Barco Dl3 Digital Light Specifications
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System •DL.3 software basedonWindows XPand DirectX technology •Powerful ContentManagement andConfiguration software canremotely managemultipleDL.3fixtures •Integrated Sonycamera withSuper HADimage sensor technology andinfrared illuminator provides livevideo inputandoutput fromfixture location. •Supports importing ofcustom content including: 3D objects,mediafiles,stillimages. •DMX51\b andArtNet support •Remote software upgradecapability •Royaltyfree stockdigital artcollection featuring morethan1,400 lightingoptimized files •RGBHV, SDIand SVideo connections acceptawide range ofmedia device inputs Hardware •17 motion parameters formechanical fixturecontrol include: mechanical irisadjustment tofull blackout 400degree panand\b40degree tiltmovement DMX control ofprojector zoomandfocus DMX control ofvertical lensshift DMX control ofcamera functions •Camera provides: optical +digital zoomtoincrease imageupto\b1\fX options for130 frame captures persecond vertical andhorizontal imageinvert black andwhite, colornegative andfreeze frame white balance including redand blue gaincontrol •Infrared illuminator allowsvideocapture evenin blackout settings •Remote videoinputandoutput switching letyou select livevideo fromexternal sourceincluding another DL.3fixtures camerafeed •Full color display andpreview monitor/menu functions •Powered byan Intel Core\b Duo\b.4GHz processor with anATI HD\b900 Graphics Processor•Gigabit Ethernet forfast content uploading and multiplefixturesynchronization •USB Portforoptional Wireless ContentManagement Accesscapabilities Graphic sEngine •Simultaneous playbackofthree discrete media streamsonseparate \bD/3Dobjects •Multiple modesforsynchronizing allnetworked DL.3 fixtures •30 object parameters giveyougraphic controls for eachindividual mediastream including: a choice ofmultiple playmodes andplay speeds the ability todefine anysegment ofavideo loop including Scrubcapability multiple colormixing andvisual effects thatcan becombined anyway youchoose variable opacitytoallow forcrossfading or dissolvesbetweenmediastreams full control ofimage rotation, positioning and scalingonX,Y and Zaxes visual modes thatletyou control brightness and contrasttooptimize content video inputorcamera capture youcan apply to \bD/3D objects •35 global parameters providegraphic controls tothe composite imagecreated byup to3media streams intensity overlaystheopacity controltoprovide systemwide intensitylevel overall imagecolormixing applied tocomposite media stream image color effects including edgecolors allowfor combined imagecolormixing multiple maskselections withedge fading and strobe effects Chromakey effectstolayer anycontent bykeying on any colormix tomake transparent edge fading forcreating montages keystone correction onoutput projection viewpoint controlsprovideabilitytochange viewing angle/perspective onimages \bIG\b END\fY\fTEM\f, INC.2105 Gracy Farms Lane •A ust in, Texas 7\f75 \fUSA Au stin :1.5 12.\f 36. 22 \b2 •Lo sAng eles:1.\f 1\f. 9\b7 .0550 w ww.h ighen S D IIn put /Output New Lens Opt ion s Rem oteLe ns Shi ft 65 00 Lume n3 Ch ip L C D Pr ojec tor F u lly in tegra ted digita l medi ase rver On boa rd indust rial gr ade Ni gh tvisio n came raand In fra red Illumi nato r On boa rd Infr a red Emi tte r Con ten tM anage men t Appl ic a tion int elli ge ntly ma na ges digita lm edi a files over Eth ern et from Macor PC High \b000\f 1Con tra st Ra tio F u ll Col orMen u Syst em True 3Dgra ph ics en gine DigitA llight High EndSy stem sIn trodu cesD\f.3 ™ The newes taddi tion to ,and thenext generation of,its li ne ofdigi tal lighti ngpro ducts . Inter nationa la n d U. S.P at en ts ap pro v ed and pen ding. Specif ic ati ons subj ectto change without notic e. Ce rta in sp eci fic atio n s ma ybe the res ult of fut ureso ftware rel eases. Fo r a com ple te lis t of th e is su ed patent sand pat ent spe nding contac t \figh EndSys te ms .© 20 0\b \fi gh End Sy stems, Inc.02150 \b DigitAllightDig itAllightDig itAllight Hig hEnd Systems notonlystar ted the digita lrevolution, weals ooff er the widest digital lighting product mixof any manufactur er,priced andscaled forany budge tand sol ution. TheDL.3digital lig ht rep resents the4thgeneratio nof digital lighting products fromHESandisthe flagship addition to the product line ,which includes theOrbital Head,\fxon Medi aServer and DL.\b digital lig ht. IN TER N AT ION AL ANDU.S.PA TENTS APPRO VED AN DPEN DIN G.

com\f ng soon DM XCO NTR OLLED SDI SWI TCHER Corrects forshape distortions whenprojecting ontosurfaces thatarenotflat. •Project DL.3onto convex orconcave cylinders, angularscreens, spheres anddiskshaped surfaces. •Control theamount ofcorrection needed,aswell ascontrol thevertical and horizontal centerpointsofthe image. \bX 5PRE VIE W HIRE S \fET AIL •Cr eate seamless imagesfro m multiple DL.3sand/or Axons • Ab ility toselect variable num ber of fixtures andpanor amaorienta tions • Sy nchro nizedpl ayback andcon tro l of multip leun its as one large sing leun it This software featureforDL.3, DL.\bandAxon has beenimproved tooffer alarger projection with sharperimagesandagreater thanHigh Definition resolution. CollageGenerator nowsupports any configuration upto8x8 arrays. Makeahorizontal, vertical orcentral panoramic projectionandincrease effective screenluminance. Mostpanoramas can beconfigured inunder \b5minutes. col lage generato r forEDG EBLENDI NG 2.4 4 .3 :14.3 6 :1 lens opt\fo ns Two optional lens esareavai lable forlonger throw projecti onappli cations camera Rem otecontr olcamer anetwor k High End Syst\b\fs Introduc \bs Th eDL.3 digital li ght with in tegr ated medi ase rver takes project ion t echn ology to th enext levelwith m an yexci ting new featu res. DL .3 is equ ippe dw ith a6500 lumen 3\bh ip LC Dpro\f e\btor, maki ngit t he highest out put for a3 Ch ip Digit alLight .\f high \b000:1cont ras t rat io resul ts in adar kÔvi deo black.Õ The pro ject ion possi bilities onDL.3 ar eexpan dedwit h new optional lens accessor iesfor long erthr ow pr oject ion applicat ions .\fl so new in th e DL. 3is an SD Iinput /out put fo r pr ofess ion al\fV appl icatio ns. \f new pro je ct io n fe atu re incl udes aninnovativ e DM Xco ntrol led ve rtical lens sh if t fu nc tion .Us ing thi s DMX cue red uces th e amo unt of ke yst onecor re ct ion requi re d to produce anor mal ized image. Ne win DL .3isalar ge surface area HEP \ffilt er used to prot ect the pr oject ion optics from the atr ical hazeand debr is. This resul ts in an ext rem ely low coo lin g noise . \fllth at ,comb inedw ith the fe atur esyouÕ re used to: Col lage Ge nerat or ™,int egr ated came ra syst em,vi sual effect stoo ls, even mo re high re sol ution stock cont entlibr aries, and morethan 1,400 light ingo ptim ized file s. Th eDL.3 digital li ght Õsrob ust new fe atur esprovi de the user wit h a po wer ful visu algraph icstool th at can meet the exp ectat io ns of today Õsso ph is ticat ed audience s.DL. 3of fer sso many creat ive and labo rsav ing po ssi bilit ie s, it Õs anatur alcho ice fora va rie ty of m arket s– co rpor ateev ent s,con cer ttour ing, night clubs, house sof worshi p– wh erefle xi bilit y needs areendl essbut tim eand budget arenot . The DL.3digital light isequi pped with an on board camerathat is contr olled byDM X.So, arig full ofDL.3 spr ovi des you aremote control camer anetwor k.Imagine capturingimages from any DL.3and sending that video to your IMAG Screen. Thatliv e video canbesent toany video output device including anotherDL.3 . On boar dmenu system with prev iew anddiagnoti csmoni tor ORIGIN AL FA UX LE \f O RIG INAL ZO OM BLURPI XEL ATIO N ORIG INA L Also available: \fm ag eSca leAn d Rot ate ,Pa nand Sca n, Sha ke nÕ\bak e,Fi lm R ol l,Te xture Rota tion , Dro pSha dow,F au x Til e, Fu zz ifie r \bau x\fE D Divides imageintoa grid ofcircles tomimic an LED wall Zoom Blur Zooms intoaposition on the image witha multiimage blurring effect Pixe la tion Divides imageinto rectangles usingcenter pixelcolor ofeach “box” asitscolor effec ts for you rcreat ivetool box SDI\fnp ut/o utput Thousa ndsof Di gita lM ed ia \b ile s Stil l and Video cu rve\b surface SUPPORT Dig itAllight The Next Gene ration in Di gita l Lig hting