Canon printer imageCLASS LBP6200d User Manual
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Quick Setup Guide FT6-0810 (000) XXXXXXXXXX © CANON INC. 201\f PRINTE\b IN VIETNAM (1) (1) (2) (3) To avoid the risk o\ff \fersonal inj\bry or \fdamage to the \frint\fer, and for legal info\frmation, make s\bre \fto read the Legal \fNotices and Im\fortant Safety Instr\bctions\f in the e-Man\bal in\fcl\bded on the accom\fan\fying CD-ROM caref\blly\f before \bsing the \fr\finter. English Español Para evitar el ries\fgo de s\bfrir lesione\fs \fersonales o de ca\f\bsar daños a la im\fr\fesora (y \fara información \flegal), asegúrese d\fe leer atentamente \flos Avisos legales y las\f Instr\bcciones de s\feg\bridad im\fortante\fs del e-Man\bal incl\bido en el CD-ROM\f s\bministrado antes\f de \btilizar la im\fr\fesora. Important Safet\f In\estructions S\fmbolsInstallation Indicates a warning\f concerning o\feratio\fns that may lead to\f death or inj\bry to \f\fersons if not \ferfo\frmed correctly. To \bse the machine safely, always \fay attent\fion to these warni\fngs. Indicates a ca\btion \fconcerning o\feration\fs that may lead to \finj\bry to \fersons if not \fe\frformed correctly. To \bse the machine sa\ffely, always \fay attentio\fn to these ca\btions.\f - Do not install the \f\frinter in a locatio\fn near alcohol, \faint\f thinner, or other flammable s\bbstances.\f If flammable s\bbstan\fces come into contact\f with electrical \farts insi\fde the \frinter, this may res\blt i\fn a fire or electrica\fl shock. - Do not \flace the follo\fwing items on the \f\frinter. - Necklaces and other \fmetal objects - C\b\fs, vases, flower\fo\fts, and other conta\finers filled with wa\fter or liq\bids If these items come \finto contact with a \fhigh-voltage area i\fnside the \frinter, this may res\blt i\fn a fire or electrica\fl shock. If these items are \fdro\f\fed or s\filled in\fside the \frinter, immediately t\brn \f OFF the \fower switch\f (1) and disconnect \fthe interface cables \fif they are connected (2). Then, \bn\fl\bg the \fowe\fr \fl\bg from the AC \fower o\btlet (3) \f and contact yo\br local\f a\bthorized Canon d\fealer. \bower Suppl\f - Do not damage or m\fodify the \fower cord\f. Also, do not \flace he\favy objects on the \fower\f cord or \f\bll on or e\fxcessively bend it, \fas this can ca\bse electrical damag\fe, res\blting in fire\f or electrical shock. - Kee\f the \fower cord \faway from all heat s\fo\brces. Fail\bre to do\f so can ca\bse the \fower cord \fins\blation to melt, \fres\blting in a fire \for electrical shock. - The power cord sho\buld not be t\fut, \fs \bthis m\f\b le\fd to \f lo\bose connection \fnd c\fuse\b overhe\fting, which \bcould result in \f f\bire. - The power cord m\f\b b\become d\fm\fged if it is\b stepped on, fixed \bwith st\fples, or if he\fv\b\b objects \fre pl\fced \bon it. Continued us\be of \f d\fm\fged power cord c\b\fn le\fd to \fn \fcciden\bt, such \fs \f fire or\b electric\fl shock. - Do not plug or unp\blug the power plug\b with wet h\fnds, \fs \bthis c\fn result in electric\fl shock. - Do not plug the po\bwer cord into \f mult\bi-plug power strip,\b \fs this c\fn result in \f fire or \belectric\fl shock. - Do not bundle up or\b tie up the power c\bord in \f knot, \fs th\bis c\fn result in \f fire or electric\fl\b shock. - Insert the power pl\bug completel\b into t\bhe AC power outlet. F\b\filure to do so c\fn result in \f f\bire or electric\fl sh\bock. - If excessive stress \bis \fpplied to the co\bnnection p\frt of th\be power cord, it m\f\b d\fm\fge the power \bcord or the wires i\bnside the m\fchine m\f\b disconnect. This could result i\bn \f fire. Avoid the following \bsitu\ftions: - Connecting \fnd disco\bnnecting the power \bcord frequentl\b. - Tripping over the po\bwer cord. - The power cord is b\bent ne\fr the connec\btion p\frt, \fnd conti\bnuous stress is being \fpplied to t\bhe power outlet or\b the connection p\fr\bt. - Appl\bing \f shock to \bthe power connecto\br. - Do not use power c\bords other th\fn the\b one provided, \fs t\bhis c\fn result in \f fire or electric\fl\b shock. - As \f gener\fl rule, \bdo not use extensio\bn cords. Using \fn e\bxtension cord m\f\b result in \f fire \bor electric\fl shock\b. - Do not inst\fll the \bprinter in unst\fble \bloc\ftions, such \fs o\bn unste\fd\b pl\ftforms or incline\bd floors, or in loc\b\ftions subject to ex\bcessive vibr\ftions, \fs this m\f\b\b c\fuse the printer \bto f\fll or tip over\b, resulting in person\fl injur\b. - The ventil\ftion slot\bs \fre provided for \bproper ventil\ftion o\bf working p\frts inside the printer. Never pl\fce the p\brinter on \f soft su\brf\fce, such \fs \f bed, sof\f, or rug. \bBlocking the slots \bc\fn c\fuse the printe\br to overhe\ft, resulting in \f fire. - Do not inst\fll the \bprinter in the foll\bowing loc\ftions, \fs \bthis m\f\b result in \f \b fire or electric\fl s\bhock. - A d\fmp or dust\b loc\ft\bion - A loc\ftion exposed t\bo smoke \fnd ste\fm, s\buch \fs ne\fr \f cooker\b\b or humidifier - A loc\ftion exposed t\bo r\fin or snow - A loc\ftion ne\fr \f w\fte\br f\fucet or w\fter - A loc\ftion exposed t\bo direct sunlight - A loc\ftion subject to\b high temper\ftures - A loc\ftion ne\fr open \bfl\fmes - When inst\flling the \bprinter, gentl\b lower the \bprinter to the inst\b\fll\ftion site so \fs not to c\ftch \b\bour h\fnds between t\bhe printer \fnd the \bfloor or between the printer\b \fnd other equipment\b, \fs this m\f\b result \bin person\fl injur\b. - When connecting the\b interf\fce c\fble, co\bnnect it properl\b b\b\b following the instructions in the \be-M\fnu\fl. If not con\bnected properl\b, this m\f\b result in m\flfunction or elect\bric\fl shock. - When moving the prin\bter, follow the instru\bctions in the e-M\fnu\b\fl to hold it correctl\b. F\filure to do so \bm\f\b c\fuse \bou to drop\b the printer, resulting in person\fl injur\b. - Do not use \f power \bsuppl\b volt\fge othe\br th\fn th\ft listed h\berein, \fs this m\f\b result in \f fire \bor electric\fl shock\b. - Alw\f\bs gr\fsp the pow\ber plug when unplu\bgging the power plu\bg. Do not pull on the power \bcord, \fs this m\f\b exp\bose the core wire o\bf the power cord or d\fm\fge the c\bord insul\ftion, c\fus\bing electricit\b to l\be\fk, resulting in \f fire or electri\bc\fl shock. - Le\fve sufficient sp\fce \fround\b the power plug so\b th\ft it c\fn be unplugged e\fsil\b. If objects \fre pl\fc\bed \fround the power\b plug, \bou m\f\b be un\fble to unplug \bit in \fn emergenc\b. SPA Lea esta guía prim\lero. Por f\fvor, le\f est\f guí\f \fnte\bs de us\fr este prod\bucto. Después de leer es\bt\f guí\f, guárdel\f en\b un lug\fr seguro p\f\br\f posteriores cons\bult\fs. SPA Guía de instala\fión\l rápida Read t\bis guide fir\lst. Ple\fse re\fd this gui\bde before oper\fting \bthis product. After \bou finish re\f\bding this guide, sto\bre it in \f s\ffe pl\fce\b for future refere\bnce. SPA Antes de inst\fl\fr l\f\b impresor\f, le\f \ftent\b\fmente l\fs prec\fucion\bes que se describen\b en el l\fdo derecho\b. Before inst\flling th\be printer, re\fd the c\futions \bc\frefull\b which \fre \bdescribed on the rig\bht side. ADVERTENCIA This m\fnu\fl describes\b onl\b w\frnings \fnd c\b\futions for the inst\b\fll\ftion \fnd the pow\ber suppl\b. Be sure to re\fd Imp\bort\fnt S\ffet\b Instruc\btions described in \bthe e-M\fnu\fl (HTML m\fnu\fl). Quick Setup Guide1KPANTONE 144

1 2 3 4 AB 1 7 10 1415 11 1617 1213 89 56 234 12 A 134 OFF 2 Confirm the suppli\.ed accessories. SPA Verifique los acces\torios suministra\fos\t. SPA Conecte la impresora\t \b el or\fena\for. SPA Conecte el cable \fe alimentación. SPA ¿Ha retira\fo to\fos l\tos materiales \fe em\tbalaje? SPA Retire los materiales \fe embalaje \b, a continuación, cargue papel. \femove the packing m\.aterials\b and then \.load paper. Check! Did you remove all\. the packing materi\.als? Connect the power \.cord. Connect the printe\.r and computer. Download the manua\.l and the printer \.driver that suppor\.ts this printer fr\.om the Canon Web site (http://www\ Se\.e the following pro\.cedure. 1Select [Support & Dr\tivers]. 3Select [Drivers & S\toftware] an\f [Broch\tures & Manuals] fr\tom the pro\fuct page. \tDownloa\f the files \t b\b following the in\tstructions on the ea\tch screen. 2From [Pro\fuct T\bpe], select [Consume\tr & Home Office], an\f [Printers\t & Multifunction] \t [imageCLASS Series]\t the \fesire\f mo\fel\t name. Setup finished. SPA Ha finaliza\fo la co\tnfiguración. Quick Setup Gui\fe2KPANTONE 144