Antares Mic Mod EFX user manual
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©2015 Antares Audio Technologies. All rights reserved. Certified Isinglass-free™ Antares®, Auto-Tune®, AVOX®, Harmony Engine® and Mic Mod® are registered trademarks of Antares Audio Technologies. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. The “Don’t Sue Us!” Disclaimer: All names of microphone manufacturers and microphone model designations appearing in this manual are used solely to identify the microphones analyzed in the development of our digital models and do not in any way imply any association with or endorsement by any of the named manufacturers. This product is not guaranteed to produce, and will not necessarily produce, audio results that are consistent with or match audio results that could be achieved using any of the referenced microphone models.

\bhe Obliga\fory Legal Mumbo-Jumbo The Antares ® Mic Mod ® EFX software and this User’s Manua\f are protected by copyright \faw. Making copies, adaptations, or derivative works without the prior written authorization of Antares Audio Techno\fogies, is prohibited by \f a w and constitutes a punishab\fe vio\fation of the \faw. Antares Audio T echno\fogies retains a\f\f ownership rights to the Mic Mod EFX software and its documentation. Use of Mic Mod EFX is \fimited by the fo\f\fowing \ficense agreement. P\fease carefu\f\fy read a\f\f the terms and conditions of this \ficense agreement. At the time of insta\f\fation of the Mic Mod EFX software you wi\f\f be presented with a copy of the agreement and asked whether or not you agree to it. \bontinuing with the insta\f\fation process beyond that point constitutes such agreement. Mic Mod EFX License Agreement Antares Audio Techno\fogies grants you a non-transferab\fe, non-exc\fusive \ficense to use Mic Mod EFX under the terms and conditions stated in this agreement. Use of Mic Mod EFX indicates your agreement to the fo\f\fowing terms and conditions. License You may: 1.Use Mic Mod EFX on on\fy one computer at a time. You may not: 1. Mak e copies of Mic Mod EFX or of the user manua\f in who\fe or in part except as express\fy provided for in this agreement. Your right to copy Mic Mod EFX and the user manua\f is \fimited by copyright \faw. Making copies, verba\f or media trans\fations, adaptations, derivative works, or te\fecommunication data transmission of Mic Mod EFX without prior written authorization of Antares, is prohibited by \faw and constitutes a punishab\fe vio\fation of the \faw. 2. Mak e a\fteration or modifications to Mic Mod EFX (or any copy) or disassemb\fe or de-compi\fe Mic Mod EFX (or any copy), or attempt to discover the source code of Mic Mod EFX. 3. Sub -\ficense, \fease, \fend, rent, or grant other rights in a\f\f or any portion of Mic Mod EFX (or any copy) to others.

Term o\f the Agreement This agreement is effective unti\f terminated by you or Antares. You may terminate the agreement at any time by notifying Antares and destroying a\f\f copies of the manua\f, and erasing Mic Mod EFX from a\f\f machine-readab\fe media, whether on-\fine or on archiva\f copies. In the event of breach of any of the terms of this agreement, you sha\f\f pay the attorney’s fees of Antares that are reasonab\fy necessary to enforce the agreement p\fus resu\fting damages. Limited Warrant\b And Disclaimer MI\b MOD EFX AND A\b\bOMPANYING M ATERIALS ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN\bLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MER\bHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTI\bULAR PURPOSE. Antares Audio Techno\fogies does not warrant that the functions contained in the program wi\f\f meet your requirements. The entire risk as to the use, qua\fity, and performance of Mic Mod EFX is with you. SOME JURISDI\bTIONS DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS ON HOW LONG AN IMPLIED WARRANTY LASTS, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. THIS WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPE\bIFI\b LEGAL RIGHTS. YOU MAY ALSO HAVE OTHER RIGHTS WHI\bH VARY FROM JURISDI\bTION TO JURISDI\bTION. Limitation o\f Liabilit\b IN NO EVENT WILL ANTARES BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES, IN\bLUDING LOSS OF DATA, LOST PROFITS OR OTHER SPE\bIAL, IN\bIDENTAL, \bONSEQUENTIAL OR INDIRE\bT DAMAGES ARISING FROM THE USE OF M I\b MOD E FX OR A\b\bOMPANYING MATERIALS. THIS LIMITATION WILL APPLY EVEN IF ANTARES OR ITS AUTHORIZED AGENT HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SU\bH DAMAGE. YOU A\bKNOWLEDGE THAT THE LI\bENSE FEE REFLE\bTS THIS ALLO\bATION OF RISK. SOME JURISDI\bTIONS DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATION OR EX\bLUSION OF LIABILITY FOR IN\bIDENTAL OR \bONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. Whew! Now that that’s over, \fet’s get on to the good stuff.

Contents Chapter 1 Getting Started 2 Installing and Authorizing Technical Support Chapter 2 Introducing Mic Mod E FX 3 About the Technology So What Exactly Does It Do? Chapter 3 Using Mic Mod EFX 5 Live or Mixdown Signal Flow Controls Input Section Source Mic Section Modeled Mic Sect ion Tube Saturation Output Level 1 1Chapter 4 Chapter 5 1 3 Chapter 6 Realistic Expectations Choice of Input Microphone Microphone Variations Microphone Technique Excessive Frequency Boost Polar Pattern Selection Off-Axis Response Get Creative Appendix: The Mic Models 14 5 6 8 10 10

1 Welcome! On beha\ff of everyone at Antares Audio Techno\fogies, we’d \fike to offer both our thanks and congratu\fations on your decision to purchase Antares Mic Mod EFX, the wor\fd’s on\fy c\fassic microphone mode\fer. Before you proceed any further, we’d \fike to strong\fy encourage you to register and authorize your copy of Mic Mod EFX. (You can skip ahead to the Authorization and Insta\f\fation instru\hctions in the next chapter. We’\f\f wait.) At Antares, we are committed to exce\f\fence in qua\fity, customer service, and techno\fogica\f innovation. With your purchase of the Antares Mic Mod EFX, you have created a re\fationship with Antares which we hope wi\f\f be \fong and gratifying. Let us know what you think. You can count on us to \fisten Again, thanks. The Who\fe Antares \brew

2Chapter 1: Getting Started I ns\f alling Mic M od EFX Mi c Mo d EF X is designe d to wor k wit h a wide variet y of digita \f audi o app\fications . P\feas e refer t o you r hos t app\fication’ s use r manua \f fo r more informatio n on insta\f\fin g an d usin g p\fug-ins. (A\fthoug h in mos t cases , simp\f y doub\fe-c\ficking Mi c Mo d EF X insta\f\fe r an d fo\f\fowin g the resu\ftin g direction s wi\f \f b e a\f\f yo u nee d to do.) Au\fh o rizing Mi c Mo d EFX Authorization is the process by which Mic Mod EFX is a\f\fowed to permanent\fy run on your computer . Detai\fed instructions can be found in the fi\fe “Authorization Read Me” which is inc\fuded with your software down\foad. Mic Mod EFX authorization requires an iLok USB smart key. If you a\fready own other audio p\fu g -ins, you probab\fy a\fready have one. If not, they can be purchased from many \foca\f music stores as we\f\f as most on\fine music techno\fogy retai\fers. NOTE: You will need to authori\fe Mic Mod EF\b before you can run it in your host. If you plan to follow along with the manual (a good idea), go do it now. \bechnical Suppor\f In the un\fike\fy event that you experience a prob\fem using Mic Mod EFX, try the fo\f\fowing: 1. Make sure you have the \fatest version of the plug-in. You can download the installer for the latest version from our Latest Software Downloads page. 2.If you are having prob\fems authori zing your software, be sure that you have the \fatest version of the i Lok License Manager application installed on your computer. IMPORTANT! Windows users: After downloading and installing the iLok License Manager, you must reboot your computer before running your software. If your prob\fem is not reso\fved after taking the above actions, try the fo\f\fowing: 1. Make another quick scan through this manual. Who knows? You may have stumbled onto some feature that you didn’t notice the first time through. 2. Visit our Support page. 3. Join the Antares Forum. The Antares Forum is a place where Antares product users can gather to exchange information, compare notes, and get to know other Antares users from around the world. 4. For the quickest access to new developments, follow us on Twitter and l ike us on Facebook or check out our YouTube and Google+ pages.

3A modern reincarnation of Antares’ renowned Microphone Mode\fer p\fug-in, Mic Mod EFX \fets any reasonab\fe qua\fity microphone sound \fike any of a variety of historica\f c\fassic and rare exotic microphones. Using our patented Spectra\f Shaping Too\f™ techno\fogy, we’ve created precise digita\f mode\fs that reproduce the subt\fe sonic characteristics that make each microphone unique. Simp\fy te\f\f Mic Mod EFX what microphone you are actua\f\fy using and what microphone you’d \fike it to sound \fike. It’s as simp\fe as that. Chapter 2: Introducing Mic Mod EFX With Mic Mod EFX, you can afford to record each track through a mode\f of the specific mic that wi\f\f best produce that idea\f sound you’re \fooking for. Or use it in \five performance to get the sound of mics you’d never consider using on stage. You can even use it during mixdown to effective\fy change the mic on an a\fready recorded track. Not on\fy do the mode\fs reproduce a\f\f of the subt\fe sonic characteristics that make each microphone unique, but they a\fso give you contro\f of each mic’s specific options. Does the mic have a \fow cut fi\fter? If so, it’s in the mode\f. Wind screen on or off? \b\fose or far p\facement? Each option resu\fts in the same sonic effect that it wou\fd have with the actua\f mode\fed mic. And for that fina\f touch of perfection, you can even add some tasty tube saturation. Abou\f \fhe \bechnology The mode\fs emp\foyed by Mic Mod EFX are not derived from theoretica\f considerations. They are generated by a proprietary ana\fysis process that is app\fied to each physica\f mic mode\fed. The precision of these mode\fs a\f\fows Mic Mod EFX to reproduce even the subt\fe (and sometimes not-so-subt\fe) sonic variations that one often finds in different samp\fes of the same mode\f of microphone. \bonsequent\fy, for some important mics, we’ve provided mu\ftip\fe mode\fs, each based on measurements taken from individua\f mics. Another advantage of our mode\f-based approach is that there is essentia\f\fy no processing de\fay apart from the natura\f phase effects of the microphones being mode\fed and any de\fay inherent in the operation of the host app\fication or hardware environment. Fina\f\fy, the qua\fity and signa\f-to-noise characteristics of the processing are pristine. Because of our commitment to mode\f-based processing, there are none of the \fimitations or distortions characteristic of FFT-based a\fgorithms. The qua\fity of the output is \fimited on\fy by the qua\fity of the input. So Wha\f Exac\fly Does I\f Do? Whi\fe there is a \fot of fair\fy comp\ficated stuff going on under the hood, the essentia\f functiona\fity of Mic Mod EFX is rea\f\fy quite simp\fe. Basica\f\fy, audio from a microphone is input to Mic Mod EFX where it is first processed by a “Source Mode\f” which serves to neutra\fize the known characteristics of the input mic. The audio is then processed by a second “Mode\fed Mic” mode\f which imposes the characteristics of the mode\fed mic onto the previous\fy neutra\fized signa\f. Fina\f\fy, the audio is passed through a mode\f of a high-qua\fity tube preamp offering the option of c\fassic tube saturation distortion. The detai\fs are found in the next chapter.

5Chapter 3: Using Mic Mod EFX Live or Mixdown? Mic Mod EFX functions equa\f\fy we\f\f processing audio during its origina\f performance or \fater during the mixdown process. However, if you have the choice (which you typica\f\fy wi\f\f for everything but a \five stage performance), we strong\fy recommend using Mic Mod EFX as an insert effect during mixdown. This wi\f\f a\f\fow you to experiment with mic choice and various mic settings whi\fe auditioning their effect in the context of the entire mix. If you do choose to work this way, it is important that you carefu\f\fy document a\f\f mic data for each recorded track. This shou\fd inc\fude the mic used, any settings such as \fow- cut fi\fter and/or response pattern se\fected, as we\f\f as the average distance between the mic and the signa\f source (singer, instrument, etc.). This information wi\f\f be required to proper\fy set the Source Mic contro\fs during the mix. Signal Flow Mic Mod EFX is divided into a number of discreet functiona\f b\focks as fo\f\fows (in the order of signa\f flow): Input For setting the input \feve\f of the audio to be processed. Source Mic For indicating the mic (and the state of its various parameters) that was actua\f\fy used to record the audio. Modeled Mic For se\fecting the mic (and the state of its various parameters) whose sound you wou\fd \fike to mode\f. Tube Saturation For adding a mode\f of ana\fog tube saturation distortion. Output For setting the output \feve\f of the processed audio. The use of each of the individua\f contro\fs is covered be\fow. Mic Mod EFX Con\frols Inpu\f Sec\fion The Input Gain s\fider, as is no doubt obvious, is used to set the \feve\f of the incoming audio. The exact amount of gain or attenuation is disp\fayed numerica\f\fy above the s\fider. In most instances, the input gain shou\fd be set at the highest \feve\f that does not cause the 0 dB area of the graphic \feve\f meter to \fight. The Leve\f Meter disp\fays the \feve\f of the audio as it is being processed by both the Source and Mode\fed Mic mode\fs. Because some mode\fs (or combinations of mode\fs) can resu\ft in increased amp\fitude at various frequencies, changing to a different mic mode\f or changing a mode\f’s settings may require an adjustment of the Input Gain to avoid c\fipping In practice, you shou\fd start out by setting the Input Gain at a bit under the optimum \feve\f. Once you’re confident that you’ve found the right mic settings for your track, you shou\fd go back and fine tune the gain for maximum \feve\f without c\fipping.