AGFA Optima 500 Manual
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Photogrophy is more .fun when you hqve mosiered the three points mentioned ond ore lhoroughly fomilior with your comero ioo. Firsi of oll, something obout films ond how to choose them: Firsi use Agfo lsopon F, l7 DIN (40 ASA). It is o fine-groin blcck-ond-whiie film of good contour shorpness ond con- sislent quoliiy. For sport photogrophy the ropid Agfo lsopon ISS film, 2l DIN (,l00 ASA), is iust risht. With Agfocolor films you con explore ihe world of col- our. These films hove been firm fovourites for more thon twenty-five yeors, becouse of their noturol reproduction of boih postel ond brilliont colours. In oddition, their high speed hos mode the living snopshot in colour q procticol reolity. For shorp, brilliqnt colour tronspqrencies: Agfocolor Reversql Film CT18. For wonderful olbum colour prints: Agfocolor Negotive Film CN 17 or CN.l4.
The film con be looded in doy-light, but olwoys in the shode-moking use of body shodow. First open the comero bock bYsliding cotch in direction oforrow. Push locking buiton of rewindknob in direciion of orrow ond drow oui rewind knob firmlywith left hond os for os pos- sible. Now set the film type indicotorby turning the milled edge Pro-iruding ot the bottom of therewind knob until the desiredsetting oppeors in the window: Block ond white checks: Block ond while film CN = Colour negotive film CT = Colour reversol film,DAY doylight tyPe CK : Colour reversol film, ortificiolA liqht lype (incondescenllo.-rnps6f 3400o Kelvin) CF : Colour reversol film, ortificiolF floshlight tYPe (3800o Kelvin) il I I il
i Insert new film cosselte wiihhole lowords rewind knob. Push bock rewind knob, if nec-essory turning slightly bock-words ond forwords. Turn loke-up spool by its mill-ed disk until the brood slit ondfilm perforotion lug ore upper-mosf.Drow out ihe film from thecossette lowords the toke-upspoor.lnsert ihe end of the film in theslit, holding the toke-up spool firmly, so thot the lug engogesin the second film perforotion. Now iurn the toke-up spool onslighily in the direction of theorrow, os shown in figure F, un-til iust under holf on inch ofthe full film width proiects fromthe cosseite. I I I
for the firsl exPosure posures still left on the film Every time the film is moved on the rewind knob roiotes in the opposite direction to thot shown by the orrow, t1lg thot the film is properly looded ond tronsported Double exposures imPossible An ingenious double *oJrrr prevention.mechonism ensures thot you do nottoke iwo photogrophs on one niiiu.inoial,ion the film connoi be tronsported uniil on exposure hos been mode.
lmporlonl: Remember to set the speed of the film looded on the comero lo be sure of cor. reclly exposed phologrophs. To do this, push in the smoll orresting knob ond iurn the milled disk wiih ihe oid of o coin uniil the required DIN or ASA speed is opposite the setting mork. for qll films from ll-25 DIN (10-250 ASA) When you press ihe mogic releose bution, the exposure reoding is outomolicolly ond invisibly fixed for you. During the exposure it then outomolicolly orronges o shutter speed ond operture combinqtion which olwoys ensures the correct exposure.
on this Poge). Tirne exPosures Turn the milled ring on the lens mount until B is in line with the mork, os shown in the top lilustrotion. When on this setting ihe shutter sioys open os long os the releose bution is ;;J;;:;. rt. ,J of o triPod ond.o coble ;1:;; is odvisqble in such coses The loiter ir t.t*a into the ihreod below the releosefria tr.t the side By turning the reor milled iglL ofurtr, become visible in the smoll window.
No floshlight problems For flosh work turn the ouiomqtic mechqnismring uniil the flosh symbol is opposite thewhite mork. A constont shutter speed of llgo sec. is usedfor flosh work. Pleose see the column for ,,X, synchronizotion on eoch pocket of flosh bulbsfor ihe required operture which is set by turn-ing ihe reor milled ring. The plug of the floshcoble is connected io the flosh contoct ll2.moin illusirotion). Eleclronic floshguns con qlso be used, in whichcose ihe operiure is cqlculqted from the guidenumber of the floshgun. E. g. guide number of electronic floshgun 96divided by o distonce of l2 feet = operiure f/8.The hondy Agfolux floshgun in zip cose
Where cleor detoil is required in. photogrophs ioken nfttt tft fight or in deep shodows th.e ,outomotic mechonism of ihe comero con still be used with.the setting . lfl DIN/ASA scole reduced lt is odvisoble to sef o iirn toa of obout 3 DIN or iis ASA equivoleni less thon int titf.a on the film pockoge lf for exomple the film in hos o speed of 17 DIN : 40 ASA the set- iig tL.ufa be reduced to 14 DIN : 20 ASA WhenoVerycontrostysubiecthqstobephotogrophed a-;i it wirna io obtoin ihe correct exposure for on rl.i *r,lrln is smoll in comporison wilh iis,surroundings it-i, oauitoUt to toke whot is known os o close-up meos t-r*i *itf-r the built-in exposure meier of .the comero lf this is not done, o person in o light dress in froni of o Jonk wood (io give on exomple) could eosily produce on incorrect reoding. ln such coses opprooch with the comero to o short distonce it.tln subieci ond press down the releose bufion to the ;;;;;;J;J-poiit. Hoia tnu button in this position ond return to you, o,gnol position to toke the photogroph A leoiher cose. designed ;; i:k; ; lens ho.od, ond two filters is ovolloble Filters for Your OPtimo for block ond while PhotogroPhY Reduce DINscole settingby Iioht vellow 1 DIN *diut Yllo* 2 DIN yellow-gieen 2 DIN UV fi lter (ultro-violei)no chonge for sPeciol PhotogroPhswith colour leversol lllm Aqfo Color FilierRi.5 no chonge
Filters There is o voriety of filtersfor blqck ond whit6 film ovoil-oble for use with ihe AofoOpiimo 500 in screw mor-iltsof 35.5 mm diom. As soon osq filter is used on the comercryou will hove to reduce thesetting..on.the film speed scoleqccoro Ing ly. A filter hovinq o focior of 2will require 6 reduciion inthe speed settinq of 3 DINor its ASA equivdlent. lf youhove o film of 17 DIN- : - 40 ASA this meons thot you
The film is now finished .. . After 36 or 20 exposures, occording to the length of the film, the ropid tronsport lever will not move. The film is now finished ond must be re- wound into its cossette. First releose the lock of the rewind knob (see illustrotion B, poge 8) to ollow ihis fo spring out ond drow it out only o froction to its first stop Then press in the locking button in.the. bose.,of the comerq snd turn the rewind knob in the Jirection shown by the orrow Rewinding is .omplutu when the rewind knob turns freely oftei releosing the locking button You.cqn no* opn the bock of the comero by pushing the cqfch in the direciion shown by the qrrow (see fiS { pqg 8) Pull out the rewind knob firmly os for os it will go ond remove ihe cossetie Pui the cossetie in ifs lighi-tighl pocking ond mork it os exPosed