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Canon network camera VBS900F User Manual

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    							Log Viewer
    Admin Tools
    „Saving a Log to a File/Opening a Saved Log
    How to Save
    Click [Save to local file] and save using the [Save As] 
    dialog box.
    How to View
    Click [Open local file] and select a log file using the 
    [Open] dialog box.
    „Copying/Searching Logs
    How to Copy
    Click to select the log you want to copy, and then click 
    How to Search
    Enter the character string for which you want to search in 
    [Search for] and click [Search].
    If the searched log is found, it is shown as selected. 
    Click [Previous] or [Next] to search the log above or 
    below. Lines of logs found are shown as selected.
    „Showing All Logs
    Select the [Show all logs] checkbox.
    When selected, even logs without a log code are shown if 
    [Not specified] is selected for the log type [Filter].
    „Showing Filtered Logs
    You can filter logs by type, code and date & time to show 
    only the necessary information. Set the following conditions and click [Apply filter] to show 
    only the logs matching the specified conditions.
    [Log Type] 
    Select the [Specify type] or [Specify code] checkbox to 
    filter logs by type. If you do not want to filter logs by type, 
    select [Not specified]. 
    • Specify type
    Specify the log level
    Select [Error], [Warning] or [Information] for the level of 
    logs to be shown. 
    Specify log output module
    Select [Application], [HTTP Server] or [System] for the 
    output source module whose logs will be displayed. 
     Specify code
    Specify the log code. Only logs whose code contains 
    the entered characters are shown. If “A0” is entered, 
    for example, logs starting with “A0” are displayed. 
    [Date & Time] 
    Specify start date & time] checkbox
    When this checkbox is selected and a date and time 
    are entered, logs generated on or after the specified 
    date and time are shown.
    Specify end date & time] checkbox
    When this checkbox is selected and a date and time 
    are entered, logs generated on or before the specified 
    date and time are shown.
    [Application], [HTTP Server], and [System] support the List of 
    Log Messages (p. 148).
    Logs saved in the cameras internal memory are cleared when 
    you perform [Maintenance] > [Restore Default Settings] and 
    [Reboot], or press the reset switch on the camera. 
    This utility manages video recorded on a memory card. It allows you to play back recorded video and download it to a 
    computer, display a video list or perform filtering.
    Display Screens of Recorded Video Utility
    (1) [Refresh Video List]
    Update the video list to the current state.
    (2) [Refresh Download Status]
    Update video download status to the current state.
    (3) [Memory Card Details]
    Displays the dialog box for details about the memory 
    (4) [Number of Videos]
    Displays the number of videos in the video list.
    (5) [Select All]
    Select all video in the video list.
    (6) [Export to mov format]
    Export the [Downloaded] video selected in the video 
    list to a mov format video file.
    (7) [Enable H.264 playback] checkbox
    Select to play H.264 video in the [Playback Videos] 
    area (p. 115).
    (8) Video List
    Displays a list of videos recorded on a memory card 
    and downloaded to a computer.
    (9) [Delete from Camera]
    Delete videos selected in the video list from the 
    memory card.(10)[Download]
    Download videos selected in the video list to a 
    (11)[Download to]
    Specify the folder that videos are downloaded to.
    Click [Filter] to open or close the filter area. Sets 
    criteria to narrow down the number of items displayed 
    in the video list (p. 113).
    (13)[Playback Videos] Area
    Plays videos selected in the video list (p. 114).
    Recorded Video Utility
    (11) (10)(9) (5)
    (6) (4)(2) (3) (7)
    							Recorded Video Utility
    Admin Tools
    Confirming Recorded Video
    The video list displays the following information:
    [Date & Time]
    Displays the date and time of a video recording.
    Displays the format of a recorded video ([JPEG] or 
    [Recording Type]
    Displays the type of recorded video ([Upload], 
    [Recording-Mode Stream], [Manual], [Timer], [Event]).
    [Upload] indicates videos that failed to upload from the 
    camera, and [Recording-Mode Stream] indicates videos 
    where video transmission failed when using RM 
    recording-mode stream. 
    [Video in Camera]
    Displays whether or not any video remains on a memory 
    card. When video has been deleted from a memory card 
    after downloading it, this indicator displays [No].
    [Download Status]
    Displays download status of video ([Downloaded], [Not 
    Downloaded], [Partially Downloaded]).
    Clicking a header in each column sorts the video list.
    „Refreshing Video List
    Click [Refresh Video List] to update the video list to the 
    current state.
    Click [Refresh Download Status] to update download 
    status of the video list to the current state.
    Selecting Videos
    Click a video to select it. Use the Ctrl key or the Shift key 
    while clicking to select multiple videos.Click [Select All] to select all videos on the list.
    Narrowing Down the Number of Videos
    Use [Filter] to narrow down the number of videos that 
    appear in the video list to the ones you need.
    Set the following conditions and click [Apply filter] to show 
    only the videos matching the specified conditions.
    [Date & Time]
    Specify start date & time] checkbox
    When this checkbox is selected and a date and time 
    are entered, videos recorded on or after the specified 
    date and time are shown.
    Specify end date & time] checkbox
    When this checkbox is selected and a date and time 
    are entered, videos recorded on or before the 
    specified date and time are shown.
    [Video Format]
    Select [Specified] and select the checkboxes for the 
    video format ([JPEG] or [H.264]) (multiple selections 
    [Recording Type]
    Select [Specified] and select the checkboxes for the type 
    of video recording ([Upload], [Recording-Mode Stream], 
    [Manual], [Timer], [Event]) (multiple selections possible).
    [Video in Camera]
    Select [Not specified], [Yes] or [No].
    [Download Status]
    Select [Specified] and select the checkboxes for the 
    status of video download ([Downloaded], [Not 
    Downloaded], [Partially Downloaded]) (multiple selections 
    Downloading Video
    Download video recorded on a memory card to a 
    Click [Browse] to specify a folder.
    The video is downloaded to the specified folder.
    When the download folder is changed, the download status of the 
    files in the download folder prior to the change becomes [Not 
    Downloaded]. Manually copy the files in the download folder 
    prior to the change to the new download folder to change their 
    status to [Downloaded].
    Downloaded videos are stored in a folder that is automatically 
    created within the specified destination folder and named using 
    the camera IP address (for example, []). Quit the 
    Recorded Video Utility before using explorer to browse the 
    folders before and after the change and copy the contents of the 
    folder with the same name as the camera IP address.
    After copying, start up the Recorded Video Utility, click [Refresh 
    Download Status] and the manually copied files will appear in the 
    video list.
    For details on the folder configuration and file naming rules for 
    the download location, see “Directory Structure for Data 
    Downloaded with Recorded Video Utility” (p. 142) in “Chapter 7 
    Exporting to Video Files That Can Be 
    Played Back
    Videos downloaded from a memory card to a computer 
    can be exported to video files that can be played back on 
    a computer.
    For H.264 video, subdivided files are merged into a single 
    Videos whose [Download Status] is labeled 
    [Downloaded] in the video list can be exported.The [Browse For Folder] dialog box appears.
    The video is exported.
     The exported video files can be played back using QuickTime 
    7.7 and Windows Media Player 11/12. For Windows Vista and 
    earlier, use QuickTime. However, playback when using this 
    software is not guaranteed.
     A recorded JPEG video whose size is changed during 
    recording and exported to a mov file cannot be played back by 
    Windows Media Player. Use QuickTime to play it back.
    Playing Back Videos
    Videos selected in the video list can be played back in the 
    [Playback Videos] area.
    The appearance and operations of the [Playback Videos] 
    area differ depending on the selected video format.
    „For JPEG
    [Recording Date & Time]
    Displays the date and time of video frames that are being 
    [Playback Frame No.]
    Displays frame numbers and total number of video frames 
    that are being displayed.
    [Playback Interval]
    JPEG video is played back in real time interval 
    according to the recording time. The preceding JPEG 
    video appears in an empty frame.
     [Equal Interval]
    JPEG video is played back at a 1-second interval.
    1Specify the folder to download video to in [Download 
    2Select a video to download in the video list.
    3Click [Download].
    Since the Recorded Video Utility processes both files 
    downloaded to a computer and its original videos recorded on 
    the memory card, the video list will not display correctly if files 
    downloaded to a computer are manually deleted. In this case, 
    click [Refresh Download Status] to refresh status of data 
    downloaded to a computer.
    1Select a video to export in the video list.
    2Click [Export to mov format].
    3Select a folder to export to and click [OK]. 
    							Recorded Video Utility
    Admin Tools
     [Real Time] can be selected only for playback of downloaded 
     [Not Downloaded] or [Partially Downloaded] videos may not be 
    played back in the order they were recorded.
    Slider/Playback Control
    Drag the slider to change playback position.
    The following buttons can also be used for playback.
    [Save Playback Frame As]
    Video frames that are being played back can be saved as 
    a separate file.
    „For H.264
    Select the [Enable H.264 playback] checkbox to play 
    H.264 video in the [Playback Videos] area.
    The Software Product License Agreement dialog box 
    appears. Click [Yes] to accept the terms of the license 
    agreement. The decoder is downloaded from the camera, 
    enabling H.264 video playback. [Recording Date & Time]
    Displays the date and time of video frames that are being 
    [Playback File No.]
    Displays file numbers and total number of video files that 
    are being displayed.
     The H.264 video playback interval varies depending on the 
    download status. 
    If the download status is [Downloaded], each frame is played 
    back in real time interval according to the recording time. For 
    empty frames, the preceding frame is displayed. 
    If the status is [Not Downloaded] or [Partially Downloaded], 
    empty frames are skipped upon playback. If a file is played 
    back while still downloading, playback may momentarily pause 
    when switching files, depending on the network environment. 
     [Not Downloaded] or [Partially Downloaded] videos may not be 
    played back in the order they were recorded. 
    Slider/Playback Control
    Drag the slider to change playback position.
    The following buttons can also be used for playback.
    Move to first frame
    Move to previous frame
    Fast rewind
    Fast forward
    Move to next frame
    Move to last frame
    Move to first frame
    Move to previous frame
    Move to next frame
    Move to last frame 
    [Save Playback Frame As]
    Video frames that are being displayed can be saved as a 
    separate file.
    Clear the [Enable H.264 playback] checkbox to play 
    H.264 video in an external player.
    [Number of downloaded video files]
    The number of downloaded files the video consist of is 
    [Playback with External Player]
    Start up the external player (Windows Media Player, etc.) 
    and the selected video is played back.
    [Open Video folder]
    Open the folder storing the selected video. Double click 
    the video file in the folder to play it back.
     When the data size for mov type files is 1 MB or greater, they 
    are split into several files.
     If mov files are split into several files, only the initial few 
    seconds of the first file can be played back.
     The downloaded video files can be played back using 
    QuickTime 7.7 and Windows Media Player 11/12. For the 
    Windows Vista operating system or earlier, use QuickTime. 
    Use of these applications does not guarantee playback.]
    Deleting Videos
    You can delete videos from a memory card.
    The video is deleted from the camera.
    If the selected videos contain [Not Downloaded] videos, a 
    message prompting you to confirm deletion appears. Click [OK] 
    to delete the video.
    Displaying Memory Card Information
    Click [Memory Card Details] to display information on the 
    memory card inserted in the camera.
    1Select a video to delete in the video list.
    2Click [Delete from Camera]. 
    Admin Tools
    This panel is used to adjust video from the camera that is 
    displayed by each Admin Tool. The panel is available to 
    the Privacy Mask Setting Tool, View Restriction Setting 
    Tool, Preset Setting Tool and Intelligent Function Setting 
    Using Control for Admin
    Click the [Control for Admin] button to display the Control 
    for Admin Panel.
    „Opening/Closing Control Items
    Clicking the title of a control item will open or close the 
    setting items.
    The Admin Control Panel will appear and you can open 
    the various control items even without obtaining the 
    camera control privileges, but the items will be grayed 
    „Operating the Control Items
    The panel operates in the same way as Control for Admin 
    of the Admin Viewer.
    [Smart Shade Control]
    You can set Smart Shade Control. For details, see “Setting 
    the Smart Shade Control” (p. 135).
    You can adjust focus. For details, see “Setting the Focus” 
    (p. 135).
    You can adjust exposure. For details, see “Setting the 
    Exposure” (p. 135).
    The items for the Intelligent Function Setting Tool’s Control for 
    Admin will be grayed out if the [Lock camera position] checkbox 
    is selected (p. 101) in the Intelligent Function Setting Tool.
    Control for Admin
    							Chapter 6
    Admin Viewer/VB Viewer
    ❏Differences between the Admin Viewer and the VB Viewer
    ❏User Authorities and Camera Control Privileges
    ❏Viewer Startup and Operation
    ❏Camera Control and Obtaining Camera Control Privileges
    ❏Admin Viewer Operation and Settings 
    Accessing this viewer via a web browser allows you to display video and operate the camera. 
    Two types of viewer are available, the Admin Viewer and the VB Viewer.
    Major Differences Between the Admin 
    Viewer and the VB Viewer
     The operable ranges differ between the viewers. 
    Admin Viewer: 
    Users can use the administrative control functions, 
    such as shooting adjustment settings or event 
    detection display.
    VB Viewer: 
    This viewer is limited to basic video operations for 
    viewing video.
     Accessible controls are different. 
    Admin Viewer: 
    Users with privileged camera control can use this 
    Password authentication is required. 
    Authorized users must have privileged camera 
    control assigned by the Administrator beforehand 
    (p. 60).
    VB Viewer: 
    Users with camera control authority can use this 
    viewer. You can set the applicable options to 
    enable/disable authentication, etc. 
    User Authorities and Camera Control 
    User authorities and their relative camera control 
    privileges are specified as follows. 
    * Can be changed:  The Administrator can change the 
    privileges of Authorized Users and Guest Users (p. 60).
    The four authorities that can be set for users are privileged 
    camera control, camera control, video distribution and 
    audio distribution.
    Users must have privileged camera control to use the 
    Admin Viewer. 
    Users must have the video distribution authority to display 
    video using the VB Viewer. To operate the camera using 
    the VB Viewer, users must also have camera control 
    Audio distribution authority is required to receive audio 
    using the Admin Viewer and the VB Viewer. 
    Overview of Viewer
    Admin ViewerVB Viewer
    Camera Control Privileges
     (Can be 
    changed) {
     (Can be 
    changed) {
    (Can be 
    (Can be 
    Guest user×{
     (Can be 
    changed) {
    (Can be 
    (Can be 
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