Alcatel OneTouch Alcatel One Touch Pixi 7 Manual
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MessagingandInternet84 3. Tap a label for the thread. The thread is added to the selected label. Archive Gmail Threads Remove sent and received Gmail threads so they do not appear in the inbox. When replies arrive for archived threads, they appear in the inbox again. 1. From home, tap Apps > Gmail . The inbox opens. 2. Touch and hold a conversation thread to add a checkmark to it, and then tap Archive .
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MessagingandInternet85 The thread is now archived. Mute Gmail Threads If registered on a mailing list, there will be threads with always-continuing conversations. For long threads that are not important, mute the threads and they will no longer appear in the inbox. When mail arrives that includes user's address as a recipient or in Cc, mail will again appear in the inbox. 1. From home, tap Apps > Gmail . The inbox opens. 2. Touch and hold a conversation thread to add a checkmark to it, and...
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MessagingandInternet86 The thread is now hidden. Delete Gmail Threads If you no longer wish to keep a Gmail conversation thread, you can simply delete it from the inbox. 1. From home, tap Apps > Gmail . The inbox opens. 2. Touch and hold a conversation thread to add a checkmark to it, and then tap Delete .
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MessagingandInternet87 The thread is deleted. Search Gmail Messages If you need to find a specific message or message thread, you can search Gmail from the inbox. 1. From home, tap Apps > Gmail . The inbox opens. 2. Tap .
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MessagingandInternet88 3. Enter your search text and tap . The search results appear. Tap a message or thread from the list to display it. Report Spam or Phishing Gmail You can report spam or phishing Gmail messages from your tablet’s Gmail inbox. 1. From home, tap Apps > Gmail . The inbox opens. 2. Touch and hold a conversation thread to add a checkmark to it, and then tap Options > Report spam.
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MessagingandInternet89 The selected message is reported as spam or phishing Gmail. Add Another Google (Gmailyf Account If you have multiple Gmail accounts you wish to view on your tablet, you can add them from the Settings > Accounts menu. 1. From home, tap Apps > Settings > Accounts > Add account.
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MessagingandInternet90 2. Tap Add account > Google and then enter your email address. 3. Enter your Gmail password, and then tap NEXT. You are signed in to your Google Account, and your tablet will synchronize the selected items. 4. After your tablet connects with the Google servers, select the items you would like to sync with your tablet and then tap NEXT.
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MessagingandInternet91 5. You are signed in to your Google Account, and your tablet will synchronize the selected items. Note: You can also sign up for a new Gmail account from the Settings menu. In step 2 above, tap Or create a new account and follow the prompts. Switching Between Gmail Accounts If you have more than one Gmail account set up, you can switch between them in the Gmail app. 1. From home, tap Apps > Gmail .
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MessagingandInternet92 2. Tap . 3. Tap the account you want to view from the list at the top of the menu. The selected account inbox is displayed. Gmail Settings You can also change some settings for your Gmail accounts. 1. From home, tap Apps > Gmail .