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Canon Imageprograf Ipf815 User Guide

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Page 541

Roll Paper Width
This selects the width of the roll media set to the printer. Note
• Available only if rolls are selected in  Paper Source.Automatic Cutting
You can set the printer to cut roll paper automatically or print a guideline for cutting.
The following settings are available for automatic cutting. Setting
Printer Default The value set on the printer operation panel takes priority.
None Each page is not cut after it is printed and printing continues without interruption.
Print Cut...

Page 542

Easy Settings
You can easily select the best settings for the print job by just selecting an item from the print target list that matches the
content of the document. Print Target
You can easily select the best settings for the print job simply.
If you select each  Print Target item the corresponding comment for that item is displayed below the list. Setting
Default Settings Suitable for printing normal documents that contain a mixture of text, photographs,
and graphics.
Office Document Suitable...

Page 543

• The number of settings available for selection depends on the media type. Print Quality
Selecting print quality strikes a balance between the quality of the printed image and printing speed.  
The level of the print quality and resolution settings are displayed in the following combinations. Setting
Print Quality Highest / High / Standard / Draft
Resolution 1200dpi / 600dpi / 300dpiNote
• The availability of settings is determined by the media type and print priority selections.
• Printing...

Page 544

Print Priority
Select a print quality mode that is appropriate for the print job. Setting
Image This mode achieves the best results for printing photographic images and illustra-
Line Drawing This mode is best for printing CAD drawings with fine lines or wall newssheet or
other documents that contain large amounts of text. However, you may not achieve
the quality you expect with printing photographs or other images with many filled
areas. For these types of jobs, select  Image.

Page 545

Output Settings Panel
Enlarged/Reduced Printing
Select the method for enlarged/reduced printing.
The following settings are available for enlarged/reduced printing. Setting
Fit Paper Size Enlarges/reduces the whole page automatically to fit the media size selected for
output. Select the media size to print from  Paper Size.
Fit Roll Paper Width Enlarges/reduces the whole page automatically to fit the width of the roll paper
with the page width.  
*Make sure that the width of the roll paper in the...

Page 546

• Available only if rolls are selected in  Paper Source.Paper Size
You can select the size of the print media. Note
• This is not displayed when  Fit Roll Paper Width is set in  Enlarged/Reduced Printing.Print Centered
Select this feature to print the image in the center of a cut sheet or to print left and right margins evenly from the edges of
roll paper.
• This feature is useful when you print the document enlarged or reduced with  Scaling as well. When an image
is scaled, it is always...

Page 547

Output Method
Click the button to open the  Output Method dialog box.
In this dialog box, you can specify the object output method. Setting
Print Regular printing. Jobs are stored in the temporary storage space before printing.
Print (auto delete) After printing, jobs are immediately deleted.Note
• To print after saving jobs in the temporary storage space, select  Save data before printing.Color Settings Panel
Color Mode
You can select a color mode to suit the print job.

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Monochrome (BK ink) Select to print all lines with black ink.Note
• The availability of settings depends on the print priority and media type selections. Matching Mode
Under Matching Mode, select the matching mode. Setting
Driver Matching
Mode →P.533
Enables printing of optimal color tones using a driver specific color profile. You
should normally select this mode.
ICC Matching Mode →P.534
Enables color matching using ICC profiles. Select this if you want to print by spec-

Page 549

Driver Matching Mode
1. Under Matching Mode, select  Driver Matching Mode.2.
Click Matching Method list, and then select a setting. Setting
Auto Automatically selects the best color matching method for each Image, Graphics,
Perceptual Color-matching optimized for printing typical photos attractively. Smooth grada-
tion is a feature. This is also an easy-to-use mode when performing color adjust-
ment using application software.
Saturation Color-matching optimized for printing posters, etc.,...

Page 550

ICC Matching Mode
1. Under Matching Mode, select  ICC Matching Mode.2.
Click  Matching Method list, and then select a setting. Setting
Perceptual Color-matching optimized for printing typical photos attractively. Smooth grada-
tion is a feature. This is also an easy-to-use mode when performing color adjust-
ment using application software.
Saturation Color-matching optimized for printing posters, etc., vividly.
Colorimetric Color-matching optimized for printing image data with accurate colors in...
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