Alpha Tool.Com.HK Limited Polisher AWP158 User Manual
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11 – Check if you have a specified backer pad and polishing discs. – Never use cracked, chipped, or any damaged backer pads or polishing discs. – Follow the procedures specified in the instruction manual to properly attach applicable accessories. 5. Check the power outlet. – When the plug of the power supply cord is easily pulled out of the power outlet, the outlet should be replaced. for such task, consult an electrician. If the power outlet is used on a continuous basis, it may overheat and cause accidents. 6. Perform test runs. WARNING! 1. before turning the switch oN, make sure the rotating parts are not touching anything. If the switch is turned oN while they are in contact with anything else, the disc may get damaged and it may cause injuries. 2. When a new disc is attached and the switch is turned oN, keep your body well away from the exposed sides of the disc for a moment until the poli\ sher reaches its full speed. It is very dangerous to perform polishing operations using cracked, chipped or damaged discs. before starting polishing operations, keep the wheel away from anyone nea\ rby. be sure to perform a few test runs to check whether there are any abnormali\ ties. Test run duration: • After replacing a polishing disc……………………at least\ 1 minute • before starting operations each least 1 minute. PRePARATIoN & INsPeCTIoN About the applicable standard accessories Attaching and removing standard and/or optional accessories. DANGER! be sure to unplug the power supply cord from the power outlet before atta\ ching or remov- ing recommended accessories to prevent accidents. starting the motor accidentally may cause bodily injury.

12 WARNING! be sure to tighten any loose screws and applicable accessories. 1. backer Pad Attachment Procedures (figure–1) a) Place the polisher upward to attach the backer pad onto the spindle. b) slide the wrench into provided slot located in the front of polisher to lock the spindle and proceed tightening the backer pad. c) Remove the wrench. d) Center and attach the polishing disc onto the backer pad by securely pre\ ssing onto the attachment. e) Cut rubber guard according to your needs. Note: If using the Alpha ® Twistouch Turbo system for flat area applications together with the flat polishing caster, a “SPACER RING” may be needed to be placed between the spindle of AWP and Twistouch Adapter to level the height of the Twistouch Turbo abrasives with the flat polishing caster.) 2. Attaching the water hose. (figure–3) a) Attach the polisher water hose fitting to a regular garden hose by tightening the fitting. The polisher water hose fitting will fit on any garden hose. 3. Attaching the C handle (handle A). ( figure -4) The C handle (handle A) delivers better control and stability of the polisher when used with any of the following accessories; flat polishing caster, core drill bit or Twistouch Turbo. a) slide the C handle (handle A) onto the gear case and match the holes pattern. b) Insert provided two screws (M8X16) into the holes and tighten them to securely attach the C handle (handle A) onto the gear case. Note: Do not overtighten the two screws (M8X16). Doing figure-2 figure-3 figure-4

13 so you will risk stripping the threads. 4. Attaching the flat polishing caster. The flat polishing caster was designed to aid polishing flat surfaces. To perform properly such application you need to have the C-handle (handle A) mounted. (figure- 5) a) open the metallic strap to place the auxiliary frame onto the motor. Make sure the water pipe matches the two slots located at the base of flat polishing caster. The rollers should face the same position as the spindle. b) lock the metallic strap around the motor to securely attach the flat polishing caster. ReMoVAl PRoCeDURes Repeat the attachment procedures in reverse order. About the applicable optional accessories The AWP-158 is equipped with 5/8”-11 spindle thread. Therefore, it can be equipped with a multitude of optional accessories as recommended below. 1. Alpha ® Rubber or Rigid backer Pads for Alpha® Ceramica flexible Diamond Discs or Alpha sand Paper 2. Alpha ® Core Drill bit 3. Alpha® Twistouch Turbo 4. Alpha® PVA - Quick Change style HoW T o PolIsH figure-5 Rubber backer Pad Rigid backer PadCore Drill bit Twistouch Turbo PVA - Quick Change system 1. 2.3. 4. 5.

14 DANGER! 1. During operation, be sure to wear personal safety equipment. 2. If you accidentally drop the polisher, do not use the polisher until checking that it is not cracked, deformed, or damaged. Check the polishing disc as well. before plugging the power supply cord into the power outlet, make sure t\ he switch is turned off. If you plug in the power supply cord without realizing the switch is turned oN, the polisher will start and it may cause an accident. 1. Water valve operation – Turn ON the water valve lever to allow water to flow through the polisher. 2. switch operation – Push the switch lever forward to start the polisher. Wait until the motor has reached its constant RPM (revolutions per minute). 3. Polishing procedure – When the polishing disc comes into contact with the workpiece make contact slowly. – Proceed polishing in a desired pattern using all polishing discs in reco\ mmended sequence. 4. Applying force onto the polisher – Do not apply more force onto the polisher than the force created by the weight of the polisher itself. The polishing disc is designed to work properly under light weight. – Applying excessive force or pressure may damage the disc and could shorten the machine’s service life. such action will decrease rotation speed, which reduces the efficiency of polishing action and jeopardize polishing results. CAUTION! 5. Precautions immediately after use. – After using the polisher, turn off the switch. – once the disc stops rotating completely, put the polisher in a safe place. It may cause a unexpected accident if you touch the disc before the disc stops rotating.

15 GROUND FAUlT CIRCUIT INTERRUPTER: A Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) is mounted at the end of power supply cord. The GFCI goes OFF when water enters inside the tool’s housing preventing the operator from electric shocks. DANGER! When the GFCI goes OFF, the Reset button pops up. This is the result of water entering the polisher housing. Turn off the power switch and blow dry air inside the motor cover through the air vents. Press the GFCI Reset button. The polisher is ready to start working after the reset button is pressed down. (figure-6) WARNING! 1. Do not remove the GFCI. 2. Check items below when the GFCI goes OFF frequently. • Force applied on the polisher. • Water entered inside the polisher. • voltage drop due to sharing the same power source in work area. MAINTeNANCe AND INsPeCTIoN DANGER! before servicing the polisher, turn the switch off and unplug the power supply cord from the power outlet. 1. Check the attaching screws. – before starting any operation, inspect polisher for loose screws. – If the polisher is used with loose screws, it is dangerous. be sure to tighten them. Reset Test figure-6

16 2. Checking the carbon brushes. – Carbon brushes are located inside the motor . They wear out over time based on polisher usage. – If a carbon brush is worn out, it may cause the motor to malfunction or \ fail. Whenever the length of the carbon brush reaches the wear limit , replace\ it with a new one. • Keep the carbon brush clean, so it can slide freely in its brush holder. CAUTION! HoW T o RePlACe CARboN bRUsHes When replacing used carbon brushes with new ones, be sure to use only Alpha® genuine carbon brushes. 1. Disassemble. – Remove the grounding screw from rear of the motor to release ground- ing wire. – Remove all screws from the rear of the motor to release water line mounting plate. – slide out the motor cover. – locate the carbon brushes and pull the torsion spring with needle nose pliers. While holding the torsi\ on spring, pull out the carbon brush. – Pull the solderless connector on the carbon brush off of the terminal. 2. Assembly. – Replace worn out carbon brushes with new ones and proceed assembling in reverse order described above. CAUTION! Do not pull the carbon brush out of its holder by the pigtail while the torsion spring is loaded, doing so will damage the torsion spring. • After installing the new carbon brushes place the motor cover and tighten the screws. If dust or dirt settles inside the motor, it may cause the polisher to malfunction. After 50 hours of operation, run the motor in no load mode and blow dry air th\ rough the vents of motor body. This is effective for removing dust or dirt. figure-7

17 3. Cleaning the surface of the polisher. – Do not use paint thinner, gasoline or any flammable fluids to clean the polisher. It may cause damage to its surface. Use a dry or damp cloth with a mild de\ tergent dissolved in water. 4. store the polisher and parts in a safe place. Do not store the polisher in following areas. – Where children can reach the polisher. – Where it can be easily tampered with. – Where temperature and humidity fluctuate. – Where the polisher is exposed to direct sunlight. – Near ignitable or explosive materials. seRVICes AND WARRANTy INfoRMATIoN RePAIR Although this polisher is precisely manufactured and assembled, do not try to repair it by yourself if it does not operate normally. Contact your dealer or Alpha Professional Tools® for authorized repairs. lOANER PROGRAM loaner tools can be issued to temporarily replace a tool that is being re\ turned to Alpha® for repair. If more than one tool is being returned for repair, the number of loaner tools provided will be based on availability. If a loaner tool is required, contact Alpha ® Tool Department at (800) 648-7229 to receive a l oaner Tool Application. A valid credit card number must be provided as a security deposit. The credit card will only be charged if\ the loaner tool is not returned to Alpha ® within 30 days. An authorized signature is required for the credit card being used. A second signature is required as an agreement of the overall policy. NeeD MoRe INfo? for information on Alpha Professional Tools® complete product line, visit us on the web at

19 DRAWING NO.PART No.DesCRIPTIoN QUANTITy 1 AWP-01 Rubber Splash Guard 1 2 AWP-02 set screw (M5x4) 3 3 AWP-03 Ring Adapter 1 4 AWP-04 Water Jet 1 5 AWP-05 supporting Ring 2 6 AWP-06 Gasket 3 8 AWP-08 Hex Head screw M4x12 4 9 AWP-09 Gear Cap 1 9A AWP-34-1 Rubber Plug 2 10A AWP-10A Spindle 5/8”-11 1 10b AWP-10b spindle M14-2 1 11 AWP-11 Key 1 12 AWP-12 sealing Ring 2 13 AWP-13 Ring Cover 1 14 AWP-14 ball bearing 6001ZZ 1 15 AWP-15 Distance Ring 1 16 AWP-16 sealing Ring 48x1.2 1 17 AWP-17 spring Washer 25mm oD 1 18 AWP-18 Crown Wheel 1 19 AWP-19 Water line Clip 1 20 AWP-20 bushing brass 13mm oD 1 21 AWP-21 Handle (C-shape) for AWP-158 1 22 AWP-22 screw M8x4 2 23 AWP-23 self-Tapping screw 3.9x30 4 24 AWP-24 screw M8x16 2 25 AWP-25 Center Water feed Tube 1 26 AWP-26 Center Water feed Adapter 1 27 AWP-27 screw M4x25 2 28 AWP-28 Hose 8x5x4 1 29 AWP-29 Gear Case 1 30 AWP-30 Washer 23mm 1 AlPHA® AWP-158 PARTs lIsT

20 DRAWING NO.PART No.DesCRIPTIoN QUANTITy 31 AWP-31 Threaded bushing 1 32 AWP-32 Washer 25.5mm o.D. 1 33 AWP-33 Pinion Gear 1 34 AWP-34 ball bearing 6000DDW 1 35 AWP-35 bearing Cover 1 36C AWP-36C Armature Assembly - 110V 1 36D AWP-36D Armature Assembly - 220V 1 37 AWP-37 ball bearing 607DDW 1 38 AWP-38 Water line Clip/small 1 39 AWP-39 screw M4x8 1 40 AWP-40 switch lever 1 41 AWP-41 Water Pipe 1 42 AWP-42 switch Rod 1 43 AWP-43 Compression Nut 1 44 AWP-44 Compression Ring 1 45 AWP-45 Pipe Adapter 1 46 AWP-46 Gasket 2 47 AWP-47 self-Tapping screw 3.9x60 2 48 AWP-48 26mm stop spanner 1 49 AWP-49 Motor Case With brush Holders 1 50 AWP-50 sealing Ring 61x1.2 1 51 AWP-51 Cover 1 52 AWP-52 Water line Mounting Plate 1 53 AWP-53 self-Tapping screw 3.9X20 4 54 AWP-54 Water Valve (for AWP-158) 1 AlPHA® AWP-158 PARTs lIsT