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Canon network camera VBM600VE User Manual

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Page 31

Chapter 3
Camera Angle Setting 
❏Camera Angle Setting Method
❏Creating a Camera Specification File to Manage Multiple Cameras 

Page 32

Use the Camera Angle Setting Tool to adjust the camera angle when installing the camera or to change the capture 
orientation according to the situation. 
You can set zoom, focus and exposure compensation.
You can set pan, tilt, rotation, zoom, focus and exposure compensation.
Launching the Camera Angle Setting Tool
Connecting to the Camera
The [Connection settings] dialog box will appear. [Host Name]
Enter the host name or IP address of the camera (p. 2-6). 
[Administrator User Name]
Enter the...

Page 33

Setting the Camera Angle
Camera Angle Setting Tool
When the Camera Angle Setting Tool connects to a camera, the 
viewer and recording software connected to the camera are 
A live camera image from the connected camera will 
be displayed and the camera angle can be set. 
Connecting with a Camera List
When using multiple cameras, the camera connection 
information already entered into the camera specification 
file can be read into the camera list used by the Camera 
Angle Setting...

Page 34

The camera specification file will be loaded and 
camera names listed will be displayed under [Camera 
 The [Select Camera] dialog box will remain open unless the 
Camera Angle Setting Tool is shut down or the X at the top 
right of the dialog box is clicked. 
 The camera list is discarded when the Camera Angle Setting 
Tool is shut down. Load the camera specification file the next 
time you launch the Camera Angle Setting Tool. 
„Connecting to the Camera
From the camera list, select the...

Page 35

Setting the Camera Angle
Camera Angle Setting Tool
Disconnecting from the Camera, Shutting 
1Click [Disconnect] from the [File] menu to disconnect 
the currently connected camera. 
2Click [Exit] from the [File] menu to shut down the 
Camera Angle Setting Tool.  

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Display Screen of Camera Angle Setting Tool
(1) Image Display Area
The image captured by the camera is shown. 
(2) [Switch Screen Size] button
Switches the display screen size between “320 x 240” 
and “640 x 480”. The display screen size can also be 
selected from [Display Screen Size] from the [Display] 
(3) Control Assist
Displays dotted lines showing the range of pan 
operation and tilt operation. The camera angle cannot 
be changed to positions with no dotted lines. 
(4) [Pan] button...

Page 37

Setting the Camera Angle
Camera Angle Setting Tool
(10)[Control Assist Display] selection box
Select whether to [Enable] or [Disable] operation 
assist in the image display area. 
[Control Button Display] selection box 
Select whether to [Enable] or [Disable] the [Pan] 
button and [Tilt] button in the image display area. 
Control Assist Correction]
When the orientation of the camera is moved by hand, 
the operation assist display will not correspond with 
the actual camera angle. In this...

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„Click the Image to Set Camera Angle
Click the desired position in the image and the camera 
angle will move to center that position on the screen. 
However, if the position clicked is beyond the range of the 
pan or tilt, the camera angle will move only in the pan or 
tilt direction that is within the valid range of movement.
If the camera moves in a different way from operation control or 
cannot be set to the range indicated by operation assist, then 
operation assist may not correspond to...

Page 39

Setting the Camera Angle
Camera Angle Setting Tool
Making Day/Night Mode Focus Settings
You can select the focus control method used when 
switching Day/Night Mode to suit the lighting environment 
the camera is being used under.
(1) [None]
Select this option when you want to restore the 
Day/Night Mode focus settings to the factory 
default settings.
(2) [Compensate for light source]
Select this option to adjust the focus position to 
suit the lighting being used when switching to 
Night Mode....

Page 40

You can load a camera list in the [Select Camera] dialog box (p. 3-3) if you create a camera specification file which lists 
connection information for cameras. The camera list allows for simple switching between camera connections for multiple 
cameras. Create a camera specification file beforehand using a text editor. The file must be saved in CSV file format.
„Camera Specification File Content
The 1st row in the camera specification file is the header row. Enter a title for each column. 
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