Brother HL 1650 User Manual
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CHAPTER 3 CONTROL PANEL 3-1 C C o o n n t t r r o o l l p p a a n n e e l l Fig. 3-1 Reprint Data GoJob cancel Back Set
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USER’S GUIDE 3-2 S S w w i i t t c c h h e e s s You can control the basic printer operations and change various printer settings with 7 Control panel switches (Go, Job Cancel, Reprint, +, − −− −, Set, Back). KeyFunction 1 GoExit from the Control panel menu, Reprint settings and Error messages. Pause / Continue printing. 2 Job CancelStop and cancel the printer operation in progress. 3 ReprintSelect the Reprint menu. +Move forward and backward through Menus.4 -Move forward and backward through selectable...
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CHAPTER 3 CONTROL PANEL 3-3 G G o o s s w w i i t t c c h h The panel indications can be changed from the current status (MENU, ERROR and REPRINT settings) by pressing the Go switch once. For ERROR indications, the panel changes only when the error is cleared. You can PAUSE printing with the Go switch. Pressing the Go switch again restarts the print job and clears the PAUSE. During PAUSE, the printer is in the off-line state. Note If you do not wish to print the remaining data when the printer is...
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USER’S GUIDE 3-4 J J o o b b C C a a n n c c e e l l s s w w i i t t c c h h You can cancel the processing or printing of data with the Job Cancel switch. The display shows “JOB CANCELLING” until cancelling is completed. After cancelling the job, the printer returns to the “READY” state. When the printer is in any state except receiving data or printing, the display shows “NO DATA!!!” and you cannot cancel the job.
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CHAPTER 3 CONTROL PANEL 3-5 R R e e p p r r i i n n t t s s w w i i t t c c h h If you want to reprint a document that has just been printed, you can reprint it by pressing the Reprint switch. Also, if you have created a document that you wish to share with colleagues, simply spool the document to a non- secure area of the printer. This document can then be re-printed by anyone who is on the network or at the printer Control panel. You can use the reprint function when the printer is READY or in the...
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USER’S GUIDE 3-6 ™ Reprinting the last JOB You can reprint the last print job without sending it from the computer again. Note • When REPRINT is set to Off using the control panel and you press the Reprint switch, the LCD briefly shows “NO DATA STORED.” • If you want to cancel reprinting, press the Job Cancel switch. •If the printer does not have enough memory to spool the print job, it prints only the last page. • Pressing the – or + switch makes the number or reprint copies decrease or increase....
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CHAPTER 3 CONTROL PANEL 3-7 ♦ Reprint the last JOB 3 times ☛ ☛☛ ☛ 1. Set the REPRINT menu ON with SETUP mode using the Control panel. Note If you print using this printer’s own driver, the settings for Job Spooling in the printer driver will take priority over the settings made in the Control panel. For more information, see “Job Spooling” in Chapter 2. ☛ ☛☛ ☛ 2.Press the Reprint switch. COPIES= 1 If you wait too long to continue the switch panel operation, the display exits the REPRINT menu...
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USER’S GUIDE 3-8 ™ Printing SECURE data Secure documents are password protected and only those people that know the password will be able to print the document. The printer will not print the document when you send it for printing; to print the document you must use the control panel of the printer. When you want to delete the spooled data, you can carry out this operation on the control panel. Note • If there is data in the job information that cannot be displayed on the LCD, the display shows “?”. •...
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CHAPTER 3 CONTROL PANEL 3-9 Operations for printing secure data Press the Reprint switch. If there is no data.NO DATA STORED LAST JOB Press + or - SECURE Press Set. USER ✶✶✶✶✶✶✶ Press + or – to select the user name. Press Set to set the user name. JOB ✶✶✶✶✶✶✶ Press + or – to select the job. Press the Set switch to set the job. PASS NO.=0000 Input your password. Press the Set switch to set the password. COPIES= 1The printer will exit this menu after a timeout period. Press the Set or Reprint...
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USER’S GUIDE 3-10 ♦ When there is no reprint data in memory If the printer does not have any data in buffer memory and you press the Reprint switch, the LCD briefly shows “NO DATA STORED.” ♦ When you cancel the reprint job Pressing the Job Cancel switch allows you to cancel the reprint job. The Job Cancel switch also allows you to cancel a paused reprint job.