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Bisell FlipIt Hard Floor Cleaner 5200 User Manual

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Page 1

U S E R ’ S   G U I D E5200 SERIES 220-240V
3Safety Instruction\ds
4Product \fiew
6-7 Operation
8Maintenance and Car\de
10 Consu\ber Services
11Replace\bent Parts

Page 2

Thank you for buyin\dg a BISSELL Flip-I\dt™ 
 2w w w . b i s s e l l . c o m
We’re glad you purchased a BISS\fLL Flip\bIt. \fverything we know about floor 
care went into the design and construction of this complete, high\btech 
home cleaning system.
Your Flip\bIt is well made, and we back it with a limited two\byear  
warranty. We also stand behind it with a knowledgeable, dedicated 
Consumer Services Department, so, should you ever have a problem, you’ll 
receive fast, considerate assistance.

Page 3

 3w w w . b i s s e l l . c o m
When \fsing \bn electric\bl \bppli\bnce, 
b\bsic prec\b\ftions sho\fld be observed,   
incl\fding the following:
REaD all  InStRUctIonS 
bEfoRE  USInG yoUR   
W aRn In G: t o red\fce 
the risk of fire, electric shock,   
or inj\fry:
■ 	 Use indoors only .
■ 	 Do not leave FLI\f-IT™ \bhen it is plugged in.
■ 	 Do not service FLI\f-IT™ \bhen it is plugged in.
■ 	 Do not use \bith damaged cord or plug.
■ 	 Do not use FLI\f-IT
™ if...

Page 4

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Product view
handle Spray 
Quick Release 
Cord Wrap
Gentle Clean™ 
Brush & \fad
Wet Cleaning 
Dry Vacuum 
Suction Path
Wet Vacuum 
Suction \fath
c aUtIon: Do not over wet the floor.  apply form\fl\b by pressing 
the spr\by trigger on the forw\brd stroke only \bnd rele\bsing the spr\by   
trigger on the b\bckw\brd stroke.  over wetting the floor...

Page 5

 5w w w . b i s s e l l . c o m 
assembling yo\fr new  bISSE ll f lip-It is \b simple 
2 step process:
notE: Remove cle\bn t\bnk from \fnit first.
1.  Insert the han\fle into the top of the unit\b 
making sure the spray trigger is on the wet 
vacuum si\fe. Make sure the screw opening in 
the han\fle is aligne\f with the hole in the   
housing of the unit. 
Insert screw; gently screw in until tight with the 
bo\fy of the unit.     
Incl\fded with the p\frch\bse of yo\fr  flip-It \bre the 

Page 6

Getting ready
1.  Remove the clean tank from the machine. 
2.   Unscrew the black cap on the bottom of 
the clean tank an\f remove the Insert. 
3.   filling the cle\bn t\bnk:
Fill with BISSELL formula to the formula fill 
line an\f fill with water to the water line. 
Replace the insert an\f cap assembly. Place 
the full tank back into the unit.  
Inserting the Gentle Clean™ Brush or Pad
the first time yo\f \fse yo\fr \fnit, the Gentle 
c le\bn™  p\bd will be in the \fnit.  b\bsed on yo\fr 
flooring type...

Page 7

Flipping fro\b dry to wet cleaning
to ch\bnge from dry v\bc\f\fming, to wet cle\bning 
simply flip the \fnit \bro\fnd to the wet v\bc\f\fm 
t he Gentle  cle\bn™  br\fsh or  p\bd \bnd sq\feegee 
will \b\ftom\btic\blly be lowered to effectively cle\bn 
\bnd dry \bll yo\fr h\brd floor s\frf\bces.
Wet cleaning/vacuu\bing
t o begin wet cle\bning, simply p\fll the spr\by   
trigger. W\bter \bnd form\fl\b will be dispensed 
thro\fgh the Gentle  cle\bn™  br\fsh or  p\bd.  
t o m\bximize the \bre\b to be...

Page 8

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Maintenance and care\d
Checking the filter
While the dirty t\bnk is o\ft of the \fnit, remove the 
ple\bted filter from the top of the t\bnk. Remove 
dirt \bnd debris from the ple\bts by gently t\bpping 
the filter over the w\bsteb\bsket or o\ftside.  
t he ple\bted filter c\bn \blso be rinsed \fnder w\bter 
to cle\bn.
notE:  If the ple\bted filter is rinsed with 
w\brm w\bter to cle\bn, it  is recommended 
to le\bve it o\ft of the \fnit to \bir dry before 
pl\bcing it...

Page 9

9w w w . b i s s e l l . c o m
W\bter & form\fl\b \bre dr\bining o\ft from the cle\bn t\bnk
possible c\b\fses   Remedies
1.  Clean tank black cap & insert are not on tight  1.  Remove black cap & insert 
    an\f attach tightly
2 .  Clean tank black cap & insert are cross threa\fe\f  2.  Remove black cap & insert an\f make sure 
    it is screwe\f on straight an\f tightly
no s\fction
possible c\b\fses   Remedies
1.  Filter may be \firty or clogge\f  1.  Remove filter from the \firty tank...

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BISSELL Consu\ber Ser\dvices
If yo\fr bISSEll prod\fct sho\fld req\fire service:
 In the UK, Australia or Ne\b Zealand, call BISSELL Consumer Services at the numbers belo\b and \be \bill give 
you the location of a BISSELL Authorized Service Center in your area. For all other countries, contact your local   
in country distributor for questions, service, or repair. 
If you have questions about your \barranty or need replacement parts please contact the numbers belo\b.
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