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Atari Signature Analysis Service Manual

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    							 1How Atari Signature Analysis Works 
    Written by Phillip Eaton - [email protected]   
    *Comments and feedback welcome & appreciated* 
    Revision 1.1 – 2001-09-20 
    · Updated contact links 
    · Minor text changes 
    Revision 1.0 - 1999-12-26 
    · Initial Release 
    Ever wondered what all those 4-digit ‘signatures’ are, that are dotted around the Atari circuit 
    diagrams? They are used for diagnosing game PCB faults with an Atari CAT Box. They are 
    useful because, armed with a CAT Box and a game PCB and no technical knowledge (so 
    Atari say) you can diagnose most PCB faults down to IC level. Atari have issued signature 
    analysis information for their game PCBs since Battlezone. 
    How is a signature created? If you send a known stream of data through a game board starting 
    from the processor address bus, the data will ripple through the circuits in a repeatable 
    pattern. By testing for that pattern at various locations against the known patterns – the Atari-
    provided signatures – you can isolate component faults. 
    So what’s a CAT Box, then? A CAT Box is a Computer Assisted Troubleshooter, which is in a 
    box. This was manufactured and sold by Atari from 1981 See Figure 1. To use the CAT Box, 
    you remove the game PCB processor, and plug a connector from the CAT Box onto the game, 
    using the ribbon connector and plug. On the older Atari PCBs, e.g. Missile Command, 
    Centipede, the plug connects to a 50-way fine-pitch edge connector. On newer games, e.g. 
    those using a Z80 such as Dig Dug, there is a convertor ‘Pod’ which is also required, which 
    plugs into the processsor socket – see later.  
    Figure 1 Atari CAT Box Control Panel  
    							 2Basically, the CAT Box has it’s own processor which then can control the game PCB address & 
    data bus, using the PCB’s clock signal. It can then be used to address individual areas of the 
    board for checking individual components, using the knobs and switches on the CAT Box 
    control panel. 
    So now you know what a CAT Box is, you have a problem – you don’t have one. So why should 
    you bother reading any further? Well, you might want to read on because you’re interested, 
    but there are other reasons. Although the CAT Box is a 6502 processor-based piece of kit, the 
    signature analysis bit is almost totally separate from the processor, and you could implement it 
    quite easily with some simple discrete 74-series logic counters and buffers, and some 
    seven-segment LED’s. 
    As well as faultfinding PCBs, signature analysis is especially useful for checking out the 
    integrity of ROM images for games – all you need is eight 4-hexdigit signatures, and the image 
    to test.  
    The ROM-IDENTifier program written by Lescot Thierry uses this information in reverse. By 
    using a 32-bit signature created from a ROM, it then looks up the signature in its database of 
    known signatures and thus can identify which ROM you have just tested. (However, if your 
    image is corrupt, it will not be identifiable.) 
    The easy and absolute way to check the integrity of an image is to do a binary compare of the 
    sources using Windiff.EXE or MS-DOS FC.EXE, but you might not have a known-good image... 
    Signature Analysis Theory 
    Signature analysis relies on the same mathematical theory as Cyclic Redundancy Checking 
    (CRC). A signature is pretty much the same thing as a Cyclic Redundancy Checksum. In my 
    experience, this is used in communications systems to check for integrity of received data at 
    the end of a communication link.  
    The general idea is to feed the data you want to send through a CRC creator as you are 
    sending it, and then append the calculated CRC to the end of the message. Then, as the 
    receiver reads the data, it also runs it through the CRC creator. If the calculated CRC and 
    received CRCs are the same, the data has transferred correctly. 
    The CRC creator can be implemented in software, as is usual in data communications, or 
    hardware, as in the case of the CAT Box. 
    CAT Box Hardware 
    Address Counter 
    Firstly, there is a 16-bit counter which is connected to the address bus and, when enabled by 
    the CAT Box processor, continually cycles around the address space from $0000 to $FFFF. This 
    is shown in Figure 2.  
    Figure 2 CAT Box Counter Circuitry 
    This is implemented by four cascaded 4-bit counters on two 74LS393 ICs. The 74LS244 ICs 
    are used as buffers onto the address bus. (Note there appears to be a bug in the Atari diagram 
    – the second counter on IC B5 appears to be cascading itself! If you understand the diagram, 
    you should be able to spot the easy fix.) 
    Why is discrete hardware used to cycle round the address bus, when the CAT Box has its own 
    6502 processor, and can address all of the PCBs address space anyway? This is due to the way 
    that the signature checking works - see further on. 
    Start, Stop, Clock and Data Probes 
    The next part of the circuit is the Start, Stop, Clock and Data probe inputs, shown in Figure 3 
    and Figure 4.  
    Figure 3 Start, Stop and Clock Probes  
    Figure 4 Data Probe 
    Consider the case where you want to check the signature of a ROM that is still plugged into the 
    PCB. This IC will occupy a certain position in the address space of the PCB. When the 16-bit 
    address counter cycles through the address space, for a period, the ROM will be enabled and 
    then disabled. This will happen once per cycle of the counter.  
    When testing the signature, you would connect:  
    · Start and Stop probes to the Chip Enable line of the ROM.  
    · Clock probe to the clock signal used to clock the data in and out of the ROM. 
    · Data probe to one of the eight data lines of the ROM. (The Atari signature analysis only 
    works on 1 bit stream at a time, so eight are be required for a complete ROM.) 
    Note that the Data probe is also used as a logic probe by the CAT Box hardware through the 
    LM339 comparitors and the ‘0’ and ‘1’ LED’s. 
    Using D-Type latches, the Start and Stop probes control the Run/Stop signal that engages the 
    signature analysis calculation hardware. 
    We can see now why the processor cannot be used to address each location and and test 
    individually. Using the processor would involve using the address and data lines for the 
    instruction fetch & execute cycle, which would reset the Start and Stop part of the circuit, and 
    thus would confuse the signature. 
    Signature Analysis Calculation Hardware 
    Here, the 74LS193 counter is used to clock each piece of data collected by the Data probe (the 
    SRDATA signal) into the 74LS164 cascaded shift register signature ‘memory’. 
    Whilst the ROM under test is enabled the Start and Stop probes allow the LS193 counter to be 
    clocked by the Clock probe. This circuitry is shown in Figure 5.  
    Figure 5 Signature Loop 
    The data held in the shift register(s) is fed back through XOR gates together with the SRDATA 
    signal to create a new piece of data that is then shifted in to form a new signature. 
    At the end of each cycle (I guess) the processor reads the SIG0 to SIG15 lines which form a 
    16-bit (four hex digit) signature, and updates the seven-segment display on the CAT Box 
    control panel. Then, the SIG RST line would be used to reset the LS193 counter. 
    Signature Analysis Emulator 
    To prove my understanding of this theory, I knocked up a little program that emulates the 
    Signature Analysis bit of the CAT Box circuit. 
    OK, I know it’s not exactly MAME, but to my surprise, when I wrote it, it worked first time! (If 
    you’ve ever written a CRC checking program, you’ll know that they’re difficult to test, because 
    until you’ve got it right, the results are completely wrong, and offer no clues as to why.)  
    I used QBasic because: 
    1. Everyone has a copy of it somewhere so I can provide the source code and you can run it 
    and muck about with it if you want. (Credit my original though, please.) 
    2. It’s quite easy to understand. 
    3. I wrote the program in the middle of the desert (literally) and it’s all I had with me at the 
    This is shown in Table 1 Signature Analysis Emulation Program. Copy the code to a file, call it 
    ATARICRC.BAS or something, and open it with QBasic and run it with Shift and F5. 
    Table 1 Signature Analysis Emulation Program 
     Atari Signal Analysis for ROM Images Emulator Program 
     Written using Microsoft MS-DOS QBasic Version 1.1 
     Written by Phillip Eaton 1999-12-18 
                mailto:[email protected] 
                *Comments and feedback welcome & appreciated* 
     Program Description: 
       Uses software emulation of Cyclic Redundancy Check method as implemented 
       in Atari CATBOX hardware for checking integrity of game ROM images. 
     How to run: 
       From DOS, type QBASIC /RUN ATARICRC and press Return. 
       Whilst in QBasic, open this file and press Shift+F5. 
     Version 1.0 
       Initial Release 
     Declare Functions 
    DECLARE FUNCTION CRCBit& (Crc&, NewBit%) 
     Declare Global Constants 
    CONST FALSE = &H0 
     Main program starts here 
     Get filename and bit to test from user 
    INPUT Filename of ROM image ; Filename$ 
    IF Filename$ =  THEN Filename$ = centiped.210 
    INPUT Bit number (0 to 7) ; BitNumber% 
     Open the ROM image. Filenumber is used as a handle to the file. 
    PRINT File Length = $; HEX$(LOF(FILENUMBER%));  Bytes 
    PRINT Press a key to perform Signature Analysis: WHILE INKEY$ = : WEND 
     Loop for each of the data bytes in the file 
       i.e. at each address of the ROM image 
    FOR i% = 0 TO LOF(FILENUMBER%) - 1 
     Read the next character in the file 
    DataByteChar$ = INPUT$(1, FILENUMBER%) 
     Convert character to an integer number 
    DataByte% = ASC(DataByteChar$) 
     Signal analysis only checks 1 bit at a time, so mask out the others 
      and convert to a true or false 
    DataBit% = (2 ^ BitNumber% AND DataByte%)  0 
     Create a new CRC from old CRC and new data bit 
    Crc& = CRCBit&(Crc&, DataBit%) 
    PRINT Address = $; HEX$(i%); 
    PRINT   DataByte = ; HEX$(DataByte%); 
    PRINT   DataBit = ; DataBit%; 
    PRINT   New CRC = ; HEX$(Crc&) 
    NEXT i% 
    PRINT Signature = ; AtariHEX$(HEX$(Crc&)); 
     Description:  Recursive procedure to convert an ASCII representation of a 
                   hex number to Atari Sig Analysis format, where B,C,D,E,F are 
                   replaced by C,F,H,P,U. 
     Parameters:   Crc$ - ASCII representation of a hex number 
     Returns:      Crc$ with [BCDEF] characters changed to [CFHPU] 
    FUNCTION AtariHEX$ (Crc$) 
     Operation of this function is an exercise for the reader! 
    IF Crc$ =  THEN 
    AtariHEX$ = Crc$ 
    SELECT CASE LEFT$(Crc$, 1) 
    CASE IS = B 
    AtariHEX$ = C + AtariHEX$(RIGHT$(Crc$, LEN(Crc$) - 1)) 
    CASE IS = C 
    AtariHEX$ = F + AtariHEX$(RIGHT$(Crc$, LEN(Crc$) - 1)) 
    CASE IS = D 
    AtariHEX$ = H + AtariHEX$(RIGHT$(Crc$, LEN(Crc$) - 1)) 
    CASE IS = E 
    AtariHEX$ = P + AtariHEX$(RIGHT$(Crc$, LEN(Crc$) - 1)) 
    CASE IS = F 
    AtariHEX$ = U + AtariHEX$(RIGHT$(Crc$, LEN(Crc$) - 1)) 
    AtariHEX$ = LEFT$(Crc$, 1) + AtariHEX$(RIGHT$(Crc$, LEN(Crc$) - 1)) 
    END IF 
     Description:  Update given CRC & Bit using x15 + x11 + x8 + x6 polynomial 
                   Uses LONG, not INT because of left shift (see code) 
     Parameters:   CRC&    - Initial 16-bit CRC 
                   NewBit% - New data bit for updating CRC with 
     Returns:      Updated CRC 
    FUNCTION CRCBit& (Crc&, NewBit%) 
     Get the bits out of the initial CRC and convert to TRUE/FALSE 
    Bit6% = (Crc& AND &H40)  0 
    Bit8% = (Crc& AND &H100)  0 
    Bit11% = (Crc& AND &H800)  0 
    Bit15% = (Crc& AND &H8000)  0 
     Left shift the original CRC 
    Crc& = ((Crc& AND &H7FFF) * 2) 
     Add feedback into left-shifted CRC 
    IF (NewBit% XOR (Bit15% XOR (Bit11% XOR (Bit8% XOR Bit6%)))) THEN 
    Crc& = Crc& + 1 
    END IF 
     Return the new CRC 
    CRCBit& = Crc& 
    So you can test it, Figure 6 shows the codes used for Atari Centipede ROMS (These are 
    extracts from the Signature Analysis Guide to Centipede © 1981 Atari, Inc. document 
    reference TM-192.) I used CENTIPED.210 ROM image for all my tests, and the results show it 
    to be ROM3 (IC J1), as shown in the Figure. (You will need to use your own images.)  
    Figure 6 Centipede Signatures 
    Most of the circuit diagrams for Atari Games have signatures marked on them, but these are 
    usually just logic circuitry signatures, not for the ROM’s. I guess this is so the circuit diagrams 
    were not software dependent, which allowed them to modify the software without invalidating 
    the circuit diagrams that were already released. You’ll need to get your hands on the actual 
    Signature Analysis Guides (or at least the signatures) to check your test results. 
    Atari Signature Conversion Characters 
    Note that the signatures have characters in them that don’t look very hexadecimal. Don’t 
    worry – these are simply substituted for different characters for display by the CAT Box. 
    See the emulator code for the conversion – it’s very simple. I don’t know why these characters 
    are used instead of straight hex digits, but other manufacturers of test equipment of the time 
    did likewise, so it’s not just an Atari thing! 
    Other Processors and Different Manufacturers Boards 
    The Atari CAT Box and the signature analysis methods could be used on any manufacturer’s 
    hardware using the same processor – Atari made it simple for owners of their games by adding 
    a dedicated connection point on the side of their PCBs and providing the signatures from 
    known-working boards.  
    							 10Atari also produced some ‘pods’ which allowed the CAT Box’s 6502 to control Z80 and other 
    processor-based hardware. These were simple passive devices that were used to modify the 
    read/write control line format. This differs slightly between the different types of processor 
    used at the time. 
    My Dig Dug board, which has 3 Z80 processors, doesn’t even have the 50-way connector, so 
    the CAT Box needs to be connected through the processor socket. 
    If you wanted to use it on a non-Atari PCB, you would need to make a connector that would 
    attach your external circuitry in place of the processor in the same way as the Dig Dug PCB. 
    (You need to remove the processor anyway when using the CAT Box.) 
    Further Development 
    The CAT Box was designed when a 6502 was Hot Stuff, no one had a PC and RAM cost a 
    bomb. Through new technology, there is at least one development underway which will re-
    create and improve the functionality of the CAT Box. Watch this space… 
    Checkout the Atari CAT Box User Guide and loads of other test equipment info at Spies: 
    Get Lescot Thierry’s ROM-IDENTifier program: 
    © Phillip Eaton - ‘Support Your Hobby – Give something back!’  
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