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American Audio Digital Producer VMS4 Traktor User Manual

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Page 21

Start by inserting the TRAKTOR Installation CD into your computer disc d\
rive. Select the TRAKTOR.
ISO file to open TRAKTOR 2 installation. 
PC users "click" on the TRAKTOR 2 Setup.exe file.
Mac users "click" on the TRAKTOR 2 Installer.mpkg file.
Follow the installer prompts on your computer screen. Read the license agreement and continue to 
follow the on screen instructions. After TRAKTOR has been installed, the software needs to be acti-
vated with your...

Page 22

Launch the software and choose the activate option. This will automatically start the NI s\
center. After the service center has launched, if a newer version is available\
, then the service center 
may need to update.
If you do not have an existing Native Instrument product, create a new user account. If you already 
have an existing account the TRAKTOR VMS4 software can be registered under that account. 
Continue by entering your email address and account...

Page 23

Once you have finished "click" on exit.
When you open TRAKTOR the configuration setup wizard will set up TRAKTOR to work with your 
VMS4 TRAKTOR Edition. Note: Your VMS4 should be in 8 out mode.
©American Audio®   -   www.americanaudio.us   -   VMS4 Instruction Manual Page 23 

Page 24

©American Audio®   -   www.americanaudio.us   -   VMS4 Instruction Manual Page 24
Connect the VMS4 to your PC by using the USB ports located on the rear of the VMS4 and your PC. Connect 
the supplied USB cable to the USB port on the rear of the VMS4, and the other end connects to the USB port 
on your computer. NOTE:  Before  connecting  your  VMS4  to  your  computer  or  laptop,  we  highly  recom-
mend that you install the provided software. The...

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©American Audio®   -   www.americanaudio.us   -   VMS4 Instruction Manual Page 25

Page 26

©American Audio®   -   www.americanaudio.us   -   VMS4 Instruction Manual Page 26
Due to fog residue, smoke, and dust, cleaning the mixer should be carried out period\
ically to residue 
build up.  
1.   Use normal glass cleaner and a soft cloth to wipe down the outside casin\
2.   Use a cleaner specially designed for electronics to spray in and around the knobs and switch.    
  This will reduce small particle built up that can effect the proper operation of the mixer. 
3.   Cleaning should be...

Page 27

©American Audio®   -   www.americanaudio.us   -   VMS4 Instruction Manual Page 27
WARRANTY  INFORMATION: The VMS4 carries a ONE year (365 days) limited warranty. This 
warranty covers parts and labor. Please fill out the enclosed warranty card to validate your purchase 
and warranty. All returned service items whether under warranty or not, must be frei\
ght pre-paid and 
accompany a return authorization (R.A.) number. If the unit is under warranty, you must provide a copy 
of your proof of purchase...

Page 28

©American Audio®   -   www.americanaudio.us   -   VMS4 Instruction Manual Page 28
GENERAL Model: American Audio® VMS4 TRAKTOR Edition
Dimensions: 482(L) x 325(W) x 40(H) mm
      19"(L) x 12.75(W) x 1.5"(H)
Installation:                          Place on flat surface or mount in flat case
Weight: 13 Lbs. / 6 Kgs    
Power supply: DC 6V Note: Using anything other then a power supply rated 6V 1Amp  
       may cause performance issues when using the VMS4
       Single  Voltage:
      AC 100V,...

Page 29

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