Anaheim Stepper DPL Series Spec Sheet
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#L010038DPL DRIVER PACK ! !Onboard Pulse Generator ! !Onboard Regulated +5Vdc Output ! !Unregulated 12Vdc Output ! !No Dropping Resistors ! !Higher Torque/speed Output ! !Improved Start-Stop Speeds ! !Reduced Power Requirements ! !Full and Half-step Operation ! !Motor Turnoff Provisions ! !TTL-CMOS Compatible Inputs ! !Compact and Rugged ! !Onboard Power Supply GENERAL DESCRIPTION The DPL employs bilevel (or dualmore exotic schemes. The efficiency ofexisting full-step systems. voltage) drive for high performancebilevel drive makes possible step motor operation of step motors. It operates 4-performance that is far superior to that phase step motors providingproduced by practical L/R drives. StepThe power turn-off option allows de- significantly improved motor speedMotor curves graphically depicted inenergizing a motor without disturbing torque (power) output and higher start-Figure 5, illustrate output torquethe positioning logic, allowing a routine stop speeds. High-wattage droppingversus stepping rate for severalto continue when re-energized. This resistors required with L/R typedifferent motors. As the curves show,reduces motor heating and conserves drivers, are not used.maximum torque is at low to moderatepower, especially in applications where BILEVEL DRIVE The basic function of a motor driver isoff in torque output. to provide the rated motor phaseFigure 1 and 2 show hookup diagrams current to the motor windings in thefor typical DPL driver applications. shortest possible time. The bilevelWiring connected to inputs must be driver uses a high voltage to get a rapidUsers have a choice of dual-phase,separated from motor connections and rate of current rise in the motorfull-step operation or half-stepall other possible sources of windings in the least amount of time.operation. Dual-phase, full-stepinterference. When the current reaches the presentoperation is accomplished by trip current level, the driver turns offenergizing two phases at a time, which the high voltage and sustains therotates a typical motor 1.8 degrees perBy following the silkscreen instructions current from the low voltage supply.step. Half-step operation ison the cover, use a small screwdriver While the motor is at standstill, it’saccomplished by alternately energizingto adjust potentiometer. Line up arrow energy comes from the low voltageone, and then two, phases at a time,to the number corresponding to the supply. When the motor is stepping,which rotates the motor 0.9 degrees permotors rated current (amps/phase). the high voltage drives the current intostep. Half-step operation is more stableThere is no need to multiply any the windings, supplying more of theand produces finer resolution, alongnumbers as the scaling is preset required current as the stepping ratewith relative freedom from resonance.internally for a forty (40) percent kick increases. This low-high -low voltageFull-step operation is only forover the motors rated current. switching scheme results in higherapplications that specifically require efficiency and lower cost than thatobtainable from chopping or otherthat mode, such as when retrofitting stepping rates. Eventually, as themotors stop for extended periods. stepping rate increases, there is a fall EXCITATION MODE SELECTIONPOWER TURN-OFF OPTION MOTOR CONNECTIONS ADJUSTING KICK CURRENT

#L010038Figure 3 Figure 1 Figure 2 SPECIFICATIONS Power Requirement: 105(min) - 125 (max) Vac (rms) input on TB1. See silkscreen markings on cover for proper hookup. L1-Hot, L2-Neutral, L3-Ground Control inputs:(All) (Terminals 5,6,7,10 & 11) TTL-CMOS compatible. Logic “O” O to 0.8Vdc Logic “1 3.5 to 5.0Vdc Clock Output: (Terminal 4) Square wave pulse train out, TTL compatible. Excilation Mode Select:(Terminal 10) Logic “1 (open)-half step Logic “0 dual full step Power Turn-Off: (Terminal 7) Logic “1 (open)-motor energized Logic “0 motor de-energized Output Current Rating (Terminals 1,2,3,14,15, & 16) 3.0 Amperes per phase maximum, over the operating voltage and temperature range. Motor phase ratings of 0.5 Amperes minimum are required to meet the minimum kick level. +12Vdc Unregulated Output (Terminal 13) Unregulated 10 to 14Vdc. Output level dependent on load requirement of +5Vdc. Output current must not exceed 1.5amps. Run/Stop Control Input:(Terminal 5) Logic “0 output pulses from Pulse Generator Logic “1 (open) no pulses from generator Operating: 0 to 60 degrees C Weight: 3lbs 2oz The following are recommended motors for use with the DPL: Anaheim RapidsynSuperior AutomationElectric 23D10223D6102MO61-FD02 23D104**** 23D20423D6204M062-FD04 23D30623D6306M063-FD06 23A102A*23A6102A*** 23A102B*23A6102B*** 23A104A*23A6104A*** 34D10634D9106M091-FD06 34D207**** 34D307*****LINEAR STEP MOTOR ACTUATOR **NOT AVAILABLE

#L010038Figure 4 PULSE GENERATOROPERATION The pulse generator provided in the DPL is an independentAfter the desired jumper selections have been made, connect pulse generator. Several operating modes are jumperthe 110Vac power to the unit. If jumper JP7 was removed, selectable: 1) Manual, 2) Ramp up only, 3) Ramp up andplug in remote potentiometer and adjust for maximum speed down and 4) remote maximum speed control. Two different(fully CW). Adjust onboard maximum rate potentiometer to speed ranges are also jumper selectable: 168-2000 steps perthe desired maximum speed required. You now have use of second or 358-21000 steps per second. The jumperingthe minimum to desired maximum speed on the remote requires removal of the DPL cover. Before making anypotentiometer. This eliminates the problems with external adjustments under the cover, detach the 110Vac power cord.potentiometer being turned up to a rate at which the machine JP4IN PLACESLOW SPEED RANGE (2kHz) REMOVEDFAST SPEED RANGE (21kHz) JP5IN PLACERAMPING REMOVEDNO RAMPING JP6POSITION 1-2NO RAMP DOWN POSITION 2-3RAMP DOWN JP7IN PLACEUSE ON-BOARD POT REMOVEDUSE EXTERNAL POT See Figure 4 for remote potentiometer wiring diagram.will not operate successfully. If JP7 is installed, set the maximum rate potentiometer (R28) to full CW (clockwise) position and use the maximum speed potentiometer (R38) to set desired maximum speed. To cause the pulse generator (PG) to output pulses, the RUN/STOP terminal is tied to 0Vdc. At that time the PG will send pulses out of the clock output terminal and if ramping is selected, will start to ramp up to the maximum speed. Disconnecting the RUN/STOP from 0Vdc causes the PG to decelerate to minimum speed and stop. If JP6 is selected for no downslope, when the RUN/STOP line is disconnected the unit will stop outputting pulses immediately and the motor will stop as fast as possible (load and speed dependent). Ramping is used to significantly increase the operating speed of a step motor, especially when driving large inertial loads, without stalling the motor. The motor starts running at a speed below the start/stop limit (base speed),accelerated (ramped) at a rate that avoids stalling, thereby reaching speeds ten times the base speed or more. At the end of a run the motor is decelerated (ramped) to the base speed for accurate stopping.

#L010038Figure 5. Typical torque/speed curves of Anaheim’s stock 23 and 34 size motors using the DPL Driver Pack. Torque Speed Curves