Anaheim Stepper TM3000 Users Guide
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FIGURE 1: DIMENSIONS 0F TM3000 MODELDESCRIPTIONTM3000HVHIGH VOLTAGE DRIVER (60 VDC) TM3000DRIVER w/ TRACK TM3000-T1DRIVER w/ TRACK and 100VA TRANSFORMER TM3000-T2DRIVER w/ TRACK and 200VA TRANSFORMER TM3000-1DRIVER w/ MOUNTING PLATE TM3000-1-T1DRIVER w/ MOUNTING PLATE and 100VA TRANSFORMER TABLE 1: ORDERING INFORMATION TM3000 STEP MOTOR DRIVER ! Requires 12-28VAC or 10-40VDC ! 0.3 - 5.0 Amperes/phase Operating Current ! 0.15 - 2.5 Amperes/phase Standstill Motor Current ! Open Frame Circuit Board Mounts on Snaptrack ! Higher Torque/Speed Output ! Improved Start-Stop Speeds ! Reduced Power Requirements ! Positive or Negative Going Clock Input ! Full and Half-Step Operation ! Motor Turn-Off Provisions ! TTL-CMOS Compatible Inputs ! No RFI or EMI Problems GENERAL DESCRIPTIONBilevel drivers do not use high frequencypower, especially in applications where The ANAHEIM AUTOMATION TM3000switching techniques as chopper driversmotors are stopped for long periods. is a low cost, bilevel step motor driver to bedo. Consequently, they do not create the used with 4-phase step motors. TheEMI, RFI, and motor heating problems thatCLOCK, CCW AND DIRECTION TM3000 comes mounted on easy to useare associated with chopper drivers.Pulses applied to the CLOCK input cause snaptrack, available in lengths up to 6 feet.the motor to step in the clockwise direction BILEVEL DRIVEUsers have a choice of dual-phase, Full-1 (or No connection), and in the The basic function of a step motor driver isstep operation or Half-step operation.counterclockwise direction if the to control the motor winding currents.Dual-phase, Full-step operation occurs byDIRECTION Control input is a logic 0. Motor performance is determined by howenergizing two phases at a time, rotating aPulses applied to the CCW input cause the fast the driver can increase and decreasetypical motor 1.8 degrees per step. Half-motor to step in the counterclockwise the winding currents. A rapid rise instep operation occurs by alternatelydirection. Positive or negative going winding current is achieved by applying aenergizing one, and then two, phases at apulses may be used (see Table 2). high voltage directly to a motor winding.time, rotating the motor 0.9 degrees per This rapid rise of current is also referred tostep. Full-step operation is only forPHASE INPUTS as the kick or operating current. When aapplications that specifically require thatThe TM3000 has the ability to accept desired current level is reached, the highmode, such as when retrofitting existingphase inputs to control each of the 4 motor voltage is turned off and a low voltage isfull-step systems.phases. For example, a microcontroller can applied to maintain a suitable holdingbe used to control the motor phases. current level. When a motor winding isMOTOR ON/OFFTerminals 1,2, 3, and 4 of TB2 are used as turned off, a rapid decrease in windingThe Motor On/Off feature allows de-the inputs for Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3, current is achieved by routing the energyenergizing a motor without disturbing theand Phase 4 respectively. Either Positive in the collapsing field back to the powerpositioning logic. After re-energizing theTrue Phase Inputs or Negative True Phase supply through a high voltage path. Themotor, a routine can continue. ThisInputs may be used (see Table 2 and high voltage supply furnishes the energyreduces motor heating and conservesFigure 1). necessary to maintain motor output torque at high step rates thus providing high mechanical power output. The low voltage supply provides much of the current needed at low step rates and all of the holding current. EXCITATION MODE SELECTIONif the DIRECTION Control input is a logic #L010108

OPERATING MODE JUMPER SELECTIONJP1JP2JP3 POSITIVE GOING CLOCK INPUT1 TO 22 TO 31 TO 2 NEGATIVE GOING CLOCK INPUT1 TO 21 TO 21 TO 2 POSITIVE TRUE PHASE INPUTS2 TO 32 TO 32 TO 3 FIGURE 2: HOOKUP DIAGRAM. POTRATED MOTOR CURRENTACTUAL STANDSTILL CURRENTKICK CURRENT 100.550.3850.77 200.890.621.24 301.220.8551.71 401.561.092.18 501.891.332.66 602.231.563.12 702.561.83.6 802.92.034.06 903.242.274.54 MOTOR CONNECTIONS Figure 2 is a hookup diagram for typical driver applications. Wiring connected to inputs must be separated from motor connections and all other possible sources of interference. IMPORTANT NOTE: When the wiring from the driver to the step motor extends beyond 25 feet, consult the factory. CURRENT SETTING The potentiometer on the driver is used to set the motor current. See Table 3. The pot should be set according to the motors rated current. This will produce a standstill current of 70% of the rated current and a kick current of 1.4x the rated motor current. Example: For a motor rated at 2.0 amps per phase, the POT should be set between 50 and 60. POWER REQUIREMENTS The TM3000 can be powered up by an AC or DC voltage (see specifications). For AC operation, the driver may be purchased with a transformer (see Table 1). A single transformer may be used to power up several drivers. HEATING CONSIDERATIONS The temperature of the heatsink should never be allowed to rise above 60 degrees Celsius. If necessary, air should be blown across the heatsink to maintain suitable temperatures. TM3000-1 The TM3000 is available with a mounting plate for those who do not use track systems. The model number for this driver with the mounting plate is the TM3000-1. Dimensions are shown in figure 3.

PINDESCRIPTION 1PHASE 1 (RED) 2PHASE 3 (RED/WHT) 3COM PHASE 1 & 3 (BLK) 4COM PHASE 2 & 4 (WHT) 5PHASE 2 (GRN) 6PHASE 4 (GRN/WHT) PINDESCRIPTION 1CLOCK INPUT (PHASE 1) 2CCW INPUT (PHASE 2) 3DIRECTION CONTROL (PHASE 3) 4HALFSTEP/FULLSTEP (PHASE 4) 5MOTOR ON/OFF 6+5VDC OUTPUT 70VDC 8AC/DC POWER INPUT (FUSED) 9AC POWER INPUT FIGURE 3: DIMENSIONS OF TM3000-1. SPECIFICATIONSCONTROL INPUTS: (Terminals 1-5, TB2) TTL-CMOS Compatible Logic 0=0 to 0.8 Vdc Logic 1=3.5 to 5.0 Vdc Terminals 1-4 are pulled up or down (depending on Jumpers) through 10k ohm resistors. Terminal 5 is pulled up through a 10k ohm resistor. CLOCK, CCW: (Terminals 1 and 2 of TB2) 15 microseconds minimum pulse width, positive or negative going (see Table 2). DIRECTION CONTROL: (Terminal 3 of TB2) Logic 1(open)-clockwise Logic 0-counterclockwise MODE SELECT: (Terminal 4 of TB2) Logic 1(open)-half-step Logic 0-dual full-step MOTOR ON/OFF: (Terminal 5 of TB2) Logic 1(open)-motor energized Logic 0-motor de-energized OUTPUT CURRENT RATING: (TB1) 5.0 Amperes per phase maximum operating current; 2.5 Amperes per phase maximum standstill current, over the operating voltage and temperature range. Motor phase ratings of 0.5 Amperes minimum are required to meet the minimum kick level. +5VDC OUTPUT: (Terminal 6, TB2) 100mA maximum POWER REQUIREMENTS: (Terminals 8 & 9, TB2) 12 Vac(min)-28 Vac(max) 12 Vac(min) -42.5 Vac(max) {60 Vdc Version} 10 Vdc(min)-40 Vdc(max) Use Terminal 8 for DC input with Terminal 7 as the 0Vdc reference. OPERATING TEMPERATURE: Heatsink - 0E to 60EC FUSE: 5 Amp Fast Blow, 5mm

TORQUE CURVES Note: All Torque Curves were taken with an AA2295 (28Vac) Transformer. Standstill Current = 0.7 x Rated Motor Current Kick Current = 1.4 x Rated Motor Current.