Christie Digital Systems Ds+305, Ds+305w Users Guide
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41 italianonorsk UTILIZZO DEL PROIETTOREBRUK AV PROJEKTOREN TIMER Il proiettore dispone di un orologio in tempo reale che consente di controllare l’orario . In pratica il proiettore può essere programmato per accendersi/spegnersi ad orari preimpostati di un ciclo settimanale . I dieci programmi disponibili consentono una programmazione flessibile . Con ogni programma è possibile definire l’orario di accensione o spegnimento per un singolo giorno (da lunedì a domenica), su tutti i giorni feriali (da lunedì a venerdì) o festivi (sabati e domeniche) . È possibile attivare contemporaneamente più/tutti i programmi, come si desidera . In questo modo si può stabilire uno schema flessibile . Utilizzare il formato a 24 ore . Per maggiori dettagli su come definire i programmi, fare riferimento al sistema dei MENU, sottomenu IMPOSTAZIONI (Varie), TIMER (Configurazione del timer) . L’esempio successivo illustra un caso in cui il proiettore di accende alle 08:00 e si spegne alle 20:00, nei giorni feriali (da lunedì a venerdì) . Nel fine-settimana (sabati e domeniche), si accende alle 10:00 e si spegne alle 18:00 . La sorgente utilizzata è VGA . Per questo tipo di impostazione, sono necessaria quattro programmi, due di accensione e due di spegnimento . TIMER Projektoren inneholder en sanntids-klokke som kan benyttes til tidsstyring . Dette betyr at projektoren kan programmeres til å skru seg av og på etter et valgt skjema . 10 programmer er tilgjengelige . Hvert program definerer om prosjektøren for eksempel skal skru seg av eller på, og når dette skal skje, enten basert på enkelt uke\ dag (mandag til søndag), alle arbeidsdager (mandag til fredag) eller helg (lørdag og søndag) . Ett, flere eller alle programmer kan være aktive samtidig etter ønske . Timeren benytter 24-timers format . For mere detaljer, se menysystemet i INNSTILLINGER > TIMER . Følgende eksempel viser et tilfelle der projektoren skrus på klokka 08:00 om morgenen og skrus av klokken 20:00 om kvelden alle arbeidsdager . I helgen skrus den på klokken 10:00 og av klokken 18:00 . VGA inngangen benyttes som kilde . Fire programmer trengs, to for å skru på, to for å skru av . back program number weekday(s) execute time action start-up source status 1 monday - friday 08 : 00 power on VGA enabled film 1 timer back program number weekday(s) execute time action start-up source status 2 monday - friday 20 : 00 power off VGA enabled film 1 timer back program number weekday(s) execute time action start-up source status 3 saturday - sunday 10 : 00 power on VGA enabled film 1 timer back program number weekday(s) execute time action start-up source status 4 saturday - sunday 18 : 00 power off VGA enabled film 1 timer back date time day of week hh:mm:ss monday set date and time DS+305/DS+305 User Manual 020-000057-01 Rev. 1 \(06/08\)

englishdeutschfrancais 42 IMAGE CALIBRATION AND CORRECTION Some applications require very precise color reproduction of the images . In addition, depending on application, different color standards are applied . When preparing for correct color reproduction, both the source and the projector must be considered . The projector offers several ways to calibrate colors, as well as correction of the input signal . The source may need correction because it is usually not calibrated from the factory, which leads to higher or lower signal levels than nominal . In addition, R, G and B may be slightly different (not balanced), adding a tint to the image . Correcting the input signal means adjusting the gain (contrast) and offset (brightness) of R, G and B individually . This is in addition to the normal brightness and contrast controls . The projector may also need calibration regardless of the source signal, because there may be slight differences in optical coatings, as well as the spectral distribution of individual lamps, which can even change over time . Calibrating the projector can be done in different ways, either by changing the color temperature, by defining the x and y color coordinates or by R, G and B adjustment . See the MENU system, PICTURE sub menu, for details on how to correct and calibrate . USING THE PROJECTOREINSATZ DES PROJEKTORSUTILISATION DU PROJECTEUR BILDKALIBRIERUNG UND -KORREKTUR Einige Anwendungen benötigen eine sehr präzise farbliche Wiedergabe der Bilder . Außerdem werden, je nach Anwendung, verschiedene Farbstandards eingesetzt . Bei der Vorbereitung der korrekten Farbwiedergabe muss sowohl die Quelle als auch der Projektor berücksichtigt werden . Der Projektor bietet verschiedene Möglichkeiten der Farbkalibrierung so wie\ der Korrektur des Eingangssignals . Die Quelle muss gegebenenfalls korrigiert werden, weil sie unkalibriert vom Hersteller kommt, was zu einem höheren oder niedrigeren Signalpegel als normal führt . Außerdem können R, G und B geringfügig voneinander abweichen (unausgeglichen sein), wodurch das Bild einen Farbstich erhält . Korrektur des Eingangssignals bedeutet die einzelne Anpassung des Gewinns (Kontrasts) und der Verschiebung (Helligkeit) von R, G und B . Diese Einstellung erfolgt zusätzlich zur normalen Helligkeits- und Kontrasteinstellung . Der Projektor muss auch unabhängig vom Quellensignal kalibriert werden, da geringfügige Unterschiede bei der optischen Beschichtung oder der spektralen Verteilung der einzelnen Lampen vorliegen können, die sich mit der Zei\ t sogar verändern können . Die Kalibrierung des Projektors kann auf verschiedene Weisen erfolgen, d . h . durch Ändern der Farbtemperatur, durch Bestimmen der Farbkoordinaten x und y oder durch Einstellen von R, G und B . Nähere Angaben zur korrekten Kalibrierung finden Sie im MENÜ-System, Untermenü BILD . CALIBRAGE DE L’IMAGE ET CORRECTION Certaines applications demandent une reproduction précise de la couleur des images . En plus, selon l’application, des standards de différentes couleurs sont appliqués . Pour préparer une reproduction de couleur correcte, vous devez tenir compte de la source et du projecteur . Le projecteur offre plusieurs manières de calibrage de couleurs, aussi bien que la correction du signal d’entrée . La source doit être corrigée car elle n’est pas réglée en usine, ce qui entraîne des niveaux de signal trop hauts ou trop bas . En plus, R, G et B peuvent être légèrement différents (non équilibrés), ajoutant une nuance à l’image . Corriger le signal d’entrée signifie ajuster le gain (contraste) et offset (luminosité) de R, G et B individuellement . Ceci est en plus des contrôles normaux de luminosité et de contraste . Le projecteur peut aussi nécessiter un réglage quel que soit le signal source, car il peut y avoir de légères différences sur les surfaces optiques, ainsi que dans le spectre de chaque lampe, qui change souvent avec le temps . Le réglage du projecteur peut être fait de plusieurs façons : en changeant la température de la couleur, en définissant les coordonnées x et y de la couleur ou en ajustant R, G et B . Reportez-vous au MENU système, sous-menu IMAGE, pour des détails sur la manière de corriger et de régler . DS+305/DS+305 User Manual020-000057-01 Rev. 1 \(06/08\)

españolitalianonorsk 43 UTILIZACIÓN DEL PROYECTOR CALIBRAZIONE E CORREZIONE DELL’IMMAGINE Alcune applicazioni richiedono immagini con una riproduzione cromatica estremamente accurata . In base all’applicazione, inoltre, vengono applicati standard di colore diversi . Quando si prepara una riproduzione cromatica corretta, è necessario considerare sia la sorgente sia il proiettore . Il proiettore dispone di svariati metodi per calibrare i colori e per correggere il segnale in ingresso . Può essere necessario correggere la sorgente che, di solito, non è tarata in fabbrica e quindi ha dei livelli di segnale più alti o più bassi r\ ispetto ai valori nominali . È, inoltre, possibile che R, G e B siano leggermente diversi (non bilanciati), conferendo perciò una tonalità particolare all’immagine . Correggere il segnale in ingresso significa regolare guadagno (contrasto) e offset (luminosità) di R, G e B singolarmente . Queste regolazioni sono supplementari rispetto ai normali controlli di luminosità e contrasto . Può essere necessario calibrare li proiettore a prescindere dal segnale sorgente, visto che possono esistere lievi differenze nel rivestimento ottico e nella distribuzione spettrale delle singole lampade, che può persino variare con il tempo . La calibrazione del proiettore può essere eseguita in diversi modi, cambiando la temperatura del colore, definendo le coordinate x e y del colore oppure regolando R, G e B . Per maggiori dettagli sui metodi di correzione e calibrazione, fare riferimento al sistema dei MENU, sottomenu IMMAGINE . CALIBRACIÓN Y CORRECCIÓN DE LA IMAGEN Algunas aplicaciones exigen una reproducción muy precisa del color de las imágenes . Además, dependiendo de la aplicación, se aplican estándares de color diferentes . Cuando prepare una reproducción de color correcta, tenga en cuenta tanto la fuente como el proyector . El proyector ofrece varias maneras de calibrar los colores, así como de corregir la señal de entrada . Es posible que la fuente requiera una corrección porque normalmente no se ha calibrado en fábrica, lo que conduce a niveles de señal superiores o inferiores al nominal . Además, R, G y B (rojo, verde y azul) pueden ser ligeramente diferentes (no equilibrados), añadiendo un matiz a la imagen . Corregir la señal de entrada significa ajustar la ganancia (contraste) y la desviación (brill\ o) de R, G y B individualmente . Esto es adicional a los controles normales de brillo y contraste . El proyector también puede necesitar una calibración independientemente\ de la señal de origen, porque pueden existir ligeras diferencias en los revestimientos ópticos, así como en la distribución espectral de las lámparas individuales, que incluso puede cambiar con el tiempo . La calibración del proyector se puede realizar de diferentes maneras, bien cambiando la temperatura de color, definiendo las coordenados de color x e y o mediante el ajuste de R, G y B . Consulte el submenú IMAGEN del sistema de MENÚS para obtener má\ s información sobre los modos de corregir y calibrar . KALIBRERING OG KORRIGERING AV BILDE Enkelte anvendelser krever presis gjengivelse av fargene i bildet . I tillegg kan ulike farvestandarder være i bruk, avhengig av kildemateriale . Både kilde og projektor må hensyntas når riktig fargegjengivelse skal vurderes . Projektoren gir ulike muligheter for å kalibrere farger, i tillegg til å kunne korrigere inngangssignalet Kilden kan trenge korrigering siden den vanligvis ikke er kaliberert fra fabrikk, noe som kan føre til sterkere eller svakere signaler en nromalt . I tillegg kan primærfargene R, G og B (rød, grønn og blå) være i ubalanse, slik at bildet kan få et fargestikk . For å korrigere for dette, kan forsterkning (gain, kontrast) og offset (lysstyrke) korrigeres individuelt for R, G og B . Dette kommer i tillegg til vanlig styring av konstrast og lysstyrke . Projektoren kan også trenge kalibrering uavhengig av kildesignal, siden det kan være små variasjoner i optiske egenskaper i tillegg til variasjoner i spektrumet fra projeksjonslampene, noe som i tillegg kan variere over tid . Projektoren kan kalibreres på ulike vis, enten ved å definere ønsket farvetemperatur, ved å sette fargekoordinatene for x og y, eller ved å justere R, G og B . Se menysystemet, BILDE undermeny, for flere detaljer . UTILIZZO DEL PROIETTOREBRUK AV PROJEKTOREN DS+305/DS+305 User Manual 020-000057-01 Rev. 1 \(06/08\)

44 englishdeutschfrancaisespañol OVERVIEW The menu system gives access to a multitude of image and system controls . The menu system is structured through a top menu and several sub menus . The sub menus may vary depending on the actual source selected . Some functions are not available with some sources . When accessing the menu system, you will enter at the position you left last time you were using the menu system . Press the MENU key and navigate using the arrow keys on the keypad or the arrow keys on the remote control TOP MENU pictureBasic and advanced picture controls . installationSystem controls and information . settingsSettings that affect how the projector behaves or interacts with third party devices, such as networks and control systems profilesPre-stored, and user defined settings . languageSelects menu language . statusSystem information . MENU SYSTEMMENÜSYSTEMSYSTEME MENUSISTEMA DE MENÚS Das Menüsystem ermöglicht den Zugriff auf eine Vielzahl von Bild- und Systemsteuerungen . Das Menüsystem ist in ein Hauptmenü und mehrere Untermenüs gegliedert . Die Untermenüs sind je nach gegenwärtig gewählter Quelle unterschiedlich . Einige Funktionen stehen bei bestimmten Quellen nicht zur Verfügung . Gehen Sie in das Menüsystem, gelangen Sie an die Stelle, an der Sie das Menüsystem zuletzt verlassen haben . Drücken Sie auf MENÜ und navigieren Sie mit Hilfe der Pfeiltasten auf dem Tastenfeld oder der Fernbedienung . HAUPTMENÜ BildDie wichtigsten Bildeinstellungen . InstallationAllgemeine Setup des Projektors . Einstellungen Profile Sprache Verschiedenes Systeminformationen . Mediante el sistema de menús se puede acceder a infinidad de controles del sistema y de imágenes . El sistema de menús está estructurado en un menú principal y varios submenús . Los submenús pueden variar dependiendo de la fuente seleccionada . Algunas funciones no están disponibles con determinadas fuentes . Al acceder al sistema de menús, lo hará en la misma posición que la última vez que salió del mismo . Pulse la tecla MENU y navegue utilizando las teclas de dirección del teclado o del mando a distancia MENÚ PRINCIPAL imagen instalación ajustes perfiles idioma estado Le système menu donne accès à une multitude de commandes d’image et de système . Le menu système est structuré en un menu principal et en plusieurs sous menus . Les sous menus peuvent varier selon la source actuelle sélectionnée . Certaines fonctions ne sont pas disponibles avec certaines sources . En accédant au système menu, vous entrez sur la position où vous avez quitté la dernière fois que vous avez utilisé le menu système . Appuyez sur la touche MENU et parcourez en utilisant les touches flèche sur le clavier ou sur la télécommande . MENU PRINCIPAL imageCommandes de base de l’image . installation paramètres profils langue statut NAVIGATING THE MENU SYSTEM The menu system can be navigated through the on board keypad, or via the remote control . menuInvokes the menu, or returns to the previous level, and exits the menu when at top level . OKSelects desired function, toggles checkboxes, or enters sub menus . Pressing OK on a directly adjustable function such as “brigthness” minimises the menu system, and invokes a mini adjustment dialog box . Pressing OK again returns to the full menu system up/down arrowsNavigates up or down in menu . left / right arrowsMoves between top level menus . Changes, or toggles adjustable values . Enters or exits sub menus . NAVIGATING THE MENU SYSTEM The menu system can be navigated through the on board keypad, or via the remote control . menuInvokes the menu, or returns to the previous level, and exits the menu when at top level . OKSelects desired function, toggles checkboxes, or enters sub menus . Pressing OK on a directly adjustable function such as “brigthness” minimises the menu system, and invokes a mini adjustment dialog box . Pressing OK again returns to the full menu system up/down arrowsNavigates up or down in menu . left / right arrowsMoves between top level menus . Changes, or toggles adjustable values . Enters or exits sub menus . NAVIGATING THE MENU SYSTEM The menu system can be navigated through the on board keypad, or via the remote control . menuInvokes the menu, or returns to the previous level, and exits the menu when at top level . OKSelects desired function, toggles checkboxes, or enters sub menus . Pressing OK on a directly adjustable function such as “brigthness” minimises the menu system, and invokes a mini adjustment dialog box . Pressing OK again returns to the full menu system up/down arrowsNavigates up or down in menu . left / right arrowsMoves between top level menus . Changes, or toggles adjustable values . Enters or exits sub menus . NAVIGATING THE MENU SYSTEM The menu system can be navigated through the on board keypad, or via the remote control . menuInvokes the menu, or returns to the previous level, and exits the menu when at top level . OKSelects desired function, toggles checkboxes, or enters sub menus . Pressing OK on a directly adjustable function such as “brigthness” minimises the menu system, and invokes a mini adjustment dialog box . Pressing OK again returns to the full menu system up/down arrowsNavigates up or down in menu . left / right arrowsMoves between top level menus . Changes, or toggles adjustable values . Enters or exits sub menus . DS+305/DS+305 User Manual020-000057-01 Rev. 1 \(06/08\)

45 italianonorsk pictureinstallation settingsprofileslanguage status SISTEMA DEI MENUMENYSYSTEM Il sistema dei menu consente di accedere a svariati comandi di sistema e immagini . Questo sistema si compone di un menu principale e svariati sottomenu che possono variare in base alla sorgente selezionata . Non tutte le funzioni sono disponibili con tutte le sorgenti . Quando si accede al sistema dei menu, si accede all’ultima posizione attiva l’ultima volta che è stato utilizzato il sistema . Premere il tasto MENU e navigare con i tasti freccia del tastierino oppure del telecomando MENU PRINCIPALE immagineComandi di base per le immagini . installazione impostazioni profili lingua stato Menysystemet gir mulighet for en mengde ulike styringer og funksjoner . Menysystemet er formet med et toppnivå og ulike undermenyer . Undermenyene kan variere avhengig av tilkoblet kilde . Visse funksjoner er ikke tilgjengelige for enkelte kilder . Når du går inn i menysystemet, vil du komme inn på samme sted du gikk ut forrige gang . Trykk på MENY tasten og naviger ved hjelp av piltastene og OK knappen på tastaturet eller fjernkontrollen . HOVEDMENY bildeGrunnleggende bildeinnstillinger . installasjonSystemkontroll og generelt oppsett . innstillingerProjektoroppførsel . profilerForhåndslagrede og egendefinerte systemprofiler . språkVelge språk på menysystemet . statusSysteminformasjon . OK MENU MENU 2 SRC 3 OK KST 0 MENU 1 4 5 6 7 8 SRC 9 AUTO NAVIGATING THE MENU SYSTEM The menu system can be navigated through the on board keypad, or via the remote control . menuInvokes the menu, or returns to the previous level, and exits the menu when at top level . OKSelects desired function, toggles checkboxes, or enters sub menus . Pressing OK on a directly adjustable function such as “brigthness” minimises the menu system, and invokes a mini adjustment dialog box . Pressing OK again returns to the full menu system up/down arrowsNavigates up or down in menu . left / right arrowsMoves between top level menus . Changes, or toggles adjustable values . Enters or exits sub menus . NAVIGERING I MENYSYSTEMET Navigering i menysystemet kan gjøres fra tastaturet på projektoren, eller fra fjernkontrollen . menumenytasten åpner menyen, tar deg et skritt tilbake/opp, eller avslutter menyen når du er i hovedmenyen . OKVelger ønsket funksjon, merker check-bokser, eller går inn i undermenyer . Ved å trykke OK på en direkte justérbar funksjon som f . eks “lysstyrke”, vil menysystemet minimeres, og sette opp en minimalisert justeringsdialog . Trykk OK for å returnere til menyen . piltaster opp / nedNavigerer oppover og nedover i menyen . piltaster venstre / høyrebeveger seg mellom hovedmenynivåer, endrer og merker just´rbare verdier, eller entrer og returnerer undermenyer . DS+305/DS+305 User Manual 020-000057-01 Rev. 1 \(06/08\)

46 englishdeutschfrancaisespañol MENU SYSTEMMENÜSYSTEMSYSTEME MENUSISTEMA DE MENÚS PICTURE MENU The picture menu contains basic and advanced settings and adjustments for detailed picture enhancement control . All adjustments are local, ie specific to each single source being displayed, and are stored in memory as such . All picture settings are automatically stored relative to the source, and recalled upon reconnection . brightnessAdjusts the image brightness . A higher setting will increase the brightness, a lower setting will decrease the brightness of the image . contrastControls the contrast of the image . A higher setting will yield a ‘harder’ image with larger difference between shades, while a low setting will produce a ‘softer’ image with less difference between shades . colorAdjusts the color saturation . A higher setting will produce stronger coloring, while a lower setting will yield paler colors . hueAdjusts the NTSC color tint . Applicable to the NTSC video standard only . A higher setting will yield a more reddish color scheme, while a lower setting will turn colors more greenish . sharpnessControls the image sharpness . A higher setting will yield a harder image, with less filtering . In video applications, this may produce more noise in the projected image . A lower setting will soften the image, looking more smeared out, and reducing the overall noise . aspectSelects image format . An image may be displayed in various aspect ratios . This function is used when displaying source formats that differ from the projectors native display format . Options include “fill aspect ratio” (default – follows the source input aspect ratio), “fill all” (streches or compresses input aspect ratio to fill the projector resolution), “fill 16:9” (adapts the input aspect ratio to fill a 16:9 window), “letterbox to 16:9” (adapts the input to fill a center 16:9 box), and “letterbox subtitle to 16:9” (adapts the input aspect ratio to fill a 16:9 window, and moves it up to give room for subtitles) . BrilliantColor™ boostAdjusts the effect of Texas Instruments® BrilliantColor™ colour processing from 0 to 10 . “10” gives full colour boost . BrilliantColor™ mode Options include “off”, “on”, “dynamic” (enhances contrasting images), “bright D65” (retains D65 white point and boosts brightness), “saturated D65” (retains D65 white point and boosts colours) and “saturated 7500K” (sets white to 7500K and boosts colours) . All settings are not avaiable on all models . UNTERMENÜ BILD helligkeitPasst die Helligkeit des Bildes an . Je höher die Einstellung, desto heller das Bild . Eine niedrigere Einstellung reduziert die Helligkeit des Bildes . kontrastRegelt den Kontrast des Bildes . Eine hohe Einstellung führt zu einem ‚härteren‘ Bild mit großen Unterschieden zwischen den Schattierungen, während eine niedrige Einstellung ein ‚weicheres‘ Bild mit weniger Unterschieden zwischen den Schattierungen zur Folge hat . farbePasst die Farbsättigung an . Eine höhere Einstellung erzeugt eine stärkere Färbung, während eine niedrigere Einstellung zu blasseren Farben führt . farbstichPasst den NTSC-Farbstich an . Findet nur beim Videostandard NTSC (Amerika) Anwendung . Eine höhere Einstellung erzeugt eine rötlichere Färbung, während eine niedrigere Einstellung zu eher grünlichen Farben führt . schärfeRegelt die Bildschärfe . Eine höhere Einstellung erzeugt ein härteres Bild mit geringerem Filter . Bei Videoanwendungen kann dies dazu führen, dass im projizierten Bild ein stärkeres Rauschen erzeugt wird . Eine niedrigere Einstellung macht das Bild weicher, so dass es verschwommener aussieht und das allgemeine Rauschen verringert wird . darstellungBestimmt das Bildformat . Ein Bild kann mit verschiedenen Darstellungsverhältnissen projiziert werden . Diese Funktion wird verwendet, wenn Quellenformate projiziert werden, die vom ursprünglichen Anzeigeformat des Projektors abweichen . SUBMENÚ IMAGEN brilloAjusta el brillo de la imagen . Con un valor más alto el brillo de la imagen aumenta, mientras que disminuye con uno más bajo . contrasteControla el contraste de la imagen . Con un valor más alto se obtendrá una imagen “más dura” con las tonalidades más diferenciadas, mientras que un valor más bajo producirá una imagen “más suave” con menos diferencia entre tonalidades . colorRegula la saturación del color . Un valor más alto dará colores fuertes mientras uno más bajo dará colores más pálidos . tintaRegula los matices de color de NTSC . Sólo es aplicable al estándar de vídeo (estadounidense) NTSC . Un valor más alto producirá una combinación de colores más rojiza mientras uno más bajo hará los colores más verdosos . tonalidadControla la tonalidad de los colores . nitidezControla la nitidez de la imagen . Un valor más alto producirá una imagen más dura, con menos filtrado . En las aplicaciones de vídeo, esto puede hacer que en la imagen proyectada haya más ruido . Un valor más bajo suavizará la imagen, haciéndola más borrosa y reduciendo el ruido general . imagen fijacongela la imagen mostrada . formatoSelecciona el formato de la imagen . Una imagen se puede ver en diversas relaciones anchura-altura . Esta función se utiliza cuando se visualizan formatos de fuentes que difieren del formato de visualización original del proyector . SOUS MENU IMAGE luminositéAjuste la luminosité de l’image . Un réglage supérieur augmente la luminosité, un réglage inférieur diminue la luminosité de l’image . contrasteCommande le contraste de l’image Un réglage supérieur donnera une image ‘plus dure’ avec de grandes différences entre les nuances, tandis qu’un réglage faible donnera une image’ plus douce’ avec moins de différences entre les nuances . couleurAjuste la saturation des couleurs . Un réglage supérieur donnera des couleurs plus vives, tandis qu’un réglage inférieur donnera des couleurs plus pâles . teinteAjuste la teinte NTSC des couleurs . Seulement en vigueur pour le standard vidéo NTSC (Américain) . Un réglage supérieur donnera des coloris plus rougeâtres, tandis qu’un réglage inférieur donnera des couleurs plus verdâtres . nuanceCommande la nuance des couleurs . nettetéCommande la netteté de l’image . Un réglage supérieur donnera une image plus dure, avec moins de filtrage . Pour des applications vidéo, ceci peut produire une image projetée plus bruyante . Un réglage inférieur adoucira l’image, semblant plus étalée, et réduisant le bruit d’ensemble . L’appareilfige l’image . aspectSélectionne le format de l’image Une image peut être affichée dans différents formats . Cette fonction est utilisée quand les formats de la source d’affichage diffèrent du format naturel de l’affichage des projecteurs . DS+305/DS+305 User Manual020-000057-01 Rev. 1 \(06/08\)

47 italianonorsk SISTEMA DEI MENUMENYSYSTEM SOTTOMENU IMMAGINE lluminositàConsente di regolare la luminosità dell’immagine . Un valore maggiore aumenta la luminosità; un valore minore la diminuisce . contrastoConsente di controllare il contrasto dell’immagine . Un valore maggiore produce un’immagine più «forte», aumentando il contrasto tra le ombre, mentre un valore inferiore «ammorbidisce» l’immagine, con le ombre meno contrastanti . coloreConsente di regolare la saturazione del colore . Un valore maggiore produce colori più intensi, un valore minore determina colori più pallidi . tonalitàConsente di regolare la tinta dei colori NTSC . Applicabile solo allo standard video NTSC (americano) . Un valore maggiore determina uno schema cromatico più rosso, mentre un valore minore rende più verdi i colori . sfumaturaConsente di controllare la sfumatura dei colori . nitidezzaConsente di controllare la nitidezza dell’immagine . Un’impostazione maggiore produce un’immagine più “dura”, con un filtraggio inferiore . Nelle applicazioni video, un’impostazione di questo tipo può causare più distorsioni nell’immagine proiettata . Un valore inferiore ammorbidisce l’immagine che appare più sbiadita, riducendo il rumore generale . fermoBlocca l’immagine visualizzata . formatoConsente di selezionare il formato dell’immagine . Un’immagine può essere visualizzata in diversi formati . Questa funzione viene usata quando si visualizza un formato di visualizzazione sorgente diverso da quello originario dei proiettori . BILDE UNDERMENY lysstyrkeJusterer lysstyrken i bildet . En høy verdi gir et lysere bilde, en lav verdi mørkere . kontrastStyrer kontrasten i bildet . En høy verdi gir et ‘hardt’ bilde med større forskjeller, mens en lav verdi gir et ‘mykere’ bilde med mindre forskjeller . fargeJusterer fargemetningen . En høy verdi gir sterkere farger, mens en lav verdi gir blassere farger . fargetoneStyrer fargetonen . Høy verdi gir rødlig bilde, mens lav verdi gir grønnere farger . skarphetStyrer bildeskarpheten . Høyere verdi gir et hardere og skarpere bilde med mindre filtrering . I video kan dette gi mere støy i bildet . Lavere verdi vil gi et dusere, mere filtrert bilde med mindre støy . frysFryser bildet aspectVelger bildeformat . Bildet kan vises i ulike formater . Funksjonen benyttes når bildeformatet er annerledes en projektorens grunnformat . standardDefinerer hvilken fargestandard som skal benyttes for komponent video (YPbPr) slik at det vises med de rette farger . back brightness contrast color hue sharpness aspect BrilliantColor TM boost BrilliantColorTM mode RealColor gamma advanced enhancements picture reset source information 50 50 0 fill aspect ratio film 1 picture installation settingsprofileslanguage status DS+305/DS+305 User Manual 020-000057-01 Rev. 1 \(06/08\)

48 englishdeutschfrancaisespañol MENU SYSTEMMENÜSYSTEMSYSTEME MENUSISTEMA DE MENÚS gammaThe source image is adapted to characteristics typical to certain applications . This enables an optimized display of images, depending on whether the source material is film based, video, computer etc . color managementAccesses the colour management sub menu, see the color management submenu for more information . advancedEnters the advanced settings sub menu . enhancementsEnters the enhancement settings sub menu . picture resetResets all source specific settings, such as brightness, contrast and format settings . Picture reset does not affect global settings such as installation specific valuses . source information Displays information about the source currently being displayed . gammaThe source image is adapted to characteristics typical to certain applications . This enables an optimized display of images, depending on whether the source material is film based, video, computer etc . color managementAccesses the colour management sub menu, see the color management submenu for more information . advancedEnters the advanced settings sub menu . enhancementsEnters the enhancement settings sub menu . picture resetResets all source specific settings, such as brightness, contrast and format settings . Picture reset does not affect global settings such as installation specific valuses . source information Displays information about the source currently being displayed . gammaThe source image is adapted to characteristics typical to certain applications . This enables an optimized display of images, depending on whether the source material is film based, video, computer etc . color managementAccesses the colour management sub menu, see the color management submenu for more information . advancedEnters the advanced settings sub menu . enhancementsEnters the enhancement settings sub menu . picture resetResets all source specific settings, such as brightness, contrast and format settings . Picture reset does not affect global settings such as installation specific valuses . source information Displays information about the source currently being displayed . gammaThe source image is adapted to characteristics typical to certain applications . This enables an optimized display of images, depending on whether the source material is film based, video, computer etc . color managementAccesses the colour management sub menu, see the color management submenu for more information . advancedEnters the advanced settings sub menu . enhancementsEnters the enhancement settings sub menu . picture resetResets all source specific settings, such as brightness, contrast and format settings . Picture reset does not affect global settings such as installation specific valuses . source information Displays information about the source currently being displayed . DS+305/DS+305 User Manual020-000057-01 Rev. 1 \(06/08\)

49 italianonorsk SISTEMA DEI MENUMENYSYSTEM back brightness contrast color hue sharpness aspect BrilliantColor TM boost BrilliantColorTM mode color management gamma advanced enhancements picture reset source information 50 50 0 fill aspect ratio film 1 picture installation settingsprofileslanguage status gammaThe source image is adapted to characteristics typical to certain applications . This enables an optimized display of images, depending on whether the source material is film based, video, computer etc . color managementAccesses the colour management sub menu, see the color management submenu for more information . advancedEnters the advanced settings sub menu . enhancementsEnters the enhancement settings sub menu . picture resetResets all source specific settings, such as brightness, contrast and format settings . Picture reset does not affect global settings such as installation specific valuses . source information Displays information about the source currently being displayed . gammaKilden blir tilpasset karakteristikker typisk for gitte bruksområder . Dette muliggjør optimaliserte bilder avhenging av hva man ønsker å vise, uavhengig om det er data- eller filmbasert . color managementEntrer color management undermenyen, se RealColor for mer informasjon . advancedEntrer undermenyen for avanserte innstillinger . enhancementsEntrer undermenyen for bildeforbedringer . picture resetNullstiller alle innstillinger som er kildespesifikke, som lysstyrke, kontrast, og formatinformasjon . Picture Reset påvirker ikke globale innstillinger som takmontering, source information Displays information about the source currently being displayed . DS+305/DS+305 User Manual 020-000057-01 Rev. 1 \(06/08\)

50 englishdeutschfrancaisespañol COLOR MANAGEMENT SUB MENU Color management provides an easy-to-use method to achieve perfect colours, grey scale, and colour matching between projectors . Each projector is characterized as it leaves the factory to ensure correctly displayed images . modeSelects color management mode between off, temperature, coordinate . temperatureSets projected image colour temperature to a value between 3200 and 9300 degrees Kelvin when temperature is set under mode . x-coordinateSets projected image white point x-coordinate when “coordinates” is set under mode . y-coordinateSets projected image white point y-coordinate when “coordinates” is set under mode . desired coords modeAllows the user to set a desired output colour gamut, used for colour matching and accurate colour display . reset to D65Resets the projected image white point to D65 (x=0 . 312, y=0 . 329) for true video white colours . balance gains enableAutomatically balances R, G, B, C, M, and Y intencity values so they are correct relative to white . desired valuesWhen desired coords mode is set to on, the desired output colour coordinates can be set here . measured valuesThe projector’s measured colour coordinates that are used to calculate the desired output coordinates . Custom measured values can be entered . display customizationChanges the R, G, and B drive output from the display . MENU SYSTEMMENÜSYSTEMSYSTEME MENUSISTEMA DE MENÚS COLOR MANAGEMENT SUB MENU modeSelects COLOR MANAGEMENT mode between off, temperature, coordinate . temperatureSets projected image colour temperature to a value between 3200 and 9300 degrees Kelvin when temperature is set under mode . x-coordinateSets projected image white point x-coordinate when “coordinates” is set under mode . y-coordinateSets projected image white point y-coordinate when “coordinates” is set under mode . desired coords modeAllows the user to set a desired output colour gamut, used for colour matching and accurate colour display . reset to D65Resets the projected image white point to D65 (x=0 . 312, y=0 . 329) for true video white colours . balance gains enableAutomatically balances R, G, and B values to equal values . desired valuesWhen desired coords mode is set to on, the desired output colour coordinates can be set here . measured valuesThe projector’s measured colour coordinates that are used to calculate the desired output coordinates . Custom measured values can be entered . display customization COLOR MANAGEMENT SUB MENU modeSelects COLOR MANAGEMENT mode between off, temperature, coordinate . temperatureSets projected image colour temperature to a value between 3200 and 9300 degrees Kelvin when temperature is set under mode . x-coordinateSets projected image white point x-coordinate when “coordinates” is set under mode . y-coordinateSets projected image white point y-coordinate when “coordinates” is set under mode . desired coords modeAllows the user to set a desired output colour gamut, used for colour matching and accurate colour display . reset to D65Resets the projected image white point to D65 (x=0 . 312, y=0 . 329) for true video white colours . balance gains enableAutomatically balances R, G, and B values to equal values . desired valuesWhen desired coords mode is set to on, the desired output colour coordinates can be set here . measured valuesThe projector’s measured colour coordinates that are used to calculate the desired output coordinates . Custom measured values can be entered . display customization COLOR MANAGEMENT SUB MENU modeSelects COLOR MANAGEMENT mode between off, temperature, coordinate . temperatureSets projected image colour temperature to a value between 3200 and 9300 degrees Kelvin when temperature is set under mode . x-coordinateSets projected image white point x-coordinate when “coordinates” is set under mode . y-coordinateSets projected image white point y-coordinate when “coordinates” is set under mode . desired coords modeAllows the user to set a desired output colour gamut, used for colour matching and accurate colour display . reset to D65Resets the projected image white point to D65 (x=0 . 312, y=0 . 329) for true video white colours . balance gains enableAutomatically balances R, G, and B values to equal values . desired valuesWhen desired coords mode is set to on, the desired output colour coordinates can be set here . measured valuesThe projector’s measured colour coordinates that are used to calculate the desired output coordinates . Custom measured values can be entered . display customization DS+305/DS+305 User Manual020-000057-01 Rev. 1 \(06/08\)