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Alpha Tool.Com.HK Limited Moisture Test Kit User Manual

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Part No: MTK005 Version 1
103 Bauer Drive, Oakland, NJ 07436 • 800-648-7229 • Fax: 800-286-01 14
Alpha® Moisture Test Kit
Instruction Manual

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Table of CoNTeNTs
Introduction ........................................................................\
......... 3
ASTM F 1869 Protocol Checklist For Conducting   
   The Calcium Chloride Test  ...................................................... 3
Quantative Test Method for Determining Moisture   
   Vapor Emission Rate (ASTM F 1869)  .....................................4
  Purpose  ........................................................................\
..... 4

Page 3

Thank you for purchasing the alpha® Moisture Test Kit, a calcium chloride test for 
determining if the concrete slab is suitable for floor covering or polymer coating 
The test works by absorbing moisture in a vapor form that is exiting the slab’s 
surface due to natural environmental factors over a period of time. 
The test measures an approximate 70 square inches area of concrete surface for 
60 to 72 hours, then a simple calculation is followed that determines the volume...

Page 4

3.  Clean the concrete surface of any foreign substances. 
 A foreign substance can be floor covering, adhesive residue, epoxy coating, 
paint, curing and sealing compounds, waxes, dirt or oil stains, or any other 
material residue on the slab surface. Remove concrete contaminants by shot 
blasting, abrasive grinding wheel or diamond cup wheel. The use of wire brushes 
or razor scraping may not be suitable for achieving a clean, open concrete slab 
4.  Prepare test area and schedule testing....

Page 5

of asTM documents can be obtained from  american society for Testing and Ma-
terials. 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428. Tel: 610-832-9585 
Fax: 610-832-9555. The documents may also be purchased on the internet from 
►PreP araTIoN:
1.   Survey Job Site Conditions - Verify environmental controls are operational. 
The building temperature and humidity should be representative of what it 
would be during normal use. The temperature should be between 65 to 85 
degree and the...

Page 6

The following testing procedure is brief and is not meant to replace the\
 most current 
ASTM standards. Therefore, the User must get acquainted with the applicable 
current asTM standard and osHa  safety regulations prior to using this test kit.
sTeP 1
Remove any foreign objects such as overspray, curing 
compound and sealers from the concrete surface using 
mechanical devices such as a grinder (photo shows 
® Ecogrinder with dust carriage attached). Remove 
dust from the...

Page 7

sTeP 4
Peel off the paper protective backing from the black seal-
ant that is around the dome and discard. Make sure the 
sealant material does not contact objects or clothing as it 
is very sticky and intended to provide a secure, longlasting 
seal to the concrete throughout the duration of the test.
sTeP 5
Carefully remove the lid from the container that holds 
the calcium chloride crystals.  do not spill the crystals.  
It is easiest to turn it over and place it under the dish as  
shown.  It may...

Page 8

sTeP 8
After 60 to 72 hours, remove the dome with a razor. Retrieve the dish with the 
calcium chloride and immediately place the lid back on and reseal using saved 
vinyl tape.  Re-weigh the container on the same gram scale used at the start of 
the test.  record weight, date and time (W2) (T2).
Note the weight as final weight (W2). Do not spill any of the calcium chloride 
crystals from the container. If any crystals are spilled, the test must be rerun with 
a new test kit. 
CalCula TIoNs

Page 9

bIas & PreCIsIoN of THe TesT
Follow guide lines provided by the latest ASTM. Our experience indicates that 
the test results may vary with environmental and seasonal changes. The test 
determines the rate of moisture vapor emission at the time of the test only. It does 
not predict future moisture vapor emission rate or the performance of the flooring 
material. The test performed at the same location at a different time ma\
y produce 
different results. 
HealTH aNd  safeTY
The chemical product...

Page 10

CoNCreTe MoIsTure VaPor eMIssIoN loG sHeeT
report date:  _________________  site location:__________________________________________
Test Conducted by:______________________________Phone: ____________________________
sTarTING da Te of TesT:_________________  eNdING da Te of TesT __________________
building Temperature: ______________________  building Temperature:  _____________________ 
Relative Humidity: __________________________  Relative Humidity:________________________
  sT arT of TesT...
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