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Canon I Sensys Mf8280cw User Guide

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Page 511

Select the  default  setting for  the  size and  type of the  paper  to  print on.
 and    cannot  be specified separately. Specify the  paper  size in the   screen, and  then  specify  the  paper  type in the    screen.
Default Paper Size
Select the  default  setting for  the  size of the  paper  to  print on.A4
No. 10 (COM10)
Default Paper Type
Select the  default  setting for  the  type of the  paper  to  print on.Plain  1  (60-74 g/m²)
Plain  2  (70-84...

Page 512

Select whether  to  switch  between  printing on  A4  and  LTR  size paper  if  one of these paper  sizes is  loaded  but the  other is  not.Configuring  Printer Settings  on  the MachineOff
Specify the  print quality  such as toner density  and  image data processing methods.
Specify the  print density  for  each toner color. As the  value  gets bigger, the  density  becomes darker. Yellow 17 Levels
Magenta 17 Levels
Cyan 17 Levels
Black 17 Levels
Toner Density (Fine Adjust)
Adjust the  toner...

Page 513

17 Levels
Low 17 Levels
The settings specified for    are  disabled when  is  enabled.
Toner Save
Select whether  to  reduce  toner consumption.
When  this setting is  enabled,  fine  lines and  portions  with lighter print density  may  become blurred.
Select the  data processing method to  reproduce gradations. Select  if  you want to  print in better quality  than when selecting
.High 1
High 2
Special  Smoothing Mode
Select a smoothing mode to  print documents with a...

Page 514

Mode 3
Mode 4
Mode 5
Mode 6
Line Control
Select the  data processing method to  reproduce lines. If   is  selected,  lines are  processed to  print as clearly as
text. If   is  selected,  lines are  processed as graphics and  printed in similar tones and  gradations to  those of
graphics.Resolution  Priority
Gradation  Priority
     Select the
smoothing mode 

Prints  the  edges of dark  colored text, lines, and  graphics smoothly. This setting is  recommended  for  most types of
Prints  both...

Page 515

Specify the  page layout  settings such as binding position  and  margin values.
Binding Location
Select the  binding position  of the  paper  (along the  long edge or the  short edge).  For 2 -sided  printing,  image orientation is
automatically arranged to  produce the  correct layout.   in the  illustrations below represent margins.
When the binding position is  on  the long edge of the paper:
When the binding position is  on  the short  edge of the paper:
Long EdgeShort Edge
You  cannot  create...

Page 516

the  print position  to  the  right.  Decreasing  the  value  moves the  print position  to  the  left.-50.0 to  ±0
 to  +50.0  (mm)
If  this setting moves any of the  print data outside the  printable area, the  portion outside the  printable area will  not  be
You  can specify  this setting in combination with the  , , and  . By specifying  all four  settings,  for  example,  the  print position  is  shifted  as shown in the  illustration
If  the  offset settings are...

Page 517

If  this setting moves any of the  print data outside the  printable area, the  portion outside the  printable area will  not  be
Offset Long  Edge (Back)
Specify the  print position  by setting the  offset value  for  the  long edge on  the  back side  of the  paper.  Increasing  the  value  moves the
print position  downward. Decreasing  the  value  moves the  print position  upward.-50.0 to  ±0
 to  +50.0  (mm)
If  this setting moves any of the  print data outside the  printable...

Page 518

Set the  time  period after which the  machine deletes incomplete print data from memory. The machine deletes incomplete print data
because  it may  have some  errors  and  prevent  the  machine from printing the  next document.
5  to  15
 to  300 (sec.)
Provide the  machine with enough time  to  receive all the  print data from the  computer, especially  when printing large amounts
of data. If  you specify  a time  period that  is  too short,  the  machine may  not  receive all the  print data in...

Page 519

Specify how print data should be treated  when it is  too large to  be held in the  memory  of the  machine. The machine can either print the
data in lower image quality  ()  or cancel printing and  display an  error  message ().Output
Display Error
Specify the  PCL  printing settings such as page layout  and  print quality.
Paper Save
Select whether  to  save  paper  by not  outputting blank pages in documents.  By selecting , the  machine will  not  output blank
pages.  To output all your document data...

Page 520

Point  Size
Set the  font size in points, adjustable in 0.25 increments.  You  can specify  this setting only when a proportionally-spaced  scalable  font
is  selected in .4.00 to  12.00
 to  999.75  (point)
Set the  font pitch, or cpi (characters  per inch), adjustable in 0.01 increments.  You  can specify  this setting only when a fixed -pitch
scalable  font or a bitmap font is  selected in .
0.44 to  10.00
 to  99.99 (cpi)
Form Lines  
Set the  number of lines printed on  one page from 5  to...
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