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Canon I Sensys Mf8280cw User Guide

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Page 71

Loading Paper
You  can load the  paper  into the  paper  drawer or manual  feed  slot.  Load  the  paper  you usually use into the  paper  drawer.  The paper
drawer is  convenient  when using large amounts of paper.  Use  the  manual  feed  slot when you temporarily  use size or type of paper  that
is  not  loaded  in the  paper  drawer.  See 
Paper  for  available paper  sizes.
Paper Type and  Setting for the Machine
See the  table below to  specify  the  paper  settings according to  the  type...

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Paper  TypePaper  Weight
on  the  Machine
Plain  paper 60 to  74 g/m²

70 to  84 g/m² 
75 to  90 g/m² 
Recycled paper 60 to  74 g/m² 
Color paper 60 to  74 g/m² 
Heavy paper 85 to  120 g/m²

121 to  163 g/m² 

Coated paper 100 to  110 g/m² 
111 to  130 g/m² 
131 to  160 g/m² 
161 to  220 g/m² 


Index  card

Thin  paper 60 g/m² 
You  can  specify  either   or   as  the paper type  for  70 to  74 g/m² paper. If you  experience any  of the following  problems  after

Page 73

When  printing on paper  that  has absorbed moisture
Steam  may  emit  from the  paper  output area, or water droplets may  form on  the  back side  of the  operation panel or around
the  paper  output area. There  is  nothing unusual  about  any of these occurrences, which occur  when the  heat generated  from
fixing toner on  the  paper  causes  moisture in the  paper  to  evaporate (most  likely to  occur  at low  room temperatures).
Registering a Custom Paper Size

Page 74

Loading Paper in the Paper Drawer
Load  the  paper  that  you usually use in the  paper  drawer.  When  you want to  print on  paper  that  is  not  loaded  in the  paper  drawer,  load
the  paper  in the  manual  feed  slot.Loading Paper in the Manual Feed Slot
Make sure to load paper  in portrait  orientation
Paper  cannot  be loaded  in landscape orientation. Make  sure  to  load the  paper  in portrait orientation.
Follow  the  procedure below when loading  paper  into the...

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Load the paper  so that  the edge  of the paper  stack is  aligned against the rear side  of the paper  drawer.
Fan the  paper  stack  well,  and  tap  it on  a flat  surface to  align  the  edges.
Do not  exceed  the load  limit  line when loading paper
Make  sure  that  the  paper  stack  does not  exceed the  load limit line  (
). Loading too much paper  can cause  paper  jams.
When  loading  envelopes or paper  with a logo,  see  
Loading Envelopes or Loading Preprinted Paper .

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Page 77

Loading Paper in the Manual Feed Slot
When  you want to  print on  paper  that  is  not  loaded  in the  paper  drawer,  load the  paper  in the  manual  feed  slot.  Load  the  paper  that
you usually use in the  paper  drawer.  Loading Paper in the Paper Drawer
For the MF8580Cdw / MF8550Cdn / MF8540Cdn
For the MF8280Cw / MF8230Cn
Make sure to load paper  in portrait  orientation
Paper  cannot  be loaded  in landscape orientation. Make  sure  to  load the  paper  in portrait...

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Insert the paper  into the manual  feed  slot  until the paper  stops.
Load  the  paper  in portrait orientation (with the  short edge toward  the  machine), with the  print side  face up.  Paper  cannot  be
loaded  in landscape orientation.
Fan the  paper  stack  well,  and  tap  it on  a flat  surface to  align  the  edges.
Do not  exceed  the load  limit  line when loading paper
Make  sure  that  the  paper  stack  does not  exceed the  load limit line  (
). Loading too much paper  can...

Page 79

Insert the paper  and  align the paper  guides against the width of the paper.
Load  the  paper  in portrait orientation (with the  short edge toward  the  feed  slot), with the  print side  face up.  Paper  cannot  be
loaded  in landscape orientation.
Insert the  paper  10 to  20 mm  into the  manual  feed  slot,  and  then  slide the  paper  guides inward until they are  aligned  securely
against the  edges of the  paper.
Align  the paper guides  securely  against the edges  of the paper...

Page 80

Loading Envelopes
Make  sure  to  flatten  any curls on  envelopes before loading  them. Also  pay attention to  the  orientation of envelopes and  which side  is
face up.
Before  Loading Envelopes
In the Paper Drawer
In the Manual Feed Slot
This section  describes  how to  load envelopes in the  orientation you want, as well as procedures that  you need to  complete before
loading  envelopes.  For a description of the  general procedure for  loading  envelopes in the  paper  drawer or...
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