Anaheim Stepper MBL536 Users Guide
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January 2013 L010149 MBL536 Bilevel Step Motor Driver User’s Guide 910 East Orangefair Lane, Anaheim, CA 92801 e-mail: 992-6990 fax: (714) 992-0471 website: ANAHEIM AUTOMATION
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January 2013 L010149 General Description The Anaheim Automation MBL536 is an improved version of the MBL500 series step motor drivers. The MBL536 with its compactness and attractive rugged packaged style employs bilevel (or dual voltage) drive technique for high performance operation of step motor providing signifi cantly improved motor speed torque output. New features include selectable “+” or “-” going clock inputs, transient voltage protection, and improved Full-step operation. Bilevel Drive...
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January 2013 L010149 Motor ON/OFF Option The Motor ON/OFF option allows de-energizing a motor without disturbing the positioning logic. After reenergizing the motor, a routine can continue. This reduces motor heating and conserves power, es- pecially in applications where motors are stopped for long periods and no holding torque is required. Motor Connections Hookup diagrams for a motor driver application are presented in Figure 3 and 4. Wiring connected to input must be separated from motor...
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January 2013 L010149 Jumper Functions/Locations Function JP1 JP2 Terminal 5 = Direction 2 - 3 X Terminal 5 = CCW 1 - 2 X Positive Going Clocks X 2 - 3 Negative Going Clocks X 1 - 2 Standard Product 2 - 3 2 - 3 Torque Speed Curves Torque curves are shown on the back of this specifi cation sheet. This data was obtained using a high voltage (Vhv) of approximately 60VDC no load. The low voltage (Vlv) used was an unregulated voltage of about 5.5VDC no load. Both voltages dropped when loaded. To obtain...
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January 2013 L010149 Specifi cations Control Inputs: TTL-CMOS Compatible Logic “0” = 0 to 0.8 VDC Logic “1” = 3.5 to 5.0 VDC Clock Inputs: (Terminals 5 & 6) Pulse required; 15 microseconds minimum. The clock input is pulled up internally to +5VDC through a 10K Ú resistor for negative going clock input, or pulled down to 0VDC through a 10K Ú resistor for posi- tive going clock input. Direction Control: (Terminal 5) Logic “1” (open) - Clockwise Logic “0” - Counterclockwise Excitation Mode Select:...
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January 2013 L010149 ANAHEIM AUTOMATION COPYRIGHT Copyright 2013 by Anaheim Automation. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Anaheim Automation, 910 E. Orangefair Lane, Anaheim, CA 92801. DISCLAIMER Though every effort has been made to...