Candy Evo4w 2643d S Manual
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L EN DRYING PROGRAMME SELECTION BUTTONWith the programme selector not in the OFF position, pressthe button to select therequired drying programme; anindicator will light to display thedrying result selected eachtime you press the button.To cancel the selection beforethe start of a dryingprogramme, press the buttonrepeatedly until the indicatorsgo out or return theprogramme selector to the OFFposition.To cancel the cycle during thedrying phase, hold the buttondown for 2 seconds until thecooling indicator lights up;given the high temperatureinside the drum, werecommend that you allow thedryer to complete the cooldown period before returningthe programme selector to theOFF position and removing thelaundry. NOTE: Do not dry unwashed items inthe washer dryer.Items that have been soiledwith substances such ascooking oil, acetone, alcohol,petrol, kerosene, spot removers,turpentine, waxes and waxremovers should be washed inhot water with an extra amountof detergent before beingdried in the washer dryer. Items such as foam rubber (latex foam), shower caps,waterproof textiles, rubberbacked articles and clothes orpillows fitted with foam rubberpads should not be dried in thewasher dryer. Fabric softeners, or similar products, should be used asspecified by the fabric softenerinstructions. The final part of a washer dryer cycle occurs without heat(cool down cycle) to ensurethat the items are left at atemperature that ensures thatthe items will not be damaged. WARNING: Never stop a washer dryerbefore the end of the dryingcycle unless all items arequickly removed and spreadout so that the heat isdissipated. START BUTTON Press to start the selected cycle.NOTE: FEW SECONDS AFTERTHE START THE WASHCYCLE WILL BEGIN.DURING THE FIRST 4MINUTES OF THE WASHCYCLE, THE KGDETECTOR (ACTIVE ONLYON COTTON ANDSYNTHETICSPROGRAMMES) WILLWEIGH THE CLOTHESAND UPDATE THEMAXIMUM WASH TIMEREMAINING ON THEDISPLAY EVERY FIVESECONDS UNTIL THEWEIGHT HAS BEENDETERMINED.WHILE THIS FUNCTION ISOPERATING THE “KgDETECTOR” INDICATORIS ON.CHANGING THE SETTINGS AFTER THE PROGRAMMES HASSTARTED (PAUSE)Press and hold the“ START/PAUSE ” button for about 2 seconds, the flashinglights on the options buttonsand time remaining indicatorwill show that the machinehas been paused, adjust asrequired and press the“ START/PAUSE ” button again to cancel the flashing lights. If you wish to add or remove items during washing, wait 2minutes until the safety deviceunlocks the door.When you have carried outthe manoeuvre, close thedoor, press START button andthe appliance will continueworking where it left off. CANCELLING THE PROGRAMMETo cancel the programme, setthe selector to the OFFposition.Select a different programme.Re-set the programmeselector to the OFF position. EN
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21●● ● ●●●●●●●●●● ● ●● ●●●●●●●● ●● 6 63211---31233341,5 1) 1) 1)2) RECOMMENDEDTEMP. °C60° 40°40°40°40°30°---40°30°30°30°30°--30° MAX TEMP. °CDo: 90° Do: 60° Do: 60° Do: 40° Do: 40° Do: 30° - - - Do: 40° Do: 30° Do: 40° Do: 40° Do: 30° - - Do: 30° ** * * * * * * * * Please read these notes Information for the test laboratories (Ref. EN 50229 Standards) Washing Use the programme ** with the maximum degree of soiling selected, maximum spin speedand a temperature of 60°C.Programme recommended also for test with a lower temperature. Drying First drying with 4kg (the load consist: pillowcases and hand-towels) selecting the cottondrying programme ( ) cupboard dry ( ). Second drying with 2kg (the load consist: 2 sheets and hand towels) selecting the cottondrying programme ( ) 120 minutes ( 120’ ). The spin speed may also be reduced, to match any guidelines suggested on the fabric label, or for very delicate fabrics cancel the spin completely this option is available with a spin speedbutton. Pressing the wash temperature button makes it possible to wash at any temperature below the maximum allowed. * Programmes for automatic drying.1) For the programmes shown you can adjust the duration and intensity of the wash using the degree of soiling button. 2) Using the Degree of soiling button on the Rapid cycle will enable you to select either a 14, 30 or 44 minute wash cycle. Resistant fabrics Cotton, linen with Prewash Cotton, mixed resistant,Coloureds Mixed fabrics and syntheticsCotton, mixed fabrics, synthetics Very delicate fabrics“MACHINE WASHABLE” woollens Hand wash Rinse Fast spin Drain only Jeans Programme Resistant fabrics Mixed fabrics and synthetics Rapid 14 minute Resistant fabrics Mixed fabrics and synthetics Rapid 30 minute Resistant fabrics Mixed fabrics and synthetics Rapid 44 minute Mixed, delicate synthetics Mixed - Drying Cotton - Drying Cotton - Mixed EN CHAPTER 7 TABLE OF PROGRAMMES PROGRAMME SELECTOR ON: PROGRAM FOR: WEIGHT MAXkg CHARGE DETERGENT 26 27
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37 RU ● Óáåäèòåñü, ÷òî âîäîïpîâîäíûé êpàí îòêpûò. ● Óáåäèòåñü, ÷òî òpóáêà ñëèâà âîäû çàêpåïëåíà ïpàâèëüíî. ÇõÅéê èêéÉêÄåå é·‡ÚËÚÂÒ¸ Í Ú‡·Îˈ ‚˚·Ó‡ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ, ˜ÚÓ·˚ ‚˚·‡Ú¸ ̇˷ÓÎÂÂÔÓ‰ıÓ‰fl˘Û˛ ‰Îfl Ç‡Ò ÔÓ„‡ÏÏÛ.èÓ‚ÓÓÚÓÏ Û˜ÍË ÒÂÎÂÍÚÓ‡ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ ‡ÍÚË‚ËÛÂÚÒfl ‚˚·‡Ì̇flÔÓ„‡Ïχ. ç‡ ‰ËÒÔΠ‚˚҂˜˂‡˛ÚÒfl Ô‡‡ÏÂÚ˚ ‚˚·‡ÌÌÓÈ ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ˚. èË Ê·ÌËË ËÁÏÂÌËÚ ÚÂÏÔ‡ÚÛÛ ‚Ó‰˚. ç‡ÊÏËÚ Í·‚Ë¯Ë ‰ÓÔÓÎÌËÚÂθÌ˚ı ÙÛÌ͈ËÈ (ÂÒÎË Ê·ÂÚÂ). èË Ì‡Ê‡ÚËË Í·‚Ë¯Ë START χ¯Ë̇ Á‡ÔÛÒ͇ÂÚ ‡·Ó˜Û˛ÔÓÒΉӂ‡ÚÂθÌÓÒÚ¸. èÓ„‡Ïχ ‚˚ÔÓÎÌflÂÚÒfl ÔË ÌÂËÁÏÂÌÌÓÏ ÔÓÎÓÊÂÌËË ÒÂÎÂÍÚÓ‡ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ ‰Ó Á‡‚¯ÂÌËfl ˆËÍ·. ÇÌËχÌËÂ: чÊ ÔË Ò·Ó ‚ ˝ÎÂÍÚÓÒÂÚË ‚Ó ‚ÂÏfl ‡·ÓÚ˚χ¯ËÌÂ, ÒÔˆˇθÌÓ ÛÒÚÓÈÒÚ‚ÓÔ‡ÏflÚË Á‡ÔÓÏË̇ÂÚ ‚˚·‡ÌÌÛ˛ÔÓ„‡ÏÏÛ Ë ÏÓÏÂÌÚ Â ÔÂ˚‚‡ÌËfl.èË ‚ÓÒÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ÎÂÌËË ˝ÎÂÍÚÓÔËÚ‡ÌËflχ¯Ë̇ ÔÓ‰ÓÎʇÂÚ ‡·ÓÚÛ ÒÏÓÏÂÌÚ‡ ÓÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ÍË. ● èÓ ÓÍÓ̘‡ÌËË ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ˚ Á‡„Ó‡ÂÚÒfl Ë̉Ë͇ÚÓ "äÓ̈ ˆËÍ·"("end cycle") ● èÓ ÓÍÓ̘‡ÌËË ÒÚËÍË èÓ‰ÓʉËÚ ÓÍÓÎÓ 2 ÏËÌÛÚ, ÔÓ͇ ÌÂÓÚÍÓÂÚÒfl ÛÒÚÓÈÒÚ‚Ó ·ÎÓÍËÓ‚ÍËβ͇. ● Ç˚Íβ˜ËÚ χ¯ËÌÛ ÔÓ‚ÓÓÚÓÏ ÛÍÓflÚÍË ‚˚·Ó‡ ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ ‚ÔÓÎÓÊÂÌË Ç˚ÍÎ. ● éÚÍÓÈÚÂ Î˛Í Ë ‰ÓÒڇ̸Ú ·ÂθÂ. ● Ç˚Íβ˜‡ÈÚ ÔÓ‰‡˜Û ‚Ó‰˚ ÔÓÒÎÂ Í‡Ê‰Ó„Ó ËÒÔÓθÁÓ‚‡ÌËfl.Ïåpåä ë юáîé ñòèpêîé êîíñóëüòèpóéòåñü ñòàáëèöåé ïpîãpàìì èñîáë юäàéòå ïîñëåäîâàòåëüíîñòüîïåpàöèé,påêîìåíäîâàííó ю ∋òîé òàáëèöåé. EN ● Ensure that the water inlet tap is turned on. ● And that the discharge tube is in place. PROGRAMME SELECTION Refer to the programme guideto select the most suitableprogramme.Turning the selector knobrequired programme isactivate.The display will show thesettings for the programmeselected. Adjust the wash temperature if necessary. Press the option buttons (if required) Then press the START button. When the START button ispressed the machine sets theworking sequence in motion. The programme carries out with the programme selectorstationary on the selectedprogramme till cycle ends. Warning: If there is any break in the power supply while themachine is operating, aspecial memory stores theselected programmeand,when the power isrestored, it continues where itleft off. ● When the programme has ended the word “End” willappear on the display ● Wait for the door lock to be released (about 2 minutesafter the programme hasfinished). ● Switch off the machine by turning the programmeselector to the “OFF” position. ● Open the door and remove the laundry. ● Turn off the water supply after every use.FOR ALL TYPES OF WASH CONSULT THEPROGRAMME TABLEAND FOLLOW THEOPERATIONS IN THEORDER INDICATED. 36 RU ÑÒÈPÊÀÂàpüèpyeìûe âoçìoæíocòèÂaøa còèpaëüíaÿ ìaøèía aâòoìaòè÷ecêè aäaïòèpyeòypoâeíü âoäû â çaâècèìocòèoò òèïa òêaíè èêoëè÷ecòâaeòcÿ áeëüÿ.Taêèì oápaçoìocyùecòâëÿeòcÿ“èíäèâèäyaëüíaÿ” còèpêa. Э òo âeäeò ê ∋êoíoìèè ∋ëeêòpo ∋íepãèè è coêpaùeíè ю âpeìeíècòèpêè. Ïpèìåp ÈÑÏÎËÜÇÎÂÀÍÈß Äëÿ î÷åíü äåëèêàòíûõ òêàíåé påêîìåíäóåòñÿèñïîëüçîâàòü ñåò÷àòûéìåøîê. Ïpåäïîëîæèì, ÷òîíåîáõîäèìî ñòèpàòü ñèëüíîçàãpÿçíåííó юòêàíü (åñëè íà íåé èìå юòñÿ òpóäíîóäàëÿåìûå ïÿòíà,óäàëèòå èõ ñïåöèàëüíîéïàñòîé). Âíèìàíèå! Íå påêîìåíäóåòñÿ çàãpóæàòü òîëüêî ìàõpîâûå òêàíè,êîòîpûå âïèòûâàÿ ìíîãîâîäû, ñòàíîâÿòñÿ ñëèøêîìòÿæåëûìè. ● Âûäâèíüòå êîíòåéíåp äëÿ ìî юùèõ ñpåäñòâ P. ● ᇄÛÁËÚ 120 „ ÏÓ˛˘Â„Ó Ò‰ÒÚ‚‡ ‚ ÓÚ‰ÂÎÂÌË 2ÓÒÌÓ‚ÌÓÈ ÒÚËÍË ÍÓÌÚÂÈ̇ ‰Îfl ÏÓ˛˘ËıÒ‰ÒÚ‚. ● Íàëåéòå 50 ã æåëàåìîé äîáàâêè â îòäåëåíèå ✿ ✿ . ● Çàäâèíüòå êîíòåéíåp P. EN W ASHING VARIABLE CAPACITYThis washing machine automatically adapts the levelof the water to the type andquantity of washing. In this wayit is also possible to obtain a“personalized” wash from anenergy saving point of view.This system gives a decrease inenergy consumption and asensible reduction in washingtimes.EXAMPLE: A net bag should be used for particularly delicatefabrics. Let us suppose that the washing consists of HEAVILYSOILED COTTON (toughstains should be removedwith suitable stain removal). It is advisable not to wash a load made up entirely ofarticles in towelling fabricwhich absorb a lot of waterand become too heavy. ● Open the detergent drawer (P). ● Put 120 g in the main wash compartment marked 2. ● Put 50 ml of the desired additive in the additivescompartment ✿ ✿ . ● Close the detergent drawer (P).
39 RU çàäéÉÑÄ çÖ éíäêõÇÄâíÖ ÑÇÖêñìÇé ÇêÖåü èêéÉêÄååõëìòäà – ÑéÜÑàíÖëú,èéäÄ çÖ éäéçóàíëüñàäã éïãÄÜÑÖçàüÌîæíî ñóøèòü òîëüêî áåëüå, îòæèìàåìîå öåíòpèôóãîé. Ñ ïîìîùü юñòèpàëüíî- ñóøèëüíîé ìàøèíû ìîæíîîñóùåñòâëÿòü äâà òèïàñóøêè: 1 Âûñóøèâàòü õëîï÷àòî- áóìàæíûå, ëüíÿíûå,êîíîïëÿíûå è ò.ï. òêàíè; àÌÙÓχˆËfl ÇÓ ‚ÂÏfl Ù‡Á˚ ÒÛ¯ÍË ·‡‡·‡Ì·Û‰ÂÚ ‡Á„ÓÌflÚ¸Òfl ‰Ó ‚˚ÒÓÍÓÈÒÍÓÓÒÚË ‰Îfl ÚÓ„Ó, ˜ÚÓ·˚‡ÒÔ‰ÂÎËÚ¸ ·Âθ ËÓÔÚËÏËÁËÓ‚‡Ú¸ ÔÓ͇Á‡ÚÂÎËÒÛ¯ÍË 2 Âûñóøèâàòü òêàíè èç ñìåøàííûõ âîëîêîí(ñèíòåòè÷åñêèå/õëîï÷àòûå),ñèíòåòè÷åñêèå òêàíè. IMPORTANT NEVER OPEN THE DOORAFTER THE DRYINGCYCLE HAS BEGUN -WAIT UNTIL THE COOLDOWN PERIODPROVIDED FOR BY THECYCLE.Only dry pre-spun laundry The washer/dryer can perform two types of drying: 1 Cotton, terry towelling, linen, hemp fabrics, etc... Advisory note During drying phase thedrum will accelerate to ahigher speed todistribute the load and tooptimize the dryingperformance 2 Mixed fabrics (synthetics/cotton), syntheticfabrics. EN 38 ÏÀPÀÃPÀÔ 12ÑÓØÊÀ ÁÅËÜßÍå ñóøèòå èçäåëèÿ èç påçèíû, ññîäåpæàíèåì ïåpà,ãîp ю÷èå òêàíè. Âàæíî!  ∋òîé ìàøèíå ìîæíî ñóøèòü áåëüå òîëüêîïîñëå ñòèpêè ñïîñëåäó юùèì îòæèìîì. Âàæíî!Ïpèâåäåííûå óêàçàíèÿ íîñÿò îáùèé õàpàêòåp. Âàìíåîáõîäèìà îïpåäåëåííàÿïpàêòèêà äëÿ îïòèìàëüíîépàáîòû íà ôàçå ñóøêè áåëüÿ.Âíà÷àëå ñîâåòóåì Âàìóñòàíàâëèâàòü ìåíüøåå âpåìÿñóøêè, ÷åì påêîìåíäóåòñÿ.Э òî ïîçâîëèò Âàì âûñóøèâàòü áåëüå äî æåëàåìîé ñòåïåíè.Íå ñîâåòóåì Âàì ÷àñòî ñóøèòüâîpñèñòûå òêàíè òèïà êîâpîâèëè èçäåëèé ñ âîpñîì. Эòî ìîæåò ïpèâåñòè ê çàñîpåíè ю âîçäóõîïpîâîäîâ. Óñòpîéñòâîñóøêè ïîçâîëÿåò ∋ôôåêòèâíî âûñóøèâàòü èçäåëèÿ áåç êàêîãî-ëèáî âûápîñà ïàpà âïîìåùåíèå.Ìîùíûé ïîòîê pàçîãpåòîãîâîçäóõà îáâîëàêèâàåòâëàæíûå èçäåëèÿ, èñïàpÿÿ èçíèõ âëàãó. Íàñûùåííûéâëàãîé âîçäóõ påöèêëèpóåòñÿ÷åpåç òpóáêó, â êîòîpîé“çàñëîíêà” õîëîäíîé âîäûêîíäåíñèpóåòñÿ â âîçäóøíîìïîòîêå. Êîíäåíñàò óñòpàíÿåòñÿ÷åpåç ñèñòåìó ñëèâà. Âñÿñõåìà ñëèâíîé ñèñòåìûãåpìåòè÷íà, ïî ∋òîìó îòñóòñòâóåò âûápîñ ïàpà âïîìåùåíèå. Âíèìàíèå! Íå ñóøèòå øåpñòÿíûå èñòåãàíûå èçäåëèÿ,ñîäåpæàùèå ïåpî,âåòpîçàùèòíûå êópòêè è ò.ï.,èçäåëèÿ èç äåëèêàòíûõ òêàíåé.Åñëè Âû ñóøèòå èçäåëèÿ òèïà“ïîñòèpàéòå è íàäåâàéòå”,íåîáõîäèìî óìåíüøèòü âåñçàãpóçêè áàpàáàíà äëÿïpåäîòâpàùåíèÿ ïîìÿòîñòåé. RU CHAPTER 12DR YING DON’T DRY GARMENTS MADE FROM FOAMRUBBER ORFLAMMABLEMATERIALS. IMPORTANT: THIS DRYER CAN ONLYBE USED FOR LAUNDRYWHICH HAS BEENWASHED AND SPINDRIED.WARNING: Indications given aregeneral, therefore somepractice is needed for thebest drying results. Werecommend setting a lowerdrying time than indicated,when first using, so as toestablish the degree ofdryness required. Werecommend not to dryfabrics that fray easily, suchas rugs or garments with adeep pile, to avoid air ductclogging.The water is then conveyedto the drain circuit, wich issealed and therefore, nosteam can be releasedoutside. EN