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Blackberry Sqc1004 Manual

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Page 171

Delete a keyboard shortcut
You can delete keyboard shortcuts from keys on your BlackBerry device, depending on your needs and personal 
Tip: If you want to replace an existing shortcut for a specific key, you can change the shortcut for that key instead of 
deleting the shortcut.
1.On the home screen, swipe down from the top of the screen.
2.Tap  Settings > Shortcuts and Speed Dial. 
3.Tap and hold an existing keyboard shortcut.
4.Tap Delete.
Create or change a keyboard shortcut
You can add...

Page 172

Type an accented character
The list of available accents depends on the active input language. If you set multiple input languages, the accents for the 
languages that can be predicted together appear for a letter. For example, when English, French, and German are set, 
because their alphabets are similar, you get accent options for all three languages.
1.On the BlackBerry Keyboard, press and hold the letter that you want to add the accent to.
2.When accented characters appear above the Keyboard, tap the...

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Type an accented or special characterPress and hold the letter key and tap the accented or 
special character you want.Type a number in a text fieldPress  and press the number key.Type a number in a number fieldPress the number key.Turn on NUM lockPress  and . To turn off NUM lock, press  or 
Highlight a line of textTouch and hold the text. Move your finger up or down on 
the screen.Highlight text character by characterTouch and hold the text. Move your finger left or right on 
the screen to select...

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Page 175

Select a suggested word
To use a word that appears above the BlackBerry Keyboard, tap it to select it.
Spell check
Turn on spell check
1.On the home screen, swipe down from the top of the screen.
2.Tap  Settings > Language and Input > Spell Check. 
3.Set the Spell Check switch to On.
Accept spelling suggestions
If spell check is turned on, spelling mistakes are underlined in red as you type.
Tap the underlined word.

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2.Tap  Settings > Language and Input > Prediction and Correction > Word Substitution. 
3.In the Substitution List section, tap a word substitution entry.
Typing using voice dictation
You can use voice dictation to type hands-free instead of using your keyboard.
1.To turn on voice dictation, on the home screen, swipe down from the top of the screen.
2.Tap  Settings > Language and Input.
3.Tap Voice Dictation.
4.Turn on the Dictation switch .
5.In the Language drop-down list, tap the language you want to...

Page 178

Change your input language
Your input language is the language in which you type documents, email messages, and SMS or MMS text messages. You can select up to three languages that you want to be able to type in. The default language is the display language you 
Tip: If you need to switch input languages often, make sure that your device is set up to detect your languages 
automatically. To enable language detection, turn on the 
Language detection switch on the Input Languages screen.
1.On the...

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In other cases, input methods provide you with gestures and key combinations for languages. Some keyboard input 
methods are common to all supported languages, such as word prediction or selecting accented characters by pressing 
and holding keys.
All keyboard input methods also support using  key to access symbols.
You can use your BlackBerry device in many different languages, regardless of the default language you select. However, 
the differences between the languages you use may mean that you need...

Page 180

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