Anaheim Discounted Package PKG172DPECBL User Manual
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21 Analog Max Speed InputSets the analog speed input feature on or off. Set Speed Lower Limit Send the analog speed lower limit to the controller. Set Speed Upper Limit Send the analog speed upper limit to the controller. Set Analog Speed Sets the max speed based on analog voltage measured at input. Analog Position Speed Input Sets the analog position input feature on or off. Set Position Lower Limit Send the analog position lower limit to the controller. Set Position Upper Limit Send the analog position upper limit to the controller. Set Analog Position Motor will move to position based on analog voltage measured at input. Stop Hard Stop any motor motion immediately. Thumbwheel Index Sets the thumbwheel index feature on or off. Move Thumbwheel index Motor will move number of steps set by the thumbwheel switches. Stop Hard Stop any motor motion immediately. Verify Parameters Updates and displays controllers parameters for this tab sheet. Tab Sheets - Analog Input and Thumbwheel Options

22 DPN10601 Memory Available With the create and edit program tab sheet selected, the user can obtain the amount of available memory, located to the right of the Delete command button. The DPN10601 has a maximum available memory of 2046 bytes - each instruction can use from 2 to 7 bytes. Current Program Filename With the create and edit program tab sheet selected, the user can obtain the current program filename, located in the lower left corner of the SMC60WIN window. All programs created by the SMC60WIN soft- ware will have a .mdb and a .bak extension. Tab Sheets - Create and Edit Program Send Program to ControllerSend current program to the controller. View Program in Controller View program in the controller memory. Upload Program in Controller Upload the program in the controller for editing and saving. Enable Autostart Program will start when controller is powered up. Disable Autostart Program will only execute when run is clicked. Run Execute the program in the controller memory. Stop Abort program execution. Add Adds a new line of code to the end of the program. Change Edits the currently selected line of code. Insert Insert a new line of code before the currently selected line of code. Delete Deletes the currently selected line of code.

23 Add/Change/Insert Commands The Add/Change/Insert commands contain four different tab sheets, which are “Motion Commands”, “If/ Then and Output Commands”, “Goto, For Loops, Encoder and Thumbwheel Commands” and “Analog, Registration and Text Commands”. Motion CommandsSoftware section that allows user to enter speeds, positions, direction, etc. If/Then and Output Commands Software section that allows user to manipulate conditional statements and I/0 routines. Goto, For Loop, Encoder and Thumbwheel Commands Software section that allows user to manipulate branching and loop routines ,enter encoder parameters and control the thumbwheel switches. Analog, Regisration and Text Commands Software section that allow user to enter parameters for analog speed and position limits, index on the fly and output on the fly parameters and text strings to be sent. These tab sheets is where the program functions are selected to be added to or to change existing lines of programming code in the Create and Edit Program tab. • To add a line of motion control, select appropriate command, and if required, enter the required value for that particular command. Then, click OK. • Comment is optional, for any lines of code. • The text box above the OK and Cancel buttons will display useful information about each command. Currently Selected Line The currently selected line is indicated in the program by the right pointing arrow/triangle in the left column. Clicking on any line will select a new currently selected line.

24 Add Tab Sheets - Motion Commands Accel/DecelSet program acceleration & deceleration parameter. (step/sec2) Base Speed Set program base (start) speed rate. (step/sec) Max Speed Set program maximum (running) speed rate. (step/sec) Set Jog Speed Set program jogging speed rate. (step/sec) Set Position Set motor position. Direction CW (CCW) Set direction to clockwise or counter-clockwise. Motor Current ON (OFF) Set the current in the motor on or off. Wait ___ Milliseconds This command allows the user to enter a delay in milliseconds. Move ___ Steps Relative move command will allow motor to move the defined number of steps entered. Move to Position Absolute move command will move motor to the position specified. Set Position Allows user to change the position register in the controller. Finish Move Command will allow any motion command to be completed before continuing to the next line of code. This command should be used after every motion command. Repeat Last Move Command will repeat the previous index move. Do not use with encoder autocorrect enabled. Home to Soft, Home Limits Command will begin motion in the direction last entered, seeking the soft input first to slow the motor down to base speed, then to stop when the home limit is triggered. Home to Home Limit Command will begin motion seeking the home limit which will slow the motor down to base speed, reverse the direction and stop when the home limit is no longer triggered. Slew (move continuously) Command will ramp motor up to max speed and keep moving until triggered to stop. Stop Soft Ramp motor down to base speed and stop. Stop Hard Stop any motor motion immediately. End of Program This command is required as the last command in the program code.

25 Add Tab Sheets - If/Then and Output Commands If inputs match below then execute the next line, other - wise skip the next line This conditional command allows the user to execute the next line of code if the inputs triggered match the given value. If the inputs do not match, the next line is skipped. If input matches, then ex- ecute the next line, other - wise skip the next line This conditional command allows the user to execute the next line of code if the spe - cific input triggered matches the given value. If the input does not match, the next line is skipped. Set Outputs The outputs can be turned (on=1) or (off=0). These outputs can be used to trigger PLC operations, relays, solenoids, etc.

26 Add Tab Sheets - Goto, For Loops, Encoder and Thumbwheel Commands GotoCommand allows the program to jump to the specified label. Label Command inserts a label for goto and loop commands. Return from Subroutine Command will return to the last goto and execute the next line of code. Outer Loop Command allows a sequence of commands to be looped a specific number of times to a label. This label must be before the outer loop command.This command cannot be used within an inner loop. Inner Loop Command allows a sequence of commands to be looped a specific number of times to a label. This label must be before the inner loop command. This command can be used within an outer loop. Thumbwheel Index Off Command will disable the ability to use the thumbwheel switches to index. Thumbwheel Index On Command allows the user to use the thumbwheel index. Switch 2 must be in the thumbwheel posi - tion for the thumbwheel to be enabled. Move Thumbwheel Index Relative move command will allow motor to move the defined number of steps set by the thumb - wheel switches. Encoder Auto Correct Off Command will disable the autocorrect of the motor. The encoder value can still be read. Encoder Auto Correct On Command will enable the use of the encoder and autocorrect the motor if needed, based on the encoder registers. Delay Command sets a time delay used for settling time needed after an index is finished: The delay oc- curs before the encoder count is read. Motor Ratio Command sets the number of encoder counts to one motor step. Retries Command sets the number of times the motor can autocorrect itself before erroring. When the auto - correct errors, Output 8 will be triggered. Window Command sets the number of encoder counts the motor is allowed to be of f. Reset Encoder Count Command will reset the encoder count to 0 (zero).

27 Add Tab Sheets - Analog, Registration and Text Commands Analog Speed On (Off)Sets the analog speed input feature on or off. Set Analog Speed Sets the maximum (running) speed based on the analog input. Analog Speed Lower Limit Sets the analog speed lower limit to the value specified. Analog Speed Upper Limit Sets the analog speed upper limit to the value specified. Analog Position On (Off) Sets the analog position input feature on or off. Goto Analog Position Motor will move to the position based on the analog input. Analog Position Lower Limit Sets the analog position lower limit to the value specified. Analog Position Upper Limit Sets the analog position upper limit to the value specified. Output on the Fly On (Off) Sets the output on the fly feature on or off. 1st Output Position Sets the position that the 1st output will trigger during and index. Steps Between Outputs Sets the number of steps between the triggered output. # of Output Counts Set the number of times the output will trigger. Index on the Fly On (Off) Sets the index on the fly feature on or off. Registration Index Sets the value of the index that will occur after the registration input is activated. Send Text Will send the entered text string back to the user. (20 characters maximum)

28 Calculator PPS->RPSConvert from pulses per second to revolution per second. RPS->PPS Convert from revolution per second to pulses per second. Steps Per Rev Enter the number of steps per revolution of the step motor. The default is for a 200 step/ rev motor in half step, which is equal to 400. Close Exit the Calculator.

29 Section 5: Direct Talk Mode Direct mode is used to directly control motion for real time movements through serial communication. The DPN10601 controller has 40 commands, which are easy to remember for direct movement of a step motor. COM Port Settings Baud Rate: 38400 Data Bits: 8 Parity: None Stop Bits: 1 Flow Control: Xon/Xoff Unit Selection In order to select a unit, the @ command followed by the address of the unit must be sent. NOTE: There should be no spaces between the @ and address select. How to select a unit: @0 (Unit 0 is selected) @1 (Unit 1 is selected) @29 (Unit 29 is selected) How to get a response from a unit: @0$ (Carriage Return) After the $ command, the DPN10601 will return a SMC60 + the current revision number . Note: In direct talk mode each command is followed by a carriage return. The unit communicates in half duplex mode, therefore proper setup of hyper terminal is necessary to view characters, if characters are to be echoed back to the screen. Instructions All instructions require that no spaces be sent between the command and the parameter followed by a carriage return. @0 not @ 0 correct: @0(carriage return) incorrect: @ 0 (carriage return) Command Summary: A - Acceleration/Deceleration B - Base speed C - Steps between outputs D - 1st output on the fly position EA - Encoder autocorrect enabled ED - Encoder delay EM - Encoder motor ratio ER - Encoder retries ET - Encoder reset EW - Encoder window G - Go number of steps H - Home I - Read inputs J- Fast jog speed M - Max speed N - Number of steps O - Set outputs P - Absolute position S - Go slew T - Motor current enabled V - Verify Z - Position ! - Error codes register $ - Version number % - Verify axis number ‘ - Index on the fly enabled ( - Output on the fly enabled + - Clockwise direction , - Stop soft - - Counterclockwise direction . - Stop hard / - Thumbwheel enabled : - Analog position enabled ; - Analog speed enabled [ - Analog speed lower limit ] - Analog speed upper limit ^ - Number of outputs { - Analog position lower limit } - Analog position upper limit ~ - Set address of DPN10601

30 A - Acceleration/Deceleration Format: A[value] Description: This command sets the acceleration profile which is an integer value between 100 and 9,999,999. The higher the value, the faster the motor acceleration. Range: 100 - 9,999,999 B - Base speed Format: B[value] Description: This command sets the base (start) speed for motion. This value must be set before motion begins and be less then the maximum speed and fast jog speed. Range: 1 - 5000 C - Number of steps between outputs during output on the fly Format: C[value] Description: Range: 0 - 65535 D - 1st Output on the fly position Format: D[value] Description: This command sets the position at which output 1 will turn on during an output on the fly move. This command is used in conjunction with the output on the fly enabled “(“ command. Range: 0 - 65535 EA - Encoder autocorrect enabled Format: EA[0 or 1] Description: This command sets the number of steps between when output 1 turns on during an output on the fly move. If only one output turn on is needed, set this value to 0. This command is used in conjunction with the output on the fly enabled “(“ command. This command will either enable or disable the encoder autocorrect function. To enable the function use a 1, to disable the function use a 0. When this function is enabled, the relative register is used to calculate the encoder position, therefore before the next move is made, the relative register needs to be set. This com- mand is used in conjunction with the encoder delay “ED”, encoder ratio “EM”, encoder retries “ER” and encoder window “EW” commands.