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Apple imac 20 inch early 2009 User Manual

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    							iMac (20-inch, Early/Mid 2009) Symptom Charts — Startup and Power 31 2010-11-24
    Burnt Smell/Odor
    Unlikely cause:  speakers, microphone, enclosure
    Quick Check
    SymptomsQuick Check
    Burnt Smell/Odor
    •  Burning smell
    •  Unusual odor
    1.  Verify source of smell/odor is emanating from the 
    2.  If system is new refer to KBase article 
    for information on new computer odors.
    3.   Disconnect all third-party devices and confirm 
    whether the odor is being generated by the 
    4.  Inspect air intake and air outlets for obstructions. 
    To prevent overheating make sure there 
    is sufficient clearance to allow air to flow 
    unobstructed into and out of the system.
    5.   Verify whether system is functional.
    Deep Dive
    Check ResultAction Code
    1.   Verify whether the source of 
    the odor can be identified 
    by visually inspecting  each 
    module and its associated 
    cables for signs of burned or 
    damaged components,  smoke 
    residue, burned traces, or 
    melted or damaged wiring, Yes
    Replace affected module(s). 
    Go to step 2 P08
    No Unable to locate source of 
    odor. Go to step 3.
    2.  Disconnect all third-party 
    devices and cables. Power ON 
    system and verify whether 
    smoke or strong odor returns. Yes
    Power down system 
    immediately. Go to step 3.
    No System functions correctly. 
    Verify system functionality 
    with third-party devices and 
    cables and return system 
    to user if problem has been 
    resolved. Consult third-party 
    companies as needed for 
    issues with those products.  
    							iMac (20-inch, Early/Mid 2009) Symptom Charts — Startup and Power 32 2010-11-24
    3.  Can the source of the odor be 
    located using nose?  Yes
    Replace affect module(s) and 
    retest system.  P08
    No Contact Apple for assistance 
    if you feel that there is a 
    possible safety issue with the 
    computer that has not been 
    resolved in the previous steps.
    Uncategorized Symptoms
    Quick Check
    Symptoms Quick Check
    Uncategorized Symptoms
    •  Unable to locate appropriate 
    symptom code.
    1.  Make sure system is plugged into a known-good 
    2.  Listen for boot chime, fan, optical drive, or hard 
    drive noise which indicates system is powering 
    up. If noise is heard, go to Won’t Start Up. If no 
    noise is heard go to No Power, Dead Unit.
    3.   Attempt to boot from Install DVD to isolate 
    possible software issues.
    Deep Dive
    Check ResultAction Code
    1.   Verify whether existing 
    symptom code applies to the 
    issue reported by the user. Yes
    Jump to appropriate 
    symptom code flow.
    Document reported failure 
    and send feedback to 
    [email protected] 
    stating that a suitable 
    symptom code wasn’t found. 
    Provide as much detail as 
    possible. N99  
    							iMac (20-inch, Early/Mid 2009) Symptom Charts — Display 33 2010-11-24
    Backlight Issue/No Backlight
    Unlikely cause:  hard drive, optical drive, speakers, camera, microphone
    Quick Check
    SymptomsQuick Check
    Backlight Issue/No Backlight
    •  No image
    •  Partial backlight failure
    •  Backlight flickers
    •  Display dim
    1.  Check System Preferences > Displays > Brightness 
    control setting is above minimum.
    2.  For no-image issues connect an external 
    display to verify whether iMac video circuitry is 
    functioning. Go to No Video if no image is visible 
    on external display.
    Deep Dive
    Check ResultAction Code
    1.   Verify boot chime present and 
    fans running when system 
    powered ON. (Reset SMC and 
    clear PRAM if necessary for 
    proper boot up.)  Yes
    Power ON self test OK. Boot 
    sequence started. Go to step 
    Go to Won’t Start Up.
    2.  Verify whether image is visible 
    on LCD panel. Yes
    Video present. Verify system 
    functionality and return to 
    user or jump to appropriate 
    troubleshooting flow.
    No Go to step 3.
    3.   Connect supported external 
    display. Verify whether image 
    appears on external display 
    when system is booted. Yes
    External display detected by 
    system. Video circuitry on 
    logic board functional.  
    Go to step 4.
    Go to No Video.
    4.  Verify if LCD backlight is ON 
    by looking for faint glow 
    from display when viewed in 
    darkened room with brightness 
    set at maximum. Yes
    Internal LCD panel backlight 
    is functioning.  Go to step 6.
    No Go to step 5.  
    							iMac (20-inch, Early/Mid 2009) Symptom Charts — Display 34 2010-11-24
    5.  Shine bright (low heat) 
    flashlight onto the front of the 
    LCD. With the system powered 
    ON verify whether a faint image 
    is visible. Yes
    LCD panel functional but 
    backlight is not ON.  Inspect 
    and reseat four backlight bulb 
    connectors connecting LCD 
    panel to inverter, and inverter 
    connection to logic board.  
    Go to step 6.
    No No image or backlight.  
    Go to step 7.
    6.  Power ON system. Verify 
    whether image is visible on 
    LCD panel. Yes
    Issue resolved by cable reseat. 
    Return computer to user. M24
    No Replace inverter. Retest. Go to 
    step 7 if issue is still present. L03
    7.   Remove screws securing LCD 
    panel and inspect LVDS cable 
    and connections for damage. 
    Reinstall. Power ON system. 
    Verify whether image is visible 
    on LCD display. Yes
    Issue cause by loose LVDS 
    connection. Verify system 
    functionality and return 
    system to user. M24
    No Connecting external display 
    in earlier step confirmed that 
    logic board video circuitry 
    is functioning. Replace LVDS 
    cable first, then LCD panel if 
    the issue persists. Retest. L03  
    							iMac (20-inch, Early/Mid 2009) Symptom Charts — Display 35 2010-11-24
    Noise / Unstable Flickering
    Unlikely cause:  camera, microphone
    Quick Check
    SymptomsQuick Check
    Noise / Unstable Flickering
    •  Unstable image
    •  Flickering image
    •  Humming noise from display
    •  High frequency noise from 
    display 1.
      Verify that intake vent on the bottom of the 
    system is not obstructed.
    2.  Inspect system for 3rd party software that is 
    being used to set fan speeds to a higher than 
    normal RPM. Some users may use this software 
    to monitor and control internal temperatures 
    potentially causing higher fan speeds to generate 
    higher than expected noise levels.
    Deep Dive
    Check ResultAction Code
    1.   Verify if user issue is due to  
    flickering or an unstable image 
    on the LCD. Yes
    Suspected flickering issue, go 
    to step 2.
    No For audible noise issues go to 
    step 8. All other issues go to 
    appropriate symptom flow.
    2.  Connect a supported external 
    display to the DisplayPort. 
    Verify whether issue occurs 
    with external display. Yes
    Suspect issue with video 
    circuitry. Go to Corrupted 
    No Video circuitry OK. Go to step 
    3.   Disconnect and carefully 
    inspect the LVDS and backlight 
    bulb connections for signs of 
    damage, corrosion, or pinched 
    wires. Were any problems 
    observed? Yes
    Replace damaged cable(s) 
    where needed, otherwise 
    reattach connectors. Retest. L06
    No Go to step 4.
    4.  Power ON system and verify 
    whether the issue still occurs. Yes
    If connections are secure and 
    the display is still flickering, 
    go to step 5.
    No Issue was caused by a poor 
    connection between display 
    and logic board or inverter. 
    Return computer to user.  
    							iMac (20-inch, Early/Mid 2009) Symptom Charts — Display 36 2010-11-24
    5.  Shine bright (low heat) 
    flashlight into the front of the 
    LCD. Verify if an image is being 
    displayed when flickering issue 
    is occurring. Yes
    Image present but backlight 
    is flickering. Replace inverter 
    then retest. L06
    No Replace LCD panel then 
    retest. L06
    6.  Verify whether noise varies 
    when adjusting the brightness 
    level up and down. Yes
    Noise appears to be 
    generated by the LCD panel 
    or backlight circuitry. Go to 
    step 7.
    Noise is from another source. 
    Go to Noise/Hum/Vibration.
    7.   Verify whether noise can be 
    heard when computer is set 
    up with user seated in normal 
    user position. Adjusting the 
    brightness level up and down 
    may be necessary to recreate 
    the issue.  Yes
    Replace inverter. Go to step 8. L06
    No Noises that are not audible 
    from the normal user position 
    are considered acceptable. 
    Return computer to user.
    8.  Verify whether noise is still 
    present.  Yes
    Replace LCD display. Retest. L06
    No Noise issue resolved. Return 
    computer to user. L06  
    							iMac (20-inch, Early/Mid 2009) Symptom Charts — Display 37 2010-11-24
    LCD Image Issues
    Unlikely cause:  power supply, hard drive, optical drive, fans, speakers, camera, microphone
    Quick Check
    SymptomQuick Check
    LCD Issues
    •  Incorrect/missing colors
    •  Distorted/blurred image
    •  Pixel anomalies
    •  Vertical/horizontal lines 
    •  Non-uniform brightness 1.
      Allow display to reach normal operating 
    temperature for about 15 minutes before 
    evaluating front-of-screen performance.
    2.  Check display preferences for use of custom 
    display profile.
    3.   Check brightness setting.
    4.  Clean glass panel while checking for dust/debris.
    Deep Dive: General
    Check ResultAction Code
    1.   Verify if issue is incorrect/
    missing colors. Yes
    Go to incorrect/missing 
    No Go to step 2.
    2.  Verify if issue is distorted/
    blurred image. Yes
    Go to distorted/blurred 
    No Go to step 3.
    3.   Verify if issue is bright or dark 
    pixel anomalies. Yes
    Go to pixel anomalies
    No Go to step 4.
    4.  Verify if issue is vertical or 
    horizontal lines.  Yes
    Go to vertical/horizontal 
    No Go to step 5.
    5.   Verify if issue is non-uniform 
    brightness.  Yes
    Go to non-uniform 
    No LCD functioning OK.  Return 
    to appropriate symptom chart 
    if user issue is still present.  
    							iMac (20-inch, Early/Mid 2009) Symptom Charts — Display 38 2010-11-24
    Incorrect/Missing Colors
    Unlikely cause:  power supply, hard drive, optical drive, fans, speakers, camera, microphone
    Quick Check
    SymptomsQuick Check
    Incorrect/Missing Colors
    •  Wrong color display
    •  Color/contrast issues 1.
      Allow display to reach normal operating 
    temperature for about 15 minutes before 
    evaluating front-of-screen performance.
    2.  Verify that System Preferences/Display settings 
    are configured to use the default display profile. 
    3.   Verify System Preferences/Universal Access/ 
    Display “Enhance contrast”, “Use grayscale”, and 
    “Black on White/White on Black” settings are set 
    to defaults.
    Deep Dive
    Check ResultAction Code
    1.   Verify system has been warmed 
    up for ~15 minutes to stabilize 
    backlight before continuing. Yes
    Go to step 2.
    No Allow system to warm up for 
    approximately 15 minutes 
    then go to step 2.
    2.  Verify that the LVDS and 
    backlight connections between 
    the logic board and LCD are 
    secure.  Yes
    Go to step 3.
    No Reseat connections, replace 
    damaged cable(s) if needed. 
    Retest. L14
    3.   Set desktop pattern in system 
    preferences to ‘Solid Gray Light’. 
    Verify if incorrect/missing color 
    issue affects entire display. Yes
    Suspect poor video 
    connection. Replace LVDS 
    cable. L14
    No Go to step 4.
    4.  Set up display under test side 
    by side with another known-
    good display showing the 
    same image. Verify if issue is 
    noticeably worse on the display 
    being tested.  Yes
    Replace LCD panel. L02
    No Small variations in color 
    uniformity across display are 
    normal and do not warrant 
    replacement or repair of the 
    display. Return computer to 
    							iMac (20-inch, Early/Mid 2009) Symptom Charts — Display 39 2010-11-24
    Distorted/Blurred Image
    Unlikely cause:  power supply, hard drive, optical drive, fans, speakers, camera, microphone
    Quick Check
    SymptomsQuick Check
    Distorted/Blurred Image
    •  Text and graphics appear fuzzy
    •  Image corrupted 1.
      Set System Preferences/Display LCD panel to 
    native resolution. Non-native resolutions are 
    unable to produce optimal clarity.
    2.  Clean outside surface of glass panel using 
    provided cleaning cloth.
    3.   Boot from install DVD to determine whether 
    potential software issue exists.
    Deep Dive
    Check ResultAction Code
    1.   Boot from Install DVD and 
    verify whether issue is still 
    visible. Yes
    Go to step 2.
    No Issue likely caused by 
    software or driver issue. 
    Troubleshoot for software 
    issues. Make sure all software 
    updates have been installed.
    2.  Verify whether issue is visible 
    on an external display attached 
    to the DisplayPort. Yes
    Issue is NOT caused by 
    internal LCD panel.  
    Go to step 3.
    No Go to step 5.
    3.   Remove logic board, inspect 
    connectors for damage or 
    corrosion then reinstall. Verify 
    whether issue still occurs. Yes
    Replace logic board.  
    Go to step 4. M04
    No Issue likely caused by poor 
    connection. Return computer 
    to user. M04
    4.  Verify whether issue is still 
    present with replacement logic 
    board installed. Yes
    Return to step 1 and retest. X04
    No Issue resolved with 
    replacement logic board. 
    Return computer to user. M04  
    							iMac (20-inch, Early/Mid 2009) Symptom Charts — Display 40 2010-11-24
    5.  Remove LVDS cable from LCD 
    panel and logic board and 
    carefully verify whether there 
    is damage to the cable or 
    connectors.  Yes
    Replace LVDS cable.
    No Reinstall LVDS cable.  
    Go to step 6.
    6.  Verify whether issue is still 
    visible after reinstalling LVDS 
    cable. Yes
    Replace LCD panel.  
    Go to step 7.
    No Issue resolved with 
    replacement logic board. 
    Return computer to user. M04
    7.   Verify whether issue is still 
    present with replacement LCD 
    panel installed. Yes
    Return to step 1 and retest.
    No Issue resolved with 
    replacement LCD panel. 
    Return computer to user. L04  
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