Antares MDT user manual
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MDT UserÕs Manual71 Clip Sentry and a gain decrease indicated by the I/O Curve results in a gain decrease in the overall output. In this way, the AP Þlter modes are able to accomplish compression and expansion computations without artifacts from the parametric equalizer Þlters. However, these effects are limited to the I/O Curve operating within plus and minus 12 dB of the 45 degree 1:1 diagonal. Operating above +12 dB of the diagonal causes the parametric equalizer artifacts to again dominate the output as they would in the non-AP case. This is not a serious problem. Operating below -12 dB is more of a problem: Because there is a zero degree phase shift in the center of each pass band, these frequencies will be handled properly. However, the phase changes in the crossover and stop band of each Þlter will cause the sound at these frequencies to not be correctly subtracted, leaving a signiÞcantly audible sound in the output. Clip Sentry Because MDT simulates the smooth sound of analog compressors, it is easy to create data that exceeds to +1,-1 digital range. This is because of the behavior of the Attack Time slider, which allows you to control the rate of gain reduction due to a sudden increase in sound level. As in the analog world, even a fast attack time will let through a faster transient. Since most users jack-up the output gain to compensate for compression, these fast transients almost always result in clipped data. Clip Sentry is a high speed digital limiter designed to prevent clipping by a reducing gain only when clipping is about it occur. When Clip Sentry is activated by pressing the Clip Sentry button, the audio data is routed through a new buffer, creating delayed output data. Before each sample is put into the buffer, it is multiplied by the current gain. If an clipping occurs, then the current gain is gradually reduced so that when the culprit audio data appears at the output end of the buffer, the new current gain does not create clipping. The current gain is then gradually restored using a release time algorithm.

MDT UserÕs Manual72 Stereo Sound Processing The current gain is a combination of gain from the gain curve and the gain slider. The Clip Sentry processing occurs in the sequence described in the diagram: From this diagram, you see that the Gain Curve is broken up into two parts. The Þrst part is a new curve that has gain reduction only. This reduction is compensated for by the second part, a gain increase after Clip Sentry. Hence, the data coming into Clip Sentry is never clipped. The only existing limitation of MDT 4.00 is that the maximum curve gain plus the Gain Slider cannot exceed +48dB. Clip Sentry can attenuate the gain by as much as -30dB to stop clipping. Stereo Sound Processing The left and right channels of stereo signals are processed completely separately except for a single exception: they both share the same levels. The signal level computation is described in the Þrst section of this chapter using the compute level ßowchart. In the case of stereo data, the data presented to the compute level algorithm alternates between the left and right channels: L, R, L, R, L, ... As a result of this arrangement, the same gain will be applied to both channels of the stereo data at any instant in time. Another result is that incorrect compression/expansion results will occur if the two channels contain differing material, or if the channels are not scaled relative to one-another. In these cases, the louder channel (over the period of the time scales involved) will dominate the computation. Compressor process with Gain reduction, only, from Gain Curve. Gain Curve gain increase and Gain Slider.CLIP SENTRY

MDT UserÕs Manuallxxiii Symbols ÒSoft KneeÓ Compressor 17 Òsoft kneeÓ compressor 36 ÒTubeÓ Compander 18, 36 ÒtubeÓ companders 37 Numerics 3 Band 56 3 band 68 3 Band AP 57 3 band AP 70 5 Band 57, 68 5 Band AP 57, 70 A AP Filter Modes 70 AP mode 40 Attack Slider 53 Attack Time 31 attack time 19 auto read 50 auto touch 50 Automation 49, 53 B Bypass Button 54 C Clip 48 clip light 48 Clip Sentry 48, 71 Clip Sentry Buf Len 48 Clip Sentry Buf Len (mS) slider 55 Clip Sentry Button 54 Clip Sentry Release 48 Clip Sentry Release (mS) slider 55 Clipping Indicator 55 Compare Button 62 Compression 13 compression ratio 14, 30 Compressor 30 Compressor with Noise Gate 35 Control Surface Support 56 D De-esser 45 delay 48 Delay Window 56 Delete SettingsÉ 29

lxxivMDT UserÕs Manual digital Þlters 40 DSP Plug-ins 22 Dynamic EQ 47 dynamic range 13, 30 E effect of changing attack time 19 effect of changing release time 19 Expander/Gate 34 expansion 18 F Filter Mode Menu 56 Filter Modes 40, 68 Þlter pass band center frequencies 69 Flat 43 Flat Button 58 Flat button 49 Full Band 56 Full Band Filter Mode 68 G Gain Adjust Algorithm 65 gain reduction 14, 30 Gain Slider 58 Gain slider 31 H high speed digital limiter 48 I I/O Curve 23, 25, 66 I/O Curve position and gain 26 In/Out Grid 15, 16, 25 input level offset 66 Input Level Offset Arrows 27 Input Offset 43, 44 Input Offset Adjust Arrows 58 Input Offset Arrow 50 Input Offset Display 28 Input Offset Levels 49 Installing The JVP 11 inverse gain functions 24 Inverted Gain Curves 51 L Levelx 50 look-ahead peak averaging 22 lower terminator 24, 35

MDT UserÕs Manuallxxv M MDT As A Compressor 15 MDT Basics 21 mixing 13 Multiband Applications 39 multiband center frequencies 69 Multiband Compressor 40 multiband mode 39 Multiband Peak Level Indicators 39 O Owner Registration 11 P Peak Level Indicator 22, 28 processing algorithms 65 pumping 19 R Ratio 14 Release Time 31 release time 19, 22 Reset 43 Reset Button 61 Reset button 49 Reset Settings 29 S Save Settings AsÉ 29 Setting Menu 28 Settings menu 49 Single Band Applications 30 Spectral Enhancer 45, 46 Stereo Sound Processing 72 T TDM Settings 62 Technical Support 11 Theory of Operation 65 Threshold 14 threshold 24 Tonal Balance 43 Tonal Balance In Multiband Mode 42 transfer characteristic 23 Tutorial 21 U upper terminator 24

lxxviMDT UserÕs Manual V Variable 43, 44 Variable Button 63 Variable button 49