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American Audio Mixer DV2 USB User Manual

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©American Audio®   -   www.AmericanAudio.us   -   DV2 USB Instruction Manual Page 11
 DV2 USB                                                          USB  audio Interface
Use of the DV2 USB audio interface can be used in several modes to mix computer audio fr om 
media player software. You may use the DV2 as your default sound card, or in the media player 
options set the mixer as the speaker output for the desired media player. Note:	Some	media	play-
ers	may	not	have	this	option.	Most commonly the USB...

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©American Audio®   -   www.AmericanAudio.us   -   DV2 USB Instruction Manual Page 12
 DV2 USB                                                                 MIDI  tableDV2 MIDI MAP(Hex)
 nameT ypeMIDIRemarks

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©American Audio®   -   www.AmericanAudio.us   -   DV2 USB Instruction Manual Page 13
 DV2 USB                                                       typical Mixer Set-Up 

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©American Audio®   -   www.AmericanAudio.us   -   DV2 USB Instruction Manual Page 14
Due to fog residue, smoke, and dust, cleaning the mixer should be carried out periodically to optimize 
light output.  
1.   Use normal glass cleaner and a soft cloth to wipe down the outside casing.
2.   Use a cleaner specially designed for electronics to spray in and around the knobs and switch. 
  This will reduce small particle built up that can effect the proper operation of the mixer. 
3.   Clean should be carried...

Page 15

1-Year LIMIteD WarrantY
A.  American Audio® hereby warrants, to the original purchaser, American Audio® products to be free 
of manufacturing defects in material and workmanship for a period of 1 Year (365 days) from the date 
of purchase. This warranty shall be valid only if the product is purchased within the United States of 
America, including possessions and territories. It is the owner’s responsibility to establish the date and 
place of purchase by acceptable evidence, at the time service is...

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©American Audio®   -   www.AmericanAudio.us   -   DV2 USB Instruction Manual Page 16 
Model: DV2 uSb, Professional 2 channel Preamp Mixer
POWer SUPPLY:     AC 100~240V, 50/60Hz (Universal) 
DIMenSIOnS:         10”W x 12.25”D x 3.25”H /254 x 320.6 x 100.3 mm
WeIGht:           7 Lbs. / 2.77 Kg
CrOSSFaDer:         Feather Fader Plus - VCA detecting fader start control - 
            Low grounding impedance crossfader
POWer COnSUMPtIOn:    7W typical, 9W w/ full headphone output
heaDPhOne IMPeDanCe:    33...

Page 17

treBLe:         +10 ±2dB / Less Than -25dB at 13KHz
Microphone equalizer (Load-47k Ohms):
BaSS:          +10, ±2dB/ Less Than -25dB at 70Hz  
treBLe:         +10, ±2dB/ Less Than -25dB at 13KHz
attenuation of talkover (eQ Flat, w/20khz LPF, a-Weighted, Load=47k Ohms):
      -15 ±1.5dB
USB PLaYer SeCtIOn (Signal Format: MP3, 44.1k 16bit, MIDI SW On)
Output Level (eQ Flat, 0dB=1Vrms, Load=47k Ohms):
MaSter OUtPUt :      +10 ±2dB (TCD782 TRK2)
thD (eQ Flat, w/20khz LPF, a-Weighted, Load=47k Ohms):

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6122 S. Easter Ave Los Angeles, CA 90040 USA
Tel: 323-582-3322  Fax: 323-582-3311
Web: www.AmericanAudio.us  E-mail: [email protected] 
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