Anaheim Stepper DPD72351 Users Guide
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1718Figure 8. Motion Tab SMC35 Programmable Indexer Disks Included with the DPD72351 is the SMC35 Programmable Indexers Disks. These disks contain all of the software needed to run the indexer via a PC. Also included in the disks are examples programs that can be downloaded into the indexer. This software requires a minimum system of a 486/66MHz processor with 8Mbytes of RAM and Windows 3.1. Running the Setup.exe from disk 1 of the SMC35 Programmable Indexer Disks will install the software into the directory of choice. After running the setup.exe the following files should be found in the directory of installation: smc35trm.exe config.ldb and .mdb temp.ldb and .mdb sample1.ldb and .mdb b_sample.ldb and .mdb vb_smple.ldb and .mdb SMC35TRM Software - DPD72351 STORED PROGRAM GENERATORThe easiest way to program the indexer is to use the smc35trm.exe software provided. The SMC35TRM software allows three different modes of communication between the Indexer and the PC. Motion TabUnder this heading, the user is allowed to directly send motor parameters and commands. Motor parameters are simply entered in the appropriate space and then sent to the indexer by clicking the corresponding button. The parameters can then be verified by clicking the Verify Parameters button. Figure 9. Program Tab Figure 10. Terminal Tab Program TabIn the Program tab (see Figure 7), programs can be composed, sent to the indexer, and then verified. Existing program in the indexers memory can also be read, saved, edited, and re-written to the indexer. Terminal TabThe Terminal tab allows the PC to act like a handheld terminal. Here commands can be sent to the indexer directly.

1920PROGRAMMING COMMANDSCommands are sent to the DPD72351 by a computer, dumb terminal, or handheld terminal. These commands must be sent in ASCII by a RS232 or RS422 communications format. RS232 is used most commonly by computers. Commands are made up of one or two letters, possibly followed by one or more numbers. All letters are upper case 8-bit ASCII characters with the most significant bit ignored. All numbers are ASCII sent with the most significant digit first. Spaces can be imbedded with no effect. A comma, carriage return or line feed are accepted as terminators for a previous command. INTERNALLY STORED PROGRAMSA stored program is a sequence of commands stored in an external EEPROM of the DPD72351. The EEPROM can hold 250 bytes of code. More than one program can be stored by entering the first program byte in a buffer location following the last byte of the preceding program. Each program may be run independently by sending the Run command with that programs first byte buffer location. To stop the execution of an internal program the Period (.) command is used. The Enter command itself uses no program buffer locations. All programs are terminated by a Quit (Q) command which uses one location. Terminators (comma, carriage return, and line feed), spaces, and illegal commands do take up any buffer location. See page 20 for a listing of the number of bytes used for each command. One buffer location is one byte. It should be noted that any parameters stored directly will be used by a program without the need to reenter that parameter within the program. Any parameter can be changed within the program. A parameter will have the value last specified whether specified directly or by a statement executed within a program. PROGRAMMABLE RESETThe DPD72351 units have a built-in programmable reset circuit so that all axes in the daisychain may be reset. The outputs are reset to the off state when the board is reset. Reset is automatic on power-up. From most communications programs, this reset can be sent by pressing the Home key. This reset holds the DPD72351s receive (Rx) line low, and will reset the board for a time which is determined by the baud rate setting. The amount of time required can be calculated by the following formula. T(reset) = 64/baud rate (seconds)COMMAND CODE MODE DESCRIPTION Acceleration Axx Both set acceleration Base Speed Bdddd Both set base speed Holding Current CHxx Direct set time motor is on after index Set Autostart CSzz Direct set autostart flag at address zz Encoder Position CPrrrrr Direct set encoder position Deceleration Dxx Both set deceleration Enter Program Ezz Direct enter program at address zz Finish Move F Direct finish index then continue Go G Both begin motion Home Hx Both find home position Inputs Ixx,yy,zStoredif inputs, as defined by mask xx are equal z to yy then goto zz Jog Jxx Both set jog rate factor Loop Lyy,zz Stored loop back yy times to location zz Maximum SpeedMdddd Both set maximum speed Number of StepsNrrrrr Both set number of steps to move Outputs Oxx,zz Both output zz as defined by mask xx Motor Position Prrrrr Both set next absolute position Quit Q Both quit entering program or stop motion Run Rzz Both run stored program at address zz Slew S Direct slew motor Trace T Direct single step through the program Until Uxx,yy,zStored if inputs, as defined by mask xx are notz equal to yy then goto address zz

2122Number Range Byte Count 1 - 255 1 256 - 65,535 2 65536 - 167772153 ASCII character 1 TABLE 14: ASCII BYTE COUNT Verify V Direct verify specified data Wait Wxx Both wait for a period of time in (.01 sec increments) Continue X Direct continue internal program Zero Zrrrrr Both set position register Select Axis @c Directselect axis or axes Clockwise + Both select CW direction Counterclockwis- Both select CCW direction Messages % Direct pole axis for message Identify Version ? Direct return revision and type Stop All Motion . Direct stop motion and stored program TABLE 13: COMMAND SUMMARY -Direct means the command is used only with a computer, or terminal. -Stored means the command is used only in the stored program. -Both means either the Direct or the Stored mode. c character Character = 1 byte x 0 byte 0 or 1 (HOME only) = 0 byte xx1 byte 0 - 255 = 1 byte yy1 byte 256 - 65,535 = 2 bytes zz1 byte 65,536 - 16,777,215 = 3 bytes ddddup to 2 bytes rrrrr up to 3 bytes When using the DPD72351 in the stored program mode, the user must keep track of how many bytes each command uses and the addresses of each command. When using the Anaheim Automation SMC35TRM software that comes with the unit, byte counting is done automatically. The chart below can be used to determine the byte count for eachcommand. NOTE: A comma is not considered as a character therefore it has 0 byte. Examples:A5requires 2 bytes, 1 byte for A, 1byte for 5 M10000requires 3 bytes, 1 byte for M, 2 bytes for 10000 Grequires 1 byte H1requires 1 byte Example Stored Program:The procedure to enter a stored program from a terminal is as follows: .@0,E0,A10,D10,B500,M2000,N400,+G,W10,R0,Q,[ENTER]CS0, .@0,E0, = selects axis 0 and starts program at byte 0 A10,D10,B500,M2000, = sets up the speed parameter N400,+G, = set index to 400, + direction, start motion W10,R0,Q, = wait 100ms, goto byte 0, end of program [ENTER]CS0, = exit enter mode, autostart the program at location 0 Note: Upper Case characters must be used Now whenever the unit is turned on the program will automatically start at bit location 0.

2324COMMAND DICTIONARY A (2 to 127) The ACCELERATION command controls the time that the motor will take to move from base speed to maximum speed. The higher the value, the slower the motor will accelerate. The default value is 5. B (50 to 3500) The BASE SPEED is the speed at which motion starts and stops. It is entered directly as the number of steps per second. This is also the stepping rate in the Fast Jog Mode. Not all base speeds will be possible. On the computer, if you enter B2455, and then VB, the DPD72351 would return a speed of 2466. A verify of this parameter will return the actual base speed obtainable by the unit. The closest base speed possible is always chosen. The default value is 1000. CH (0 to 127) The HOLDING CURRENT ON/OFF command sets the time that the motor will be supplied holding current after a move. The number entered is in 0.01 second increments. If the value of CH is 0 then the power is left on indefinitely. If you enter N1000,CH115,+G the motor will go 1000 steps, stop, and remain energized for 1.15 seconds. The default value is zero. Note: A sufficient value for CH is needed to allow the mechanical system to stabilize - if the value is too small, errors might occur. CP (0 to 16,777,215) The ENCODER POSITION command sets the encoder position to a designated value. If you enter CP100000, the encoder position will be set to 100,000. A 400-line, quadrature encoder will count 1600 steps for every revolution the motor takes. If you then move 400 steps clockwise (one full revolution half-stepping in the clockwise direction) then enter VCP the new encoder position will be 101600. The Encoder Position cannot be used in the stored program mode, but can effectively be used when interfaced with a computer. # of encoder counts per step = encoder lines per rev * 4 400 half steps per rev SAMPLE BASIC PROGRAM REMARKS 10 OPEN COM1:9600,N,8,1,CS65535,DS,CD AS #1 (Using a 400 line quadrature encoder) 20 PRINT #1, CP1000000, set encoder position to 1,000,000 30 PRINT #1, N2000,-GF, move motor clockwise 2000 steps, wait until themove is finished before continuing 40 PRINT #1, VCP, verify encoder position 50 INPUT #1, A$: PRINT A$ print encoder position to screen (the number 992,000 will be on the screen)CS (0 to 249) The SET AUTOSTART command is used to set the Autostart flag to a specified address. To Autostart a program enter the first line of the program after CS. CS10 will autostart the program starting at line 10, and save the current contents of the program in the EEPROM. NOTE: To autostart the program be sure that the communi- cation switch is on RS422. It is advisable to include a wait command of 100 milliseconds (W10) at the start of the Autostart program to allow everything to power up properly. NOTE: To turn off the autostart flag, send CS250, and the autostart flag will be inactive. D (2 to 127) The DECELERATION command determines the time it takes to go from Maximum speed to Base speed. The higher the value, the slower the motor will decelerate. The default value on power up is 10. E (0-249) The ENTER command allows you to enter a program to be saved in the DPD72351s memory. This command sets the stored program pointer to the specified address byte, and puts the controller in the mode to enter a program. The information you type in will overwrite any previous information stored there. Typing E0 will allow you to begin entering the program at address 0. More than one program can be stored in the memory - be sure to separate the programs by the Q command. Each axis you may be using must be independently programmed. Two or more axes can communicate with each other through the 8 inputs and 8 outputs associated with each axis. The ENTER command can be used to edit an existing stored program by simply specifying the byte where you wish to start editing. You can exit the Enter - program mode at any time with a carriage return. F (no value) When using a computer, the FINISH command is used directly after a Go command. With this command, the DPD72351 will send a busy signal to the host computer until the move is complete before accepting any further inputs. The FINISH command is used in the direct mode only. Unless the F command is used, the computer will keep on sending data, even thought the DPD72351 is not ready to receive it. This data will be ignored by the DPD72351, so the program will not work as expected. SAMPLE BASIC PROGRAM 02 OPEN COM .... 05 PRINT #1, A10,D10,B500, 10 PRINT #1, M1000,N4000,+GF,W100 20 PRINT #1, M20000,N4000,-G,Q In this program the motor indexes 4000 steps in the positive direction with a maximum speed of 1000, waits 1 second, and then indexes 4000 steps in the negative direction with a maximum speed of 20000. If the user did not include the F command after the +G, the computer would have kept sending the data while the motor was indexing. This causes a loss of index commands only.

2526G (no value) The GO command causes the motion to start in the direction last 34 = 2 + 32 specified. This command will move the motor the number of steps given by the N command or to the absolute position given by the P command. This is one of three ways to start motion; the other two are the H command and the S command. H (0 or 1) The HOME command starts the controller searching for Home in the direction last set. Motion will start immediately after a terminator , is supplied. There are two homing modes. The proper syntax is H0 or H1. The default value on power up is H0. H0 or H1 counts only as one byte. See Figure 4. H0 causes the motor to run to the maximum speed in the last direction programmed. The motor will run until a Soft limit switch is encountered at which time the driver will decelerate to the base speed and continue to run in the same direction until a Home limit is encountered. Proper spacing is required between Soft and Home limit switches as the Home limit switch will not respond until Base speed is reached. H1 causes the motor to run to the maximum speed until a Home limit switch is encountered. It will then decelerate to the base speed, stop, reverse direction and continue in the opposite direction until it is off the Home limit switch. Since the inputs are edge triggered, they need not be held closed until the deceleration and reversal are complete. When a hard limit switch is encountered, all motion ends. Absolute positioning information is lost because the controller then assumes it is no longer valid. Ixx,yy,zz (0-255,0-255,0-249) The INPUT command reads, If the input pins, as defined by the mask xx, are equal to yy, then go to program location zz. The first data entered, xx, specifies the binary-weighted value of the input pins to be tested. The second data entered, yy, is the binary-weighted pattern that these selected inputs are to match. If the data and selected pins match, the program will execute the next command given by the address location specified by zz. If not equal the program will just continue on. Since the inputs are pulled up internally, they will read high if no signal is applied. The mask is defined as follows: BINARY WEIGHT1248163264128 INPUTI0I1I2I3I4I5I6I7 The mask defines which inputs out of the eight bits that will be tested. For instance, the following numbers will only test these inputs. 255 = 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32 + 64 + 128 233 = 1 + 8 + 32 + 64 + 128 98 = 2 + 32 + 64255 masksI0I1I2I3I4I5I6I7 233 masksI0I3I5I6 I7 98 masksI1I5I6 34 masksI1I5 SAMPLE STORED PROGRAMAddressCommandRemarks0 A10 set the acceleration to 10 2 D15 set the deceleration to 15 4 N440 set the number of steps to 440 8 M10000 set the maximum speed to 10000 12 I98,34,2loop to address 2 if the mask given by 98 is equal to 34 mask 98 = I1, I5, and I6 34 binary value: I1 = high, I5 = high, I6 = low if mask 98 is not equal to 34, continue 16 H0 home type 0 18 Q quit J (0 - 255) The JOG FACTOR sets the slow jog rate. The slow jog rate is the base speed divided by the jog factor. The default value on power up is 20. Lxx,yy (0 to 255,0 to 249) The LOOP instruction reads loop xx times to address yy If x is equal to zero then the loop is endless. No nesting of loops is allowed (i.e. a loop cannot have another loop). SAMPLE STORED PROGRAMAddressCommandRemarks0 A10 set acceleration to 10 2 D18set deceleration to 18 4 B500 set base speed to 500 7 M5000set maximum speed to 5000 10N1000set number of step to 1000 13+G set the direction to CW, then index 15W100 wait 1 second before continuing 17L5,10 LOOP 5 times to address 10 20H0 home type 0 21Q quit M (50 to 20,000) The MAXIMUM SPEED is the top speed the user wants the motor to run at. The default value on power up is 10,000 pulses per second. The

2728Maximum Speed can never be set below the Base Speed.SAMPLE STORED PROGRAMN (1 to 16,777,215) This specifies the NUMBER OF STEPS to be moved forAddressCommandRemarksthe Go command. The default value on power up is 0. 20A5Set acceleration to 5 Oxx,yy (0 to 255,0 to 255) The OUTPUT command reads set the outputs 24M5000Set Maximum Speed to 5000 defined by mask xx to the binary-weighted number specified by yy. (See 27I1,1,33If INPUT #0 is high then go to address 33 INPUT command for explanation of the mask and binary-weighted numbers) 31R20Goto to address 20 Keep in mind that the inputs are active low while the outputs are active high. 33N3320Set number of steps to 3320 EXAMPLE: 37QEnd program O127,7 would read as: look at output 0 to 6, turn on output 0, 1 and 2 and turn off output 3, 4, 5 and 6. P (0 to 16,777,215) The POSITION command specifies the next absolutespeed and continue to run at that speed until reaching a hard limit switch or position to go to when the GO command is given. The DPD72351 automaticallyreceiving a quit (Q) command. sets the direction and number of steps needed to go to that position. The default value on power up is 0.SAMPLE BASIC PROGRAM SAMPLE BASIC PROGRAM10PRINT #1, @0,A10,D10,B500,M5000,S: REM SLEW MOTOR TO 5 Open COM .......5000 MAX UNTIL Q 10 PRINT #1, @0,A10,D10,B500,M5000,VI * INITIAL PARAMETERS20 FOR T=1 TO 10000: NEXT T 15 INPUT #1, A$30 PRINT #1, Q 20 IF A$=254 THEN PRINT #1, P500,GF, * GOTO POSITION 500 Q (no value) The QUIT command, used within a stored program, stopsstored program one step at a time. Each time a `T is entered, the next execution of the program. In the direct mode, the QUIT command will cause thecommand of the program will be executed. In order to specify the initial program motor to ramp down and then stop.address location, the program pointer can be set with the Enter (E) command, R (0 - 249) The RUN command starts a stored program execution at the address specified. This allows multiple programs to be stored in the EEPROMUxx,yy,zz (0 - 255,0 - 255,0 - 249) The UNTIL command reads Until the input so that any one of them can be started individually. Each program must bepins represented by the mask xx are equal the value yy, branch to location zz. terminated with the Q command. The RUN command is also used as anThis command is opposite of the Input command (see p. 16). unconditional branch in the internal program. If the sample stored program below is already in the DPD72351s EEPROM, SAMPLE STORED PROGRAMthe program can be started by typing R20. The R20 at address 31 is an AddressCommandRemarksunconditional branch. 0B500set base speed to 500 22B100Set base speed to 100 36GStart Indexing S (no value) The SLEW command will accelerate the motor up to maximum 5 OPEN COM ..... T (no value) The TRACE command will allow you to single-step through the followed immediately by a carriage return. 3M20000set maximum speed to 20000 6N2300set number of steps to 2300 9Gindex 2300 steps in the last direction used 10W210wait 2.10 seconds 12U254,49,9loop to address 9 until the input mask 254 equals 49 16H1home type 1 17 Qquit

2930VA Acceleration VB Base Speed VCPEncoder Position VDDeceleration VEInternal Program VGStep remaining in current move VHHold Time VI Input Terminals VJ Slow Jog Divisor VMMaximum Speed VN Number of Steps to Index VOOutput Terminals VP Position VR Internal Program Pointer VW Ticks remaining in Wait counter TABLE 14: VERIFY COMMANDS V (appropriate code) VERIFY causes the DPD72351 to send data back toW (0 - 255) In the stored program mode, the WAIT command pauses the whatever it is communicating with. The data is sent as an ASCII decimal stringprogram for the specified number of 0.01 seconds. followed by a carriage return and a line feed. If a verify Enter command (VE) is sent the DPD72351 returns the entire internal stored program. No more than SAMPLE INTERNAL STORED PROGRAMone axis at a time can be addressed with this command, or they would contend for the bus. The permissible verify commands are shown below. AddressCommandRemarks SAMPLE BASIC PROGRAM 3+G set the direction to clockwise, and index 10OPEN COM1:9600,N,8,1,CS65535,DS,CD AS #1 7 -G set the direction to counterclockwise, and 20PRINT #1, @0,B500,M5000,-H1F,Z,P4000,GF,index 25PRINT #1, VI, 9 Q quit 30INPUT #1, A$: PRINT A$ 40IF A$ = 254 GOTO 50 ELSE 40X (no value) The CONTINUE command will continue the stored program from 50PRINT #1, P5000,GF,the address where the stored program was stopped. 60GOTO 20 70ENDZ (0 to 16,777,215) The ZERO POSITION command sets the position register 0 N4000 set number of steps to 4000 5 W150 WAIT for 1.5 seconds before continuing to a designated value. The number following the (Z) will be the new absolute position of the motor. The default value is 0. SAMPLE BASIC PROGRAM 10 OPEN COM1:9600,N,8,1,CS65535,DS,CD AS #1 20 PRINT#1,@0,A10,D10,B500,M5000,-H1F,Z1000,P4000,GF, @ (0 to 9 and A to V) The SELECT AXIS command will designate an axis or axes. Any or all devices can be addressed simultaneously to receive commands from the DPD72351. However, only the most recently selected controller will send data to the host (such as during a Verify). This is necessary to prevent contention on the bus. The list of characters must be terminated by a comma. If just the @ command is sent with no axes addresses, then all axes are deselected. The axes 0 to 9, and A to V represent 32 possible axes that can be selected all at one time or any combination of them. SAMPLE BASIC PROGRAM10 OPEN COM1:9600,N,8,1,CS65535,DS,CD AS #1 20PRINT#1,@0,A10,D10,B500,M5000,-H1F,Z1000,P4000, 30PRINT#1,@1,A10,D10,B500,M5000,-H1F,Z1000,P4000, 40PRINT #1,@01,+GF, + (no value) Set motor direction to clockwise (CW). - (no value) Set motor direction to counterclockwise (CCW). % (no value) POLL the device for any waiting messages such as errors or end

3132of move. The responses are defined in Table 15. As in the Verify command, only one axis at a time may be addressed with this command. The POLL command is especially useful in debugging a program. #DESCRIPTION 0 Normal 1 Command error, illegal command sent 2 Range error, an out of range number was sent 3 Command invalid while moving 4 Command only valid in stored program 5 End of move notice, previous Go command complete 6 End of wait notice, a previous Wait command is 7 Hard limit stop, move was stopped by hard limit 8 End of program notice, internal program completed G Motor is moving and no other notice pending TABLE 15: RESPONSES TO POLL COMMAND (ERRORS AND MESSAGES) ? (no value) This command returns two numbers. The first number is the part identifier which is always 35 (for the DPD72351 controller IC). The second number is the revision number. A quick test to see if you are communicating with the DPD72351 is to use this command. . (no value) If a period is received, the motor will stop, the timer will be cleared and the internal program will stop. It is possible for this command to stop execution of the internal program in the middle of an instruction, causing the parameter for that instruction to be read incorrectly. For this reason, the period command is only intended as a debugging tool.Figure 11. Sample Program OPEN COM2:9600,N,8,1,CS65535,DS,CD FOR RANDOM AS #1 PRINT #1, B500, PRINT #1, M5000, PRINT #1, A1000, PRINT #1, D10000, PRINT #1, N400, TOP: PRINT #1, -GF, PRINT #1, W100, PRINT #1, +GF, INPUT BREAK GOTO TOP Figure 12. Sample Basic Program SAMPLE PROGRAMS Sample SMC35TRM ProgramGiven in Figure 11. is a program that could be entered in the program tab. This program first sets the motor parameters: B500 = Base Speed of 500 steps/sec, M1000 = Max Speed of 1000 steps/sec, and N400 = Motor index number of 400 step/index. Next a Go command in the plus direction is given, followed by a one second wait delay: +G, W100. Then a Go command in the minus direction is given, again followed by a one second delay. Last a Run program at address 0 is given, thus looping the program to the begining. For more information on SMC35 commands see the COMMAND DICTIONARY section. Sample Basic ProgramGiven in Figure 12 is a listing of the sample basic program (b_sample.bas) provided with the installation of the software. The first line opens COM port 2 for communication with the indexer, at 9600 baud (consistent with the switch setting on the indexer). The following print statements send parameters to the indexer. After a label (TOP:) the program gives a GO command with a Wait-for-motion-to- stop command. Then, after a delay (W100), the same is done in the other direction. The program finally waits for a keyboard input before it continues to loop back to TOP:. C Programming and the DPD72351Programming the DPD72351 using C language usually requires a third party software to handle the serial-handshaking communication. For information on this software contact the factory.

3334BLD72 DRIVER SPECIFICATIONS Control Inputs (All) : (Terminals 5, 6, 8, 9) TTL-compatible Logic 0 - 0 to 0.8 V Logic 1 - 3.5 to 5.0 V Fault Reset: (Terminal 4) Pulled up to +5Vdc through a 10kÙ Logic 1 (open) - Driver enabled and Fault detection enabled Logic 0 - Resets a Fault condition (driver is disabled when this input is low). This input must be held low for at least 100ms. Clock Inputs : (Terminals 6) Internally connected to indexer. Direction Control: (Terminal 5) Internally connected to indexer. Excitation Mode Select: (Terminal 8) Pulled up to +5Vdc through a 10kÙ Logic 1 (open) - Half-step Logic 0 - 2 ö Full-step Power ON/OFF: (Terminal 9) Internally connected to indexer. Output Current Rating: (Terminals 1, 2, 3, 11, 12, and 13) 10 Amps/phase maximum operating current, 7.0 Amps/phase maximum standstill current, over the operating voltage and temperature range. Motor phase ratings of 1.0 Amp minimum are required to meet the minimum kick level. Power Requirement: 105 - 125VAC Standard 210 - 250VAC Optional. Order with X250 suffix. Operating Temperature: 0 to 60 degrees C Fusing: 5 Amp (5 X 20mm) Fast Blow Fuse located in drawer below line cord input connector.FUNCTIONJP1JP2JP3 NEGATIVE GOING CLOCKS1-2XX POSITIVE GOING CLOCKS2-3XX TERMINAL 5 = CCWX1-2X TERMINAL 5 = DIRECTIONX2-3X GROUND FAULT DETECTION ENABLEDXX2-3 GROUND FAULT DETECTION DISABLEDXX1-2 STANDARD PRODUCT1 - 22 - 32 - 3 TABLE 4: JUMPERS SETTINGS FIGURE 13: JUMPER LOCATIONS. JUMPER FUNCTIONS/LOCATIONS

3536MOTOR POWER ON/OFF INPUTFigure 14 is a hookup diagram for typical BLD72 driver applications. Wiring con- The Motor On/Off input allows de-energizing a motor without disturbing thenected to inputs must be separated from motor connections and all other possible positioning logic. After re-energizing the motor, a routine can continue. Thissources of interference. reduces motor heating and conserves power, especially in applications where motors are stopped for long periods and no holding torque is required. Use the “CH” (see Command Dictionary) command to de-energize the motor after aIMPORTANT NOTE: When the wiring from the driver to the step motor extends move.beyond 25 feet, consult the factory. FAULT PROTECTION There are 3 types of fault detection incorporated in the BLD72 driver. When aWIRING DIAGRAM fault is detected, the driver turns off the motor current and the red Fault LEDThe wiring diagram in Figure 14 shows the BLD72 with the AA2791 Transformer. indicates the type of fault detected. See the Troubleshooting section for more information. 1LED - Slow Blinkshorted wire in the motor or cable 2LED - Fast Blinkopen wire in the motor or cable 3LED - ON Steadyground fault (voltage shorted to 0V) TABLE16: FAULT LED If the driver goes into a fault condition, the fault may be reset by turning the power OFF for at least 15 seconds or by pulling the RESET FAULT input (terminal 4) to a logic “0 for at least 100ms. ADJUSTING KICK CURRENT By following the silkscreen instructions on the cover, use a small screwdriver to adjust the potentiometer. Line up arrow to the number corresponding to the motors rated current (amps/phase). Example 1: 23D104 Motor - set Kick Current to 2 Amps Example 2: 34D314 Motor - set Kick Current to 7 Amps MOTOR CONNECTIONS FIGURE 14: TYPICAL WIRING FOR CLOCKWISE AND DIRECTION OPTION AND MOTOR WIRING TROUBLESHOOTING BLD72 DRIVER PROBLEMS