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AEM Series 2 Plug Play EMS 306620 User Manual

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2205 126th Street Unit A    Hawthorne, CA. 90250 
Phone: (310) 4842322 Fax: (310) 4840152  http://www.aempower.com 
Instruction Part Number: 106620   
Page 1 of 14 
Installation Instructions for: 
EMS P/N 30-6620 
1989-1998 Nissan Skyline RB26DETT  
1993-1998 Nissan Skyline RB25DETT 1989-1994 Nissan Skyline RB20DET 
1990-1995 Nissan 300ZX VG30DE, VG30DETT  1992-1994 Nissan Maxima VE30DE 
1994-1996 Nissan Silvia SR20DET (Except Europe)  1988-1990 Nissan...

Page 2

Thank you for purchasing an AEM Engine Management System.  
The AEM Engine Management System (EMS) is the resul t of extensive development on a 
wide variety of cars. Each system is engineered for  the particular application. The AEM 
EMS differs from all others in several ways. The EM S is a stand alone system, which 
completely replaces the factory ECU and features un ique Plug and Play Technology, 
which means that each system is configured especial ly for your make and model of car 
without any...

Page 3

Read and understand these instructions BEFORE attempting to install this product. 
1)  Install AEMTuner software onto your PC   The latest version of the AEMTuner software can be  downloaded from the AEMTuner 
section of the AEM Performance Electronics forums.  Series 2 units are not supported 
by the older AEMPro tuning software.   
2)  Remove the Stock Engine Control Unit 
a) Access  the  stock  Engine  Control  Unit  (ECU).  The  Sky line  ECU  is  located  behind 
the passengerside kick panel....

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4)  Ready to begin tuning the vehicle. 
a) Before  starting  the  engine,  verify  that  the  fuel  pu mp  runs  for  a  couple  of  seconds 
when the key is turned on and there is sufficient p ressure at the fuel rail.  
If  a  MAP  sensor  is  installed,  check  that  the  Engine   Load  indicates  something  near 
atmospheric pressure (approximately 101kPa or 0 PSI  at sea level) with the key on 
and engine off. Press the throttle and verify that  the ‘Throttle’ channel responds but 
the Engine...

Page 5

5)  Troubleshooting an engine that will not start 
a) Doublecheck  all  the  basics  first…  engines  need  air ,  fuel,  compression,  and  a 
correctlytimed spark event. If any of these are la cking, we suggest checking simple 
things  first.  Depending  on  the  symptoms,  it  may  be  best  to  inspect  fuses,  sufficient 
battery  voltage,  properly  mated  wiring  connectors,  spark  using  a  timing  light  or  by 
removing  the  spark  plug,  wiring  continuity  tests,  m easure  ECU...

Page 6

Application Notes for EMS P/N 306620 
Make:  Nissan    Spare Injector Driver:  Inj 7, Pin 17 
Models:  Various, see pg.1    Spare Injector Driver:  I nj 8, Pin 33  (except SR20) 
Years Covered:  Various, see pg.1    Spare Injector Driver:  Inj 9, Pin 111 
Displacement:  2.0L / 2.5L / 2.6L  (Skyline)    Spare Injector Driver:  Inj 10, Pin 115 
Engine Configuration: Inline 6 (Skyline),  V6 (300ZX)    Spare Injector Driver:  Inj...

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**Cam / Crank Angle Sensor: AEM trigger disc MUST be used
Discrepancies  have  been  observed  in  the  OEM  cam/cra nk  angle  signals  between  model 
years  and/or  trim  levels;  to  avoid  confusion  the  Se ries  2  EMS  does  not  support  the  OEM 
Nissan  trigger  pattern.  A  replacement  trigger  disc  is  now  included  with  every  Nissan  EMS 
and  must  be  installed  before  attempting  to  start  th e  engine.  Two  discs  are  supplied  with 
each  306620  EMS:  one  disc...

Page 8

Peak and Hold Injector Drivers
Injectors  16  include  Peak  (4  amps)  and  Hold  (1  amp )  injector  drivers.  These  drivers  may 
be used with peak and hold or saturated type inject ors. The factory Nissan wiring harness 
may  contain  a  resistor  pack  to  prevent  excessive  cu rrent  when  using  lowimpedance 
injectors  with  the  stock  ECU.  With  the  306620  inst alled,  users  can  elect  to  remove  and 
bypass the OEM resistor pack for more precise contr ol of lowimpedance...

Page 9

Connection Diagram for EMS P/N 306620 
 Nissan Skyline RB26DETT
‘930‘98 Nissan Skyline RB25DET,  ‘890‘94 Nissan Skyline RB20DET 
VG30DE, VG30DETT, 199201994 Nissan Maxima VE30DE 
 Nissan S
ilvia S14
‘880‘91 Nissan Silvia S13 CA18DET,  ‘890‘93 Nissan 180SX CA18DET 
AEM EMS  3006620 
Ignition 1  Ignition 1  Ignition 1 Coil 1 Output 
PnP for Coil 1, 05V rising edge trigger 
Ignition 5  Ignition 2  Ignition 2 
Coil 5...

Page 10

Connection Diagram for EMS P/N 306620
 Nissan Skyline RB26DETT
‘930‘98 Nissan Skyline RB25DET,  ‘890‘94 Nissan Skyline RB20DET 
VG30DE, VG30DETT, 199201994 Nissan Maxima VE30DE 
 Nissan S
ilvia S14
‘880‘91 Nissan Silvia S13 CA18DET,  ‘890‘93 Nissan 180SX CA18DET 
AEM EMS  3006620 
Diagnostics Receive Data 
 EGT 2  Input 
Available, jumper set for 05V Input 
Diagnostics Transmit Data 
 Switch 3  Input...
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