Anaheim Stepper DPFHP451 Users Guide
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#L010035 SETTING THE MOVE DISTANCE The index count or move distance for the DPFHP451 can be accomplished by a number of methods. The easiest way is to use the red switches labeled “Internal Index Number” on the unit; these switches are used by default. External Count Modules may also be used. These include the Click Pot Module, AA1748, the Thumbwheel Module, AA1760, the BCD Input Module, AA2210, and the Quad Board, AA1754. These modules set the distance of the move, but will...
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#L010035 COUNT INPUT BOARDS All of the Count Input Boards or Modules set the number of steps the motor will move when an Index is initiated, but each Module allows for a different variation in interfacing. AA1748 - CLICK POT MODULE A CLICK POT module consists of 10 position (0 - 9) digital pots mounted on a printed circuit board. One pot is used per each decade (digit). These units are available in 2, 4, or 6 decades. The user dials in the step count on the pots. Any time the motor...
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#L010035 in four different move lengths and then select any one of them as desired. The module is connected to the indexer via a supplied 5-lead cable. CONNECTOR Pin 1 Pin 2 Pin 3 Pin 4 Pin 5 Pin 6 P1 (To Indexer) Common +5Vdc Clock Reset Key 0Vdc P2 (Expansion) Common +5Vdc Clock Reset Key 0Vdc P3 (Select Inputs) Select #1 Select #2 Select #4 Key +5Vdc 0Vdc TABLE 9 The selection of the switch banks is done...
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#L010035 AA2210 BCD COUNTER MODULE The AA2210 BCD counter interface module enables the user to select any move length from 0 to 999,999 steps using a standard PLC (programmable logic controller). Selecting the proper inputs creates a count value in steps, resulting in a move distance. The module is connected to the indexer via a supplied 5-lead cable. Note: All Inputs are active low (0-0.8Vdc). All unused inputs may be ignored since they are pulled up. Example: For a move...
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#L010035 CONTROLER INPUTS: TTL-MOS Compatible Logic 0: 0 to 0.8 Vdc Logic 1: 3.5 to 5 Vdc All Input Terminals are pulled up to +5Vdc through 1k ohm resistors. Busy and Complete Outputs (pins 16 and 20) are open collector outputs that can sink 500mA and stand-off 40Vdc maximum (no sourcing). Pull-up resistors may be jumpered to these outputs to produce TTL level signals (see section on jumpers). Ground (pin 18) - 0Vdc +5Vdc Output (TB2, pin 1) - Up to 250mA is available...
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#L010035 910 E. ORANGEFAIR LANE ANAHEIM, CA 92801 Tel: 714.992.6990 Fax: 714.992.0471 Email: