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American Audio CDMp3 PLAYER MP3 Flex 100 User Manual

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    							©American Audio®   -   www.AmericanAudio.us   -   Flex 100MP3 Instruction Manual Page 21
    Figure 24
    Figure 23
    12.  BANK BUTTONS (13): 
    These buttons are used to store your cue points. Only a cue point can be stored 
    into  each  of  these  four  banks.  The Bank  ButtonS instantly  recall  your  cue 
    13. CHANGING THE TImE  DISPLAY  (44)/TImE  BAR (43):
    The time may be displayed in three different modes; Elapsed, Remain, and Total 
    Remain.  During  normal  playback,  pressing  the  TIME BUTTON  (10),  will  change 
    the time display information (43, 44, & 46) in the LCD (28). The following is a break 
    down of the time settings and their definitions:    
    1)   TOTAL  REMAIN (46) - This details the time in the lcd as the current CDs’   
      total remaining time.       
    2)   REMAIN (46) - This details the time in the lcd as the current track's remain- 
      ing running time.
    3) ELAPSED  - This details the time in the lcd as the current track's elapsed   
      running time. 
    Note: The LCD will not display "ELAPSED", when the Elapsed running time 
    is shown. 
    TIME BAR INDICATOR - The time bar in the LCD (28) visually details the time defined in the TIME  METER (43). 
    This bar is also dependent on the selected time function REMAIN,  TOTAL REMAIN, or ELAPSED. This bar will 
    begin to flash when 15 seconds of a track remain and will begin to rapidly flash when three seconds 
    of a track remain. The flashing bar is a great visual reminder a track is about to end. The flashing bar 
    will function regardless of which time mode the unit is in.
    To edit a loop out point using the jog Wheel (14) press and hold the reloop 
    Button  (22).  While  the  loop  is  active  you  will  see  the  current  out  point  time  in 
    the character diSplay (45), use the jog Wheel (14) to adjust your new out 
    point. Rotating the wheel clockwise will advance your outpoint making your loop 
    longer. Rotating the wheel counter-clockwise will make your loop shorter.   
    							©American Audio®   -   www.AmericanAudio.us   -   Flex 100MP3 Instruction Manual Page 22
    15.  RECALL FLASH mEmORY: 
    The Flex 100MP3 can store all your user programmed cue points in to memory. 
    These  cue  points  may  be  recalled  at  any  time,  even  when  a  disc  has  been 
    removed and reloaded at a later time. To recall the memory on a specific disc; 1) 
    Be sure a CD is not loaded in to the drive. 2) Press the memory Button (17) 
    down until the red memory LED turns on. 3) Load the CD. "RECALL" will appear 
    in the lcd (28) while the memory is being installed and the red memory  But-
    ton (17) LED will turn off.
    You may display the units firmware version. Firmware is the units internal programming code. To view the firm-
    ware  version;  While  main  power  is  turned  off,  press  the memory  Button  (17)  and  the 1st  Bank  Button 
    (13) simultaneously and turn the main power on. To exit the firmware version press the track knoB (26).  
    16.  CLEAR ALL  mEmORY: 
    You  may  clear  the  system  memory  at  any  time.  This  will  erase  all  your  programmed  memory  and  restore  the 
    unit to it's default settings. To clear the memory; While main power is turned off, press the memory Button 
    (17) and the 2nd Bank Button (13) simultaneously and turn the main power on. The lcd (28) will flash "Clear 
    All" and default memory will be restored. 
    14. SYSTEm mEmORY: 
    The Flex 100MP3 comes with an incredible memory system. The unit can memo-
    rize  all  cue  points  used  on  a  particular  disc.  To  store  all  your  setting  for  a  CD, 
    press  and  hold  down  the memory Button  (17)  for  at  least  three  seconds. 
    When the memory has been stored properly the memory led will turn off.  
    Figure 25
    Figure 26 
    							©American Audio®   -   www.AmericanAudio.us   -   Flex 100MP3 Instruction Manual Page 23
    Figure 28
    Figure 27
    1. PITCH SLIDER (7):
    This  function  will  increase  or  decrease  the  tracks  playback  speed  or  "PITCH." 
    The  maximum  pitch  percentage  manipulation  in  this  function  is  +/-100%.  The 
    pitch  Slider  (7)   is  used  to  decrease  or  increase  the  playback  pitch.  If  the 
    slider  is  moved  up  (towards  the  top  of  the  unit)  the  pitch  will  decrease,  if  the 
    slider  is  moved  down  (towards  the  bottom  of  the  unit)  the  pitch  will  increase. 
    The pitch Slider (7) adjustment can be changed to range from +/-4%, +/-8%, 
    +/-16%, or +/-100% (See changing "PITCH SLIDER PERCENTAGE RANGE" on 
    the next page). This pitch adjustments will effect normal playback and loops only 
    when the pitch on/off Button (3) is turned on. 
    Using the Pitch Slider (7): Be sure the pitch function has been activated as 
    described above. To use the pitch Slider (7) slide the slider up and down. 
    Down will increase the pitch and up will decrease the pitch. 
    Activating the Pitch Slider (7): To activate the pitch Slider (7) you must 
    turn on the pitch adjustment function. Press the on/off  Button (3) located 
    at  the  top  right  of  the  unit.  The  on/off  Button  (3) LED will  glow  when  the 
    function  is  activated.  If  the  pitch  function  is  not  activated  the pitch  Slider 
    (7) will not function.
    You can activate the pitch Slider (7) by pressing the pitch on/off Button (3). When the button LED is lit, 
    the pitch Slider (7) is active and the pitch can be adjusted. The different pitch adjustments allow a track's or 
    a loop's playback speed to be manipulated. This speed manipulation is commonly used to beat match between 
    two or more music sources such as a turntable or another CD player. The playback speed may be increased or 
    decreased by a factor of +/-100. The next section details the different pitch manipulation schemes. 
    Figure 29 
    ©American Audio®   -   www.AmericanAudio.us   -   Flex 100MP3 Instruction Manual Page 24
    Unlike the pitch Slider (7) adjustment this function will momentarily increase or decrease a tracks speed 
    during  playback.  There  are  two  ways  to  operate  this  function  with  the  (-)  &  (+)  pitch  ButtonS  (11) or  with 
    the jog Wheel (14). The maximum pitch bend percentage allowed is +/- 100%. The pitch bend function will 
    work in conjunction with the pitch  Slider (7) pitch setting. For example, if the pitch Slider (7) is set to a 
    2% pitch gain the pitch bending process will begin at 2% and will continue to the maximum of +/- 100%.
    NOTE: A -100% pitch manipulation will stop playback entirely. 
    Holding  down  or  tapping  on  the (+) 
    pitch  Bend  Button (11) will  pro-
    vide  a  speed  bump  in  the  playback 
    Holding  down  or  tapping  on  the (-) 
    pitch  Bend Button (11) will  pro-
    vide  a  slow  down  in  the  playback 
    The (+) pitch Bend  Button (11) will increase track playback speed and the (-) pitch Bend  Button (11) 
    will  decrease  track  playback  speed.  The  extent  to  which  the  speed  changes  is  proportionate  to  the  amount 
    of time the button is pressed. For example, if the (+) pitch Bend  Button (11) is held down continuously as 
    in  figure  31,  the  disc  speed  will  increases  and  will  continue  to  increase  until  it  reaches  a  maximum  of  100% 
    speed  gain.  When  you  release  the (+) pitch  Bend Button  (11) the  disc  speed  will  automatically  return  to 
    it’s previous set speed.
    Adjusting  the PITCh  SLIDER'S  RANgE  (1): You  may  change  the 
    pitch  Slider'S (7) operating range at any time. To change the operating 
    range be sure the pitch function is turned on, see figure 28. The pitch per-
    centage can be changed between +/-4%, +/-8%, +/-16%, and +/- 100%. 
    4%  will  allow  the  least  amount  of  pitch  manipulation  and  100%  will  allow 
    the  most  amount  of  pitch  manipulation.  To  adjust  the  different  ranges, 
    press the pitch on/off Button (3) and tap on the pitch range  But-
    ton (1) until your desired value is reached, see figure 30.
    Figure 30
    Figure 32
    Figure 31 
    							©American Audio®   -   www.AmericanAudio.us   -   Flex 100MP3 Instruction Manual Page 25
    Figure 33
    3. JOG WHEEL  (14):
    The jog Wheel will temporarily bend the pitch if a track is in playback mode 
    Rotating  the  wheel  in  a  clockwise  direction  will  increase  your  track  pitch  and 
    rotating  the  wheel  in  a  counter-clockwise  direction  will  slow  your  track  pitch. 
    The  speed  you  rotate  the jog  Wheel  will  determine  pitch  bend  percentage 
    (%).  For  example,  if  the jog  Wheel  is  continuously  turned  in  a  counter-
    clockwise  direction  the  playback  speed  will  steadily  decrease  and  will  con-
    tinue to decrease until playback reaches a maximum of -100% and playback 
    stops  entirely.  When  you  stop  turning  the jog  Wheel  the  disc  speed  will 
    automatically return to it’s previous set speed. 
    ACCESS MP3  FOLDERS : Use this function to access the different 
    folders located on your Mp3 disc.
    1)  Press  the folder  knoB  (27),  the  folder  name  will  appear  in  the 
    character diSplay  (45)  and  the  folder  number  will  appear  in  the 
    folder indicator (47).
    Figure 34
    Figure 35
    ©American Audio®   -   www.AmericanAudio.us   -   Flex 100MP3 Instruction Manual Page 26
    2)  Turn  the folder  knoB  (27)  clockwise  to  scroll  forward 
    through  the  folders  or  turn  it  counter  clockwise  to  scroll  back-
    wards through the folders. 
    							©American Audio®   -   www.AmericanAudio.us   -   Flex 100MP3 Instruction Manual Page 27
    This feature is a kind of “auto pilot”. When you are using two Flex 100MP3 players and an American Audio® 
    “Q” Deck™ mixer, you can have one player begin playback when the other ends. You can “Flip-Flop™” single 
    tracks, the entire disc, or a combination of the two. 
    To FLIP-FLOP™ single tracks:
    1) Connect your system as described in the set up section on page 8.
    2)  Set your American Audio® “Q” Deck™ mixer's crossfader to the center    
    3)  Set your two Flex 100MP3s to playback in single mode, Single (52)      
    should be indicated in the lcd (28). 
    4) Load your two Flex 100MP3s with audio discs.
    5) After they have both cued, press the play/pauSe Button (18) on one play- 
       er to begin playback.
    6) After the first player’s single track has ended the second player’s track will     
      immediately begin playback.
    7) FLIP-FLOP™ will continue until you stop it or power is interrupted.
    To Flip-Flop entire CDs: 
    Be sure your players are both in continuous play mode, make sure Single mode (52) does not appear in the 
    lcds  (28) of  both  players.  Follow  all  directions  for  single  track  FLIP-FLOP™  above.  When  one  player’s  disc 
    ends the other player will immediately begin playback.
    Note:  You  may  combine  FLIP-FLOP™  single  and  continuously  playback  modes  by  selecting  either  single  or 
    continuous playback on your units.
    Connecting your Flex 100MP3 to an American Audio® or an American DJ® “Q” Deck™ mixer for “Flip-Flop™” 
    control: Be sure to connect 1/8” mono mini plugs from the control connection on the rear of your Flex 100MP3 
    to  the  1/8”  control  jack  on  the  rear  of  American  Audio®  “Q”  series  mixer.  That’s  it,  you’ll  be  set  for  FLIP-
    Single black cross line
    Single black cross line
    mono mini Plug
    Sample "Q" Start Set-Up. This set-up will allow "Q" start function and Flip-Flop™ function to operate. 
    Be sure to use 1/8" mono mini plugs only.
    Compatible Q-Deck  mixer
    Figure 37
    Figure 36 
    							WARRANTY  INFORMATION: The FLEX  100MP3  carries  a ONE  year  (365  days)  limited  war-
    ranty. This warranty covers parts and labor. Please fill out the enclosed warranty card to validate your 
    purchase  and  warranty.  All  returned  service  items  whether  under  warranty  or  not,  must  be  freight 
    pre-paid and accompany a return authorization (R.A.) number. If the unit is under warranty, you must 
    provide a copy of your proof of purchase invoice. Please contact American Audio® customer support 
    at (800) 322-6337 for a R.A. number. All package not displaying a R.A. number on the outside of the 
    package will be returned to the shipper.
    A.  American Audio® hereby warrants, to the original purchaser, American Audio® products to be free 
    of manufacturing defects in material and workmanship for a period of 1 Year (365 days) from the date 
    of purchase. This warranty shall be valid only if the product is purchased within the United States of 
    America, including possessions and territories. It is the owner’s responsibility to establish the date and 
    place of purchase by acceptable evidence, at the time service is sought. 
    B.  For warranty service, send the product only to the American Audio® factory. All shipping charges 
    must be pre-paid. If the requested repairs or service (including parts replacement) are within the terms 
    of  this  warranty,  American  Audio®  will  pay  return  shipping  charges  only  to  a  designated  point  within 
    the United States. If the entire instrument is sent, it must be shipped in its original package. No acces-
    sories should be shipped with the product. If any accessories are shipped with the product, American 
    Audio® shall have no liability whatsoever for loss of or damage to any such accessories, nor for the 
    safe return thereof.  
    C.  This warranty is void if the serial number has been altered or removed; if the product is modified in 
    any manner which American Audio® concludes, after inspection, affects the reliability of the product; 
    if the product has been repaired or serviced by anyone other than the American Audio® factory unless 
    prior  written  authorization  was  issued  to  purchaser  by  American  Audio®;  if  the  product  is  damaged 
    because not properly maintained as set forth in the instruction manual. 
    D.  This is not a service contract, and this warranty does not include maintenance, cleaning or peri-
    odic  check-up.  During  the  period  specified  above,  American  Audio®  will  replace  defective  parts  at 
    its  expense,  and  will  absorb  all  expenses  for  warranty  service  and  repair  labor  by  reason  of  defects 
    in  material  or  workmanship.  The  sole  responsibility  of  American  Audio®  under  this  warranty  shall  be 
    limited  to  the  repair  of  the  product,  or  replacement  thereof,  including  parts,  at  the  sole  discretion  of 
    American Audio®. All products covered by this warranty were manufactured after January 1, 1990, and 
    bear identifying marks to that effect. 
    E.  American Audio® reserves the right to make changes in design and/or improvements upon its prod-
    ucts without any obligation to include these changes in any products theretofore manufactured. 
    F.  No warranty, whether expressed or implied, is given or made with respect to any accessory sup-
    plied  with  products  described  above.  Except  to  the  extent  prohibited  by  applicable  law,  all  implied 
    warranties  made  by  American  Audio®  in  connection  with  this  product,  including  warranties  of  mer-
    chantability or fitness, are limited in duration to the warranty period set forth above. And no warran-
    ties,  whether  expressed  or  implied,  including  warranties  of  merchantability  or  fitness,  shall  apply  to 
    this product after said period has expired. The consumer’s and or Dealer’s sole remedy shall be such 
    repair  or  replacement  as  is  expressly  provided  above;  and  under  no  circumstances  shall  American 
    Audio® be liable for any loss or damage, direct or consequential, arising out of the use of, or inability 
    to use, this product.  
    G.  This warranty is the only written warranty applicable to American Audio® Products and supersedes 
    all prior warranties and written descriptions of warranty terms and conditions heretofore published. 
    ©American Audio®   -   www.AmericanAudio.us   -   Flex 100MP3 Instruction Manual Page 28 
    							©American Audio®   -   www.AmericanAudio.us   -   Flex 100MP3 Instruction Manual Page 29
    GENERAL model: American Audio® Flex 100mP3 - Professional CD Player
    Type: Tray loading, digital compact disc audio player.
    Disc type: Standard size compact discs (5in/12cm and 3in/8cm)
    Pitch Range (CD):  Within +/- 4%, +/- 8%, +/- 16%, & +/- 100%
    Pitch Range (Mp3):  Within +/- 4%, +/- 8%, & +/- 16%
    Pitch Accuracy: +/- 0.15%
    Dimensions: 246mm (W) x 348mm (D) x 103.5mm (H)
    Installation:                          Place on flat surface or mount in flat case
    Weight: 6 Lbs. / 2.66 Kgs    
    Power supply:  AC 100 ~ 240V, 50/60Hz   
    Power consumption:  13W   
    Environmental conditions:  Operational temperature:  5 to 35˚C (41 to 95˚F)   
           Operational humidity:  25 to 85% RH (no condensation)     
          Storage temperature:  -20 to 60˚C (4 to 140˚F)
    Accessories: Connecting RCA Cable (2 sets for left and right channels)    
          Control 1/8” miniplug type (3 feet)  
    Quantization: 16 bit linear per channel  
    Sampling rate:  44.1 kHz at normal pitch  
    Over sampling rate:  8 times   
    D/A conversion 16 bit  
    Frequency response:  +/- 1 dB 20 Hz  to 20,000 Hz   
    Output level: 2.0V +/- 1dB  
    Load impedance:  47k ohm or more
    Output level  2V +/-0.5dB   2V +/-1dB   1KHz,0dB
    Channel balance  within 0.2dB   within 1dB   1KHz,0dB
    Frequency response  17-20KHz +/-0.4dB  17-20KHz +/-1dB 0dB output
    De-emphasis response  -20dB +/-0.2dB  -20dB +/-1dB  16KHz,-20dB
    Channel separation*2  93dB      85dB     1KHz,0dB
    T.H.D. + NOISE*1  0.006%    0.01%    1KHz,0dB
    S/N ratio (IHF-A)*2  130dB     90dB     1KHz,0dB
    Digital Output Level  0.5 +/-0.03V P-P  0.5 +/-0.1V P-P 75Ohm Load
    note: *1 With 20khz low pass filter.  *2 With 20khz  low pass filter, "ihf-a" weighted.
    Short access time  2sec      4sec   Play next track
    Long access time  4sec      6sec   Track 1 ->Track 20
                     Track 20 ->Track 1
    Interruption  1mm     0.7mm  TCD-725
    Black dot  1mm     0.6mm  TCD-725
    Finger prints  75um     65um   TCD-725
    Eccentricity  140um    140um  TCD-712 W/O TRACK JUMP
    Vertical deviation  1mm     0.5mm  TCD-731R
    Scratch  2mm     1.2mm  TCD-721 W/O TRACK JUMP
    System  Object lens drive system optical pick-up
    Object lens drive system  2 dimensional parallel drive
    Tracking detection  3 spot beam detection
    Optical source Semiconductor laser
    Wave length 780nm
    NOTES: Specifications and improvements in the design of this unit and this manual are 
    subject to change without any prior written notice.
    							©American Audio® World Headquarters:
    6122 S. Eastern Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90040 USA
    Tel: 323-582-3322  Fax: 323-582-3311
    Web: www.AmericanAudio.us  E-mail: [email protected] 
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