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Asus Wireless Adapter WL-160N User Manual

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    ASUS WLAN Adapter21
    Chapter 3 - Software Reference
    Chapter 3
    Software Reference
    2.  A u t o m a t i c  G e n e r a t i o n  -  Ty p e  a  c o m b i n a t i o n  o f  u p  t o  6 4  l e t t e r s , 
    numbers,  or  symbols  in  the  Passphrase  box,  the  Wireless  Settings  Utility 
    automatically uses an algorithm to generate four WEP Keys.
    Select one as your Default Key
    The Default Key field allows you specify which of the four encryption keys is to 
    use  for  transmitting  data  over  wireless  LAN.  You  can  change  the  default  key 
    by clicking on the downward arrow, selecting the number of the key you want 
    to use, and clicking the “Apply” button. If the access point or station with which 
    you are communicating uses the identical key by the same sequence, you can 
    use any of the keys as the default on your WLAN Adapter.
    Click  the  “Apply”  button  after  you  have  created  the  encryption  keys,  the 
    Wireless Settings Utility uses asterisks to mask your keys.
    64/128bits versus 40/104bits
    There are two levels of WEP Encryption: 64 bits and 128 bits.
    Firstly,  64  bit  WEP  and  40  bit  WEP  are  the  same  encryption  method  and 
    can  interoperate  in  the  wireless  network.  This  lower  level  of  WEP  encryption 
    uses  a  40  bit  (10  Hex  character)  as  a  “secret  key”  (set  by  user),  and  a  24  bit  
    “Initialization Vector” (not under user control). This together makes 64 bits (40 + 
    24). Some vendors refer to this level of WEP as 40 bits and others refer to this 
    as  64  bits.  Our  Wireless  LAN  products  use  the  term  64  bits  when  referring  to 
    this lower level of encryption.
    Secondly, 104 bit WEP and 128 bit WEP are the same encryption method and 
    can  interoperate  in  the  wireless  network. This  higher  level  of  WEP  encryption 
    uses a 104 bit (26 Hex character) as a “secret key” (set by user), and a 24 bit  
    “Initialization  Vector”  (not  under  user  control).  This  together  makes  128  bits 
    (104  +  24).  Some  vendors  refer  to  this  level  of  WEP  as  104  bits  and  others 
    refer to this as 128 bits. Our Wireless LAN products use the term 128 bits when 
    referring to this higher level of encryption. 
    22ASUS WLAN Adapter
    Chapter 3 - Software Reference
    Chapter 3
    Software Reference
    Survey - Site Survey
    Use  the  Site  Survey  tab  to  view  statistics 
    on  the  wireless  networks  available  to  the 
    WLAN Adapter and their parameters. 
    • S S I D :  T h e  S S I D  o f  t h e  a v a i l a b l e 
    • Channel:  The  channel  used  by  each 
    Config - Authentication
    This tab allows you to set the security settings to match those of your AP. It is 
    configurable  only  if  you  have  set  Network Authentication  to  WPA  or  WPA2  in 
    Config-Encryption tab.
    Authentication Type
    T h e  a u t h e n t i c a t i o n  t y p e  m e t h o d s 
    PEAP:  PEAP  (Protected  Extensible 
    Authentication  Protocol)  authentication 
    is  a  version  of  Extensible Authentication 
    Protocol  (EAP).  EAP  ensures  mutual 
    authentication  between  a  wireless  client 
    and a server that resides at the network 
    operations center.
    TLS/Smart  Card: TLS  (Transport  Layer  Security)  authentication  is  used  to 
    create an encrypted tunnel and achieve server-side authentication in a manner 
    similar  to  Web  server  authentication  using  Secure  Sockets  Layer  (SSL) 
    protocol.  This  method  uses  digital  certificates  to  verify  the  identity  of  a  client 
    and server.
    TTLS: TTLS  authentication  uses  certificates  to  authenticate  the  server,  while 
    maintaining  similar  security  properties  to  TLS  such  as  mutual  authentication 
    and a shared confidentiality for session WEP key.
    LEAP: LEAP  (Light  Extensible  Authentication  Protocol)  authentication  is  a 
    version  of  Extensible  Authentication  Protocol  (EAP).  EAP  ensures  mutual 
    authentication  between  a  wireless  client  and  a  server  that  resides  at  the 
    network operations center.
    Md5-challenge:  Md5-challenge  is  a  one-way  encrypting  algorithm  that  uses 
    usernames  and  passwords. This  method  does  not  support  key  management, 
    but require a preset key. 
    ASUS WLAN Adapter23
    Chapter 3 - Software Reference
    Chapter 3
    Software Reference
    Search – To scan all available wireless networks and show the scan result in the  “Available Network” list.
    Connect  –  To  associate  with  a  network,  select  the  network  from  the  “Available Network” list and click this button.
    N O T E :  Some  a c c e s s  p o i n t s  m a y  disable  SSID  b r o a d c a s t  a n d  hide 
    themselves  from  “Site  Survey”  or  “Site  Monitor”,  however,  you  can 
    connect such AP if you know their SSID.  
    • RSSI: The Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI) transmitted by each 
    network. This information is helpful in determining which network to connect 
    to. The value is then normalized to a dBm value.
    • Security:  Wireless  network  encryption  information.  All  devices  in 
    the  network  should  use  the  same  encryption  method  to  ensure  the 
    • BSSID:  The  media  access  control  (MAC)  address  of  the  access  point  or 
    the Basic Service Set ID of the Ad Hoc node.
    About - Version Info
    Use  the  Version  Info  tab  to  view  program  and  WLAN  Adapter  version 
    information. The  program  version  information  field  includes  the  Copyright  and 
    utility version. The version information includes the NDIS version, driver name, 
    driver version and hardware version.
    This screen is an example only. Your version numbers 
    will be different from what are shown here. 
    24ASUS WLAN Adapter
    Chapter 3 - Software Reference
    Chapter 3
    Software Reference
    Link State
    WLAN Adapter  “Link  State”  icon  appears  on  the  left  side  of 
    the WLAN Adapter Settings. Use the icon to view the current 
    signal status.
    Exit Wireless Settings
    To exit Wireless Settings, you can click OK or Cancel. 
     Excellent Link Quality (Infrastructure)
     Good Link Quality (Infrastructure)
     Fair Link Quality (Infrastructure)
     Poor Link Quality (Infrastructure)
     Not linked (Infrastructure) 
    ASUS WLAN Adapter25
    Chapter 3 - Software Reference
    Chapter 3
    Software Reference
    Windows® XP Wireless Options
    The wireless options window shown below is only available for Windows® XP. 
    It  appears  when  you  run  the  Control  Center  utility  at  the  first  time.  Select  the 
    utility you want to use for configuring your WLAN Adapter. 
    Only use Windows wireless function 
    –  Only  use  Windows®  XP  Wireless 
    Zero Configuration service to configure 
    the WLAN Adapter.
    Only use our WLAN utilities and 
    disable XP wireless function  
    – Only use ASUS WLAN utilities to configure the WLAN Adapter. 
    Configuring with Windows® Wireless Zero Configuration service
    If  you  want  to  configure  your  WLAN  Adapter  via  Windows®  Wireless  Zero 
    Configuration (WZC) service, follow the instruction below to make the settings.
    2. A  window  prompts  out  asking  you  for 
    the  key  if  you  have  set  up  encryption 
    on your wireless router, input the keys 
    and  click Connect. The  connection  is 
    1.  Double-click  the  wireless  network  icon 
    on  the  task  bar  at  the  right  bottom 
    corner  of  the  desktop  to  view  available 
    networks.Select  the  AP  and  click 
    26ASUS WLAN Adapter
    Chapter 3 - Software Reference
    Chapter 3
    Software Reference
    To set up the wireless connection properties, right-click the wireless icon on the 
    taskbar  and  select Open  Network  Connection.  Then  right-click  the  network 
    connection icon and select Property to open the Wireless Network Connection 
    Status page.
    1. The General page shows status, duration, speed,  and  signal  strength.  The green b a r s  r e p r e s e n t s i g n a l  s t r e n g t h ,  w i t h  5 bars  indicating  excellent  signal  and  1  bar meaning poor signal.
    2. Select  “Wireless  Networks”  tab  to  show Preferred networks. Use the Add button to  add  the  “SSID”  of  available  networks and  set  the  connection  preference  order w i t h  t h e M o v e  u p  a n d M o v e  d o w n buttons.  The  radio  tower  with  a  signal icon  identifies  the  currently  connected access  point.  Click Properties  to  set  the authentication of the wireless connection. 
    ASUS WLAN Adapter27
    Chapter 3 - Software Reference
    Chapter 3
    Software Reference
    Windows® Vista Wireless Options
    If you want to configure your WLAN Adapter via Windows® Wireless Client 
    service, follow the instruction below to make the settings.
    2. A  window  prompts  out  asking  you  for  the key if you have set up encryption on your wireless  router,  input  the  keys  and  click Connect. The connection is complete.
    1 .  R i g h t - c l i c k  t h e  n e t w o r k  i c o n  o n  t h e t a s k  b a r  a t  t h e  r i g h t  b o t t o m  c o r n e r  o f t h e  d e s k t o p .  T h e n  s e l e c t C o n n e c t  t o a  network  to  view  available  networks. Select the AP and click Connect.
    To set up the wireless connection properties, 
    1. Right-click the network icon on the taskbar and select Network and sharing Center. 
    2.  Select Manage network connections from the prompt window. 
    3   Double click the wireless network connection icon to open the Wireless Network Connection 
    Status page.
    4 Click Properties to open the Property page from the Wireless Network Connection Status page.
    1.  The  General  page  shows  status,SSID, duration,  speed,  and  signal  strength.  The green bars represent signal strength, with 5  bars  indicating  excellent  signal  and  1 bar meaning poor signal.
    2. Click Properties from  the  Property  page to  set  the  authentication  of  the  wireless connection,. . 
    ASUS WLAN Adapter
    Chapter 4 - Troubleshooting
    Chapter 4
    4. Troubleshooting
    The  following  troubleshooting  guides  provide  answers  to  some  of  the  more 
    common  problems,  which  you  may  encounter  while  installing  or  using  WLAN 
    Adapter  products.  If  you  encounter  difficulties  that  are  not  mentioned  in  this 
    section, please contact the Wireless LAN Technical Support.
    Verify if the WLAN Adapter is installed correctly.
    When  the  WLAN  Adapter  setup  is  complete,  you  can  verify  if  the  driver  has 
    been  setup  properly.  Right  click My  Computer,  select Properties,  and  click 
    the Device  Manager tab. Then  double-click  the Network  adapters icon;  you 
    should see “802.11g Network Adapter” with an icon of an expansion adapter. 
    There  should  not  be  a  “!”  or  “?”  (problem)  or  “x”  (disabled)  symbol  over  this 
    There  is  a  yellow  exclamation  mark  or  a  yellow  question  mark  in 
    Device Manager in front of my WLAN Adapter.
    To  resolve  the  problem,  you  should  update/reinstall  the  WLAN Adapter  driver. 
    In “Device Manager”, right click 802.11g Network Adapter, select Properties, 
    and select Driver tab. Click on Update Driver button, then follow the “Update 
    Device Driver Wizard” to complete the driver installation. 
    Cannot connect to any access points
    Follow the procedure below to configure your WLAN Adapter.
    a.  Verify that the “Network Type” is in “Infrastructure” mode.
    b. Verify that the “SSID” of your WLAN Adapter is set to the same “SSID” 
    of an access point.
    c. Verify that the “Encryption” type is the same as that of an access point. 
    If  you  enabled  “WEP”  encryption,  you  must  also  set  the  same  WEP 
    Keys on both sides. 
    ASUS WLAN Adapter2
    Chapter 4 - Troubleshooting
    Chapter 4
    Cannot connect to a Station (WLAN Adapter)
    Follow the procedure below to configure your WLAN Adapter.
    a.  Verify that the “Network Type” is in “Ad Hoc” mode.
    b.  Verify  that  the  “SSID”  of  your  WLAN Adapter  is  set  to  the  same  “SSID”  of 
    the other station (or another WLAN Adapter).
    c.  Verify  that  the  “channel”  of  the  WLAN  Adapter  is  “Auto”  or  set  to  the 
    same “channel” of the other station (or another WLAN Adapter).
    d.  Verify that the “Encryption” type is the same as the other station (or another 
    WLAN Adapter).  If    “WEP”  encryption  is  enabled,  you  must  set  the  same  
    “WEP” Keys on both stations.
    Bad link quality or bad signal strength
    There  are  two  possible  reasons.  First  is  radio  interference,  keep  the 
    environment around the WLAN Adapter away from microwave ovens and large 
    metal  objects. Then  try  to  reorient  the  WLAN Adapter  antenna.  Second  is  the 
    distance, decrease the distance between your WLAN Adapter and the access 
    point or station (or another WLAN Adapter).
    The TCP/IP protocol did not bind to the WLAN PC Adapter.
    This will occur when the computer already has six TCP/IP bindings in Windows 
    98 or ten bindings in Windows Me. These limits are imposed by the Microsoft 
    operating system.
    Solution:  If  your  computer  already  has  the  maximum  number  of  TCP/IP 
    bindings, remove one of the network adapters from the Network configuration 
    before installing the WLAN Adapter driver. 
    30ASUS WLAN Adapter
    Chapter 5
    Chapter 5 - Glossary
    5.  Glossary
    Access Point (AP)
    A networking device that seamlessly connects wired and wireless networks. access points  combined  with  a  distributed  system  support  the  creation  of  multiple  radio cells that enable roaming throughout a facility.
    Ad Hoc
    A wireless network composed solely of stations within mutual communication range of each other (no access point).
    Basic Rate Set
    This option allows you to specify the data transmission rate.
    Basic Service Area (BSS)
    A set of stations controlled by a single coordination function.
    A  type  of  data  transmission  in  which  a  single  medium  (such  as  cable)  carries 
    several channels of data at once.
    An  instance  of  medium  use  for  the  purpose  of  passing  protocol  data  units  that may  be  used  simultaneously,  in  the  same  volume  of  space,  with  other  instances of  medium  use  (on  other  channels)  by  other  instances  of  the  same  physical  layer, with an acceptably low frame error ratio due to mutual interference.
    A client is the desktop or mobile PC that is connected to your network.
    COFDM (for 802.11a or 802.11g)
    Signal power alone is not enough to maintain 802.11b-like distances in an 802.11a/g  environment.  To  compensate,  a  new  physical-layer  encoding  technology  was designed  that  departs  from  the  traditional  direct-sequence  technology  being deployed  today.  This  technology  is  called  COFDM  (coded  OFDM).  COFDM  was developed  specifically  for  indoor  wireless  use  and  offers  performance  much superior  to  that  of  spread-spectrum  solutions.  COFDM  works  by  breaking  one high-speed  data  carrier  into  several  lower-speed  subcarriers,  which  are  then transmitted  in  parallel.  Each  high-speed  carrier  is  20  MHz  wide  and  is  broken up  into  52  subchannels,  each  approximately  300  KHz  wide.  COFDM  uses  48  of these  subchannels  for  data,  while  the  remaining  four  are  used  for  error  correction. COFDM  delivers  higher  data  rates  and  a  high  degree  of  multipath  reflection recovery, thanks to its encoding scheme and error correction. 
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