Canon network camera VBM640VE User Manual
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Setting Page 4 91 Settings for clients that can connect to a video server. [Maximum Number of Clients] Enter the maximum number of clients that can be connected to the camera at the same time. If set to [0], only administ rators will be able to connect. [Camera Control Queue Length] Enter the maximum queue length for clients reques ting camera control privileges from the Viewer. If set to [0], only Admin Viewer and Admin Tools can queue for camera control. [Maximum Connection Time (sec.)] Enter the maximum time in seconds during which an individual client can connect to the camera. If set to [0], the connection time is unlimited. [Camera Control Time (sec.)] Enter the maximum time VB Viewer can retain camera control privileges. Video Transmission Settings [Server] > [Video Server] Important When there are many clients or they are connected to the camera ov er an SSL connection, the video frame rate may slow down and the sound may drop out if audio reception from the camera is enabled.R11M 641M741

92 Settings for audio transmission from the camera to the computer, and audio reception from the computer to the camera. [Audio Transmission from the Camera] Select to transmit audio from the microph one connected to the camera to the Viewer. [Voice Activity Detection] Select whether to detect when there is no sound coming from the microphone. When set to [Enable], audio data transmission will pause while th ere is no sound input from the camera. This can reduce the load on the network used. [Audio Reception from Viewer] Select to receive audio from Admin Viewer and RM Viewer. Received audio can be output from a speaker with an amplifier connected to the camera. Audio Transmission/Reception Settings [Server] > [Audio Server]R11M641M741

Setting Page 4 93 Set the video and audio transmission using RTP. RTP Server Enable RTP, and set the RTSP authentication method and port number. [RTP] Select this to enable or disable RTP. [RT SP Authentication Method] Select an authentication method for RTSP. Since the RTSP aut hentication method is configured independently of the HTTP authentication method, you need to configure each authentication method. [RT SP Port] Enter the RTSP port number. Normally use [554] (factory default setting). Audio Multicast Set multicast for audio transmission. [Multicast Address] Enter the multicast ad dress for audio transmission as follows. IPv4: Range from to IPv6: Address starting with ff00::/8 Set IPv4 to [] and IPv6 to [::0 (::)] to disable multicast. [Multicast Port] Enter the multicast port nu mber for audio transmission. If set to [0], multicast is disabled. [Multicast TTL] Enter the effective range for multicast transmission. If set to [0], multicast is disabled. The TTL (Time To Live), representing t he effective range for multicast transmission , is decremented each time the signal passes through a router. When the value reaches 0, the signal can no longer pass through the router and be transmitted. For example, if TTL is set to [1], multicast transmission is confined to the local segment only and cannot pass through the router to be transmitted. RTP Settings [Server] > [RTP Server] R11M 641M741

94 RTP Streaming 1 to 5 You can set each stream for RTP stream transmission in an RTP Streaming 1 to RTP Streaming 5 session. [Video Size] Select the video format (JPEG or H.264 ) and video size for the RTP stream. The video sizes for JPEG will vary depending on the [Video Size Set] settings (P. 72). The video sizes for H.264 will be determined according to the [H.264(1)] and [H.264(2)] settings in [Video Settings] (P. 73). In addition, [H.264(1)] and [H.264(2)] cannot be set for multiple RTP streams. [Frame Rate] Enter the frame rate if the RTP stream is JPEG video. This cannot be set for H.264 video. The [Frame Rate] setting in [Video Settings] > [H.264(1)] or [H.264(2)] will be used. [Multicast Address] Enter the multicast address for RTP streaming as follows. IPv4: Range from to IPv6: Address starting with ff00::/8 Enter [] for IPv4 and [::0(::)] for IPv6 to disable multicast. [Multicast Port] Enter the multicast port number for RTP streaming. If set to [0], multicast is disabled. [Multicast TTL] Enter the effective range for multicast transmission of RTP streams. If set to [0], multicast is disabled. The TTL (Time To Live), representing t he effective range for multicast transmission , is decremented each time the signal passes through a router. When the value reaches 0, the signal can no longer pass through the router and be transmitted. For example, if TTL is set to [1], multicast transmission is confined to the local segment only and cannot pass through the router to be transmitted. [Audio Transmission] Select whether to use audio transmission for RTP streaming. Note RTP Streaming URL rtsp://Address:Port Number/rtpstream/config1(to 5)=r|u|m [=r|u|m] is optional and can be omitte d. If specified, specify only one option. r: Requests RTP over TCP u: Requests RTP over UDP m: Requests multicast Example: RTP Streaming 1 request using RTP over TCP rtsp:// Caution: Note that the actual operation is dependent on the RTP client application, so the URL does not necessarily specify the method used for transmission. When H.264 is selected, bit rate control and video quality are each set with [Video Settings] (P. 73). The [Video Distribution] and [Audio Distri bution] settings in [Security] > [User Restrictions] > [User Authority] are not used for RTP. RTP streaming video may not be viewable on systems using a prox y server or firewall. If this occurs, contact your system admin istrator. If Host Access Restrictions are applied to a client while it is streaming using RTP over UDP, it may take from a few to tens o f seconds until streaming ceases. R11M 641M741

Setting Page 4 95 Regardless of the [Server] > [Audio Serve r] > [Audio Transmission from the Camera] se tting, RTP streaming audio will be used. However, to use audio settings, select [Enable] for [Aud io Transmission from the Camera] and configure the settings. R11M641M741

96 Settings for uploading video via HTTP or FTP when an event is triggered. Use [Server] > [Server Settings] (P. 89) to configure HTTP server and FTP server settings for uploading. Video Record Setting When an event is triggered, sets whether to upload camera video with HTTP or FTP or to record the video to a memory card. These can also be set with the [Memory Card] submenu (P. 101 ) and will be reflected in [Video Record Setting] here. [Video Record Action] Select [Upload] to upload video. General Upload Sets the upload method an d video format for upload. HTTP and FTP Upload Settings [Video Record] > [Upload] Important The following settings are necessary to use the upload function or recording to the memory card. – [Video Record] settings configured with [Timer] in the [Event] menu. – [Video Record] settings configured with each of the [Event] menu s ([External Device], [Audio Detection] and [Linked Events]). – The setting in the [Event] tab of the Intelligent Function Setting Tool (P. 227). When using the upload function, or recording to the memory car d, do not change the settings in the [Setting Page]. Doing so may result in the upload function or the recording to memory card to stop. If you are using HTTP or FTP upload, and e-mail notification by text and video, set [Video Settings] > [JPEG] > [Video Size: U pload / Memory card] (P. 73) to a small size. HTTP upload does not support SSL/TLS. If the camera is set to upload or send e-mail notification continuously, not all video or e-mail s may be sent depending on the video size and the network condition to the server. If this occurs, a message is written to the log (P. 134). If the destination for HTTP or FTP upload, or e-mail notificat ion is set for a Windows operating system, IPsec communication i s not supported. R11M 641M741

Setting Page 4 97 [Upload] Select whether to upload with HTTP or FTP. [Video Format] Select the video format for up load. [H.264(2)] cannot be used. Video size and quality of the uploaded video fo llow the settings in [Video Settings] (P. 72). [Frame Rate] Enter the maximum frame rate of video to be up loaded when [Video Format] is set to [JPEG]. [Pre-event Buffer (number of frames)] (JPEG)/ [Pre-event Buffer (sec)] (H.264(1)) Enter the number of frames or seconds of video to be buffered before the event. Enter the maximum number of frames fo r [JPEG] or the maximum number of seconds for [H.264(1)] in [Video Format]. [Post-event Buffer (number of frames)] (JPEG)/ [Post-event Buffer (sec)] (H.264(1)) Enter the number of frames or seconds of video to be buffered after the event. Enter the maximum number of frames fo r [JPEG] or the maximum number of seconds for [H.264(1)] in [Video Format]. Note If the server or network load increases due to the upload se ttings, the video frame rate may drop. If this occurs, reconfigure the following settings to reduce the size and frequency of uploaded data. Set a lower value for [Video Size: Upload / Memory card] for [JPEG] (P. 73). Reduce the number of frames or seconds in [Pre -event Buffer] or [Post-event Buffer] (P. 97). If [Volume Detection Event] is enabled, di sable [ON Event Operation], [OFF Event Operation] or [Ongoi ng ON Event Operation] (P. 107). From the Intelligent Function Setting Tool [Event] tab, disable [O N Event Operation], [OFF Event Operation] or [Detected mode Operation] (P. 227). If [External Device Input Event] is enabled, disable [Active Ev ent Operation], [Inactive Event Operation] or [Ongoing Active Event Operation] (P. 105). If [Timer Event] is enable d, increase the value in [Repeat Interval] (P. 110). HTTP Upload Settings for the HTTP upload function w hen [Upload] is set to [HTTP Upload]. The HTTP upload function sends notificat ions via HTTP or via HTTP with attached videos, depending on the network camera event. For information about the HTTP upload function and settings, contact your nearest Canon Cu stomer Service Center. Important For H.264(1), the following settings must be config ured in [Video Settings] > [H.264(1)] (P. 73). – [Bit Rate Control]: [Use bit rate control] – [Target Bit Rate (kbps)]: [3072] or less – [I Frame Interval (sec)]: [0.5], [1] or [1.5] Important The maximum video buffer size capacity is approx. 5 MB. If a large video size is set, the Frame Rate, Pre-event Buffer and Post-event Buffer may not be achieved as specified. If buffering cannot be achieved as specified, a message is written to the log (P. 134). Confirm that no messages appear in the l og. R11M641M741 R11M 641M741

98 [Notification] Select whether to only send event information notifications or notifications with attached videos when using HTTP upload. [URI] Enter the HTTP server URI to which to upload. [User Name], [Password] Enter the user name and password required for authentication. Digest authentication is not supported. [Proxy Server] If using a proxy server, enter the host name or IP address of the proxy server. [Proxy Port] If using a proxy server, enter the port number of the proxy server. [Proxy User Name], [Proxy Password] Enter to use a user name and password for the proxy server. Digest authentication is not supported. [Parameter (query string)] Enter the request parameters. Parameters can be specified using the “%” character (P. 252). [HTTP Upload Test] Clicking [Exec] initiates an upload test based on the settings currently entered. Only a single JPEG will be uploaded, bu t it is not necessary to click [Apply] at that time. After entering a password, first click [Exec], then click [Apply]. Important Enter [Proxy Server], [Proxy Port], [Proxy User Name ] and [Proxy Password] if connecting via a proxy server.

Setting Page 4 99 FTP Upload Settings for the FTP upload function when [Upload] is set to [FTP Upload]. [Notification] This is set to [Video data upload with FTP]. [FTP Server] Enter the host name or IP address of FTP server. [User Name], [Password] Enter the user name and password required for authentication. [PA SV Mode] Select whether to use PASV mode when connecting to an FTP server. [File Upload Path] Enter a remote path (directory name) for video files to be uploaded to. [File Naming] Select a first naming rule for the upload file. [YYYYMMDDHHMM SSms] Video is uploaded according to the file name format of “{year}{mo nth}{day}{hour}{minute}{second}{ms}.jpg”. (Example: 20140123112122000.jpg) [YYYYMMDD Directory/HHMM SSms] A subdirectory named “{year}{m onth}{day}” is created first, and then the video is up loaded using the file name “{hour}{minute}{second}{ms}.jpg”. (Example: 20140123/112122000.jpg) [Loop] Video is loaded with a file name numbered in sequence from 0000 up to the value set in [Maximum Number of Loops]. (Example: 0000.jpg, 0 001.jpg) The number will return to 0000 when the maximum number of loops is reached. Since the way FTP servers manage the upload of files with existing file names differs as follows, be sure to check the FTP server specifications before configuring this setting. Overwrite the existing file name Automatically save the file with a different name Generate an error [Maximum Number of Loops] If [Loop] is set under [File Naming ], enter the maximum number of loops.

100 [User Setting] Video is uploaded according to the file naming method specified in [Subdirectory Name to Create] and [File Name to Create]. [ Subdirectory Name to Create], [File Name to Create] If file naming is set to [User Setting], enter the subdirectory name to be created as well as the name of the created file. Parameters can be specified in the entry with the “%” character (P. 252). [FTP Upload Test] Clicking [Exec] initiates an upload test based on the settings currently entered. Only a single JPEG will be uploaded, bu t it is not necessary to click [Apply] at that time. After entering a password, first click [Exec], then click [Apply].