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American Audio Mixer QRecord User Manual

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Page 11

©American Audio®   -   www.americanaudio.us   -   Q Record Instruction Manual Page 11
 Q  RECORD                                    fRONT P ANEL - CONTROLS  AND fUNCTIONS CONT.
23. M icrophone e Q section -
 MICROPHONE TREBLE CONTROL - This knob is used to adjust the treble levels of the
Microphone with a maximum signal gain of +12dB or maximum signal decrease of -30dB. Turning  the  
knob  in  a  counter-clockwise  direction  will  decrease  the  amount  of  treble  applied  to  the  microphone...

Page 12

©American Audio®   -   www.americanaudio.us   -   Q Record Instruction Manual Page 12
  Q  RECORD                                  REAR P ANEL - CONTROLS  AND fUNCTIONS
25.  G nD (G roun D ter Mina L) - Be sure to connect turntable ground leads to either or both of 
the  two  available  ground  terminals.  This  will  reduce  the  humming  and  popping  noises  associated 
with magnetic phono cartridges.
26.    Microphone  2  connector - This  jack  is  used  to  a  connect  a  microphone  to  the...

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©American Audio®   -   www.americanaudio.us   -   Q Record Instruction Manual Page 13
 Q  RECORD                                        REAR PANEL - CONTROLS  AND fUNCTIONS CONT .
to these jacks when the LinE L EVEL  sELEC tO r  swit Ch (28) is in the “P hONO 2” position, this 
M ay  s Eri OU sLy  da Mag E  y OU r Mix Er! The  red  colored  RCA  jack  represents  the  right  channel 
input and the white represents the left channel input. Input volume will be controlled by the channel 
two fader. The...

Page 14

©American Audio®   -   www.americanaudio.us   -   Q Record Instruction Manual Page 14
 Q  RECORD                                        REAR PANEL - CONTROLS  AND fUNCTIONS CONT .
40.  triM output  - This knob is used to adjust the maximum voltage output level. Output voltage 
wil range from 0v ~ 9v. This function may be used to limit the maximum siganl output level.
41.  BaLance D  XL r  M aster  o utputs  Jacks  - The  Master  Output  includes  a  pair  of  XLR 
Balanced  jacks  as  well  as  a  pair...

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©American Audio®   -   www.americanaudio.us   -   Q Record Instruction Manual Page 15
44.  poWer LeD - This LED will indicate whether the power is on or off.
45.  recorD  seLect knoB - This knob is used to select the channel to record from.
46. recorD  start/stop Button - This button is used to start and stop recording to your USB 
47.  track seLect Buttons - 
              This button is used to select a track. Tapping this button will forward skip to the next track, 

Page 16

 Q RECORD                                                    USB PLAYER BASIC OPERATIONS
Figure 1: To remove the USB device make sure that the USB device is not in play mode, then gently remove the device.
Figure 2: tapping the reverse track 
button  will  jump  back  to  the  previ-
ous track.
Figure  3: tapping  the  forward  track 
button  will  skip  forward  to  the  next 
The  Q  Record  can  read  an  USB  stick  or  USB  Card  Reader. the  auio  files...

Page 17

5. stoppinG pLaYBack - Figures 4 & 5
Stopping playback will not stop the reading mecha-
nism,  but  merely  pause  the  track,  this  function  al-
lows  the  unit  to  begin  play  instantly.  The  reading 
mechanism  will  only  stop  if  a  USB  device  is  re-
moved.  Press  the pLay/paUsE  bUttOn  (48)  dur-
ing  playback. This will pause playback at the exact 
same point the pLay/paUsE  bUttOn (48) was    
3. startinG  pLaYBack - Figure 4
When a USB device is connected pressing the...

Page 18

©American Audio®   -   www.americanaudio.us   -   Q Record Instruction Manual Page 18
This image details a typical DJ Set Up consisting of a microphone, turn-
tables, CD players, and a tape deck.
note: Turntables can only be connected to the PHONO LEvEL RCA 
JACkS. Be sure the LINE LEvEL SELECTOR SwITCHES are in the 
"PhONO" position when using turntables. 
 Q  RECORD                                                                                                                  TYPICAL  MIXER...

Page 19

©American Audio®   -   www.americanaudio.us   -   Q Record Instruction Manual Page 19
 Q  RECORD                                                                                                                  TYPICAL  MIXER  SET-UP
Balanced XLR male to XLR female Cables
American Audio v4001™
Typical Balanced Output Set-up
This  image  details  a  typical  stereo  output  layout.  Note  the  use  of  the  Balanced  XLR  Jacks  on  both 
the mixer and the amplifier.  Always use the balanced output jacks...

Page 20

©American Audio®   -   www.americanaudio.us   -   Q Record Instruction Manual Page 20
Due to fog residue, smoke, and dust, cleaning the mixer should be carried out periodically to residue 
build up.  
1.   Use normal glass cleaner and a soft cloth to wipe down the outside casing.
2.    Use a cleaner specially designed for electronics to spray in and around the knobs and switch.     
 This will reduce small particle built up that can effect the proper operation of the mixer. 
3.   Cleaning should be...
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