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Anaheim Stepper BLEN3 Users Guide

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    							AXIS#1 AXIS#2 AXIS#3VLV1 VLV2
    • 10 Amperes/Phase Maximum 
      Operating Current
    • 7 Amperes/Phase Standstill 
      Motor Current
    • Transient Voltage Suppression
    • Half-Step and Full-Step Operation
    • Bilevel Drive Operation 
    • No RFI or EMI Problems
    • TTL/CMOS Compatible Inputs
    • Clock and Direction or 
      Dual Clock Operation
    • Motor Turn-Off Input
    The Anaheim Automation BLEN-3 Stepall of the holding current.  applied to the Clock input cause the motor
    Motor Driver is designed to operate six orto step in the clockwise direction if the
    eight lead, 4-phase step motors rated at 1Bilevel drivers do not use high frequencyDirection Input is a logic 1 or the
    - 7 amps/phase.  Outstanding motorswitching techniques as chopper driverscounterclockwise direction if the
    performance is provided by means of ado.  Consequently, they do not create theDirection Input is a logic 0.  Pulses
    Bilevel Drive technique.EMI, RFI, and motor heating problemsapplied to the CCW Input cause the motor
    The basic function of a step motor drivermay be selected by setting JP2, JP4, and
    is to control the motor winding currents.JP6 to the appropriate position (See Table
    Motor performance is determined by how1).
    fast the driver can increase and decrease
    the winding currents. A rapid rise in
    winding current is achieved by applying aThe motor on/off input allows for de-
    high voltage directly to a motor.  Thisenergizing a motor without disturbing the
    rapid rise of current is also referred to aspositioning logic.  After re-energizing  the
    the kick or operating current.  When amotor, a routine can continue. This
    desired current level is reached, a lowreduces motor heating and conserves
    voltage is applied to maintain a suitablepower, especially in applications where
    holding current level.  When a motormotors are stopped for long periods and
    winding is turned off, a rapid decrease inno holding torque is required.
    winding current is achieved by routing the
    energy in the collapsing field back to the
    power supply through a high voltage path.The kick (or operating) current level is
    The high voltage supply furnishes thethe desired phase current level that the
    energy necessary to maintain motorhigh voltage provides each time a step is
    output torque at high step rates thustaken.  The high voltage is turned off
    providing high mechanical power output.when this
    The low voltage supply provides much ofthe current needed at low step rates andappropriate position (see Table 1).  Pulses
    that are associated with chopper drivers.to step in the counterclockwise direction.
    Users have a choice of dual-phase, full-
    step operation or half-step operation.
    Dual-phase, full-step operation occurs by
    energizing two phases at a time, rotatingMOTOR ON/OFF INPUT
    a typical motor 1.8 degrees per step.
    Half-step operation occurs by alternately
    energizing one, and then two, phases at  a
    time, rotating the motor 0.9 degrees per
    step.  Full-step operation is only
    suggested for applications that specifically
    require that mode, such as when
    retrofitting existing full-step systems.
    The BLEN-3 has two clock options:
    Clock and Direction, or Dual Clock
    operation. Terminal 5 can be configured
    as the Direction Input or CCW Input by
    placing jumper JP1, JP3, and JP5 in theEither positive or negative going pulse
    							#L010013 level is reached.  The kick current level motor current.  Higher motor current will
    should be set to approximately 1.4 timesproduce more holding torque.  To
    the rated phase current.  For example, acalculate the Low Voltage (Vlv), use theThe high-voltage supply (Vhv) can range
    motor rated at 5 amps/phase should befollowing equation where Iö is the ratedfrom 24 Vdc  to 70 Vdc. The BLEN-3
    kicked to 7 amps (5x1.4=7).  Table 2motor current and Rö is the resistance ofrequires only a single high voltage supply.
    shows various kick current levels forthe motor.The Vhv supply determines high-speed
    corresponding phase currents.torque performance and acceleration.
    WARNING:  The kick current level must
    be set before operating a motor. 
    The BLEN-3 contains TVS diodes on thePOWER SUPPLY CONNECTIONS
    motor phase outputs.  The TVS diodesallow longer motor cables to be used.
    Normally when using long motor cables,
    voltage transients and spikes are created.
    These transients often exceed the voltage
    ratings of the output phase transistors,
    resulting in blown transistors.  TheMOTOR CONNECTIONS 
    addition of the TVS Diodes suppressesVERIFYING CORRECTFigure 3 is a typical hookup diagram for
    these transients and protects theSTANDSTILL CURRENTBLEN-3 driver applications. Wiring con-
    transistors against damage.  nected to inputs must be separated from
    The BLEN-3 is capable of having threeIMPORTANT NOTE: When the wiring
    separate low voltage supplies (one forfrom the driver to the step motor extends
    each axis)  or a single low voltage supplybeyond 25 feet, consult the factory.
    for all three axes.  It is generally better to
    use a separate low voltage for each motor,
    but a single low voltage may be used to
    simplify the power supply.  Jumpers JP7
    and JP8 should be clipped out when using
    separate low  voltage supplies for each
    axis.  Jumpers JP7 and JP8 should be
    soldered in place when using a single low
    voltage supply.  CAUTION:  CHECK
    The Low Voltage supply should provide
    the motor with 70% to 100% of the ratedVlv = Iö x [Rö + 0.1] + 1.6Higher values for Vhv will produce more
          torque at higher speeds.  Lower values for
    Example: To operate a motor with ratingsVhv will result in lower torque at higher
    of Iö = 4.7 Amps and Rö = 0.39 Ohms,speeds.
    calculate Vlv as follows:  
     Vlv = 4.7 (0.39 + 0.1) + 1.6 = 3.9 VoltsThe Vlv and Vhv power supplies can be
    To calculate Vlv for 70% of the ratedterminal blocks TB1-TB3 on the front of
    motor current use the following equation:the board, or through TB4 and TB5 (3-pin
    Vlv = 0.7 Iö x [Rö + 0.1] + 1.6terminals) on the back of the board. 
    The final determination of whether ade-
    quate standstill current is provided by the
    Vlv supply may be made as follows:
    1.      Ground the Mode Select (pin 8)
    2.Measure  the voltage drop across
    resistors R11, R13 (Axis 1), R21,
    R23 (Axis 2), and R31, R33 (Axis
    3).  See Figure 1.
    3.Multiplying  the reading by 20 gives
    the standstill current in Amps,
    which should be between 70 and
    100% of rating.
    4.Adjust Vlv accordingly.  The Vlv
    can  be any voltage equal to the step
    motors rated volts/phase +2 volts
    5.Disconnect ground from Mode
    Select Input if driver used is in
    half-step operation.DETERMINING HIGH-VOLTAGE
    connected to the BLEN-3 through the
    motor connections and all other possible
    sources of interference.  
    							,#L010013 Potentiometer
    SettingRated Motor
    CurrentKick current
    0 - 101.0 - 1.41.2 - 2.0
    10 - 201.4 - 2.02.0 - 2.8
    20 - 302.0 - 2.52.8 - 3.6
    30 - 402.5 - 3.13.6 - 4.4
    40 - 503.1 - 3.74.4 - 5.2
    50 - 603.7 - 4.25.2 - 5.9
    60 - 704.2 - 4.85.9 - 6.7
    70 - 804.8 - 5.46.7 - 7.5
    80 - 905.4 - 5.97.5 - 8.3
    90 - 1005.9 - 7.08.3 - 10.0
    Terminal 5 = Direction2 - 3X
    Terminal 5 = CCW1 - 2X
    + Going ClocksX2 - 3
    - Going ClocksX1 - 2
    DEFAULT2 - 31 - 2
    Control Inputs (All) : (Terminals 5, 6, 8, 9)
    Logic 0 - 0  to  0.8 V
    Logic 1 - 3.5 to 5.0 V
    Clock Inputs :  (Terminals 5 & 6)
    15 microseconds minimum pulse width required.  The Clock
    inputs are internally pulled down to 0Vdc through a 10KÙ
    resistor for positive going Clock inputs or pulled up to +5Vdc
    through a 10KÙ resistor for negative going Clock inputs.  
    Direction Control: (Terminal 5)
    pulled up to +5Vdc through a 10KÙ resistor
    Logic 1 (open) - CW motor direction
    Logic 0 - CCW motor direction
    Excitation Mode Select: (Terminal 8)
    pulled up to +5Vdc through a 10KÙ resistor
    Logic 1(open) - Half-step
    Logic 0 - 2 ö Full-step
    Motor On/Off: (Terminal 9)
    pulled up to +5Vdc through a 10KÙ resistor
    Logic 1 (open) - motor current on
    Logic 0 - motor current off
    Output Current Rating:
    (Terminals 1, 2, 3, 11, 12, & 13)
    10 Amps per phase maximum operating or running current, and
    7 Amps per phase maximum standstill current.  Motor phase
    ratings of 1.0 Amp minimum are required to meet the minimum
    kick level.
    Power Requirement :
    High Voltage: 24Vdc - 70Vdc
    Low Voltage: 3.0Vdc - 7.0 Vdc
    Operating Temperature : 0 to 60 degrees C
    The BLEN-3 driver should be mounted to a heat conducting
    structure; fan cooling is also recommended. 
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