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Canon I Sensys Lbp6030 User Guide

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Page 41

Enlarging or Reducing
You  can make enlarged or reduced  printouts by using a preset  print ratio, such as A5  to  A4, or a custom print
ratio that  you set in increments of 1%.
Specifying the Print Ratio  by Specifying the Original Document and  Paper Size (Preset  Ratio)
The print ratio is  set automatically based on  the  document and  paper  size you have selected.[Basic Settings] tab  
Select the  document size in [Page Size] Select the  paper  size in [Output Size] [OK]
Specifying the...

Page 42

Basic Print Operations

Page 43

Collating Printouts by Page
When  printing copies of multi -page documents,  you can use the  collate function to  print complete sets in
sequential page order. This function is  useful  when preparing handouts for  meetings or presentations.
[Basic Settings] tab  
Select [Collate] or [Group] in [Finishing] [OK]
[Finishing] Specify the  sorting  method of the  printouts when printing multiple-page documents.
[Collate] The printouts are  grouped into complete sets in sequential page order. For...

Page 44

Printing Multiple Pages Onto One Sheet
You  can print multiple pages onto  a single sheet. For example,  you can print four  or nine pages onto  a single
sheet by using [4  on  1]  or [9  on  1]. Use  this function if  you want to  save  paper  or to  view your document in
[Basic Settings] tab  
In [Page Layout], select the  number of page to  print onto  a single sheet In [Page Order], select
the  page distribution layout  [OK]
[Page Layout]
Select the  number of pages to  print...

Page 45

Printing Posters
You  can print parts of a single document page onto  multiple pages,  which can then  be combined  to  make a
poster. For example,  if  you divide an  A4  page into nine parts,  print each part nine times larger,  and  then
combine the  parts,  you will  have a poster  as large as nine A4  pages.
[Basic Settings] tab  
In [Page Layout], select a poster  size by specifying  the  number of parts to  be printed,  for  example
[Poster [3  x 3]]  [OK]
There  are  four  size settings:...

Page 46

Printing Borders
You  can add  borders, such as broken  lines or double lines, in the  margins of printouts.
[Page Setup] tab  Click [Page Options] Select the  border type in [Edging]  [OK]  [OK]
[Edging]Selects the  type of border to  add  to  the  document.
PreviewDisplays  a preview  with the  selected border.
Basic Print Operations
Printing Dates and  Page Numbers
Printing Watermarks

Page 47

Printing Dates and Page Numbers
You  can print information  such as dates or page numbers, and  you can specify  where to  print this information
on  the  document (upper left, lower right,  etc.).
[Page Setup] tab  
Click [Page Options]  Select the  printing position  for  the  date, user  name,  and  page number [OK]  [OK]
[Print Date] Specifies the  printing position  for  the  print date.
[Print User Name]Specifies the  position  to  print the  user  name (logon name)  of the  person  using...

Page 48

Printing Watermarks
You  can print watermarks such as "COPY"  or "CONFIDENTIAL" on  the  document. You  can create new watermarks
or use pre-registered watermarks.
[Page Setup] tab  
Select [Watermark] check  box Select the  watermark type with [Watermark Name] [OK]
[Watermark]/[Watermark  Name] Select the  [Watermark] check  box to  display a list  of watermarks in the  [Watermark Name] drop-down list. Select a watermark to
use from the  list.
[Edit Watermark]
Displays  the...

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Printing Borders
Printing Dates and  Page Numbers

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Printing According to the Document Type
You  can specify  the  document type to  ensure  optimal image quality. There  are  different  settings for  photo
documents,  documents that  have charts  or graphs,  and  documents that  have design drawings with fine  lines.
[Quality]  tab  
Select the  document type in [Objective]  [OK]
[Objective] Select an  option that  suits the  document type or purpose of printing.  For example,  select [General] for  general use, or select
[Photos] when you want...
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