Barcoreality Sim 6 Ultra Ii Specifications
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Dedicated digital light valve projector for simulation and V&AR BarcoReality SIM 6 Ultra Barco proprietary options for dedicated application benefits •WARP6TMnon-linear image mapping using proprietary bicubic interpolation algorithms: enables high-order pre-distortions electronically, without frame delay •T RANSPORTDELAYREDUCTION(TDR): ensures minimal propagation delay between the input signal and the projected image •T RUEMOTIONREPRODUCTION(TMR): motion artifacts compensation and image enhancement dramatically minimizes smearing inherent to LCD technology •Adjustable Scheimpflug correction for tilted projector screen configurations •Passive stereo optimized configuration (linear or circular polarization or Infitec stereo separation) for V&AR applications •Available in passive stereo optimized configuration with linear and circular polarization •S TEREOSWITCHER™: switches between all three passive stereo separation technologies Multi-channel optimization •Color Gamut Matching (CGM): matched optical components for multi-channel use •Gamut Expansion and Matching (GEM™) (1): increased addressable gamut and more accurate color matching •Chromatically matched optical engines with additional D YNACOLOR™ electronic color space transformations for elimination of channel-to-channel color variations •Optical Soft Edge Matching (OSEM): edge blending for all brightness levels, including black level •Black & White uniformity correction: factory adjustment to ensure excellent color uniformity of the grays, whites and blacks • I-STEREO™ for multi-channel, high quality stereoscopic viewing in V&AR applications (1) requires Color Gamut Matching Native resolution UXGA (1600 x 1200) This projector can be equipped with a broad range of proprietary Application Specific Optimizations (ASO’s) for demanding configurations in both Simulationand Virtual Reality applications. Compact size and rugged design makes the SIM 6 U LTRAII also perfect for implementation into motion- base platforms. Sim6_ultraII b 25-11-2004 11:44 Pagina 1

Dedicated options for demanding applications Advanced Geometry Distortion WARP 6™ is the most advanced geometry distortion technology using proprietary bi-cubic interpolation. It is specifically optimized to preserve fine detail in the image and suppress resampling artefacts. Thanks to WARP 6™, fixed matrix projectors like the SIM 6 U LTRAII can be used in a wide variety of curved-screen applications, ranging from straightforward cylindrical displays to the most severe distortions. Test charts scaled using 1. Generic bilinear algorithm 2. WARP 6™ algorithm For night scenes in Simulation, for high contrast detail in Virtual Reality applications and for dark starry skies in planetariums, Barco incorporated an impressive array of proprietary technologies and dedicated options to ensure the highest possible contrast and multi-screen color and brightness uniformity of all projected images. Electronic Soft Edge Matching (ESEM) In multi-channel setups, the nonzero black level of light valve projectors normally leads to brighter overlap zones, especially in night sceneries, which complicates multi-sided overlaps. Barco’s standard ESEM technology allows you to adjust edge blending without black-level correction on all Barco simulation projectors. Optical Soft Edge Matching (OSEM) With Barco’s proprietary OSEM, blending filters in the optical path maintain the black level in the overlap zone to that of the separate images. This results in a seamless image with invisible blends, also in night sceneries, with complete control over the full dynamic range. Most regular multi-channel configurations (ESEM)Multi-channel set-up with Barco’s proprietary Optical Soft Edge Matching Left Right Optical Soft Edge Matching: Black level in overlap zone is equivalent to separate images Left Right Electronically adjustable black True black Projector black 12 Sim6_ultraII b 25-11-2004 11:44 Pagina 2

Gamut Expansion & Matching™ All projectors of a multi-channel system are carefully matched using unique optical components,raising the color accuracy throughout the application. G EM™ at the same time improves the primary color uniformity within the separate images, without having to sacrifice addressable gamut. This technology also increases the addressable color gamut of the combined multi-channel system. Extended Contrast Ratio (ECR) Dark night scenes typically deliver video signals with reduced dynamic range and almost no contrast. i-Stereo™ Optional an the SIM 6 U LTRAII with WARP 6™ From a single high-bandwidth PC or workstation output (>170 MHz), I-STEREO™ produces two channel pictures with blend. By using the two outputs of the PC or workstation, you get a two-channel passive stereo projection at full resolution. By electronically enhancing these video signals and dimming to rescale to full dynamic range, Barco’s ECR greatly impro- ves the contrast ratio and picture quality. Stereo Switcher™ Optional on the SIM 6 U LTRAII Switching between linear and circular polarization and Infitec stereo separation enables you to adapt the installation’s stereo creating technology to meet your application needs. DynaColor™ Optional on the SIM 6 U LTRAII equipped with WARP 6 options D YNACOLORprovides the user with the ultimate electronic fine tuningto digitally set the primary and secondary color coordinates to obtain perfect color matching across a system. Gray Level Definition (Part of D YNACOLOR™) Improved grayscale tracking across the different channels of the multi-channel setup by controlling the black , white and grays. Barco’s seamless 3-channel image thanks to: •WARP 6™ for geometry•Gem™ and DYNACOLOR™ for color uniformity•OSEM for an invisible blend Photo courtesy: Nationaal licht-en ruimtevaartlaboratorium Amsterdam, The Netherlands Blending with non-optimized projectors: 1. Alignment differences 2. Color & brightness differences 1 2 Sim6_ultraII b 25-11-2004 11:44 Pagina 3

www.s\bmulat\bo\ | | www.ed uta\b\fme\ Barco SIM 6 Ul\bra II Barco S\bmula\f\bon US Head\buarter\f: 600 Bellbrook Avenue - Xenia, OH 45385-4053 Tel. +1 (937) 372-7579 • Fax +1 (937) 372-8645 email: @barc o .c om European Head\buarter\f: Noordlaan 5, B8520 Kuurne - Belgium Tel. +32 56 36 82 11 • Fax +32 56 36 86 51 email: info.\[email protected]. no. R599653 November 2004 Barco Simulation i\f an ISO 9001 regi\ftered company.The information and data given are typical for the e\buipment de\fcribed. However any individual item i\f \fubject to change without any notice. The late\ft ver\fion of thi\f product \fheet can be found on www.\ WARP 6, Tran\fport Delay Reduction, TDR, True motion Reproduction, TMR, Stereo Switcher, i-Stereo, Color Gamut Matching, CGM, Gamut Expan\fion and Matching, GEM, DynaColor, O PTICALSOFTEDGEMATCHING, OSEM, EXTENDEDCONTRASTRATIOand ECR are trademark\f of Barco. LCD pa\fels 3 active matrix Po\fy-Si\ficon LCD pane\fs (1.8" diagona\f) with \bicro Lens Array and a native reso\fution of 1600 x 1200 pixe\fs (aspect ratio 4:3) Eco\fomy lamp mode Choose between norma\f operation mode and economy mode. W\bde compat\bb\bl\bty The SI\b 6 U LTRAII is compatib\fe with: • Image generators and e\fectronic workstations with a reso\fution up to 2,000 x 1,280 pixe\fs @ 76 Hz • A\f\f computer graphics formats from VGA, SVGA, XGA, SXGA to UXGA • \bost \bacintosh computers • A\f\f current video sources (PAL , SECA\b, NTSC 3.58, NTSC 4.43) in Composite, SVHS, Component RGB formats using optiona\f video decoder • A\f\f current\fy proposed HDTV, extended and improved te\fevision standards (Eureka 95, Hi-vision, ACTV, IDTV, EDTV) • \bost sources with a pixe\f c\fock up to 205 \bHz Le\fses A wide range of fixed \fenses and zoom \fenses ensures the highest optica\f efficiency and maximum \fight output. A versati\fe \fens shift a\f\fows the projector to be insta\f\fed off-axis, without \fosing any brightness. Sche\bmpflug correct\bo\f This bui\ft-in optica\f correction guarantees optima\f optica\f focus from \feft to right and top to bottom for projection under non-standard ang\fes. Rugged\bzed vers\bo\f optimized for use on motion base p\fatform Sim6_ultraII b 25-11-2004 11:44 Pagina 4