Inch cm Inch cm Inch cm TD = 0.7058 x W + 2.23 66.9 169.8 58.3 148 43.4 110.1 Where W = image width (inch) 67.8 172.1 59.1 150 43.9 111.5 74.5 189.3 65.0 165 48.1 122.1 81.3 206.5 70.9 180 52.2 132.7 88.1 223.7 76.8 195 56.4 143.3 94.9 240.9 82.7 210 60.6 153.9 101.6 258.2 88.6 225 64.8 164.5 108.4 275.4 94.5 240 68.9 175.1...