Ampeg Guitar Amplifier R212R User Manual
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R-12R/R-212R TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS OUTPUT POWER RATING50 Watts RMS @ 10 % THD 8 ohm load 120 VAC SIGNAL TO NOISE RATIO65dB Typical POWER REQUIREMENTSDomestic: 100/120 VAC, 60 Hz, 115VA Export: 220/240 VAC, 50 Hz, 115VA GAIN60 dB Clean channel, 95 dB Overdrive channel TREBLE24 dB Range @ 5 kHz Clean channel, 24 dB Range @2kHz Overdrive Channel MID8 dB Range @ 700 Hz BASS24 dB Range @ 40 Hz SPEAKER SPECS12”, 50 w, 8 ohm, 1.5” voice coil diameter, 34 oz. magnet (R-12R = 1, R-212R = 2) SIZE AND WEIGHTR-12R: 24” W x 19” H x 11” D, 45 lbs. R-212R: 27.75”W x 19” H x 12”D, 55 lbs. THIS EQUIPMENT HAS BEEN DESIGNED AND ENGINEERED TO PROVIDE SAFE AND RELIABLE OPERATION. IN ORDER TO PROLONG THE LIFE OF THE UNIT AND PREVENT ACCIDENTAL DAMAGES OR INJURY, PLEASE FOLLOW THESE PRECAUTIONARY GUIDELINES: CAUTION: TO REDUCE THE RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK, DO NOT OPEN CHASSIS; DO NOT DEFEAT OR REMOVE THE GROUND PIN OF THE POWER CORD; CONNECT ONLY TO A PROPERLY GROUNDED AC POWER OUTLET. WARNING:TO REDUCE THE RISK OF FIRE OR ELECTRIC SHOCK, DO NOT EXPOSE THIS EQUIPMENT TO RAIN OR MOISTURE. CAUTION: NO USER-SERVICEABLE PARTS INSIDE. REFER SERVICING TO QUALIFIED SERVICE PERSONNEL. CAUTION: IF YOU USE AUDIO AMPLIFIERS PROFESSIONALLY OR IN WORK RELATED SITUATIONS AS AN EMPLOYEE, THE OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION (OSHA) HAS SPECIFIED REGULATIONS CONCERNING PROLONGED EXPOSURE TO HIGH SOUND PRESSURE LEV- ELS. PLEASE REFER TO THE CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS DOCUMENT 29CFR1910 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. CAUTIONRISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK DO NOT OPEN CAUTION: TO REDUCE THE RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK, DO NOT REMOVE COVER. NO USER-SERVICEABLE PARTS INSIDE. REFER SERVICING TO QUALIFIED SERVICE PERSONNEL. ATTENTIONRISQUE DELECTROCUTION NE PAS OUVRIR ATTENTION: POUR REDUIRE DELECTROCUTION NE PAS ENLEVER LE COUVERCLE. AUCUNE PIECE INTERNE NEST REPRABLE PAR LUTILISATEUR. POUR TOUTE REPARATION, SADRESSER A UN TECHNICIEN QUALIFIE. 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IT IS NECESSARY FOR THE USER TO REFER TO THE INSTRUCTION MANUAL REFERREZ-VOUS AU MANUAL DUTILISATION UNBEDINGT IN DER BEDIENUNGSANLEITUNG NACHSCHLAGEN EXPLANATION OF GRAPHICAL SYMBOLS:DANGEROUS VOLTAGE DANGER HAUTE TENSION GEFAHLICHE SPANNUNG= =?O2@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@6X?hf W2@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@)Xhf ?O&@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@)X?he @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@)Xhe ?J@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@1he W&@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@e?O2@(?e 7@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@?@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@(Y?e ?J@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@5?3@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Hf ?7@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@H?N@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@5?f J@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@5e?3@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@(Y?f ?W&@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@(Ye?N@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Hg ?7@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@H?f3@@@@@@@@@@@@@5?g ?3@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@5g?@@@@@@@@@@@@(Y?g ?V4@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Hf?O&@@@@@@@@@@@(Yh?I4@@@@@@@@@@@5?e?O2@@@@@@@@@@@@@H?h?I@@@@@@@@(Y?e@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@5eO2@@f @@@@@@@6KfS@@@@@@@@Hf@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@UO2@@@@L?e V@@@@@@@@@@@@@UI4@@@@5? V@@@@@@@1?e ?V@@@@@@@@@@@@1eI@@H? 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CLEAN CHANNEL OVERDRIVE CHANNEL MODEL R-12RMODEL R-12R GUITAR ACCORDION GAINLINE OUT LINE INCH. / REV. FOOTSWITCHSELECT CHANNEL 0 1 2345 6 7 8 9 10VOLUME0 1 2345 6 7 8 9 10TREBLE0 1 2345 6 7 8 9 10MID0 1 2345 6 7 8 9 10BASS0 1 2345 6 7 8 9 10MASTER0 1 2345 6 7 8 9 10REVERB0 1 2345 6 7 8 9 10ONON STANDBY OFF BOTH CHANNELS BOTH CHANNELS 12345678910111213141516 Made in the U.S.A. Thank you for selecting the Ampeg Reverberocket Model R-12R/R-212R. Revived from the sixties and ready for the nineties, these easy-to-use two-channel amplifiers represent Ampeg’s quest to provide you the finest instrument amplification systems available. In order to get the most out of your new amplifier, please read these instructions before its use. THE FRONTPANEL: 1. Guitar Input accepts a standard 1/4” instrument plug from your elec- tric guitar. This input is at 0dB level. 2. Accordion Inputaccepts a stan- dard 1/4” instrument plug from high output electronic instruments. This input is padded 6dB to compensate for higher output sources. 3. Gainsets the amount of over- drive distortion for the overdrive channel. This control works along with the Master control (#8). 4. Volumecontrols the output level of the clean channel. 5. Trebleadjusts the output level of the high frequency range for both channels. This control offers a cut or boost of 24dB at 5kHz for the clean channel, 24dB at 2kHz for the overdrive channel. 6. Midadjusts the output level of the middle frequencies for both channels. This control offers a cut or boost of 8dB at 700Hz for both channels. 7. Bassadjusts the output level of the low frequencies for both chan-nels. This control offers a cut or boost of 24dB at 40Hz for both channels. 8. Mastercontrols the output vol- ume level of the overdrive channel. This control works with the Gain control (#3) to produce sounds from slightly distorted to screaming and everything in between. 9. Reverbcontrols the amount of reverberation applied to both chan- nels. With the control at the “0” position there is no reverb applied; as the control is turned towards “10” the amount of reverb increases accordingly. 10. Line Outserves as the “send” jack of an effect loop, when con- nected to the input jack of a floor pedal or rack-mounted processor. This jack can double as a signal output for connecting directly to a house sound console, recording console, powered monitor or exter- nal amplifier. 11. Line Inserves as the “return” jack of an effect loop, when con- nected to the output jack of a floor pedal or rack-mounted processor.This jack can double as a direct- into-the amplifier signal feed when using the amp as a “slave” or exten- sion amplifier. 12. Footswitchallows “remote control” of the channel selection and reverb on/off. Insert the stereo 1/4” plug of a two-button footswitch (such as Ampeg’s AFP-2) here. The “tip” connection controls channel switching, the “ring” controls the reverb. 13. Channel Selectactivates the clean channel in the down position and the overdrive channel in the up position. When a footswitch is con- nected (see #12), this switch is bypassed and has no affect. 14. Power lightindicates the amplifier is turned on by glowing an iridescent blue color. 15. Standby switchactivates the amplifier when ready for play. Always turn this switch off first, on last. Turn the Power switch (#16) on at least 30 seconds before turning on the Standby switch.During short breaks of use, turn the Standby switch off, leavingthe Power switch on. This will help prolong the life of the amplifier’s tubes. 16. Power switchturns the main power on and off. Always turn this switch on first, off last. Turn the Standby switch (#15) on at least 30 seconds after turning on the Power switch. THE REAR PANEL: 17. Power cordconnects the amplifier to a suitable source of A.C. voltage. This is a grounded, three-wire cord and must be con- nected to a properly grounded out- let. DO NOT attempt to defeat the ground connection of the power cord!If your amp was purchased outside of the United States, see the sticker next to the A.C. connec- tor for its power ratings. Follow the above guidelines. 18, 19. Power Tubes:6L6 (2) 20-22. Preamp Tubes:12AX7A (3) Replace tubes ONLY with same types! Refer to enclosed publication about Tubes and Tube Amplifiers for additional information. The Front Panel: 171819202122 yy yy yy yy yy yy yy yy yy yy yy yy yy yy yy yy yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy The Rear Panel: