AOR Ultra Wide Band Reciever Instructions Manual
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60 pass filter setting (AUTO / 50Hz / 200Hz / 300 Hz or 400Hz). Push the ENT key to accept the data and return to a standard display. Alternatively, push the ESC key to abort entry. Or, push the down arrow key to move to the next item on the configuration menu (LPF). 6-13-2 Configure audio LPF (low pass filter) The audio low pass filter is useful to cut off high tones (allowing low tones to pass) to improve intelligibility of weak signals in close proximity to adjacent interference and to remove hiss making listening for extended periods easier on the ears. There are four available pass frequencies: 3KHz, 4KHz, 6KHz and 12KHz. The lower the frequency the more limited the audio bandwidth. For highest fidelity for listening, select 12.0KHz. The filter selection can be set to automode to select the proper filter setting automatically. The default is AUTO. To access the configuration menu, push the FUNC key and then push the 7 key. Push the down arrow key to move the cursor to “LPF” selection point. This menu is to configure the low pass filter. Use the main tuning dial or the right arrow key or the left arrow key to select the desired high pass filter setting (AUTO / 3KHz / 4KHz / 6KHz or 12KHz). Push the ENT key to accept the data and return to a standard display. Alternatively, push the ESC key to abort entry. Or, push the down arrow key to move to the next item on the configuration menu (De-Emphasis). 6-14 Configure Audio De-emphasis This is really only applicable to FM mode and affects the sharpness of recovered audio.

61 The FM transmission in different world areas have been different defaults for de-emphasis. For example, a value of 759 is selected in Europe, the recovered audio will sound very muffled. The available range is as follows: THRU, 25uS, 50uS, 75uS, and 750uS The audio de-emphasis can be set to automode to select the proper setting automatically. The default is AUTO. To access the configuration menu, push the FUNC key and then push the 7 key. Push the down arrow key to move the cursor to “De-Emphasis” selection point. This menu is to configure the audio de-emphasis. Use the main tuning dial or the right arrow key or the left arrow key to select the desired de-emphasis setting (AUTO / THRU / 25uS / 75uS or 750uS). Push the ENT key to accept the data and return to a standard display. Alternatively, push the ESC key to abort entry. Or, push the down arrow key to move to the next item on the configuration menu (PRIO-CH). 6-15 Configure PRIO-CH (Priority Channel) The priority function enables you to carry on scanning, searching or monitoring while the AR-ONE checks a selected frequency for activity (taken from one of the 1,000 memory channels periodically). The priority checking is accomplished by momentarily tuning the receive circuit to the priority frequency to see if it is active. If the activity is found, the AR-ONE will remain on the active frequency until the signal disappears. If no activity is detected, the receiver returns to the VFO frequency, scan channel or search bank from where it originated. The priority function has a large number of applications and is particularly useful for

62 keeping an eye on a distress frequency while scanning or searching another frequency band. Note: Depending upon the frequency and mode stored as priority, an audible click may be heard when the priority function is in operation. This is quite normal and is caused by the internal switching of circuitry necessary to accomplish the frequency change (as two frequencies cannot simultaneously be monitored). 6-15-1 Engaging Priority channel Once engaged, the frequency is checked for activity periodically by the preset period that is set by the configuration menu. To engage the priority function, push the FUNC key and then push the 7 key. Push the down arrow key to move the cursor to “PRIO-CH” selection point. This menu is to configure the priority channel. Use the main tuning dial or the right arrow key or the left arrow key to select the desired priority channel. Push the downward key to select the time interval. Use the main tuning dial or the right arrow key or the left arrow key to select the desired time interval for the priority channel. Push the ENT key to accept data and return to a standard display. Alternatively, push the ESC key to abort entry.

63 Or, push the down arrow key to move to the next item on the configuration menu (IF output). 6-16 Configure IF output frequency The function enables you to tap the 2nd IF signal (10.7MHz) or the 3rd IF signal (455KHz) from the BNC (marked as 10.7MHz) type connector on the rear panel. The 10.7MHz of the 2 nd IF signal is to be used with an optional SDU5500 or SDU5600 spectrum display unit for signal analysis. The bandwidth at 10.7 MHz is +/- 5 MHz from the center frequency (10 MHz total). 6-16-1 Selecting IF output frequency To engage the priority function, push the FUNC key and then push the 7 key. Push the down arrow key to move the cursor to “IF out SEL” selection point. This menu is to select the IF output frequency. Use the main tuning dial or the right arrow key or the left arrow key to select the desired IF output frequency. Push the ENT key to accept data and return to a standard display. Alternatively, push the ESC key to abort entry. Or, push the down arrow key to move to the next item on the configuration menu (Reference Signal). 6-17 Configure reference signal source

64 The function enables you to select the reference signal of the receiver. The AR-ONE has built-in a stable reference oscillator, however, an external high stability 10 MHz reference (such as off-air atomic coupled) can be accepted from the SMA connector (marked as 10 MHz IN) on the rear panel of the AR-ONE. Push the down arrow key to move the cursor to “REF SEL” selection point. Use the main tuning dial or the right arrow key or the left arrow key to select the desired reference signal source (internal or external). The default is INT. Push the ENT key to accept data and return to a standard display. Alternatively, push the ESC key to abort entry. This completes the configuration settings. 7 Computer control Connect the AR-ONE to one of the serial port of a computer using an RS-232C cable terminated in a 9-pin plug. The RS-232C parameters may be defined using the OCNFIGURATION menu. Baud rates (data transfer speed) may be set to 4800 or 9600 bps. It is also possible to set an ‘address’ to facilitate connection of up to 99 AR-ONE to a single port for custom operation, the addresses may be set between the limits of 01 to 99 with 00 representing single radio operation. 7-1 How to send an RS-232C command Each command comprises of two upper case letters (header) along with operations as required. All command use ASCII code which MUST BE IN UPPER CASE (except for the up arrow key, down arrow key, right arrow key, left arrow key and remote ID command (^A) which are non-printable and use the control codes of ASCII). A terminal program running on a computer should be set to: Baud rate: 4800 or 9600 bps (this should match the AR-ONE) DATA BIT: 8 STOP BIT: 2

65 PARITY: NONE XFLOW: ONE A multiple command entry is only valid where specified. Where a multiple command entry is allowed, each command MUST be separated with a space “h20” (HEX DECIMAL). Each command is completed and a [CR] or [CR][LF]. Although there is no local echo, either [CR] or specified response should come back from the receiver after confirming the correct command. If no response has been gained after a short while, the receiver has failed to receive the command properly. Send a [CR] then re-send the command. Should problem persist, check your connections and try reducing the RS-232C baud rate. 7-2 Power on the AR-ONE Connect an RS-232C cable between the AR-ONE and a PC, type any key to power up the AR-ONE. 7-3 Detailed RS-232C command listing of the AR-ONE X Power on x: any key to power on the AR-ONE QP Power off Power off ^Ann Remote ON Hex value 0x01 Accept a value nn in the range of 00-99 for remote connection EX Remote off Remote off IDnn Remote ID To set: IDnn nn: 00-99 To read:ID 7-3-1 RX MODE Vx Select VFO To set: Vx x:A – J (default :A) MRmnn Memory mode m: 0 – 9 (memory bank) n: 00 – 99 (memory channel) (default: 000) MSm Memory scan mode m: 0 – 9 (memory bank) (default: 000) SM Memory select mode SSmm Search mode mm: 01 – 40 (search bank) (default: 01)

66 To read: RX Response: Memory manual mode MR MXmnn RFnnnnnnnnnn STnnnnnn Aun MDn BWn ATn AMn TMxxxxxxxx Memory scan mode MS MXmnn RFnnnnnnnnnn STnnnnnn Aun MDn BWn ATn Amn TMxxxxxxxx Memory select mode SM MXmnn RFnnnnnnnnnn STnnnnnn Aun MDn BWn Atn Amn TMxxxxxxxx Search mode SSmm RFnnnnnnnnnn STnnnnnn Aun MDn BWn Atn Amn TTxxxxxxxx VFO mode Vx RFnnnnnnnnnn STnnnnnn Aun MDn BWn Atn Amn (default: VFO-A) 7-3-2 FREQUENCY RF RFnnnnnnnnnn (entry in Hz format) (VFO mode only) RF RFnn.nn (entry in MHz format) (VFO mode only) Vx Vx nnnnnnnnnn (entry in Hz format) x: A – J (VFO) To read: RF Response: RFnnnnnnnnnn (Hz) 7-3-3 STEP FREQUENCY ST STnnnnnn (entry in Hz format) (not available in search mode) ST STnn.nn (entry in KHz format) (not available in search mode) ST STnn …nn (entry in KHz format) (not available in search mode) To read: ST Response: STnnnnnn (Hz) 7-3-4 AUTO MODE AU AUn n: 0 Auto mode off n: 1 Auto mode on

67 To read: AU Response: AUn 7-3-5 OPERATION MODE MDn (n: 0 - 6) Auto mode will be disabled by this command n=0 FM (BW=16KHz,HPF=50Hz,LPF=3KHz,De-emphasis=750uS) n=1 AM (BW=6KHz, HPF=50Hz, LPF=3KHz, De-emphasis=THRU) n=2 CW (BW=0.5KHz, HPF=50Hz, LPF=3KHz, De-emphasis=THRU) n=3 USB (BW=3KHz, HPF=50Hz, LPF=3KHz, De-emphasis=THRU) n=4 LSB (BW=3KHz, HPF=50Hz, LPF=3KHz, De-emphasis=THRU) n=5 WFM (BW=200KHz, HPF=50Hz, LPF=12KHz, De-emphasis=75uS) MD n=6 NFM (BW=8.5KHz, HPF=50Hz, LPF=3KHz, De-emphasis=750uS) To read: MD Response: MDn 7-3-6 BAND WIDTH BWn (n: 0 – 6) Auto mode will be disabled by this command n=0 0.5KHz n=1 3.0KHz n=2 6.0KHz n=3 8.5KHz n=4 16KHz n=5 30KHz n=6 100KHz n=7 200KHz n=8 300KHz BW n=9 5MHz To read: BW Response: BWn 7-3-7 HPF (High Pass Filter) HPn (n: 0 – 3 & F) Auto mode will be disabled by this command n=0 50Hz n=1 200Hz HP n=2 300Hz

68 n=3 400Hz n=F AUTO To read: HP Response: HPn 7-3-8 LPF (Low Pass Filter) LPn (n: 0 – 3 & F) Auto mode will be disabled by this command n=0 3KHz n=1 4KHz n=2 6KHz n=3 12KHz LP n=F AUTO To read: LP Response: LPn 7-3-9 AGC (Automatic Gain Control) ACn (n: 0 – 2) n=0 AGC - OFF n=1 AGC - FAST n=2 AGC - SLOW AC n=3 AGC - MIDDLE To read: AC Response: ACn 7-3-10 DE-EMPHASIS EN ENn (n: 0 – 5) Auto mode will be disabled by this command n=0 25uS n=1 50uS n=2 75uS n=3 750uS n=4 THRU n=5 AUTO To read: EN Response: ENn or ENmn (m=5, AUTO)

69 7-3-11 RF ATT (Attenuator) AT ATn (n: 0 –3) n=0 0dB n=1 10dB n=2 20dB n=3 AUTO To read: AT Response: AT n 7-3-12 RF AMP (Amplifier) AMn (n: 0 – 2) n=0 RF AMP OFF n=1 RF AMP ON AM n=2 RF AMP AUTO To read: AM Response: AMn 7-3-13 BFO FREQ (Beat Frequency Oscillator Frequency) BF BF +/-nnnn (nnnn: 0000 - +/- 3000Hz) Available in CW, LSB, USB mode only Default: CW +800Hz USB +1500Hz LSB -1500Hz To read: BF Response BF +/-nnnn 7-3-14 N – SQ (Noise Squelch) THRESHOLD RQ RQnnn (nnn: 000 – 255) Default: 000 (OFF) To read: RQ Response: RQ nnn 7-3-15 L – SQ (Level Squelch) DB DBnnn (nnn: 000 – 255) Default: 000 (OFF) To read: DB Response: DB nnn