Antares AMM1 Hardware user manual
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41 Appendix Listed below are all of the mics models that are shipped with the AMM-1. (Be sure to check the Antares web site frequently for additional models.) Please Note: All trademarks appearing below are the property of their respective owners. The following manufacturer names and model designations are used solely to identify the microphones analyzed in the development of our digital models and do not in any way imply any association with or endorsement by any of the named manufacturers AKGC12A Large...
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42 AKGSolid Tube Large Diaphragm Condenser Vocals, strings, general purpose AlesisAM61 Large Diaphragm Condenser w/tube circuitry A rich warm sound ideal for vocals and instruments Audio Engineering Associates R44C Large Diaphragm Boundary - Ribbon Replica of the classic RCA 44 ribbon mic Audio-TechnicaATM11 Dynamic Drums ATM31 Small Diaphragm Condenser General purpose AT853Rx Electret Condenser Hanging choir mic AT3525 Large Diaphragm Condenser Vocals and general purpose AT4047/SV Large Diaphragm...
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43 AudixCX111 Large Diaphragm Condenser General purpose SCX1 Small Diaphragm Condenser Piano, drum overheads B & K4007 Large Diaphragm Prepolarized Condenser Close-micing drums, percussion, brass BehringerECM8000 Measurement mic Ultravoice XM8500 Handheld vocal mic beyerdynamicM-500 Limited Edition Classic (Silver) Large Diaphragm Condenser Vocal, instruments MC-834 Large Diaphragm Condenser Vocals , piano, strings, brass, voice-overs BraunerVM1 Large Diaphragm Tube Condenser w/Class A amp Reference...
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44 EarthworksTC30K Omni Condenser Drums, guitar, bass ElectroVoicePL20 Mid Diaphragm Dynamic Early predecessor to the RE20 - Bass, drums, vocals, electric guitar N/D357 Mid Diaphragm Dynamic Frequency expressly contoured for female vocals Groove TubesMD-1 Large Diaphragm Tube Condenser Studio vocal, general purpose LawsonL47MP Large Diaphragm Tube Condenser Vocals, acoustic guitar, strings, piano, choir, orchestra, sax Manley LabsReference Gold Large Diaphragm Tube Condenser Ultra high quality recording...
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45 OktavaMC-012 Small Diaphragm Condenser General purpose instruments and live performance MK-219 Large Diaphragm Condenser General purpose MK-319 Large Diaphragm Condenser Vocal, general purpose RCABK5A Uniaxial Ribbon Vocal, general purpose 77dx Classic Ribbon Try it on everything RodeNT1 Large Diaphragm Condenser Vocals, instruments NT2 Large Diaphragm Condenser Vocals, acoustic guitar, winds, piano NTV Large Diaphragm Tube Condenser Vocal, general studio RoyerR-121 Ribbon Electric guitar, overhead...
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46 ShureBeta 98D/S Mini Condenser Toms, snares, percussion SM7A Dynamic Vocals, bass amp SM57 Large Diaphragm Dynamic Guitar, guitar amp, drums SM58 Large Diaphragm Dynamic Vocals, general purpose SM81 Large Diaphragm Condenser Guitar, cymbals, strings, vocals, piano SM98A Large Diaphragm Condenser Drums, brass, winds KSM32 Large Diaphragm Condenser Vocals, acoustic guitar, winds, ensembles, and drum overheads. VP88 Large Diaphragm Condenser - Single Point Stereo Modeled in MS (mono simulation) mode...
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47 Acknowledgments As you might imagine, sourcing and modeling all of those mics was (and remains) an interesting logistical challenge. Luckily for us, we have had assistance from a variety of interested dealers, manufac- turers, studios and individuals who were all willing to let us subject their precious microphones to our arcane modeling ritual. Thanks to all those listed below: Rob Actis Actis Company, San Diego, CA Audio Engineering Associates Pasadena, CA Audix Corporation Wilsonville, OR Demien...
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48 AMM-1 Specifications Data format 20-bit linear 56-bit internal processing Sample rates 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz Frequency response 10Hz–20kHz, +0.06dB/-0.23dB Distortion + Noise Less than 0.005% (@1kHz) ADC 20 bit 103 dB Dynamic Range (A weighted) 97 dB S/(N+D) DAC 24 bit 105 dB Dynamic Range (A weighted) 94 dB S/(N+D) Analog Inputs XLR: Balanced, 17.9 dBu, 40kW 1/4 inch Phone: TRS Balanced, 17.9 dBu, 40kW Unbalanced, 17.9 dBu, 40kW MIDI In and Out 5-Pin DIN Footswitch 1/4 inch Phone Analog Outputs XLR:...
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49 Index Symbols * 16 -w 17, 21 A A/B Comparison 18 about the technology 8 acknowledgements 47 adding new mic models 33 B back panel connectors 13 Bypass 12, 17, 27 MIDI SysEx message 27 C Controls 15 Bypass 27 Input Section 15 Modeled Mic Section 21 Output Level 28 Preserve Source 25 Source Mic Section 16 System Edit 28 Tube Saturation 26 creative uses 40 D D-in LED 10 Data Entry knob 10 Drive control 27 E Edit Select button 10 F FLASH memory 21 footswitch 13 front panel...