American Water Heater
Electric Heater
American Water Heater 25 Gallon Tiny Titan Electric Water Heater E1E25US015V user manual
American Water Heater 25 Gallon Tiny Titan Electric Water Heater E1E25US015V user manual
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wirinG Never use the water heater unless it is completely full of water. To prevent damage to the tank and the heating element, the tank must be filled with water. Water must flow from the hot water faucet before turning on the power. You must provide all wiring of the proper size outside of the water heater. You must obey the local codes and the electric company requirements when you install this wiring. This water heater is supplied with a flexible, grounded power cord and connects to a standard three-wire 120 volt 60Hz, grounded type outlet. If an outlet is not within reach of the power cord, contact a local electrician/electrical contractor or the local electric utility to have a properly sized circuit (including outlet, wiring and breaker) installed. NOTE: Check the water heater ’s data plate for power requirements. If you are not familiar with the electric codes and practices, or if you have any doubt, even the slightest doubt, in your ability to connect the wiring to this water heater, obtain the service of a competent electrician. Contact a local electrical contractor and/or the local electric utility. WATER HEATERS EQUIPPED FOR ONE VOLTAGE ONLY: This water heater is equipped for one type voltage only. Check the rating plate near the bottom access panel for the correct voltage. DO NOT use this water heater with any voltage other than the one shown on the model rating plate. Failure to use the correct voltage can cause problems which can result in DEATH, SERIOUS BODILY INJURY, OR PROPERTY DAMAGE. If you have any questions or doubts consult your electric company. If wiring from your fuse box or circuit breaker box was aluminum for your old water heater, replace it with copper wire. If you wish to reuse the existing aluminum wire, have the connection at the water heater made by a competent electrician. Contact a local electrical contractor and/or the local electric utility.

H O T T E R WAT E R C A N S C A L D : Wa t e r h e a t e r s a r e i n t e n d e d t o p r o d u c e h o t w a t e r. Wa t e r h e a t e d t o a t e m p e r a t u r e w h i c h w i l l s a t i s f y s p a c e h e a t i n g , c l o t h e s w a s h i n g , d i s h w a s h i n g , a n d o t h e r s a n i t i z i n g n e e d s c a n s c a l d a n d p e r m a n e n t l y i n j u r e y o u u p o n c o n t a c t . S o m e p e o p l e a r e m o r e l i k e l y t o b e p e r m a n e n t l y i n j u r e d b y h o t w a t e r t h a n o t h e r s . T h e s e i n c l u d e t h e e l d e r l y, c h i l d r e n , t h e i n f i r m , o r p h y s i c a l l y / m e n t a l l y d i s a b l e d . I f a n y o n e u s i n g h o t w a t e r i n y o u r h o m e f i t s i n t o o n e o f t h e s e g r o u p s o r i f t h e r e i s a l o c a l c o d e o r s t a t e l a w r e q u i r i n g a c e r t a i n t e m p e r a t u r e w a t e r a t t h e h o t w a t e r t a p , t h e n y o u m u s t t a k e s p e c i a l p r e c a u t i o n s . I n a d d i t i o n t o u s i n g t h e l o w e s t p o s s i b l e t e m p e r a t u r e s e t t i n g t h a t s a t i s f i e s y o u r h o t w a t e r n e e d s , a m e a n s s u c h a s a m i x i n g v a l v e , s h o u l d b e u s e d a t t h e h o t w a t e r t a p s u s e d b y t h e s e p e o p l e o r a t t h e w a t e r h e a t e r. M i x i n g v a l v e s a r e a v a i l a b l e f r o m y o u r l o c a l p l u m b i n g c o n t r a c t o r. F o l l o w m a n u f a c t u r e r ’s i n s t r u c t i o n s f o r i n s t a l l a t i o n o f t h e v a l v e s . B e f o r e c h a n g i n g t h e f a c t o r y s e t t i n g o n t h e t h e r m o s t a t , s e e F i g u r e 6 . Never allow small children to use a hot water tap or to draw their own bath water. Never leave a child or handicapped person unattended in a bathtub or shower. I t i s r e c o m m e n d e d t h a t l o w e r w a t e r t e m p e r a t u r e s b e u s e d t o a v o i d t h e r i s k o f s c a l d i n g . I t i s f u r t h e r r e c o m m e n d e d , i n a l l c a s e s , t h a t t h e w a t e r t e m p e r a t u r e t h e r m o s t a t b e s e t f o r t h e l o w e s t t e m p e r a t u r e w h i c h s a t i s f i e s y o u r h o t w a t e r n e e d s . T h i s w i l l a l s o p r o v i d e t h e m o s t e n e r g y e f f i c i e n t o p e r a t i o n o f t h e w a t e r h e a t e r . K E E P I N G T H E T H E R M O S TAT S E T T I N G AT 1 2 0 ° F ( 4 9 ° C ) O R L O W E R W I L L R E D U C E T H E R I S K O F S C A L D S . Figure 6 shows the approximate time-to-burn relationship for normal adult skin. temperature reGulation temperature adjustment To change the temperature setting: The white knob on the front of the water heater is the temperature control. When the “OFF” mark is aligned with the raised indicator arrow, the water heater is off. Turn the knob clockwise to increase the temperature, and counterclockwise to decrease the temperature. The knob is marked with circular indentations of increasing size. The larger the indentation, the higher the temperature setting. See Figure 6. The temperature range of this water heater is 68°F at the lowest setting and 150°F at the maximum setting. This water heater is shipped in the “OFF” position. Adjust the dial to the desired temperature. temperature settinGs It is recommended that the dial be set lower whenever possible. Temperature T ime to Produce 2nd & 3rd Setting Degree Burns on Adult Skin 150°F (66°C) About 1-1/2 seconds 140°F (60°C) Less than 5 seconds 130°F (54°C) About 30 seconds 120°F (49°C) More than 5 minutes fiGure 6.

3 thermal eXpansion Water supply systems may, because of such events as high line pressure, frequent cut-offs, the effects of water hammer among others, have installed devices such as pressure reducing valves, check valves, back flow preventers, etc. to control these types of problems. When these devices are not equipped with an internal by-pass, and no other measures are taken, the devices cause the water system to be closed. As water is heated, it expands (thermal expansion) and closed systems do not allow for the expansion of heated water. The water within the water heater tank expands as it is heated and increases the pressure of the water system. If the relieving point of the water heater’s temperature-pressure relief valve is reached, the valve will relieve the excess pressure. t he temperature-pressure relief valve is not intended for the constant relief of thermal expansion. This is an unacceptable condition and must be corrected. It is recommended that any devices installed which could create a closed system have a by-pass and/or the system have an expansion tank or device to relieve the pressure built by thermal expansion in the water system. Expansion tanks are available for ordering through a local plumbing contractor. Contact the local water heater supplier or service agency for assistance in controlling these situations. stran Ge sounds Possible noises due to expansion and contraction of some metal parts during periods of heat-up and cool-down do not necessarily represent harmful or dangerous conditions. operational conditions w ater odor In each water heater there is installed at least one anode rod (see parts sections) for corrosion protection of the tank. Certain water conditions will cause a reaction between this rod and the water. The most common complaint associated with the anode rod is one of a “rotten egg smell” in the hot water. This odor is derived from hydrogen sulfide gas dissolved in the water. The smell is the result of four factors which must all be present for the odor to develop: A. A concentration of sulfate in the supply water. B. Little or no dissolved oxygen in the water. C. A sulfate reducing bacteria which has accumulated within the water heater (this harmless bacteria is nontoxic to humans). D. An excess of active hydrogen in the tank. This is caused by the corrosion protective action of the anode. Smelly water may be eliminated or reduced in some water heater models by replacing the anode(s) with one of less active material, and then chlorinating the water heater tank and all hot water lines. Contact the local water heater supplier or service agency for further information concerning an Anode Replacement Kit and this chlorination treatment. If the smelly water persists after the anode replacement and chlorination treatment, we can only suggest that chlorination or aeration of the water supply be considered to eliminate the water problem. d o not remove the anode leaving the tank unprotected. By doing so, all warranty on the water heater tank is voided. “air” in hot water faucets HYDROGEN GAS: Hydrogen gas can be produced in a hot water system that has not been used for a long period of time (generally two weeks or more). Hydrogen gas is extremely flammable and explosive. To prevent the possibility of injury under these conditions, we recommend the hot water faucet, located farthest away be opened for several minutes before any electrical appliances which are connected to the hot water system are used (such as a dishwasher or washing machine). If hydrogen gas is present, there will probably be an unusual sound similar to air escaping through the pipe as the hot water faucet is opened. There must be no smoking or open flame near the faucet at the time it is open. hi Gh water temperature shut off sYstem A non-adjustable high temperature limit control operates before steam temperatures are reached. The high limit switch must be reset manually when it operates. BECAUSE THE HIGH LIMIT OPERATES ONLY WHEN ABNORMALLY HIGH WATER TEMPERATURES ARE PRESENT, IT IS IMPORTANT THAT A QUALIFIED SERVICE AGENT BE CONTACTED TO DETERMINE THE REASON FOR OPERATION BEFORE RESETTING . • Turn off and unplug the water heater. Do not attempt to reset thermostat with power on. • Remove the front panel, see “Removing Front Panel” in the Periodic Maintenance section. • Remove the insulation to expose the reset button. • Reset the high limit by pushing in the red button. • Replace the insulation so that it completely covers the thermostat and element. • Replace the front panel. • Plug in and turn on the water heater. for Your information

not cause any property damage, as the water may be extremely hot, see Figure 7. fiGure 7. If after manually operating the valve, it fails to completely reset and continues to release water, immediately close the cold water inlet to the water heater, follow the draining instructions, and replace the temperature-pressure relief valve with a new one. If the temperature-pressure relief valve on the appliance weeps or discharges periodically, this may be due to thermal expansion. You may have a check valve installed in the water line or a water meter with a check valve. Consult your local water supplier or service agency for further information. Do not plug or remove the temperature-pressure relief valve. draininG The water heater should be drained if being shut down during freezing temperatures. Also periodic draining and cleaning of sediment from the tank may be necessary. 1. Turn off and unplug the water heater from the electrical outlet. 2. CLOSE the cold water inlet valve to the water heater. 3. OPEN a nearby hot water faucet and leave open to allow for draining. 4. Disconnect water connections. Remove unit from wall. UNIT WILL BE HEAVY. Turn unit upside down and drain unit into a suitable drain or receptacle. removinG the front panel 1. Turn off and unplug the water heater from the electrical outlet and follow “DRAINING INSTRUCTIONS.” 2. Remove the temperature knob by pulling straight out. anode rod inspection The anode rod is used to protect the tank from corrosion. Most hot water tanks are equipped with an anode rod. The submerged rod sacrifices itself to protect the tank. Instead of corroding the tank, water ions attack and eat away the anode rod. This does not affect the water’s taste or color. The rod must be maintained to keep the tank in operating condition. NOTE: Artificially softened water is more corrosive because the process substitutes sodium ions for magnesium and calcium ions. The use of a water softener may decrease the life of the water heater tank. A n o d e d e t e r i o r a t i o n d e p e n d s o n w a t e r c o n d u c t i v i t y, n o t necessarily water condition. A corroded or pitted anode rod indicates high water conductivity and should be checked and/or replaced more often than an anode rod that appears to be intact. Replacement of a depleted anode rod can extend the life of your water heater. Inspection should be conducted by a qualified technician, and at a minimum should be checked every three years. The anode rod in this unit is attached to the element flange. For removal instructions, see “ EL EMENT CLEANING / R EPLACEMENT .” Ty p i c a l ( b u t n o t a l l ) s i g n s o f a d e p l e t e d a n o d e r o d a r e a s follows: • T he majority of the rods diameter is less than 3/8” • Significant sections of the support wire (approximately 1/3 or more o f the anode rod’s length) are visible. If the anode rod shows signs of either or both it should be replaced. NOTE: Whether re-installing or replacing the anode rod, check for any leaks and immediately correct if found. t emperature- pressure relief valve operation The temperature-pressure relief valve must be manually operated at least once a year. When checking the temperature-pressure relief valve operation, make sure that (1) no one is in front of or around the outlet of the temperature- pressure relief valve discharge line, and (2) that the water discharge will periodic maintenance

5 3. Using a Philips screwdriver, unscrew the bottom screw securing the outer door, see Figure 8. 4. Lift up and remove front panel. fiGure 8. thermostat removal / replacement R E M O V A L 1. Turn off and unplug the water heater from the electrical outlet. 2. Remove the front panel, see the “REMOVING THE FRONT PANEL” section in this manual. Remove the insulation pad. 3. Using a 7mm wrench, loosen the nuts securing the high limit switch to the tank enough to rotate the switch 90° counterclockwise and slide it out from beneath the bracket. It is not necessary to remove the nuts completely. 4. Remove the 3 wires (white, brown, and green/yellow) from the thermostat at the spade connections, carefully taking note of the original location of each wire. 5. Unscrew the 2 screws securing the thermostat to the front panel and remove thermostat. fiGure 9. R E P L A C E M E N T 1. Place the new thermostat against the front panel and secure it with the two screws. 2 . Reattach the wires at the spade connections, taking care to place them in their original locations. Be sure to push the connector completely onto the spade terminals. 3 . Secure the temperature sensor to the tank by tightening the nuts. Be sure the sensor is firmly in contact with the tank surface. 4 . Replace the insulation block and the front panel . element cleaninG / replacement To remove the element from the tank in order to clean or replace it: . Turn off and unplug the water heater from the electrical outlet and follow “DRAINING INSTRUCTIONS.” 2. Remove the front panel, see the “REMOVING THE FRONT PANEL” section in this manual. Remove the insulation pad. 3 . Remove the two screws from the mounting bracket, see Figure 10, being careful not to drop the screws into the unit, as they will be difficult to retrieve. Remove bracket and set screws aside. 4 . Remove the two spade connectors from the element. 5. Using a 10mm wrench, remove the four nuts around the element flange. Set nuts and lockwashers aside. 6 . Lift element up to clear the four mounting bolts, rotate 15° clockwise, and lift out. 7 . Discard the old gasket and clean the area around the element opening. Remove any sediment from or around the element opening and inside the tank. 8. If you are cleaning the element you have removed, do so by scraping or soaking in vinegar or a deliming solution. note : replacement elements must (1) be the same voltage and (2) no greater wattage than listed on the model rating plate affixed to the water heater. 9. A new gasket must be used in all cases to prevent a possible water leak. Place new element gasket in the element opening over the four element bolts, orienting the gasket bulge facing water side. 1 0. Insert the curved part of the element, rotate 20° clockwise, and continue to insert the element, being sure that the four bolts fit into the element flange. 1 1. Replace the four lockwashers and 10mm nuts. Tighten until snug. DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN. 1 2. Place unit back on wall mounting bracket hooks. Reconnect the

16 water inlet and outlet, open the nearest hot water tap and follow filling instructions. Never use this water heater unless it is completely full of water. To prevent damage to the tank and heating element, the tank must be filled with water. Water must flow from the hot water faucet before turning “ON” power. The manufacturer will not warrant any elements damaged by failure to follow instructions. 1 5. Check element for water leaks. If leakage occurs, tighten element. If necessary drain tank before repeating Steps 7 and 8, remove element and reposition gasket. Then repeat Steps 10 through 15. 1 6. Replace the two spade connectors on element into their original positions. 1 7. Replace the mounting bracket with the center rise facing outward and the screw hole up, see Figure 10 . 1 8. Replace the insulation and front panel, lining up the three tabs at the top with the slots in the casing. 1 9. Replace the retaining screw and the temperature knob. 20. Plug heater into electrical outlet. fiGure 10. TO REMOVE AND REPLACE ANODE: 1 . Follow steps 1-8 of the Element Cleaning/Replacement section. 2. Using a 7mm wrench, remove the nut securing the anode. 3. Unscrew and remove anode. 4. Screw in the new anode and secure with the retaining nut. 5. Follow instructions for replacing the element in “ELEMENT CLEANING/REPLACEMENT.” h iG h limit switch removal and replacement 1. Turn off and unplug the heater from the electrical outlet. 2. Remove the front panel, see the “REMOVING THE FRONT PANEL” section in this manual. Remove the insulation pad. Remove personnel barrier. 3 . Remove the four wires connected to the switch, taking care to note the original placement of each wire. 4 . Using a 7mm wrench, remove the nuts securing the high limit switch to the tank enough to rotate the switch 90° counterclockwise and slide it out from beneath the bracket. It is not necessary to remove the nuts completely. 5 . Place the new switch beneath the bracket and rotate it 90° clockwise. n ote : the taller spade terminal will be on the right side. fi Gure 11 . 6 . Replace and tighten the nuts so the high limit switch is firmly in contact with the tank surface. 7 . Replace the four wires, taking care that they are replaced into their original positions and tighten screws. 8 . Replace personnel barrier; replace insulation block and the front panel. s ervice If a condition persists or you are uncertain about the operation of the water heater contact a service agency. U s e t h i s g u i d e t o c h e c k a “ L e a k i n g ” w a t e r h e a t e r. M a n y suspected “Leakers” are not leaking tanks. Often the source of the water can be found and corrected. If you are not thoroughly familiar with your water heater and safety practices, contact a qualified installer to check the water heater.

7 leaKaGe checKpoints Read this manual first. Make sure the electrical power supply has been turned “OFF” before checking the tank for leakage. *A. Condensation and dripping may be seen on pipes if the water temperature is low in humid weather or pipe connections may be leaking. B. Small amounts of water from temperature-pressure relief valve may be due to thermal expansion or high water pressure in your area. If the valve is not piped to an open drain the released water could be mistaken for a leaking heater, see “Thermal Expansion” section. *C. The temperature-pressure relief valve may be leaking at the tank fitting. D. Water on the side of the tank may be condensation due to the panel or insulation not being in place. *E. Water in the water heater bottom or on the floor may be from condensation, loose connections, or the relief valve. DO NOT replace the water heater until a full inspection of all possible water sources is made and necessary corrective steps taken. Leakage from other appliances, water lines, or ground seepage should also be checked. * To check where threaded portion enters tank, insert cotton swab between jacket opening and fitting. If cotton is wet, follow “Draining” instructions in the “Periodic Maintenance” section and then remove fitting. Put pipe dope or teflon tape on the threads and replace. Then follow “Filling the Water Heater” instructions in the “Installing the New Water Heater” section. Key no. part description fiGure 12.

8 Tighten threaded connections. Inspect other appliances near water heater. Turn on electrical switch. Check for blown fuses or tripped breaker. Reset. Check for source of trouble and correct. Replace thermostat. Replace thermostat. Replace thermostat. Set thermostat to desired temperature. Drain. Determine if water treatment is needed. Install adequate water heater. Correct piping. Repair faucets. Review and reduce hot water consumption. Insulate piping. Insulate piping. Replace thermostat. Set thermostat to desired setting. Drain. Flush-Provide water treatment if needed. Install adequate heater. Correct piping. Repair faucets. Review and reduce hot water consumption. Insulate piping. Insulate piping. Replace element. Use Pressure Reducing Valve and Pressure Relief Valve. See “Thermal Expansion” in the For Your Infor- mation section. Replace thermostats. Replace thermostats. See “Operational Conditions” in the For Your Information section. Contact dealer to clean or replace elements. problem possible cause(s) corrective action These guidelines should be utilized by a qualified service agent. trouBleshootinG Guidelines Improperly sealed, hot or cold supply connection, relief valve or drain valve. Leakage from other appliances or water lines. No power to heater. High Temperature Limit Switch open. Non-functioning thermostat. Non-functioning thermostat. Improper calibration. Thermostat set too low. Sediment or lime in tank. Heater too small for job. Wrong piping connections. Leaking faucets. Wasted hot water. Long runs of exposed pipe. Hot water piping on outside wall. Improper Calibration. Thermostat set too high. Sediment or lime in tank. Heater too small for job. Wrong piping connections. Leaking faucets. Wasted hot water. Long runs of exposed piping. Hot water piping in exposed wall. Non-functioning element. Excessive water pressure. Closed system. Non-functioning thermostats. Improper calibration. Sulfides in the water. Scale accumulation on elements. water leaKs (see leakage checkpoints in this manual) no hot water insufficient hot water hiGh operation costs slow hot water recover Y drip from relief valve thermostat does not shut off water odor water heater sounds

19 repair parts list Now that you have purchased this water heater, should a need ever exist for repair parts or service, simply contact the company it was purchased from or the manufacturer listed on the rating plate on the water heater. Be sure to provide all pertinent facts when you call or visit. se lling prices will be furnished on request or parts will be shipped at prevailing prices and you will be billed accordingly. The model number of your Water Heater will be found on the rating plate located above or adjacent to outer door. WHEN ORDERING REPAIR PARTS, ALWAYS GIVE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: • MODEL NUMBER • SERIAL NUMBER • VOLTAGE AND ELEMENT WATTAGE • PART DESCRIPTION this is a repair parts list , not a pacKinG list . fiGure 13. 1 element Gasket 2 anode rod 3 element assembly with Gasket, anode & fasteners 4 high limit with personnel Barrier 5 - 6 t emperature sensor and thermostat 7 mounting Bracket 8 front panel 9 t emperature control Knob 10 heat t raps 11 dip t ube 12 t emperature-pressure relief v alve *13 element Bolts 14 personnel Barrier *15 manual * not illustrated.