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AEG Heat pump dryer T86581IH1 User Manual

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Page 11

ProgrammesLoad 1)Properties / Fabric markDuvets3 kgTo dry single or double duvet and
pillows (with feather, down or syn-
thetic fillings).
Time Drying5 kg
With this programme you can use
the option Time Drying and set the
programme duration.
Drying time should be adequate to
the load, e.g. 2h for 5 kg of cot-
ton .
SyntheticsExtra Dry3,5 kgDrying level: extra dry./   Cupboard Dry 2)3,5 kgDrying level: cupboard dry./   Iron Dry3,5 kgDrying level: applicable for iron./    
Easy Iron1 kg (or 5...

Page 12

ProgrammesLoad 1)Properties / Fabric mark
Wool  1 kg
Wool fabrics. Gentle drying for hand-washable
woollens. Remove immediately the items when
the programme is completed.
The wool drying cycle of this machine has been
approved by The Woolmark Company for the
drying of wool garments labelled as "hand
wash" provided that the garments are dried ac-
cording to the instructions issued by the manu-
facturer of this machine. Follow the garment
care label for other laundry instructions. M1525
In UK,...

Page 13

 OptionsProgrammes 1)Dry PlusAnti-creaseSpun atRPMTime Dry- ingCottons; Extra Silent Jeans Duvets  Time Drying  Synthetics; Extra Dry Synthetics; Cupboard Dry Synthetics; Iron Dry Easy Iron Active Wear Silk   Wool     Extra Quick Mixed 1) Together with the programme you can set 1 or more options.6.2  Consumption DataProgrammeSpun at / residual humidityDrying timeEnergy
consump- tionCottons 8 kgCupboard Dry1400 rpm / 50%130 min.1,67 kWh 1000 rpm / 60%154 min.1,99 kWhIron Dry1400 rpm / 50%97 min.1,21 kWh...

Page 14

7. OPTIONS7.1  Dry Plus
This option helps to get the laundry
more dried. There are 3 possible
 - the default selection which is related
to the programme.
 - the selection to get the laundry
slightly more dried.
 - the selection to get the laundry
more dried.
7.2  Anti-crease
Extends up to 120 minutes the anti-
crease phase (30 minutes) at the end of
the drying cycle. After drying phase drum
rotates time to time what prevents the
clothes from creases. Laundry can be
removed during the...

Page 15

9. DAILY USE9.1  Preparing the laundry
• Close the zippers.
• Close the fasteners of the duvet covers.
• Do not keep ties or ribbons loose (e.g. apron ribbons). Tie them before
you start a programme.
• Remove all items from the pockets. • If an item has the internal layer made of cotton, turn it inside out. Make sure
that the cotton layer is always external
• We recommend that you set the correct programme applicable for the
type of fabrics that are in the
appliance.• Do not put fabrics with strong...

Page 16

9.5 Setting a programme
Use the programme dial to set the
The possible time to complete the programme comes into the view on the display.
The drying time you see is
related to the load of 5 kg
for cotton and jeans
programmes. For the other
programmes the drying time
is related to the
recommended loads. The
drying time of the cotton
and jeans programmes with
the load more than 5 kg is
longer.9.6  Options
Together with the programme you can
set 1 or more special options.
To activate or...

Page 17

If the drying cycle is completed, the
flashes on the display. If the
Buzzer option is on, the acoustic signal
sounds intermittently for 1 minute.
If you do not turn off the
appliance, the crease guard
phase starts. Laundry can be
removed during this phase.To remove the laundry:
1. Push the On/Off button for 2
seconds to turn off the appliance.
2. Open the appliance door.
3. Remove the laundry.
4. Close the appliance door.10.  HINTS AND TIPS10.1  Ecological hints
• Spin good the laundry before...

Page 18

11. CARE AND CLEANING11.1  Cleaning the filter
At the end of each cycle the symbol 
 Filter is on the display and you must
clean the filter.
The filter collects the fluff.
The fluff occurs while the
cloths are dried in the
tumble dryer.
1. Open the door. Pull the filter.
2.Push the hook to open the filter.
3.Use a moist hand to clean both parts
of the filter.
4. If necessary clean the filter with the
brush under warm tap water and/or a
vacuum cleaner. Close the filter.
5. If necessary remove fluff from...

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2.Move the plastic connection out and
drain the water into a basin or
equivalent receptacle.
3. Move plastic connection in and install
water container.
4. To continue the programme press
the Start/Pause button.
11.3  Cleaning the heat
If the symbol  Condenser flashes on
the display, do the inspection of the heat exchanger and its compartment. If there
is a dirt, clean it.
Do not touch the metal
surface with bare hands. Risk
of injury. Wear protective
gloves. Clean carefully to do

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6.Close the heat exchanger cover.
7. Lock the blockage until it snaps.
8. Put the filter back.
11.4  Cleaning the drumWARNING!
Disconnect the appliance
before you clean it.
Use a standard neutral soap detergent to
clean the inner surface of the drum and
drum ribs. Dry the cleaned surfaces with
a soft cloth.CAUTION!
Do not use abrasive
materials or steel wool to
clean the drum.11.5  Cleaning the control
panel and housing
Use a standard neutral soap detergent to clean the control panel and housing.
Use a...
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