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ADT Security Services Safewatch Pro 3000EN Entrepreneur 3000EN Security Manager 3000EN User Manual

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If programmed, Quick Bypass allows you to easily bypass all open (faulted) zones
without having to enter zone numbers individually. This feature is useful if, for
example, you routinely leave certain windows open when arming at night.
          +   6 + [#]
(Security Code)BYPASS
In a few moments, all open zones will be displayed
and automatically bypassed.
 Make sure that only those
zones that you wish to leave unprotected are bypassed, and
that there...

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CHIME mode alerts you to the opening of a perimeter door or window while the
system is disarmed. When Chime mode is activated:
·Three tones sound at the touchpad whenever a perimeter door or window is opened.
·Interior zones do not produce a tone when they are faulted.
·Pressing the READY key will display the open protection points.
To turn Chime Mode on/off 
(system must be disarmed):
          +    9
(Security Code)CHIME
The CHIME message appears when on. Perimeter
zones will cause...

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The system lets you view its time and date setting.
          +[#] + [6] [3]
(Security Code)
OR, press the function key (A, B, C, or D) for viewing
current date and time, if programmed.
6)%(= 83 %61
English Display: 
A typical time/date display is shown.
The display will remain on for about 30 seconds.8-1)(%8) 7%8
“A”  “B” “C” “D”
If one of the above keys has been...

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Your system may have been programmed to use special keys to manually activate
emergency (panic) functions as follows:
This Function Sends this signal* With This Sounding…
Silent Alarm silent alarm  no audible alarm or any visual display
indicating that a silent alarm has been
Audible Alarm audible alarm a loud, steady alarm at touchpad(s)
and at any external sounders that
may be connected.
Personal Alarm auxiliary alarm steady alarm sound at touchpad(s),

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The “A”, “B”, “C” or “D” keys can be used to automatically activate a series of
commands of up to 16 keystrokes, if programmed for this function. These keystrokes,
as a group, are called “macros” and are stored in the systems memory.
·Typical macro functions can include:
- Arming sequences: STAY, Night-STAY, INSTANT, or AWAY
- Bypassing particular zone(s)
- Activating relay(s) for turning on (or off) lights, fans, etc.
·Up to four macros can be...

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The touchpad beeps to acknowledge your input and
displays the command you entered (followed by “F”).
4. Enter the next command, followed by press/holding
the “D” key for at least two seconds. The touchpad
beeps and displays the keystrokes entered so far.
5. Repeat until the all the desired commands (up to 16
characters including the “F”s) have been entered.
Be sure to check your keystrokes before continuing.
If you made a mistake, you must start over.
6. To...

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Your system may be set up so that it can control certain lights or other devices.
·Some devices may be automatically turned on or off by the system.
·You may be able to override automatically controlled devices using the
commands described below.
·Some devices can be manually turned on or off using the commands described
·See your installer for a list of devices that may be set up for your system. A list
of these devices is provided at the back of...

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Your system may be set up to automatically send alert messages to a pager as certain
conditions occur in your system.
·The following events can be programmed by your installer to be sent to the pagers:
arming, disarming
†, alarms, and trouble conditions. († reports when arming/disarming
from a touchpad using a security code; auto-arming/disarming, arming with assigned
button, and keyswitch arming do not send pager messages.)
·You can also program the system to...

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Examples of typical 7-digit pager displays follow.
Ex. 1
.³ =   R eporting of an alarm (911) caused by a fault on zone 4 (0004) in
partition 1.
Ex. 2.³
=  Reporting of a closing–system arming (102)– by user 5 (0005) in
partition 2.
Your system may be set up so you can manually send a message to up to four pagers.
·Your installer programs the paging function key and the pager phone numbers.
·Pressing the paging keys sends the message 
999–9999  to...

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Your system lets you assign up to 45 different security codes for use by other users.
·Only the System Master and Partition Masters can assign user codes to users.
·Users are identified by 2-digit user numbers 03-49 and are pre-assigned to either
partition 1 or partition 2 (users 01-02 are reserved).
·Only the Installer or System Master can change the partitions to which a user is assigned.
·In addition to a security code, each user is...
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