Antares AutoTune 4 user manual
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23 REMOVE ALL Clicking this button sets all notes in the current scale to Remove in all octaves. BYPASS ALL Clicking this button sets all notes in the current scale to Bypass in all octaves. SET MAJOR SCALE/SET MINOR SCALE When any scale that includes more than seven notes (i.e., any non-diatonic scale) is selected, the Set Major Scale and Set Minor Scale buttons will appear. Clicking on either of these buttons will “Remove” all notes from the scale except for those notes closest to the notes of a...
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24 KEY COLORSThe color of the keys of the Virtual Keyboard indicate their current state as follows: COLOR STATE Blue The currently detected input pitch White or Black Scale Note Invisible Remove Brown Bypass KEYBOARD EDITThese buttons are used to select which state (Remove or Bypass) will be toggled when you click on a key. When Remove is selected, clicking on any key that is not currently set to Remove will set that key to Remove. Clicking on any key that is currently set to Remove will set that key to...
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25 A TIP: The main purpose of the Momentary function is to allow you to deal easily with specific individual events in a performance. However, you can also use it to “play” the target melody notes in real time. To do this, set the scale to Chromatic and use the Scale Edit window Remove All button to remove all notes from the scale. Set Keyboard Edit to Remove and Momentary to On. Now use your mouse to play the target melody on the keyboard. It’s not as easy as Target Notes via MIDI, but if you don’t have...
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26 IMPORTANT NOTE: If you will not be defining Auto-Tune 4’s target pitches via MIDI, be sure that the Target Notes Via MIDI button is off. If it is left on and no MIDI note data is present, Auto-Tune 4 will pass through all audio unprocessed — giving the impression that Auto-Tune 4 is not functioning. LEARN SCALE FROM MIDI In most cases, you will probably tell Auto-Tune 4 which notes to correct to using the Edit Scale Display and/or the Virtual Keyboard. However, there may be occasions when it is not...
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27 When you have played the entire melody, press the Learn Scale From MIDI button again to end the process. The Edit Scale Display will now contain a scale containing only those notes that appeared in your melody. If you happen to make an error during note entry, or want to try again for any other reason, simply click the Learn Scale From MIDI button and start the process again. NOTE: When you start the process by pressing the Learn Scale From MIDI button, all notes are first Removed from the chromatic...
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28 If you have a tone that you want to use as the pitch standard, select that tone and play it in a loop. Adjust Scale Detune until the Change meter reads zero. (You may be required to use the Edit Scale Display to remove adjacent notes so that Auto-Tune 4 doesn’t tune to the wrong note.) The default Scale Detune setting is 0 cents. Double-clicking the Scale Detune knob will reset it to that value. RETUNE SPEED Retune Speed controls how rapidly the pitch correction is applied to the incoming sound. The...
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29 The default Tracking setting is 25. Double-clicking the Tracking knob will reset it to that value. NOTE: The improved pitch detection algorithm in Auto-Tune 4 (in combination with the Input Type selection described above) results in noticeably more reliable pitch detection compared to previous versions of Auto-Tune. If you have used older versions of Auto-Tune, you may find that situations that previously required constant modifications of the Tracking control now track perfectly at the default...
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30 SHAPE MENU Selects the shape of the vibrato. The choices are: NO VIBRATO Pretty self-explanatory SINE WAVE Changes smoothly from minimum to maximum and back again. The most common choice for a conventional vibrato. SQUARE Jumps to maximum where it spends 50% of the cycle and then jumps to minimum for the remaining 50% of the cycle. SAWTOOTH Gradually rises from minimum to maximum and then drops instantaneously to minimum to start the cycle again. RATE Sets the rate of the vibrato over a range of 0.1...
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31 ONSET RATE Sets the amount of time (in msec) between the end of the Onset Delay set above and the point at which the vibrato reaches the full Amounts set in the Pitch, Amplitude and Formant Amount settings. The range is from 0 to 1500ms (1.5 seconds). The default value is 500ms. Double- clicking the knob will reset it to that value. Onset Example: As an example of the above parameters, assume an Onset Delay of 1000ms and an Onset Rate of 750ms. In that case, each time a new note started there would be...
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32 NOTE: As mentioned above, although we perceive vibrato primarily as a variation in pitch, in most cases there is also matching (though more subtle) variations in amplitude and timbre. Setting Auto-Tune 4’s Retune Speed to 0 will remove an existing vibrato’s pitch varia- tion, but the amplitude and timbral variation will remain. If you then apply a new vibrato using Auto-Tune 4’s Vibrato section, the results may be less than convincing. Auto-Tune 4’s Vibrato section is more often useful for adding a...