Anaheim Stepper AA2920 Users Guide
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AA2920A BILEVEL STEP MOTOR DRIVER CONTROLLER HYBRID CIRCUIT 910 E. ORANGEFAIR LANE ANAHEIM, CA 92801 (714) 992-6990 FAX (714) 992-0471 email: [email protected] October, 1997 #L010008COPYRIGHT Copyright 1997 by Anaheim Automation. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical,...
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12 TABLE OF CONTENTSDESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION...............................................2 PACKAGE INFORMATION.....................................2 SPECIFICATIONS............................................3 BILEVEL DRIVE OPERATION..................................5 PIN DESCRIPTION...........................................6 CLOCK INPUT SELECTION...................................10 HALF-STEP/FULL-STEP......................................12The AA2920 is a CMOS integrated circuit based hybrid step...
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34 SPECIFICATIONSAA2820 OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS PARAMETERSYMBOLLIMITSUNITS MINTYP.MAX Supply VoltageVdd4.755.005.25V Input Logic High (Vdd=5.0V)Vih3.5VddV Input Logic Low (Vdd=5.0V)Vil00.8V Operating Temperature (Ambient)Ta0-70 C Storage TemperatureTs0-70 C Power Dissipation250mW Supply current50mA Min. clock Pulse Widthtwh, twl15usec Propagation Delay Time tpd3.55usec (Clock to Output ) Figure 3: Input/Output Waveform Characteristics
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56 Figure 4: High Voltage Output (OUT5) vs. Reset (R13) and OUT1.BILEVEL DRIVEAA2920A PIN DESCRIPTION The basic function of a step motor driver is to control the motor winding currents.PINNAMEDESCRIPTIONMotor performance is determined by how fast the driver can increase and decrease the winding currents. A rapid rise in winding current is achieved by applying a high1VddPower (+5Vdc) voltage directly to a motor. This rapid rise of current is also referred to as the kick or operating current. When a...
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78 AA2920A PIN DESCRIPTION (cont)AA2920A PIN DESCRIPTION (cont) PINNAMEDESCRIPTION142B02Base Driver for Phase 2 (Output Impedence of 150PINNAMEDESCRIPTIONOhms.) 151B04Base Driver for Phase 4 (Output Impedence of 500 Ohms.) 27(03IN)DIR.Phase 3 in Phase Mode or Direction Control for clockwise 162B04Base Driver for Phase 4 (Output Impedence of 150 Ohms.) 17Vss0VdcDown).Note this pin is also the Test Point for the Internal 18Vss0Vdc selection for Counter Clock Wise motion. 19POTLS Kick Current...
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910 CLOCK INPUT SELECTION There are three three clocking methods for the and AA2920A. The C/P input is used to select CLOCK inputs or PHASE inputs. The IP input is used to select positive or negative going inputs. See Table 1. INPUT CLOCK SELECTIONC/PIP + GOING CLOCK INPUTS10 - GOING CLOCK INPUTS11 POSITIVE TRUE PHASE INPUTS00 NEGATIVE TRUE PHASE INPUTS01 TABLE 1: Clock Input Selection. CLOCK and DIRECTION: Pulses applied to the CLOCK input will cause the motor to step in the clockwise direction if...
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HALF-STEP/FULL-STEP The AA2920A operates a motor in either half-step or full-step operation. In half- step mode, the motor is stepped by alternately energizing one phase, and then two phases of the motor. With a 1.8 degree motor (200 steps/rev), half-step mode will provide 400 steps/revolution. Table 2 below shows the sequence for half-step. PHASE 1PHASE 2PHASE 3PHASE 4 CCW CW 1000 1100 0100 0110 0010 0011 0001 1001 Table 2: Half-step Phase Sequence 1=ON, 0=OFF In Full-step mode, there are...