Blackberry Z10 Smartphone 10 3 1 User Guide
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Note: If you type in a right-to-left language, swipe from left to right. Selecting word suggestions that appear while you type Your BlackBerry device is designed to learn what you tend to say and where in a sentence you tend to say it. Your device uses this information to try to predict what word you might type next and displays suggested words on the BlackBerry Keyboard . You can then use flick typing to quickly select a suggested word, by placing your finger just under the word and flicking it up...
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2.Tap Settings > Language and Input > Prediction and Correction > Word Substitution. 3.In the Substitution List section, tap a word substitution entry. Typing using voice dictation You can use voice dictation to type hands-free instead of using your keyboard. 1.To turn on voice dictation, on the home screen, swipe down from the top of the screen. 2.Tap Settings > Language and Input. 3.Tap Voice Dictation. 4.Turn on the Dictation switch . 5.In the Language drop-down list, tap the language you want to...
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4.In the Language drop-down list, tap the language you want to use. Change your keyboard language You must set up more keyboard languages before you can switch between languages. If you set up multiple languages that use the same keyboard layout (Such as QWERTY, AZERTY, or QUERTZ), your BlackBerry device automatically detects words in each language. 1.At the beginning of a new line of text, tap . 2.Tap the language you want to type in on your BlackBerry Keyboard. If you set up two languages that use...