Christie Projector HD9K-J Specifications
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10 Fog filter options To help extend the life of your projector and protect your investment, optional fog juice filters are available for environments that require more than the protection of our dust-sealed engine. The design of the fog juice filter kits – attached to the projector – reduces the affects of the oil or juice created by fog, smoke, hazers and pyrotechnics. These kits include easy-to-install external media mounts and one set of filters (internal and external). The life of the...
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0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100 0 3.0 6.0 9.0 12.0 15.0 18.0 21.0 24.0 27.0 30.0 Screen Width Throw Ratios – SXGA+ ft ftProjection Distance 40.0 35.0 30.0 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0 12.0 10.5 9.0 7.5 6.0 4.5 3.0 1.5 0 m m Screen Diagonal ft 15.0 13.1 11.3 9.4 7.5 5.6 3.8 1.9 0 50.0 43.8 37.5 31.3 25.0 18.8 12.5 6.3 0 m IL S Lens | 0.73:1 SX+/ 0.67:1 HD ILS Lens | 1.2:1 SX+/1.1:1 HD ILS Lens | 1.25-1.6:1...
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TEChnICAl SPECIFICATIonS 13 DS+8K-JD S +1 0 K - JHD7K- JHD9K-JR o a d s t e r S +14 K - JR o a d s t e r S +18 K - JRoa d s te r S+22K- JRo a d s te r H D14 K- JRoa d s te r H D16K- J Roadster HD20K-JRoadster WU20K-J Imagebrightness • 6800 ANSI (7500 center) lumens @ 220V • 5100 ANSI l (5610 center) lumens @ 110V • 8500 ANSI lumens (9350 center lumens) • 6200 ANSI (6850 center) lumens @ 220V • 4650 ANSI (5100 center) lumens @ 110V • 8000 ANSI lumens (8800 center lumens)• 12,500...
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ACCESSoRIES AnD oPTIonS 12 DescriptionPart Number Lamps 1.0kW Cermax® Xenon pre-aligned lamp module 003-120117-XX 1.2kW Cermax ® Xenon pre-aligned lamp module 003-120116-XX 2.0kW Xenon bubble lamp module 003-120135-XX 2.0kW Xenon lamp bare bulb kit 03-000887-XX 2.4kW Xenon bubble lamp module 03-900518-XX 2.4kW Xenon lamp bare bulb kit 03-000883-XX 3.0kW Xenon bubble lamp module 003-000306-XX 3.0kW Xenon lamp bare bulb kit 003-000305-XX Bulb alignment tool 38-804900-XX Input cards Analog input...
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TEChnICAl SPECIFICATIonS 14 DS+8K-JD S +1 0 K - JHD7K- JHD9K-JR o a d s t e r S +14 K - JR o a d s t e r S +18 K - JRoa d s te r S+22K- JRo a d s te r H D14 K- JRoa d s te r H D16K- J Roadster HD20K-JRoadster WU20K-J Imagebrightness • 6800 ANSI (7500 center) lumens @ 220V • 5100 ANSI l (5610 center) lumens @ 110V • 8500 ANSI lumens (9350 center lumens) • 6200 ANSI (6850 center) lumens @ 220V • 4650 ANSI (5100 center) lumens @ 110V • 8000 ANSI lumens (8800 center lumens)• 12,500...
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