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Canon I Sensys Mf8280cw User Guide

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Page 611

Department ID Management Report
When  Department  ID Management is  enabled,  you can check  the  total volume of printouts for  each   by printing a
Department  ID Management Report.  By checking  the  printout totals,  you can better manage your paper  and  toner supplies.
(Report)       Check that  the  size and  type of paper
displayed on  the  screen is  loaded  in the  machine  
Setting the Department  ID Management

Page 612

Address Book List (MF8580Cdw / MF8550Cdn / MF8540Cdn / MF8280Cw
You  can check  the  list  of destinations registered in the  Address Book as ,  , and   by printing an
Address Book List.
(Report)       Select the  setting you want to  print out  Check
that  the  size and  type of paper  displayed on  the  screen is  loaded  in the  machine  
Registering in the Address Book (MF8580Cdw  / MF8550Cdn / MF8540Cdn / MF8280Cw Only)
Registering Address Book...

Page 613

User Data List/System Manager Data List
You  can check  the  list  of the  settings (Setting Menu List) as well as the  content  that  has been registered in the  machine by printing a
User Data List or a System Manager  Data List. Both  lists include  the  paper  size and  type registered in the  machine, the  print settings of
, , and  .
(Report)     or Check that  the  size and
type of paper  displayed on  the  screen is  loaded  in the  machine  
The   does not  include  the...

Page 614

IPSec Policy List
You  can check  the  list  of policy names  and  the  IPSec settings registered in the  machine by printing an  IPSec Policy  List.
(Report)   Check that  the  size and  type of paper  displayed on  the
screen is  loaded  in the  machine  
Configuring  IPSec  Settings

Page 615

PCL Font List (MF8580Cdw / MF8550Cdn / MF8540Cdn Only)
You  can check  the  list  of available fonts for  the  machine.
(Report)  Check that  the  size and  type of paper  displayed on  the  screen
is  loaded  in the  machine  

Page 616

Viewing the Counter Value
You  can check  separate totals  for  the  number of pages used for  color printouts and  black and  white  printouts.  These totals  include  faxes,
reports, and  lists, in addition to  copies and  printouts of data from computers.
(Status Monitor)    or   

Page 617

Initializing Settings
You  can restore the  following  settings:
Initializing  Menu
Initializing  Key  and  Certificate
Initializing  Address Book (MF8580Cdw  / MF8550Cdn / MF8540Cdn / MF8280Cw Only)
Initializing  System Management  Settings

Page 618

Initializing Menu
You  can restore the  settings of the  machine (Setting Menu List).
To initialize the  settings of   and  , see  Initializing  System Management
Settings .
 Select the  item  you want to  initialize 
Items  for initializing
Select the  setting you want to  initialize.
Initializes  all the  settings.

Page 619

Initializing Key and Certificate
You  can restore the  settings of the  key  pairs and  digital certificates. Note that  all the  key  pairs that  you registered in the  machine and
certificates  (except  the  preinstalled digital certificates)  will  be deleted  after initializing.
After initializing, functions that  require key  pairs such as SSL  encrypted  communication and  TLS  of the  IEEE  802.1X
authentication are  not  available. To use these functions,  configure the  settings...

Page 620

Initializing Address Book (MF8580Cdw / MF8550Cdn / MF8540Cdn /
MF8280Cw Only)
You  can restore the  settings of the  Address Book.  Note that  all the  information  registered in the  Address Book will  be deleted  after
Registering in the Address Book (MF8580Cdw  / MF8550Cdn / MF8540Cdn / MF8280Cw Only)
Registering Address Book from Remote  UI (MF8580Cdw  / MF8550Cdn / MF8540Cdn / MF8280Cw Only)
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